HI!if you haven't seen the movie you might not want to read! but anways, read and enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: If i owned the Avengers, do you really think I'd be writing about four hot guys instead of hanging out with them? No. No indeed. Needless to say, I don't them or anything to do with them :I thanks for rubbing it in :'(
Bird of Prey
Never in all his years had Clint expected to be grouped with such a large mass of ignorant, childish, and overly self-centered people.
Tony Stark is a genius, and he would never think any different on that aspect of the metal-suited hero. But Clint couldn't really think of anything particularly kind about his personal habits. If he were to put it nicely, the words 'free spirit' came to mind, but that doesn't really seem to cover it all. The late night parties, dry humor, and overwhelming idiocy cloaked by nothing other than an amazingly strong armor, made him less then fun to be with.
Though Clint found himself getting used to Tony and the almost sibling-like relationship, it didn't change the fact that he wanted to punch him in the face half the time.
He has nothing against Bruce Banner, though. He's a very nice person, though he can seem a little eccentric at times. He brandishes the same sort of humor that Tony has, but displays it in a much less annoying way. The Hulk side of Bruce is what really gets to Hawkeye though. It takes a lot to scare the archer, but the green monster lurking behind the good doctor had enough of a residual threat that made him wary of saying anything against Banner that made make the beast come forth.
Thor is a bit of character as well and only added to the chaos, as much as he tried not to. While he found it difficult not to break all the things he touched, he claimed that his touch was gentle and that the fragile way of mass production the humans preferred was at fault and not his demi-god strength.
Clint made certain to keep his bow away from him.
The Hawkeye found himself liking the Captain the most. Though he never really had a liking for the military and it's faithful hounds, he found that he could relate somewhat with the time challenged soldier. Besides, Steve was queit most the time, and knew how to get a job done. Two things a spy like Clint thought to be appropriate traits in a person. He was as awkward as a newborn fawn learning to walk for the first time, but it just made him seem that much more down to earth and approachable.
And Natasha is just Natasha to him. She had always been there, even though you might not see her, watching and listening. The feared Black Widow hangs back in the team, not putting in her two cents unless it involved her directly, or she just couldn't stand the endless banter anymore. She seemed only to trust Clint out of them all, but he could tell she was finally starting to open up and let more than just him in her life.
But still, never in all his years does he expect to be stuck with such an eccentric pile of morons that had nothing better to do than argue over the channel choices on television.
Because once you save the world all that matters is keeping up with the Kardashians.
Hi! my first Avengers fic, and I must say, I absoulutely loved the movie! EEEEEk! anyways, if i get at least one review, I'll post the first chapter right after I get it. So if i get a review within five seconds of posting this, you get the first chapter! :D yay
REVIEWS ARE LOVE! (and i am in need of some love right now)