Sorry for the late update. Unfortunately, I'm not dead. I had half of this chapter completed, but then my laptop screen broke and is now being repaired. I had to restart the entire chapter from my phone, so forgive me for any grammatical errors. To make up for my absence, this chapter will be REAAAALly long. Thanks again for the encouraging reviews.

Disclaimer: Own Victorious? It's too late to pursue that dream because IT'S ENDING!

Just like that, like a leaf in the wind, alluring millions with its beauty, but as soon as you start to admire it, grow an attachment to it, it's gone. Never to return again. Sure there will be others like it, but it will never be the same, perfect leaf.

Sorry, my emotions got away from me there for a little while...

Jade's POV:

Tori giggles sweetly as I slide another French fry into her mouth. We're both sitting together alone at a table outside, isolated from our usual group of friends. Tori had suggested we sit alone so we could have a chance to talk, so here we are, feeding each other French fries. It had been going great until a group of jerks passed by us and made whistling noises and kissing faces. I naturally threw my drink at them and they ran off in embarrassment and fear. I'm starting to regret it though, these fries are just so damn salty.

"I'm taking your soda." I announce before grabbing Tori's cup from her side of the table. She inhales and opens her mouth to say something, but just sighs it off with a small smile.

"So how are we going to ask Cat to be our girlfriend?" Tori says after a moment of silence and bites into a fry. "It's not like we can just walk up to her and ask her if she wants to date us." "

"I haven't really thought that through yet, but I thought we could make a game out of it." I reply once I swallow the food in my mouth. She looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"A game?" she says with a small laugh.

"Sure. Maybe we could..." I pause and wave my hands around to encourage my thinking process. I look over at Cat, who is sitting with Andre, Beck and Robbie. She's apparently telling them some story and only Robbie seems to be listening. I roll my eyes and focus my attention back towards Cat. Once I catch the sight of her bright red hair flowing down past her soft, pink lips, my mind shifts out of control, and all I can think of is her and how I would dominate her once she's ours. How I would make her beg and scream my name to satisfy her.

"Jade?" Tori says and I snap my attention back to her. She's smiling at my with her eyebrows raised and she seems to be holding back laughter. I start to feel the warmth flood to my cheeks from the embarrassment of what I was just caught doing. "You were saying?" I try to respond, but my mind can't seem to form any other thoughts besides Cat and my need to feel wanted by her. A devious smile spreads across my face. I've thought of it. The perfect plan.

"We can have a competition." I say softly to Tori.

She leans in and looks at me with a face that says 'Is that the best you can come up with?' "A competition?"

"Yep, between the two of us. We both try to seduce Cat, and just when she's at her breaking point, whoever sends her over the top, is the one who gets to asks her." I say with my voice still almost in a whisper.

"That's, actually a great idea." Tori admits as she leans back into her seat.

"Then why aren't you smiling?" I ask and brush a lock of her hair behind her ear. She looks back up to me with her big brown eyes that just make me melt. Since when does she have this effect on me?

"I like it but, I'm not sure I can compete with you in that field. You do have so much more experience making people want you." She replies with a smirk.

I roll my eyes but smile back at her. "Well that's true, but you're not too bad either," I say before eating another fry, which are now starting to get cold. "You shouldn't give up without even trying." She smiles back up at me nervously and then looks behind her towards Cat. I hear her exhale deeply while her glance turns into a dreamy daze. "Okay, I'll do it." She says without averting her gaze from Cat. I snap my fingers and she immediately turns back around and faces me. "Great, lunch is almost over now, so the next time we can get here alone, I'll 'make my move' and you take notes." I say as I sling my bag over my shoulder as I get up to leave. As I pass Tori she grabs my arm and turns me around.

"Do you really think I'm 'not too bad'?" She asks with eyebrows raised.

"Sure," I reply with a shrug. "You got me didn't you?" I wink at her and walk away as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch.

My next class was Algebra, which was crap seeing as I didn't have Cat or Tori to entertain me. Now, I'm walking down the hall to meet Tori at her class. Halfway to the classroom, I pass by Beck who is walking in the opposite direction, most likely headed towards his next class. He looks up at me and our eyes lock for what seems like an eternity. I feel a quick 'flutter' in my stomach, but it immediately goes away as I turn my head and continue walking without a second glance. That was the least amount of nervous tension I've felt around Beck since our breakup. Which is a good sign seeing as how much I've moved on. I've either lost all feelings for him, or I've turned from guys completely, which I don't mind at all at this point. I greet my girlfriend at the door of her class with a hug and a quick kiss. She huddles up next to me as we walk down the hall to our next class, which we have together. As we turn the corner, we see Cat emptying out the books from her locker into her bag. The halls are completely empty, the perfect time to begin our little game. I motion at Tori to stay behind the corner and watch as I approach Cat. Once I reach up to her locker, she greets me happily with a smile.

"Hey Jade!" She says exuberantly. Her shrill voice almost makes my ears bleed.

"Hi Cat." I reply with a smile as I lean against the lockers adjacent to me. "Where are you rushing off to?"

She giggles from the tone of my question. "I'm going to history class." As she talks, she looks down at her feet and back up to me once she finishes. I almost lose my train of thought again by how undeniably cute she is.

"I hate history," I say with a small pout. "but maybe that's just because I'm not that good at it." As I talk I step closer towards her, leaving only an inch of space between my face and hers. I begin to run my hand through her soft, magenta colored hair, stroking it gently. She shivers a little, and her eyes dart between me and my hand in her hair. "Maybe I could tutor you." She says with her eyes still glued to my hand. I slowly retract it downward to my waist, brushing against her side and thigh in the process. Her eyes shoot up at me and I retaliate by staring back at them. You can tell a lot by looking into someone's eyes. Right now for instance, I can tell that Cat is nervous. She doesn't know what I'm doing, but she doesn't want me to stop. Which was exactly what I was going for.

"I would love that" I tell her in almost a whisper with my eyes still locked into hers. I couldn't tell for sure, but it seems like she's leaning into me. Since I'm staring at her so deeply, I couldn't notice any movement. "Well, guess we better head to class." I say rather loudly before turning around and walking down the hall towards Tori, leaving a confused Cat watching as I turn the corner.

Tori is discreetly staring back down at Cat, with her eyes wide opened and jaw on the floor. "Wow." she says before turning to me. "That was so... so..."

"Subtle?" I finish for her. "The key is to not throw yourself at her." I point out with a smirk. Tori's expression swiftly changes. She groans and turns around in anguish. "I'll never be as good as you." She says sadly and leans her head against a locker. Her flattery makes me smile and I step closer to her and wrap my arms around her from behind. "Don't be so upset baby." I say comfortingly into her ear. "I already told you, just relax and try not to think about it so much. She turns around and smiles at me, with her arms clasped into mine.

"Fine, sorry for worrying so much about it." She says before planting a quick kiss on my hand. I purse my lips and squeeze her hands.

"It's fine. Now do we have to go to class? I've gone all day without coffee and it's the only thing that normally gets me through the day."

She looks at me with a smirk and steps in closer to me. "But you have me for that now." I smirk back at her and pull her in for a soft, lingering kiss that lasts for a brief moment before Tori breaks it and wraps her arms around me in a tight loving hug. I lean my head on her shoulder and softly kiss her earlobe, before whispering into it.

"Seriously let's get coffee."

When we get back to the school from the donut shop across town, coffees in hand, school was almost over and we could hear the final bell let out from outside the front door. We wait to make sure the halls are crowded with enough people for no one to notice us sneaking inside. The last thing I want right now is another week of detention. We inconspicuously slip inside to get the rest of the things from our lockers before leaving, and to finish our little game with Cat.

After two minutes of mindlessly throwing random books into my bag, I move my hand towards my locker door to close it, but the picture of Tori that I had recently placed on the inside of my locker door makes me freeze in my tracks. I couldn't explain it, but there's this pull she's been having on me lately. It's as if I can't stand being a part from her. I know it's pretty much the normal reaction to getting a new girlfriend but Beck has never made me feel this way before. Of course I loved him, but I was always able to tolerate at least a short amount of time apart from him. No matter how jealous and insecure it made me feel.

Maybe that feeling is stronger with Tori. Maybe the insecure feeling I have when I'm not near her is too much for me to handle. Maybe it always was, but instead of realizing my feelings for her for what they always were, I didn't want to realize my attraction to her for what it was because it seemed wrong. Because I was with Beck. So I twisted it into something completely different. Hatred. Maybe If I had known that what I was doing was hurting her so much, I probably wouldn't have pushed her so much.

I slam the locker door shut and vigorously wipe a tear that starts to form from my eye. I shouldn't be thinking this. I have what I know I've always wanted, to be with her, to hold her, to be able to tell her how I truly feel about her.

In my rant of thoughts, I had already left my locker and was already a few feet away from Tori's dance class, where she had said she left something. Even in autopilot, my brain always seems to bring me to her. I keep walking and see Tori walking out of a room not too far from me, tapping away on her phone, and Cat exiting from a classroom opposite side of Tori, causing the two of them to knock headfirst into each other. The impact causes most of Cat's books and Tori's phone to crash down onto the floor.

"Awh man, that's the third time this week my phone's dropped!" Tori exclaims as she drops down to her knees to pick up her phone.

"Oh Tori, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" Cat bends down next to Tori to pick up her scattered books. Her face is displaying a mixture of genuine concern and sadness, as if she had just stepped on a puppy. I duck into the empty room next to me and continue to watch.

"It's okay, I know you didn't." Tori immediately checks her phone for any signs of damage and helps Cat with the rest of her books. She makes sure Cat has all of her books before standing back up and facing her. Their eyes lock into each other's and Cat flashes Tori her signature smile. Tori awkwardly tries to avoid the eye contact, but soon gives in as the corners of her lips nervously twitch into a small smile. It was almost unbearable to watch, Tori looks so helpless and scared, while Cat is staring at her, waiting for her to say or do something.

"Okay, I'll see you later Cat." Tori says and turns to walk away, with her head ducked. Cat's smile fades slightly, possibly from disappointment. She twists her lips and watches as Tori slowly walks away. I couldn't believe this. How could Tori be this shy around Cat?

She looks up and sees me looking back at her. She flinches at the sight of me looking back at her. I angrily make a U-turn motion with my finger to signal her to turn back around. She mumbles in protest and begins to express many different emotions with her facial expressions. She's standing right in front of me, so Cat, who is still standing there and staring off into space, doesn't notice her talking to me.

She soon gives in and turns around with a pout to face Cat. She walks up to her and her sullen expression soon turns into a flirtatious smile. "On second thought, wait up Cat!" She says before walking up to her. Cat's face instantly brightens back up and the smile returns to her face. "I love your top." Tori says as she strokes the orange material of Cat's tank top.

Cat continues to smile up at Tori and looks down at her hand. "Really? Because I wasn't too sure about buying it. I was at the store and couldn't decide because they had it in so many different colors. I was really conflicted until I saw a guy spill orange juice on his shirt and thought it was a sign."

Tori holds her head back in an over exaggerated bellowing laugh, causing Cat to tilt her head in confusion. I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration, she said she'd be bad, but that was just awful. "Maybe you and I can go shopping together sometime." Tori says in a slightly higher pitched voice as she moves her fingers towards Cat's ear. She giggles at the contact.

"Kay Kay" she says in a much lower, softer voice as Tori begins tickling her ear one finger after the other.

Tori's smile brightens as she continues to play with Cat's ear. Cat coos in approval and snuggles her head closer towards Tori's hand. "You and I should definitely hang out more." As Tori says this, Cat's eyes shot up towards her in a nervous, yet pleasantly surprised smile. "Really?" She asks in a shocked tone, as if it was inconceivable that anyone would voluntarily spend time with her. Tori nods with a giggle. "A lotmore" She says the words 'A lot' in a very seductive way, much to Cat's evident enjoyment.

"Guess I'll see you later Cat!" Tori says after abruptly removing her hand from Cat's head and walking away. Cat giggles in response and begins to happily skip away. Tori walks back to me with a proud smirk. "'Not too bad' huh?" she asks quoting me.

"For you." I smirk back at her in response. "You lasted much longer than I thought you would." Tori quickly shoots her tongue out at me and we begin our walk down the hall.

"Well Ithought I did pretty well, but she doesn't seem close to breaking yet and flirting with her only made me want her more." Tori says with a pout.

I purse my lips and then a thought comes to mind. "Well if one of us at a time isn't enough to push Cat over the edge, then maybe the two of us can try together." I suggest as the thoughts of the three of us together suddenly rushes back to mind. "And fast."

Tori looks up at me and licks her teeth behind a grin. "Getting horny?" It sounds more of a statement than a question. I untwine our hands that were previously locked together and turn away from her slightly. "No!" I exclaim with a scoff. "I simply don't enjoy waiting."

"Sure," Tori rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "but, then if we do it your way, how will we know who wins the game?" She asks aporetically.

I sigh in dismay. Somewhere along the way I had completely forgotten this was all a game. "When the time comes, I'm sure we'll both be able to tell. I say with a subconscious wink to Tori.

She blushes back to me and quickly averts her eyes. "I'm sure I'll be much better with you around. That is if we can find her before she leaves."

"Won't be a problem." I say as I take my phone from my pocket. I send Cat a quick text telling her to meet me and Tori outside, which she immediately replies with a smiley face. Tori and I wait for her by the front door and go over what I had planned.

We hear her skipping down the halls after a moment. Tori looks up at me with an excited yet fearful smile. "Ready?" She asks with her voice barely above a whisper. By the look on her face, she seems to be asking herself more than she's asking me. I snicker at the somehow amusing look of fear riddled on her face and nod.

Cat bounces through the door and a worried expression clouds over her previously sunny and exultant composure at the sight of me and Tori standing in front of her. She looks back and forth between the two of us frantically and the corners of her lips twitch into a smile. I look over at Tori briefly, who seemed much more relaxed knowing Cat was just as nervous as she was.

"Hi." Cat says much less jubilantly than usual.

"Hi Cat." Tori and I say in unison. Cat eases back up and takes a step closer to us.

"What's up?" she asks with a giggle.

"Oh Jade and I just wanted to talk to you for a bit." Tori says with a pouty smile.

Cat purses her lips and shrugs. "Sure!"

"Not here." I say cutting her short in a low, seductive voice. "Let's all go back to my car." Cat eagerly licks her lips and bats her eyelashes.

"Kay Kay." She says as she darts her eyes from me to Tori again.

Tori leads the way to the car with me and Cat closely behind. An idea pops into my head as I watch Tori's rear end sway from side to side in front of us. I lean in closer to Cat, who is absentmindedly looking in every direction

"Cat." She looks at me and widens her eyes in response. "Doesn't Tori's ass look great in those jeans?" I ask in a low whisper.

Cat's entire face turns red as she cups her face playfully into her hands. She giggles lightly from her 'hand mask' and looks downward towards her feet. We continue walking silently but I notice Cat stealing glances at Tori's can.

We get to my Car and I walk ahead of Cat and Tori to unlock it. As Tori reaches for the handle to the backseat, I give her ass cheeks a quick smack, causing her to moan a high pitched yelp. I narrow my eyes and bite my lower lip before walking over to the other side of the car. Tori winks at me in return as Cat skips in front of me and slides into the middle of the backseat. Me and Tori enter the car at once and lock the doors behind us. Cat watches us with a blank expression and smiles up at us once we're all settled.

"So what did you wanna walk about?"

Tori didn't answer Cat's question. Instead she pounced on her and began viciously kissing and sucking at Cat's neck. Cat's eyes nearly popped out of her head from shock. I was just as surprised as she was! I'm sure this was considered cheating to our 'game', but I felt it best not to mention it. Cat's eyes began to shut as she moaned and whimpered from Tori's incessant sucking on her neck.

I was driven crazy by the slurping and moaning sounds coming from the two lust-driven girls in front of me. I decided to join in and started placing long, hard kisses along Cat's jawline. Tori removed her face form Cat's neck and flipped herself over so she was now kneeling in front of Cat and facing us. Cat straddled Tori as she drove her head inwards to meet Cat's lips with hers in a fierce open mouth tongue kiss. Cat cups Tori's face in her hands, her fingers dancing over her cheekbones.

Tori eventually pulls herself off of Cat. I watch as the two of them pant for air and Tori scrambles off Cat and into her previous seat. She leans over Cat and I follow her movement, knowing exactly what was coming next. Tori starts tracing circles on Cat's belly with her finger. She looks down at Tori and smiles.

"Cat will you be my girlfriend?" Tori asks with a hopeful smile. Cat smile widens and her eyes bulge with joy. Her expression immediately changes however, to a more confused state.

"B-but I thought. W-weren't you and." Cat stutters and points at me. I smile at her adorable look of confusion.

"Oh I'm fine with it, as long as you'll be my girlfriend too." I say with a smirk.

Cat frowns slightly and looks downward, as if she's deep in thought. "So you mean the three of us," She pauses for a brief moment and waves between the three of us. "date each other?" Tori and I sit up and look at each other fearfully. We had never taken into account the fact that Cat might reject us, mainly because it never seemed like a possibility. We both nod and look back down at Cat. Who was still confused and looked like she was processing what was happening.

"Okay!" she exclaims before flashing us a huge smile.

Tori and I sigh in relief. I couldn't help but smile and hug Cat tightly. She giggles and wraps an arm around me. "Cat, I'm so glad you said that!" Tori says with an excited grin and pulls the two of us into a group hug. Cat continues to giggle and Tori and I simultaneously kiss both sides of her cheek, making her blush.

"The three of us should go somewhere to celebrate." Tori suggest as she releases me and Cat from her grasp.

"Sure, why not." I say as I release Cat from my arms. "Where to?"

"Let's let Cat choose." Tori says as she looks down at Cat. "Pick anywhere you wanna go."

"In reality." I add for cautionary measures.

Cat hums and slowly rolls her eyes. "How about the carnival?" she says in a cheerful tone.

"Sure, there's one not too far from here. We should be there and back before it gets dark." Says Tori as she turns herself to open the car door.

"Great let's go." I say following her lead.

"Wait!" Cat almost yells from her seat.

"What's wrong Cat?" Tori asks in a frightened voice.

"I can't go." She replies blankly.

"Why?" I ask in an impatient yet dejected tone.

"Well my mom promised me we would go to the carnival together today, and she should be here to pick soon."

"But, if you knew that, then why did you suggest we go there?" Tori asks slowly.

"Because you asked where I wanted to go." Cat says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I shake my head with a sigh. "Fine, then promise us that the three of us can all go somewhere tomorrow." I say to Cat.

"Kay Kay." Cat says before her checking her phone. "That's my mom, she said she's parked out front, see you two tomorrow." She says before giving the two of us each a quick kiss on the lips.

"She sure is... something." Tori says with a sigh after Cat leaves the car.

"Yeah, but at least she's ours now." We both smile and Tori leans in and rests her head on my shoulder.

Tori's POV:

After Jade took me home, I immediately ran up to my room and crashed on my bed. I had had a long, tiring day. Even though it was without a doubt one of the most exhausting days of my life, it was also one of the best.

I roll on to my back and a smile spread across my face. I'm dating Cat and Jade. I'm dating Cat and Jade. No matter how many times I say it over in my head, I still couldn't fully perceive it. I've loved Jade for over a year now and although I'd be lying if I said I've always had feelings for Cat, I couldn't possibly picture me and Jade with anyone else. She's amazing, beautiful, talented, and an incredibly great kisser. I haven't felt this happy in, well, never! And by the way things are going, I have a feeling this feling will last.

I hear a knock on my door. Before I can turn my head to answer, Trina barges in and walks over to the side of my bed. "Y'know, the point of knocking, is to wait for someone to-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen I need to talk to you." She says, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Sure, what?" I say in a deadpan tone.

"Well, I've been kinda curious about why you're so happy all of a sudden these days and I think I found out why." Trina says as she takes a seat on my mattress.

My heart sinks. Had she really found out about me, Jade and Cat already? There's no way that could've traveled so fast. I mean it literally happened minutes ago. I never even thought about how I'd feel about people knowing about the three of us. A week ago the thought of three people being together was unfathomable to me. Who knows how many other people could feel the same way, especially my parents...

"What did you find out?" I ask trying to hold back the fear in my voice.

"I know about you and Jade." She states simply.

I exhale a huge breath I hadn't even realize I was holding. Jade? Just Jade? "Oh" I say trying to sound disappointed.

"Yeah. I was honestly totally surprised when I found out, and I also felt a little hurt because I hadn't heard it from you." Trina mutters the last part but I still heard her clearly. My eyes shoot up at her in full attention. Trina's never been the type of person to have 'Sentimental Feelings' before. This was the absolute last reaction I was expecting from her.

"Why?" I ask, urging her to continue.

"Well I know I've never been the best sister to you but, we're usually always able to tell anything to each other and I feel like I'm the last one to know about this." She says as she plays with her fingernails. She did have a point though. Trina has always been a person I could share anything with. I used to think that was because she was never even really listening. If I had known me talking to her meant this much to her, I would've told her a long time ago.

"Trina I'm so sorry." I tell her as I sit up and look into her eyes. "I didn't know you cared so much."

"It's fine, just promise me that we'll never keep anything like this from each other."

"I pr-" I cut myself off and begin to think about what I was about to say. Was I really comfortable with anyone knowing about my threesome relationship? I know I could trust Trina, but how would she react? If she's anything like how I was before all of this, I'd rather not be judged and have any change of thought.

"I promise." I say with my fingers crossed behind my back. Trina awkwardly extends her hands and I chuckle as I pull her in for a hug. I could definitely get used to the new Trina.

"Since we're having this 'sister moment', do you think you could run down to the store and pick me up some grape juice?" Trina asks with her head still perched on my shoulder.

That didn't last long.

NOTES OF WORTH! (Instead of the usual crap that has nothing to do with anything.):

1st off, I've wanted to change the title of this story for a while, but couldn't think up any ideas. So I figured why not let the minions- *ahem* READERS decide. It makes much more sense this way, after all I came up with the story part and I'm not made of creativity. So if you have any ideas or want it to stay as is, lemme know in a review.

Next. The story takes a big turn after this chapter. I've noticed that the story so far takes place within a couple days. I hate it when stories do that. This one shant not be one of them! Was that a double negative? Oh well you get the point. Next chapters features a time skip.

Third thing was... Review? Yeah sounds like something I'd want. So third thing is to REVIEW. HARD! And also, who else almost had a heart attack when they found out Victorious is cancelled? -_-