Lauren's POV

It was sad.

I knew it would be.

I had known for a while. And since Pein had told us a week ago, I had gotten a chance to mentally prepare myself.

But it still hurt. Sadness and anger were the only two emotions I had trouble dealing with. That's why I put on my armor; to keep the sadness away.

Standing on the cold concrete floor of my room I took in my appearance in the floor length mirror.

I had my hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. My black tank top could be seen under the open blue flannel shirt that I wore. A pair of baggy black cargo shorts hung around my hips and black high top converse with blue laces protected my feel.

I looked…normal.

Turning, I glanced back at my ninja scrolls filled with tools and clothes that had been placed on the sheets of my bed. Internally I debated whether or not to take them with me.

Either leave behind a few more memories, or take them and have more objects to mourn over.

I walked over and picked up the scrolls, placing them in the pockets of my shorts. If I was going to leave 10 other precious things behind, then it wouldn't be too bad to take one thing to remember the adventure by, right?

Sighing slightly I made my way over to the door, stepping out into the halls of the deathly silent base.

After dinner yesterday almost at once everyone had seemed to realize what day it was. Because of that we had all gathered in the family room to be sad together. It would have been funny of it weren't for the fact that it really wasn't…

It broke my heart to think about how everyone had reacted.

I had sat between Deidara and Sasori somehow managing to be comforted by both of them. I had leaned on Sasori while Deidara leaned onto me, his arms placed around my waist. Tess had sat on Hidan's lap, the both of them clinging onto each other for dear life while Kakuzu sat beside them, petting Tess's head. Taylor had starting crying and immediately Itachi had taken her into his lap, letting Taylor use him as a tissue, while Kisame sat beside them, occasionally giving Taylor a hug when he saw how she was suffering.

I stopped, placing my hand against the cold wall, tilting my head up and blinking the wetness in my eyes away.

I couldn't cry. No I…I just…crying hurt.

In this situation it wouldn't do anything.

I blinked once more before looking forward, continuing my slow journey through the base.

My feet felt like bricks had somehow slipped into my shoes, and despite the weight I felt I continued down the hall as if being lead by some mysterious force.

No…No. No. No.

I stopped again, one hand grasping my face while the other punched the wall, the pain that blossomed through my hand barely bringing me back from the darkness.

"Get a hold of yourself," I said aloud, taking a shaky breath to try and clear my mind. "Dammit."

I punched the wall again, a sob escaping my lips. "Dammit!"


I whipped around; eyes widened as a single tear slipped onto my cheek.

Sasori stared at me, mouth slightly agape.

"D-Danna," I stuttered, not moving an inch.

He looked me right in the eyes, taking a few steps forward before engulfing me in a hug.

I didn't move. I didn't even breathe.

"Don't hold it in. You're only human, you know."

That was it.

I buried my face into his cloak, gripping onto him like a life line as tears freely flowed from my eyes. He was right. What was I thinking?

Humans had emotions and that was what I was.

I cried and cried, and Sasori did nothing but stand there and let me, his arms wrapped around my form protectively.

Time seemed to slow as we stood there.

My eyes eventually dried up, and the truth was that I actually felt better. All the stress and worries I had built up over the years was gone.

Sasori pulled back and I looked up at him, smiling even though it made me look as if I was still sad.

"Thank you, Danna."

He smiled back at me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't ever hold it in brat. I turned myself into a puppet because I didn't want to feel emotion. I don't want you to ever be like that."

"Got it," I chuckled, and together we began to walk down the hallway. I couldn't even begin to explain how much better I felt.

After walking for a minute the two of us emerged onto the training field where most of the Akatsuki had already gathered and were dishing out goodbyes. Taylor was currently Panda clinging to Kisame while Tess was struggling in Tobi's bone breaking grasp.

I looked over to Sasori. He nodded at me and I smiled at him before walking up to the nearest unoccupied person.

As I approached he dipped his head at me.


I smirked. "Kakuzu."

I saw the fabric of is mask twitch and he sighed, opening his arms to me.

"Come here, stupid."

"Yay!" I cheered and jumped into his arms.

He chuckled at me and placed his head on top of mine.

"I love you, Kakuzu."

His chest vibrated against my head and he pulled back suddenly, placing a hand on my head.

"…I love you too, I guess."

I cheered again and threw another hug in him before bouncing over to the next person in line.

"Bitch," he addressed.

"Bastard," I nodded back.

He smirked at me and took a step forward, opening his arms.

"Ya gonna hug me or what?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Of course."

I walked into his chest, enjoying the Jashinist warmth, when I suddenly felt something grasp my butt.



He was totally smirking.

"Are your hands on my butt?"


I sighed and pushed him away. He could tell I wasn't actually mad at him since I was smiling.

"I love how you're so bold about it Hidan."

He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"But that's why you love me."

"So true," I replied and made sure to punch his arm before running to another person for shelter.


The Venus fly trap looked at me, his white side smiling.

"Hello, Lauren. What is it?"

I laughed. "What? Am I not allowed to get a goodbye hug from my favorite schizophrenic plant man?"

He chuckled and I took that as a yes, wrapping my arms around him quickly.

He patted my head after a second and I let go. I Smiled up at him and was suddenly whisked away by a certain blue skinned man.

"Kisame!" I cheered and wrapped my arms around his neck, snuggling into him.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

"Well, don't you seem happy?"

I scratched my cheek, smiling up at him sheepishly. "Danna set me straight."

"I see," he said nodding at me, "I'm glad you're happy…er now."

"Aw," I said and squeezed his neck harder, "Thanks Kisame. I love you."

"Love you too," he replied with his shark-like smirk, before handing me off to his partner.

"Imouto," Itachi said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and hugged his chest.

"Onii-san, I'm really glad I got to see you again."

He returned the embrace. "As am I…I love you, Imouto. Never forget that."

"I won't," I promised and gave him one last squeeze before walking over to the only other Uchiha in the vicinity. I just straight up hugged him.

"Imma miss you, old guy."

"TOBI WILL MISS LAUREN-CHAN TOO!" He shouted and squeezed me.

"Take care, kid," Madara whispered in my ear, and I nodded at him before walking over to Konan.

She hugged me gently and I smiled at her. "Oh god, it was so nice to have some female company for a while…"

I laughed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Stick in there sister. I know you can make it."

She laughed, and smiled at me. "Don't worry, I will."

I winked at her once before moving onto the ginger haired leader.

"Pein," I stated, sending him a smile.

"Lauren," he replied, lips twitching upward slightly.



"What they hell, Pein?! Give me a hug!"

He chuckled, but complied, hugging me for a whole 2 seconds. But I guess since he's the leader he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his bitches.

Pein dipped his head at me.

"You will be dearly missed."

"Damn right I will be," I agreed and he chuckled again as I walked away from him over to Deidara.

The blond smiled down at me sadly.

"Hey, un."

I placed a hand on his face, and he placed his own on top of it.

"Come on now," I kissed him gently and responded eagerly, "I love you."

"I love you too, yeah." He pulled me into him.

We stayed like that for at least a good minute before Deidara pulled back and took my hands into his, placing a small object in my hands.

It was a small necklace with a yellow clay bird hanging from it.

"Deidara…did you make this for me?"

He nodded. "Yeah, un. I wanted you to have something to remember me by."

I hugged him again. "Deidara, trust me. I will never forget you."

"I'm glad, un."

We kissed once more, smiling at each other, before I walked over to Sasori and gave him one last hug before nodding at Pein.

He nodded back at me and began to do a series on hand signs. While he did that I walked over to Taylor and Tess, wrapping my arms around both their shoulders.

"Ya ready guys?"

Tess nodded and stretched her arms out.

"Yeah, I guess so. It's hard to leave but I bet half the people back in our world think we've died."

Taylor laughed. "Yeah, I bet my fish are all."

I rolled my eyes at her. "They would've died anyway."

She shrugged. "True enough."

There was a rumbling sound and half way across the field a dark vortex black hole appeared, but this time it wasn't randomly sucking shit up, it was calm and controlled.

I looked back at Pein. He nodded at me.

I sighed sadly.

"Time to go, guys."

Taylor and Tess nodded. "Yep."

The three of us walked towards the portal before I stopped and turned around, waving at the Akatsuki.

"Bye, Everyone! We'll miss you!"

They all waved back, all shouting at once, making it hard to decipher what they were saying.

"I love you guys all so much! I'll never forget you!"

"Neither will we!" The Akatsuki all managed to chorus and I laughed and turned back around, the black portal right in front of my face.

I looked over, heart suddenly feeling heavy, as I grabbed both Taylor and Tess's hand.

Tess nodded at me. "On the count of three."

We all took a deep breath. No looking back.


We jumped.

Everything went black.

The Naruto world was gone.

Our new family was gone.

The Akatsuki…were gone…


It's over.

My first fanfiction is done.

I hoped you liked it.

I will post a note letting you all know when I post the sequel.


There you have it.

Go read the sequel now! It's still in progress, and will be for a while.

Now, thank you all for your follows, favorites, and reviews.