Four Demigods, Three Shadowhunters, and Gods Know What Else
"Finally!" Thalia said, stumbling through the hotel door, "I can only imagine what Poseidon did to annoy my dad enough to get a storm like that," she said, jokingly shooting a look at Percy.
"Or maybe he's just wrongly accusing someone of stealing his Master Bolt again," Percy shot back. It seemed he still wasn't over that.
"What, like that's my fault? I was a tree at the time in case you've forgotten!"
"Well-" Percy started.
"Will both of you just shut up? Nico asked. "I'm getting a headache." Somebody probably would've told him to suck it up, but a group of six mortals burst through the door.
"Um… hi," said a girl with hair red enough to match Rachel's, "That's some storm out there."
"Yeah, " Nico agreed. He was never a fan of people, especially not the perky say-hi-to-every-stranger-I-see-kind. "Let's go book rooms," he muttered.
Clary and Jace were on their way to a triple movie date with Simon and Isabelle and Alec and Magus. However, the sky decided it really needed to pee, and destroyed their entire day. They were very near a hotel and very far from the institute, so they decided to book a couple of rooms for the night. It seemed that group of mundanes had the same idea.
They followed the mundies to the check-in counter to request a few rooms when they heard the manager say, "Ah… yes. We do have one room left, double the normal size even. You could all fit easily if we bring cots in."
The preppy looking kid with black hair turned around and realized why that could be a problem for Clary and her friends. After glancing at his companions, he offered, "You guys can take the room if you want."
As he spoke, Isabelle noticed that the boy wasn't wet from the rain, even a little. "How about," she said, wanting to investigate, "if we share the room?" Jace and their other, morbid looking black haired kid groaned, but everyone else was fine with the idea.
"Come on, it'll be fun!" Percy told Nico, trying to sell him the idea of sharing a hotel room with six complete strangers.
"I'm not a fan of the living on a good day," he grumbled, "even less so when my head is pounding." Everyone rolled their eyes; normally Nico wasn't one to complain about simple discomforts, but he couldn't seem to shut up about his headache.
Finally, the dozen adolescents arrived at room 213. "Now what?" Grover asked.
"Now," said the cocky looking blond, "I think you should tell us your names. I'm Jace. That's Isabelle, next to her is her brother Alec. The one making googly eyes at Alec is Magnus, and the sexy redhead standing awkwardly in the corned is Clary."
"Excuse me?" said the nerdy boy standing next to Clary, "Jace, I think your overinflated head may have made you forget I was here too. I'm Simon."
"I'm Annabeth," she stated, laughing, "Then there's Percy, Grover, Thalia, Rachel and Nico," Annabeth said, pointing to each person respectively.
"What kind of a name in 'Nico'?" Jace teased, making Percy think he had either a god-complex or brain damage.
"It's Italian. And what kind of a name is 'Jace'?" the son of Hades shot back.
"He's got you there!" Simon exclaimed gleefully. It seemed he and Nico would get along just fine.
"You got a death-wish, brat?" Jace asked. Somebody needed to teach that kid a lesson in manners.
Unfortunately, as soon as Jace mentioned death, all of the kids from the other group laughed like Jace had just made a bad joke. After a few seconds, Nico grabbed his throbbing head. It to everyone else, it looked like the pain of his headache suddenly became too much. Nico, on the other hand, saw himself in his father's throne room, where Hades told him a depressing truth.
While everyone else was trying to wake Nico out of his stupor, Jace sat on the edge of the bed, wondering how what he said about Nico's death-wish was funny. Sure, the kid looked stronger that most fourteen year olds, but he was also shorter and skinnier. Jace, on the other hand, was tall, lean, and had confidence on his side.
"You really shouldn't mess with him," Clary warned, snuggling up to Jace, "There's something weird about those kids."
"Totally," Isabelle agreed when she and Alec came to join their conversation. "Did you see that one kid, like, Prissy or whatever his name is, it looked like the rain hadn't wet him at all when he came in."
"They had some magical healing lemon bars that they were giving to Nico," Magnus added, making them all jump. "I swear, it feels like they aren't human or something."