Kuroshitsuji belongs to Yana Toboso, Harry Potter to JK Rowling.

This unlikely crossover idea, Cain Kruspe and the words are mine though so please don't take them.

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Epilogue: The wedding

In a bit more than fifteen minutes, Cain Kruspe was looking as though nothing had happened. His suit was magically fixed and all his other scratches and the broken nose healed in a much more professional way, since Angelina was a trained healer. The strengthening potion gave him enough strength to walk as though nothing was hurting.

With his wand, he created bounds which wrapped themselves around the unconscious form of Sirius Black, forcing the body into a rather uncomfortable looking position. Then Angelina, deciding for the moment to do as he wished, used a spell to bring Sirius back to conscious world.

'Welcome to our wedding. We're glad you could make it,' Cain said, irony dripping from every word. Sirius could only growl, because a thick stripe of leather was making it impossible to speak.

'You're just egging him on,' Angelina whispered, scared to see so much hate in the eyes of her previous fiancé.

'Oh yes, I am,' Cain replied with some sadistic joy in his cold voice. 'He deserves it also,' he added before turning back to his prisoner. 'You see, I decided to take pity on you and let you participate in our wedding,' he said in mock-friendly voice. 'You'll not be able to move of course, nor to speak, but you'll watch and listen and enjoy. And if you try to change into a dog, the collar you wear now will choke you to death.'

'My father-' Angelina started.

'Will not see him. Nobody will see him because we'll cast some appropriate spells, so unless somebody will know that he's there, nobody will register his presence.'

Sirius growled, but Cain was already casting his spell. He added a silencing spell to make sure that the man's growling would not disturb the ceremony and he levitated the man up and out of the room, where Ciel and Elizabeth were standing, waiting.

The two kids looked up at them, Elizabeth confused and Ciel delighted.

'Please take my wand away,' Cain said, handing Ciel the wand and Angelina mimicked him and went to wait with her father, while Cain levitated Sirius into the church, leaving him in the back but with a perfect view on the ceremony.

Then he went to wait in front of the altar, with a clueless priest. Because of the Durless nobility, the ceremony would be purely Muggle, something that, while not common, was accepted by the wizarding community as a legal marriage.

The guests started to fill in the church, some coming and congratulating him, some going straight to sit. Some of his friends from Germany have also arrived, many of them being Muggles and clueless about the real nature of their friend.

All of Angelina's family, which included most of the British, pure blood families, was there as well.

Elizabeth and Ciel took their seats in the front row, the latter sending a glance towards where Sirius was howling soundlessly in rage. Draco and Astoria were sitting just behind them, next to Draco's mother who, for the first time since the death of her husband, was not wearing black but dark, dark blue.

Snape took a place in the back of the church, right next to his mortal enemy whom his eyes didn't really register even as he stared right at him.

Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall came as the representatives of the teachers, forced smiles on their faces although each for a different reason.

Finally, the music started and his bride walked in, escorted by her father and even he, the cold and cynical being, had to admit that her beauty was breathtaking.

Seeing his expression, she smiled making him smile back and for everybody around it seemed like they were deeply in love.

They weren't. The marriage was arranged by her father, but maybe, with time, they would fall in love.

He could imagine that possibility, especially when she was walking towards him, the exquisite, blood-red dress doing a great job in highlighting her perfect body, strands of her hair caressing the pale skin of her neck.

Yup, definitely not the worst deal in his life.


Sirius Black always thought he wasn't a very bad man, but obviously he was wrong, since he was punished in the worst way possible.

He had always loved Angelina Durless. Ever since, when he was fourteen and she twelve, it was announced that they were engaged, to be married when they are of age. He remembered that day, as though it was yesterday – first shock and anger, then that funny tingling in his stomach, when she smiled at him reassuringly, telling him that he could have landed a worse girl. She was, of course, expecting such a marriage, being from the family she was, her sister engaged the year before to another man, older by two years than Sirius himself.

He got to know her better, happy that she wasn't in Slytherin, like all of her family before her and her sister after her. He learnt to love her and he was waiting with longing till the day when she would be his to kiss and adore. He was almost there, when his parents told him that he was expected, by them all, to take the Dark Mark before the wedding.

Torn by conflicting desires, he found refuge at the house of his best friend, who later convinced him that there was no real choice. That he could do only one thing.

And so he did, his heart breaking.

Never, not in his worst nightmares, did he think that he would have to witness the wedding of the love of his life and that he wouldn't be the groom.

Yet there he was, bound in the most humiliating way, unable to tear his eyes away from the beautiful woman standing by the altar. Even as the priest wrapped the hand of hers together with the hand of the other man, he watched. Even when she spoke the words of the promise of eternal love and faithfulness, he listened. Even when the other man kissed her, touching the lips that were his only, meant for him forever. He watched and, for the first time in very long, Sirius Black cried.


Drunk on the unexpected happiness, Angelina Kruspe laughed when she and her newly-wed husband left the church to be showered with rice and pennies. The man next to her smiled at her and she forgot everything about the blood and fight and all the problems.

She was certainly looking forward to the life of a married woman.

The End

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it! And remember that reviews are love ;)

Good and bad news – you decide which one is which. First: this is the end of the story, second: I have a sequel written up and will start posting it next month! So if you're up for more look out for "Harry Potter and the chess king".