A Stormy Conversation
Sequel to: Late Night Conversation
All of Sunday afternoon had been spent in the confines of the Hanamura residence.
The group had decided to diverge from the normal meeting spot of Junes since there was some concert or another being held in the food court that morning to mid-afternoon. Everyone was seated in the living room, the conversation coming to a close on the past week's happenings with both school and their investigation.
"Well, no one has been on the Midnight Channel this week either."
Yukiko summarized the conversation just as she finished the rest of her soda.
"Something still feels off though. I feel like the real killer hasn't been caught." Naoto was still insistent that something was amiss.
The others had simply agreed to continue meeting by some mere chance that she was right. They also still liked meeting up as friends as well, so it always added more to the conversation to throw in whether or not something happened in the TV.
"I'll be right back." Chie stood up, feeling the need to use the restroom. She had drunk too much soda.
Moving through the house, she had been well-acquainted with the layout seeing as she had come over to do studying sessions numerous times. The first floor bathroom had been closed off for redecoration, so she had to head up the stairs to the second floor.
The bathroom was across the hall from the young man's bedroom who resided there. She had her curiosity peeked, but she decided to take care of herself first.
She had been so nervous about coming over that day. Even though it was a group meeting, she still felt beyond awkward being in his presence-Even more so being in his house.
It had been a little over a week since the phone incident. Neither of them had made any move to contact one another in the late hours of the night as they had so many times in the past.
She was thankful for that, but it also made her worry at the same time. It had been annoying for her, because she couldn't stop remembering just how his voice had sounded that night. Her mind still replayed every description he had given, and she had shamefully ended up touching herself every night since then.
As she finished up in the bathroom, she tiptoed across the hallway and over to the door that was slightly creaked open. Carefully pushing the door open, her body slid inside. The daylight outside shined in through the window enough to show everything.
Remembering how much of a perv her friend was, she wondered if he actually had a 'stash' as most teenage guys were rumored to have. Her green eyes surveyed the room as she moved over to the desk and began opening drawers to shuffle through them.
A table near the bed had a few drawers so she moved over to it.
It was clear that he had at least been smart enough to not put it in a place that his parents could still easily find it.
That was when her gaze moved to the bookshelf.
Chie knew better than anyone that Yosuke had never touched a book aside from his text books. As she began to pull a few of the novels off the shelf, that was when she finally discovered what she had been looking for.
There were a total of at least six magazines from what she could see. This was only one shelf of course.
A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she could already tell they were quite explicit just from the cover.
Meanwhile downstairs.
"Well enough of the heavy! It's time to go shopping!" Rise stood up and quickly grabbed onto Yukiko's arms as they headed towards the door to slip on their shoes.
"Can Teddie come?"
"If you carry our shopping bags." Yukiko pointed out quickly just as he began getting far too giddy about being a baggage-man.
"Anything to spend time with you ladies!" Teddie left with the two girls in tow.
Kanji gulped down the rest of the soda in his can before setting the can down onto the table. He then looked over at the leader of the group who was sitting next to him.
"Yu, are you still helping out at the shop today?"
"Yes. Whenever you're ready we can head over there." Yu had taken up a part-time job working at Kanji's grandmother's house.
"It's almost two; we should probably get there before the storm hits."
Yu nodded as he gathered his jacket and shoes to follow after Kanji. They waved and said their goodbyes.
"I need to get some things from the store before the weather becomes too bad to leave the house. Make sure Chie knows to head home soon, the storm is expected to hit within the next few hours."
Naoto slid on her own jacket before exiting the house just as the rest of the group had just minutes beforehand.
That left Yosuke picking up the soda cans on the table and tossing them in the trash can in the kitchen.
"The storm is supposed to hit soon hm."
His eyes looked out of the window in the kitchen to see how the sky was already starting to take a darker shade of grey. As he turned and leaned against the counter, he sighed rather loudly.
The awkwardness he had to undergo with one of his best friends was certainly not something he had enjoyed doing for the past week. Sure it had been his fault that things were the way they were now, but he still couldn't say that he had regretted it.
Knowing that he had been able to affect her to do something so drastic so quickly, it gave him a bit of a confidence boost. Not to mention, the thought was quite sexy too. Never before had he thought of her in that light, but ever since then he couldn't stop thinking about her and no one or nothing else.
It was as he remembered the young woman that he realized that she had been upstairs for quite a while now. Everyone had long since left, and so he decided to head upstairs himself to make sure she was all right.
It was also important that she headed home soon. He didn't want her getting caught in the storm.
His feet padded up the stairs as he was wearing only his socks. Reaching the top step, he noticed something different from what he remembered.
"I could've sworn that I had this closed before."
As he headed to his bedroom, his hand slid onto the door to push it open entirely.
What he saw was something he never expected to see.
Chie was holding onto a magazine that he had hidden seeing as it was for his own private use.
"What the hell?"
"Yosuke-I-I-" She quickly started throwing the magazine back on top of the others as she tried to push the books back in place to hide them properly.
The man silently moved over to her side, easily re-arranging the books back so the magazines were perfectly hidden.
Turning his head slightly, he let his brown eyes remain on her as she was rubbing the side of her arm in an obviously nervous manner.
"I never imagined you having so many…"
That caused Yosuke to feel a bit embarrassed as well as to blush just a bit, but he quickly returned to a normal facial expression seeing as he was still a bit annoyed with having his room raided.
"Yeah well, I am a guy."
He started moving over to his bed, but then he decided against it.
Thoughts from that night were already starting to flash back in his mind. The fact that she was in his room now, well, it was only going to make his thoughts only go from bad to worse.
"I know that." Chie inwardly felt very embarrassed for having been caught snooping, but she was doing her best to keep her composure. "Hey, where are the others?"
"They left."
She looked slightly confused as the man turned to look at her again.
"They all had other things to do before the storm starts up."
"The storm!" The thought had slipped her mind since she was so caught up in trying not to feel super awkward while in his house. She turned to start walking out of the room, but as fate would have it, a strike of lightning was seen outside just as she reached the doorway.
"Seriously? Already?" Yosuke moved over to the window, peering through the glass as he could see rain starting to fall before turning into a downpour seconds later.
"Shit." Chie muttered lowly to herself as she was inwardly debating with what to do.
The obscenity caught his attention. Yosuke directed his attention back to his friend to see that she was obviously thinking and concentrating on a lot in that instance.
"You're not thinking of actually still trying to go out there are you?"
"Well I mean, my house isn't that far away from here."
"No fucking way."
She knew that he was just trying to look out for her well-being, but honestly, she wasn't sure if she could mentally stand being stuck in his house for much longer. It had been at least tolerable while with the group, but now the two of them were alone.
The awkwardness was surely going to take its toll on their friendship even more than it already had. She didn't want to take that risk. As she went to leave the room, Yosuke ran over as fast as he could to latch onto her hand that was almost out the doorway.
"You're staying here."
"Yosuke, let go."
Her light-brown eyes stared up at him to see that he had a deadly serious look on his face. Feeling slightly intimidated by that alone, she silently nodded and felt him let go of her.
"I'm not staying the rest of the day, just until it passes."
"It's supposed to be here until tomorrow afternoon."
Chie already hated how things were playing out. She pulled out her cell, quickly sending a text to her mother before setting her phone down on the desk nearby.
Yosuke stood near his bookshelf while trying not to focus on the realization of what was happening. His parents were in another town, helping to set up another Junes' store for a grand opening.
That left him alone with the girl who he had been thinking about non-stop for the past week. And he had only just recently caught her looking at his porn collection.
Speaking of which.
"So what made you want to see if I had those magazines?"
Chie looked over at the window, trying to focus on the storm and how angry she was it. That was the only thing keeping her from blushing far too much.
"I was just curious was all. I know most guys have one."
Yosuke scratched the back of his head as he already figured that was probably along the lines of what she was going to say. It still made him feel somewhat intrigued as to why she cared so much to know.
"You already know how I am. I'm surprised you even had to look for yourself. I thought you would've just assumed I had one."
"Well I figured, I just wanted to see for myself I guess."
Chie had to ask herself that same question.
Why did she care?
Her thoughts repeated how he had said she was sexy. That low voice, it let her hear the one thing that she had never really heard a guy say to her.
Maybe she had wanted to see what he liked in terms of women. During their conversation that night, he had gotten to hear just what she liked in a guy. She was just wanting to know the exact same thing from him in relation to a girl. But that was hard to determine just from a pile of magazines. They were all so diverse.
Really she wanted to see if he had even used the magazines after their conversation that one night.
Of course, it's hard to find that out unless she was to ask him directly. And she refused to do that.
"Hello? Are you alive?"
Chie snapped out of her thoughts and refocused back on the man who was standing some feet away from her.
She quickly tried to think of some lame excuse. But whenever nothing came to mind, she was just stuck standing there with her lips parted slightly.
Another strike of thunder and then a bolt of lightning shimmered outside the window. It had been so close, it was rather terrifying.
The noise and disruption in the atmosphere was enough for Chie to scream and fall forward into the thing closest to her.
Yosuke had used his reflexes, quickly catching her so that her body slid into his arms and didn't go crashing into the floor. Her head made contact with his chest just as she was trembling slightly.
"Hey Chie, are you okay?"
His voice was nothing but genuine concern as she peered up at him. Nothing but more embarrassment filled her as she nodded and started pulling away from his arms.
"Yeah sorry."
But just as she went to do so, another streak of lightning occurred near the window. The power cut in the same instance, and she was stuck clinging onto his arms once again.
Yosuke hadn't expected another strike so soon, and he was caught off-guard in catching her properly this time. His legs moved to take a few steps forward, causing his knee to end up brushing between her legs by accident. The fabric of her skirt could be felt bunching up slightly as he ran his knee upward and onto an area that he had only ever imagined coming into contact with.
Her fingertips were almost clawing into his fair-skin as she tried to drown out the weather outside. It wasn't that she was scared of storms; it was just the way that lightning always seemed to strike so close that made her paranoid.
The one she was clinging onto was keeping her stable, but as she had re-attached herself onto him for a second time, well, she wasn't expecting where his knee had ended up.
It was subtle, but it was there. She could feel the roughness rub in between her legs, the fabric of his pants being felt far too much from how thin her panties were. Biting at her lip, she tried to avoid moaning in surprise. Instead, she covered it up as best she could with a soft whimper.
Either way, it still sounded wrong.
Yosuke wasn't sure if he had heard right. First it had sounded close to a moan, but then it cut into a whimper. He swallowed uneasily, fighting with himself on whether or not he should let her go and move away. That was probably for the best.
Slowly moving his knee away, he was careful not to hit anything else as he did so. He could feel the hands on his arms loosen slightly, which allowed him to completely disjoin himself from her.
"We should move away from the window."
Not knowing what else to say in that moment, she simply agreed and followed after him to the other side of the room where only his room and side table was.
Realizing that they were about to move onto his bed, Chie suddenly stopped at the foot of it. She could see Yosuke crawling onto it, moving over near the wall so he could sit down with his back against the hard surface.
With the power being cut, no light was in the room except for the minimal amount of daylight that crept in from the storm. Even then, all that could be seen was shadows. Yosuke's face was barely visible to her.
"You just gonna stand there?"
The question made her realize how she had still been standing. For some reason she just couldn't force herself to move onto the bed.
But as a third lightning strike hit in the same place near the window for a second time, her body instantly jumped, flying down onto the bed at her friend's side.
Yosuke couldn't help but to chuckle at this point. It seemed like she was going to be jumpy for the rest of the day at this rate.
"Where are you?"
He began to stretch out his hand in the almost completely darkened side of the room. For a second, he thought he felt her, but it turned out to just be a pillow. Moving from the wall, he began to move onto his knees and let his hand trace over the bed sheets.
His knees crawled around to help him in his search, and just as he began to crawl onto a certain area, his hand trailed over a patch of fabric. At first he wasn't sure if it was another pillow.
Whenever he felt something warm at the tips of his fingers, he knew it wasn't a pillow.
"Y-Yosuke, what are you…"
From what he could tell, the clothing he felt was more than like her skirt from how it felt pleated. Swallowing slightly, he had a choice to make again.
He could either withdraw his hand, and they would remain in that same awkward phase for god knows how long.
Or he could take another risk and see if what happened a week ago had been having the same effect on her as it had been having on him.
Without even having to honestly think about it, he let his fingertips trace further along the skirt until he felt skin. Moving north, his fingers caressed along what he imagined was her inner thigh until they reached that very place that he only imagined ever touching.
Chie inhaled sharply. The action had been so subtle, but she should've realized that he would've been aiming to do something like this. Touching along the outside of her panties, she was trying not to let any obvious noises slip out.
The front of his thumb ran up along the front side of her panties slowly until it reached that spot right at the top. Rubbing in a slow, steady, circular motion, he listened intently for what she might say.
His thumb had started rubbing at her clit.
Was this really happening right now?
They had just had phone sex a week ago and that still felt surreal in itself. Now she was lying in his bed in complete darkness, being rubbed on in a sensual manner from the same guy that she never pictured doing anything of the sort with.
Yet, she let a moan escape from her lips before she could stop herself.
Slapping her hands over her mouth, she could already imagine how he would react.
The thumb continued moving in that same motion, then a second finger moved to rub the lower side of her panties. Wetness was already being felt just from the few moments of rubbing and caressing.
"You're already getting wet…"
Had he actually said that?
Yosuke was in slight shock at how smoothly things were going over. Yet, as he realized that she had moaned from his actions, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to do more.
Chie bit at her lower lip, she was already recalling how she had been touching herself starting with her clit during their phone sex session that night. It was almost reminiscent, and now as he she heard him sounding so surprised at how she was already growing wet, it seemed as if things were going to continue further.
It wasn't like she was complaining with that either.
They had already pushed the boundaries of their friendship by going through with the sexual conversation. It was as she felt him beginning to move his other hand up to tug down her panties that the reality of it all set in.
She wanted him to do these things to her.
For a week, her hands had been doing all the touching for her. She had made herself cum so much; his name had left her lips so many times that she wasn't surprised that he hadn't somehow heard her.
The only thing she had wanted to know was whether or not he had been going through the same torture.
"What have you been thinking about this whole week Yosuke..."
Her voice was border lining a moan as she felt her panties tugged off and probably tossed aside in some random location. She had to know. She just had to know before things went further.
Yosuke still had his hands on her hips up underneath of her skirt, but they started to move back to her inner thighs as he began to push her legs apart. Dipping his head downward, his voice started to become that lowered tone that had started everything before.
Slowly, he dragged his lips along her leg, moving closer to her inner thigh. She could feel her almost trembling as he steadily moved closer to that certain area.
"But the magazines…"
"I haven't touched them since I heard you moan."
Chie gasped softly as she could feel his reply practically being breathed at the outside of her pussy. Wetness was coated over her lips already, and she almost moaned just from feeling how close he was to the most intimate parts of herself.
"I'll have you screaming my name at the end of this."
Yosuke was surprised at how much confidence he was having during his movements. Granted, he had only had sex one other time before, but reading and watching enough porn gave him a general idea of just how to act in a given situation.
Not to mention, he had already been imaging just how he would undergo this situation with the girl that he was currently with.
Far too eager as he was, Yosuke couldn't wait to let his tongue run over the sensitive skin that was in front of him. The room was dark, but he could still see the subtle hints of a figure and the rather startled look that the young woman still seemed to have.
Imagining that she was blushing, he was sure that she would only continue to do so, especially as he began to lick so he could taste her. His tongue traced up slowly, carefully running over her clit almost purposefully to tease her. It then dragged back down, moving over the warm lips until he finally let himself divulge in her completely.
The feeling of something licking and then running into her made her gasp once again. Her hands gripped at the comforter on the bed as she tried not to release too many moans in one given moment. It was hard to hold back though, seeing as, she had never been licked and sucked on down there.
It was easy to say that though the feeling was new, she was clearly enjoying it.
The soft sound of light sucking was heard as Yosuke already felt himself growing unbearably hard from actually being able to taste her. Her wetness entered his mouth and was sweet every time.
His tongue pushed as deeply as it could into her pussy, letting it trace along her inner walls. Deciding he wanted to make her even wetter, he withdrew his tongue and replaced it with his index finger. As his tongue licked back near the upper portion of her pussy, he could feel how her clit was no longer hidden. It signaled that she was obviously very turned on from what he had been doing.
The tip of his tongue moved over her clit, darting back and forth just as his finger formed a rhythm that moved in and out of her. Within seconds, he was already feeling how his finger was being covered in a slight wetness.
Chie finally let herself let go and start to enjoy the moment. Her head tilted to the side as she breathed out a moan softly at first. Over time, she felt that finger push deeper into her and then a second was added. His fingertips brushed over that spot inside of her just as his tongue ran in a perfect movement over her clit. She couldn't help but to have her moans increase in volume, her breathing growing more uneasy.
Knowing that he was pleasuring her, Yosuke's desire to completely dominate over her was becoming overwhelming. Sensing how she was becoming more enraptured in what he was doing and how wet she had become; he believed that her limit was to be reached soon.
That warmth in the lower part of her body was starting to intensify. She suddenly felt far too hot in the clothes that she still had clinging to her body. Her fingers gripped onto the bed sheets as she felt that familiar feeling of being brought closer to that breaking point.
The locks of her brown hair spread even further onto the bed as she tilted her head back. Her lips parted, a moan being breathed out only to start a series of the same sound. She felt her body quiver as she could feel that finger and tongue incessantly making her want more.
As Yosuke concentrated on bringing her to that final moment, he quickly shifted positions. Letting his thumb resume rubbing onto her clit, his tongue quickly darted back into her warmth that was had him licking every bit of wetness he could find.
Knowing he was practically waiting to drink more of her, Chie found herself being pushed over the edge. She could only imagine just what was going to happen after this, and thinking about how he would probably continue further as he had in their phone conversation. Without any doubts in her mind, she breathed out his name loudly within a moan.
The feeling of her orgasm began to wash over her. She kept a constant grip at the sheets as she breathed moans while feeling her body trembling almost uncontrollably. That tongue could be felt licking over her, lapping up every drop of cum that she released just for him.
Yosuke was far too turned on now. He had just made his best friend cum. And he had made sure to taste every bit of it. He should've felt weird, awkward, or something-but strangely he didn't.
The act had been so erotic and hearing her constantly moaning and then saying his name at the end, it gave him more than enough confidence to continue to the next step.
"You taste just like I thought you would."
Chie was still slightly recovering from what had just happened. Hearing his voice pick up that alluring tone, she blushed darkly at what he had said to her just then.
"But I'm not finished with you yet."
The sound of unzipping could be heard, and she already knew what he had meant by that.
She couldn't deny wanting him to keep going either.
Her legs were grabbed as he slid her across the bed closer to him. She could hear a slight rustling of sheets and clothing, and a minute or so later she felt something pressing at her entrance.
Nervousness began in the pit of her stomach. She had only had sex one time so far, and it had been with the wrong guy. But she didn't feel completely mistaken about doing this now. Her best friend had done everything right thus far, and although she had been surprised by this, she couldn't help but want him to do more things to her.
Yosuke was far too eager, and he could feel how the tip of his dick was already pressing onto wetness again already. Just from the prospect of them actually having sex, it seemed to have turned the girl on enough to make her near soaking wet once again.
Slowly, he began to push himself inside. From how gradual he was making the movements, he had to restrain himself from feeling the sudden need to cum already.
God she was so tight.
Yosuke groaned lowly as he finally had finished pushing himself inside so that only the hilt was felt at the outside of her pussy. The subtle sounds of inhaling and exhaling were heard just as he slowly withdrew before moving back in again. The movements continued that way for a few minutes until he finally was feeling the wetness coating his entire dick.
The meeting of hips turned into a more fluid motion. Chie was staring up at the slightly, darkened figure towering over her. She felt all of him pushing deeper into her now, trying to press further inside with every thrust that he made. With how he was starting to grip more at her legs, she could feel his dick moving a bit more roughly along her inner walls.
As they were both falling further into the haze of pleasure, Yosuke was silently wishing that the power would come back on soon. More than anything, he wanted to watch her as she finished again. He wanted to see her face, hear her moans, and have her screaming his name as he would release all that he had inside of her.
It had only been 7 days' time, but it had been enough to make him feel that excruciating longing to be doing so many things to her. And now, he had her lying underneath of him as he started fucking her harder.
No amount of porn could ever compare to how it felt being inside of her. His entire dick was sliding in and out so quickly, the wetness continued forming from how turned on she must have been. It started creating a smacking sound that was joining in along with her moans and his almost husky groans.
Chie could only hope that he was thinking of her as he started thrusting to the deepest point inside of her. It was shocking how good it felt having him inside of her. The sounds of smacking made her blush as she realized how much she was getting off on this. The sound of him groaning and never missing a beat in pushing his hips to meet hers was what really made her start feeling like she was having that ultimate pleasure increasing.
The rain was still pouring down. Drops of it crashed against the window nearby, but it was as Yosuke could hear those moans beginning to pick up to a higher tone that he noticed the lights flicker just slightly.
The room remained dark still, but both were too preoccupied in their sensual display to care.
"All I could think about was fucking you."
The words he spoke shot through her just as her lips remained parted.
"Just like this. I really want to see you cum."
He swallowed uneasily while he practically breathed out the last word in that sentence. From how she was tightening around the entire length of his dick, he figured that those words alone had aided her in starting to reach that point again.
The young woman would have been blushing, but she was already so flushed from their incessant movements that it would've been difficult to see. The words he spoke sounded so genuine, and proved to be even more stimulating. The way he was thrusting into her now was growing almost dire, and she could feel her inner walls starting to tighten.
His dick continued to push inside, rubbing over that very spot that made her feel an even more intense pleasure than she already had been. As she let her light-brown eyes linger up at the figure above her, that statement that he had just made continued to reverberate in her mind.
He wanted to see her cum.
Wanting for him to get just what he wanted, she too wanted to make him cum. She wanted to be the reason that he did, and knowing that he had only been thinking of her all week made her finally progress to that point of no return.
Yosuke felt her tightening onto his dick completely now. He knew what was about to happen.
Her moans formed into screams as he thrust into her with all the strength he could muster. His own limit was about to be reached, but he wanted to make her scream his name first.
The soft sound of her voice trailed off within a shaky moan. As her voice gradually formed into a scream, the flicker of lights occurred once again. This time they didn't turn off.
With the darkness lifted, dark-brown eyes stared down at the insatiable sight before him.
Their gazes synched just as Chie completely let herself fall under his control. Giving him what he wanted, she felt her eyes close as she could feel her second orgasm kicking in. Her body trembled even more than the first time as she felt him still pushing deeply inside of her.
All of her cum ran over his dick, providing an even warmer sensation than when he had first entered her.
The sound of her screaming his name along with how she was still cumming made him unable to hold back any longer. He thrust into her one more time, letting the tip of his dick press into the depths of that wetness before he started spurting all of his cum inside of her.
His groans pushed into a moan as he gripped at her legs tightly. His eyes remained unmoving from her as she was now staring back up at him again.
"Chie…" Her name rolled off his tongue in a sensual-tone of voice as he let more of his cum be released.
She was so caught up in how he had said her name, and now she could feel his dick pulsating inside of her. Suddenly she felt extremely wet, and the mixture of their cum could be felt already creeping out just slightly. Right then, she had been more than thankful that she had gotten on the pill a few months ago.
Yosuke leaned over her figure, letting his head tilt down to press his lips onto her own in a forceful kiss. Chie complied, easily letting her hands move onto both sides of his face as she already felt all sense of reality slipping away in that moment. The kiss was still so passionate even in the aftermath.
It was only then she realized that this was the first time she had ever kissed Yosuke.
Her cheeks were still a slight red color as he withdrew back just a little.
"I've wanted to do that all week too."
Chie stared at him as she heard him say yet another genuine statement that evening.
"Well, I'm glad you did."
His lips formed into a smile that almost turned into a smirk, but what she said next stopped him short.
"But you're still a pervert."
And that was when he realized that no matter what he did, he could never been seen as otherwise in her eyes.
But that was okay since she secretly liked him being that way.
"Does this mean I can call you again?"
"Yeah, but only one call per night."
"Aww man." Yosuke scratched the back of his head while sighing in defeat.
A teenage boy's hormones were practically never-ending. But he would take what he could get.