A/N: AlexisPrime here. This story is a gift for Chloe that I randomly decided to give since she's such an amazing friend. I've wanted to write something like this for her for a while. This was GOING to be a one-shot, that turned into an idea for a longer story, which I'm very willing to give her. If you're reviewing, please be gentle. Transformers Prime is not my strongest version of Transformers. I'm warning you; the last time I wrote a Prime story, I slaughtered their personalities. If you can help, please do. Oh, and Optimus and Ratchet are going to be slightly OOC throughout most of the story. What they're going through is very different from the show. But I will try to keep it close to the show's personalities. Anyways, please enjoy!

Footsteps clanged and echoed around the empty halls. Tonight was one of the rare nights when the other three Autobots were on "the night shift" at their charges' houses and Ratchet could finally be alone with his Prime. The old medic had finished his end-of-the-month medical report. All Ratchet had to do now was deliver it to Optimus and retire back to his quarters for the night... until the younger Autobots returned and started bugging him again.

The mech stopped dead. Optimus' quarters. Ratchet sighed, knowing he could never let on how much he-

Ratchet shook his helm sharply, clearing it of all those thoughts. The veteran medic forced himself to continue to the Autobot leader's makeshift office. He let himself in; overriding the lock with the code he knew like the back of a servo. He wasn't suprised to be greeted by the sight of Optimus engrossed in a data-pad. "Optimus," Ratchet called.

"One moment Ratchet, I'm almost finished," Optimus said. Ratchet sighed once again as he waited for his leader to look up. Once Optimus did, Ratchet handed over the data-pads he was holding. He received a brief nod from the taller mech before Optimus put the data-pads on his desk and looked into Ratchet's optics.

"They won't be back until morning," Ratchet hinted. Optimus gave him a slight smile and motioned towards the berth. Ratchet took a seat at the edge of it and waited while Optimus turned off the data-pads and joined him.

"Something's on your mind," Optimus gently prodded. Ratchet looked away. "Ratchet, please tell me."

"It's nothing Prime. When was the last time you refueled?" Ratchet asked to guide the conversation away from what was bothering him. It worked since Optimus vented and stood.

"I haven't had a chance lately. I can grab a cube for both of us if it would ease your worry," Optimus replied. Ratchet made a shooing motion to which Optimus only smiled. The medic watched Optimus leave before stretching out on the berth. He left room and settled down to wait.

Optimus didn't take long to return. He handed over one of the shining blue cubes and retook his seat on the berth near where Ratchet's hips rested. Silence settled over the room as both Autobots drank their Energon. Ratchet used the time to try and figure out how to broach the subject that had been nagging him for quite some time. Unfortunately, each idea he came up with was a bust. He groaned softly in frustration which instantly pulled Optimus' attention right back to him. Optimus set his empty cube on the side table before gently taking Ratchet's empty one. He then turned to face Ratchet with a look of concern. "Ratchet," Optimus said in attempt to get Ratchet to talk.

"I love you," Ratchet responded. Optimus smiled, but the concern didn't fade.

"I love you as well Ratchet. And that's why I worry when something's upseting you," Optimus told his Autobot.

"It's..." Ratchet growled when words failed him. He reached up and pulled Optimus down into a kiss. The Autobot leader gladly gave in and deepened it; wrapping an arm around his medic. But the feelings churning over their bond forced Optimus to pull away and stare into his mate's optics. With a look alone he pleaded for the reason of the wedge that seemed to be forcing itself between them. All he wanted to know was what was bothering Ratchet so badly that the medic refused to tell him. Under his gaze, Ratchet folded and looked away. He cycled air through his systems. "Orion..."

~Tell me, please~

Ratchet sighed at the message that Optimus sent over the bond. He sat up and watched Optimus move back to give him enough room. "What... do you think of having... a... family?" Ratchet asked quietly. There was a fresh silence. A stunned one brought on by the implications of a single question. Ratchet turned away and steeled himself for being denied. He gave a muffled gasp when he was suddenly kissed by his Prime and mate.

"This is what has been bothering you?" Optimus asked when he pulled away enough to give Ratchet the ability to speak again.

"It's been... something I've wanted to talk about for a while," Ratchet responded after he shook off the surprise. Optimus softly sighed and looked out across the room.

"Is that what you want? A family? I thought you disliked children," Optimus said. Ratchet smiled slightly.

"Human children. They're just... noisy and fragile. A sparkling would grow up to be a bot capable of defending themselves. Humans... can't," Ratchet objected lightly.

"That may be so, but at first, sparkling's are the same way. Unable to defend themselves. Besides, sparklings need time and attention. Something that we cannot provide in the middle of a war."

"Neither of us have a charge though, Optimus. We don't spend our nights out watching the human children like the others. And I'm always here. Even when you're out," Ratchet said. Optimus closed his optics for a few moments; allowing himself to weigh the pros and cons of just giving in. As soon as Optimus opened his optics again, Ratchet knew that his mate had caved. A joy began to bubble in the bottom of his spark when Optimus treated him to a soft expression.

"Alright. If this is what you wish, why should I deny yo-" Optimus' words died in his vocalizer mid sentence due to being very abruptly sprawled out on his back on the floor with Ratchet practically seated on his thighs. He chuckled softly and freed an arm to cup Ratchet's cheek. "Excited?"

"No," was Ratchet's curt reply. He dragged his fingers over the seam in Optimus' side where the bright silver chrome lead to a darker shade of gray below it. Optimus' engine gave a slight rev before spluttering out; a look in his optics that Ratchet adored. Ratchet gave his mate a full true grin. "Let's get to work."