Chapter 1

I ran down the fourth floor hallway, drenched with water and laughing my head off. It was early October at the beginning of my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It was one of those rare days when, even though autumn was fast approaching, it was quite warm weather; there was not a cloud in the sunny sky.

On that particular Saturday afternoon it was extremely hot. Everybody was outside enjoying what would probably be the last "summer" day of the year. The Hufflepuff Quidditch team was practicing on the pitch and there were quite a few students swimming in the Black Lake. My brother Albus, a seventh year, was sitting beneath the old beech tree on the water's edge with Scorpius Malfoy, Angela Thomas and Sarah King. Sarah was in Hufflepuff and Al, Scorpius and Angela were in Gryffindor. They met during a Christmas party the year before and became fast friends.

Hugo Weasley, my cousin, Claire Creevy, my friend from Ravenclaw, and I decided to play a nice little prank on my brother and his friends. My older cousin, Fred, had a little agreement with us that whatever we needed from his dad's (My Uncle George's) joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, he would get for us free of charge. Being the heir to a joke shop gives you special privileges like that.

Uncle George fully supported the arrangement, having pulled countless pranks on his classmates during his years at Howarts along with his brother, my Uncle Fred and my cousin's namesake. Fred (the cousin) had graduated from Hogwarts a few years previously and now had a permanent job at the shop. Anyway, back to the prank.

Fred had gotten us some magical water balloons. They were like regular water balloons that muggles have except they were charmed to always stay freezing cold. Each of us, Claire, Hugo and I, had one of the enchanted balloons. We crept up behind the beech tree that Scorpius and Al were leaning against, making as little noise as possible. Angela noticed me, but just smiled and returned to her Herbology homework. She and Sarah were used to our constant pranking of the boys.

On my signal the three of us jumped out from behind the tree and launched our missiles. Hugo and Claire hit Scorpius in the chest and mine made a direct hit on Al's face. We stayed just long enough to see the looks of shock on their faces, then we scampered.

We must have looked like complete idiots sprinting across the grounds in the hot weather, but I for one didn't care in the least. I felt the heat of a jinx fly past my shoulder and grinned like an idiot. Why I was so excited that they were giving chase I'll never know.

I sent a few shield charms and stunners back over my shoulder, never slowing my pace. We had just reached the castle when Claire got hit by a red jet of light, a stunning spell. Hugo and I made it to the third floor before Al hit him with an Impediment jinx and he fell behind. Scorpius hit me in the middle of the back with an icy jet of water, throwing me forward a few feet, but I quickly shot a stunner at him and he collapsed.

I let my feet carry me to the fifth, sixth, seventh floors before coming to a halt at a dead end. Albus was a few corridors behind me judging by his footsteps growing ever-louder. I paced back and forth, trying to figure out a way to hide from my dear brother. I'd been trying to master the Disillusionment charm, but it was particularly difficult and I didn't want to risk blowing something up. Dad's old cloak was in my dormitory, so that was out. Just as I decided to stand and fight however, a door popped out of the wall. Must be magic. I thought. Oh the irony...

As I stepped inside I realized that this was the Room of Requirement that dad had told us about. He said it would always be equipped for the seeker's needs. He had told all of us (my siblings, cousins and I) about how he and his friends had practiced spells and jinxes in this room when their DADA teacher wouldn't let them do actual magic. For me that would have been torture. Right up there with Charms and Potions (yes, Potions), Defense is my favorite class. Being forced to only study theory would drive me mad.

The room was huge, filled with bookshelves and decorated in deep blues and greens. Not only did the shelves carry thousands upon thousands of books, but also strange magical instruments that whirred and clicked. The bright light from the midday sun streamed through picture windows along one wall, bathing the scene before me in a rich, golden glow.

I could hear Al yelling my name from the hallway and retreated farther into the twisting maze of shelves. In any other circumstance I would've spent hours pouring over the numerous tomes. Even though I was placed in Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat had come very close to putting me in Ravenclaw. Dad was constantly comparing me to my Aunt Hermione.

I wandered through the shelves for a while until I reached a dead end. I was about to turn back and leave; surely Al would've given up when he couldn't find me, when something caught my eye. A sparkle, a twinkle. Whatever it was made me pause halfway through turning to go.

It was a tall, glass-fronted cabinet made out of dark mahoghany wood and filled with golden clocks of all different styles. The more I looked at it the more I was mesmerized by the way the light glinted off the beautiful faces of the clocks that seemed suspended in time.

The gold glimmered in an inviting way and I blinked a few times trying to clear my head. Something was drawing me toward the cabinet, and even though a small, reasonable part of my mind warned against it, my legs carried me over to the end of the row where it stood.

I reached out my hand to touch the glass - certainly just touching it wouldn't hurt - but it didn't feel like I was in control of my body anymore.

I felt the cool glass beneath my fingers and let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding before there was a bright flash of light and my world spun

around me. The last thing I remembered was falling through nothing, seeing stars before my eyes and disappearing into blackness.


First chapter of a new fanfic! :D Hope you enjoy it!

I've had this idea for a while and just recently decided to upload an actual chapter, so yeah...

ANYWAY, it would be great if you could VOTE and COMMENT! :) Yes, very cliche, but that's life...

{And I'm always looking for compliments *wink, wink*, constructive criticism and ideas! :) feel free to just say whatever! Also, please tell me what you think of it in general. Thanks!

~Megan OUT! Love you Readers!