In spite of it all, I still love her.

The deaths that struck me to the core.

The torture that racks my dreams at night.

No sleep, no rest from the guilt.

What I've done- In can't go back.

The faces. Endless faces. Innocent faces. Why them? Why there?

But I'll still love her.

The defiance of family bond.

The cruelty. Her obsessive love-

For another man.

I'll do as she bids me.

Out of fear of our lord; and love of her.

And because underneath it I can't stop loving her.

Whatever she does. Whatever she calls me,

Whatever she swears to our master, I'll love her all the same.

No shame. No dishonour, as long I love her.

Nothing can break me, if I still love her.

I'll calm her when she rages.

Stroke that wild hair when she cries,

Congratulate her when she wins,

And scream when she dies.

Because I still love her.