A/N: Oh my lovelies, you've been so good to me when I am so undeserving! Sorry, I got lost on the road of life. For 2 years. I know BT is long overdue for an update, but my writing skills are rusty and my feel for the LG characters gone, so these drabbles are my way of trying to find them again. They are really kinda random and all over the place, so I apologize in advance. Rest assured that I do intend to finish BT!

Without further ado, here's the first one.

Dedicated to Terry-May who solved the mystery of Nao's door code in MH. Yes, it spells A-KI-YA-MA on a Japanese phone! Well Done! XD

Disclaimer: Nope, I still don't own them.


She brushes her finger against the canvas before her, drawing invisible territorial lines that claimed it hers, contour lines of doodle that curve up and down, left and right, crisscrossing each other in a complex dance. Dipping down, she presses hard into an indentation before swirling out to circle around it, feeling, rather than hearing, the rumble of suppressed laughter caused by her whimsy. She smiles as she pauses in her exploration, momentarily distracted by the idea of the great Akiyama Shinichi ticklish and wiggling, poker face finally cracked by the simple teasing of his bellybutton.