GOOD NEWS! If you're seeing this, then that means that this story shall continue to be written. BAD NEWS! It's going under some serious rewriting.

As this tale stands now, I am not satisfied with it. I see its potential and your guys's love for it, but it needs work. And I can't update the story with the way that it is now.

You guys can check out my profile page on progress reports about certain rewrites. Nothing has been started due to college, but when I get some free time, I'll get to work. For now, on my profile page, you will see the titles of fics being rewritten, whether or not it's finished, and if I change the title at all - which I might do.

When the rewrites are finished, I will replace all of the chapters, delete these last two updates, AND give you guys a new chapter. Until then, try and be patient.

~ K. Fang-sama