"Colonel Hogan?"

"Schultz?" Hogan looked up at the fat guard as he pushed his way through the trees, towards them.

"What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? How did you find us?" Hogan asked, pulling himself off of the ground.

"Colonel, you're near the camp." Hogan walked over as Schultz pushed branches out of the way till Hogan could see the camp. He stood there and continued to stare at the camp. How had they missed it? Had they really been that turned around? Schultz looked at him worriedly.

"Colonel Hogan?" Hogan shook his head.

"Newkirk's been injured."

"What? Oh Newkirk." Hogan pointed over at the log and Schultz walked over, carefully picking Newkirk up in his arms.

"I will take you back to camp." He said, looking down at Newkirk. Hogan nodded and slowly started walking out of the forest, followed by Schultz.

As soon as they stepped out of the forest, the search lights pointed at them, sending bright blinding light into Hogan's eyes. He covered them as Schultz began shouting to the guards in the towers, telling them he had found the escaped prisoners. The guards opened the front gates, letting them in. As they entered, Hogan could see the P.O.W.s looking out of the barracks.


"THEY FOUND THEM!" Carter banged his head against the bunk when LeBeau's shouts woke him. He had fallen asleep on Hogan's bunk while holding Newkirk's cap.

"Wait? What?! THEY HAVE?!" He ran out of the colonel's office and over to the window. When He saw Schultz, his blood ran cold. "Why is he carrying Newkirk?"

Carter took a few steps back. LeBeau stood near him, watching as Schultz carried Newkirk to the infirmary and Hogan was corralled into Klink's office. Kinch patted Carter's shoulder.

"Hey buddy, it'll be ok. He probably just twisted his leg and he'll be complaining in no time."

"R-right." Carter rubbed his hands nervously.


"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Klink slammed his fist down against his desk

"But it's the truth, Commandant. Newkirk got a "Dear John" letter from home and was very shook up. He tried to escape and I couldn't let him just go out and get hurt. I finally caught up with him and we ran into some very strange men. We were about to head back here when suddenly we heard something explode and these German troops came out of the forest. They fired at us and that's how Newkirk got injured. I had to carry him through the forest, but we got lost. I don't know what would have happened if Schultz hadn't found us." Hogan tried to explain as "best" as he could what had happened.

"I should lock you in the cooler forever."

"But you won't, sir. You're too forgiving."

"Yeah." Klink walked around his desk and sat down in his chair, rubbing his forehead. "Hogan, what am I going to do with you? You need to convince your men to stop these futile escapes. They will only get hurt like Newkirk and you know if Major Hochstetter finds out about this, he will never leave me alone."

"Maybe he's just a big fan of yours."

"Oh sure and pigs fly."


"Hogan, you will get two weeks in the cooler followed by a week confined to the barracks with no privileges."


"And the English man, when he's better, will get a month and two weeks in the cooler followed by three weeks in the barracks. He better think twice next time he gets the urge to go home."

"Sir, that's a bit harsh. Let me talk to Newkirk. He'll learn his lesson." Klink glared at Hogan for a second then finally gave in.

"Fine, two weeks in the cooler and one week confined to the barracks for the both of you, but Hogan don't let this happen again. Ever!"

"Yes sir." Hogan saluted before he walked out smiling. Schultz led him to the cooler. He looked around the cell before he finally lay down on the bed. He heard something move and looked up to see a stone being moved out of the wall. Soon LeBeau's head appeared.

"Hello Colonel."

"LeBeau, what are you doing here?"

"Just checking in on you." Kinch pulled himself out of the tunnel when LeBeau finally got out; Carter followed behind him.

"We wanted to make sure you were O.K." Kinch answered.

"I'm fine."

"What about Newkirk?" Carter shifted from foot to foot, worry ran through him and shown through his eyes plain as can be.

"The Krauts got a few lucky shots. I was able to keep him awake for awhile, but he lost consciousness before Schultz found us." Carter's eyes grew wide with fear and worry. "Carter, he's gonna get better. Just wait. In a couple of days, he'll be complaining and driving the rest of us insane." Kinch smiled.

"I just finished telling him that not long ago." LeBeau growled.

"Those filthy krauts should pay."

"For what? His doctor's bill?" He shook his head, not finding Kinch's joke amusing.

"You know what I mean"

Hogan looked down.

"Newkirk'll be fine, focus on that. How was the explosion?"

"It was fantastic!" Carter said over excitedly. "It was just like kaboom kabloosh kakabloo-" He stopped when he noticed the annoyed stares from the others. Slowly they began to soften. It was good to see him so excited.

"That's good Carter." Hogan couldn't help, but smile. The tense in the air slowly eased away, but was still present. Hogan rubbed his forehead. What would have happened if he had listened to that feeling? He shook his head slightly. Maybe he wouldn't be stuck here. Maybe Newkirk wouldn't be in the infirmary. Either way it had happened and he couldn't change that. For now they had to worry about what comes next.