HAH: Hello everyone today I have finally finished typing Chance Encounter Chapter 3 and have uploaded onto the site. I hope that you like it . Please leave a review, they make me happy!
The next morning Hinata woke up around the same time as she always did, around the break of dawn. She loved to wake up really early so that she could make everyone's bentos for lunch. Since no one usually woke up so early, she would sometimes make sweets or food for her teammates and still have enough time to make breakfast. The only other people who would wake up early would be Neji-niisan or her Father and normally they would go straight to where they're heading. They won't meet up for breakfast until a couple hours later.
Hinata practically danced around the kitchen, humming a catchy tune and smiling to herself. To the untrained eye, it appeared as though nothing was out of the ordinary. However, if someone knew Hinata well enough, they could tell nothing was normal at all. The normal bentos all looked the same, but Hinata made an extra one for some reason. There was the bento with Kiba and Shino's face on it, but there was another one. The odd one had a person with black hair and extra tomatoes. She didn't know why she even put tomatoes inside, but she did it without thinking.
As she stared at the bento she made, she couldn't quite think of who it was. No one was popping into her head, but she was really bothered by it. It also kind of pissed her off the longer she continued to stare.
Finally, she grunted in frustration and decided to pack it anyway, whoever it was for, she'll find out when the time comes.
After everyone came downstairs to eat and they all complimented her on the delicious food, Hinata left the manor to find her teammates. She walked slowly, quietly observing the village. Since it was still early, not many villagers were out. It was the usual. The people who started to open their stores for when the rush of customers come in. She decided to visit the Yamanaka's flower shop and greet her blonde friend. Normally Ino would still be a little sleepy due to the time, but for once she looked hyper. Hinata wondered why she was so excited so early in the morning
"Good morning Ino-san." Despite them being best friends, Hinata felt a little awkward to greet her with "chan".
"Jeez." Ino shook her head, a grin on her face. "No matter how many times I tell you, you still aren't used to it huh?" She giggled. "Anyway, I have some great news Hinata-chan!" Ino smiled and Hinata couldn't help but to smile back. "Great news" was code for "I found out some new gossip!" But that's what Hinata liked about her. Ino was number one at information gathering. She knew practically everything these days; from who was dating to the latest fashion trends or even the people who've died in recent missions. She found pride in her skills.
"W-What is it Ino-san, I mean Ino-chan." Hinata's smile wavered, still not used to it. Her eyes then widened when her best friend grabbed her hands and started dancing.
Ino smiled widely. "Someone's going to be picked to be Sasuke's caretaker! When everyone finds out, the girls are going to freak!" She squealed and then started to rant about how she hoped it would be her.
At that point, Hinata was already feeling sorry for the poor girl or guy that gets chosen. Well either way, it wasn't any of her business since she wasn't interested in the Uchiha. If anything, she would prefer to have nothing to do with him. Whoever is chosen is going to get bullied by the jealous fan girls. It's a mess she would definitely not want to clean up. "Well I have to go now I-Ino-chan."
"Oh." Ino frowned, but her smile returned. "Bye bye Hina-chan!" She waved off the dark haired beauty.
As Hinata departed from the flower shop, she smiled, trying not to think of unnecessary thoughts that revolved around the Uchiha whom she always ends up crossing paths with lately. When the permanent caretaker is chosen, he would be kept under control and away from her. She had more pressing matters to deal with. Such as delivering the bentos and training with her precious team mates.
When Hinata was close enough to their training grounds, close enough to see it, a messenger jumped down from who knows where. He had an Anbu mask on that resembled a weasel. He handed the scroll to her and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. If she wasn't a shinobi herself, she would have reacted in an embarrassing manner. Too bad she didn't have enough time to thank him for his services.
She quickly untied the string around the scroll and opened it. Inside, it told her to immediately report to the Hokage's office as soon as she received the message. She had a bad feeling about this. "I guess the bentos would have to wait for later."
Hinata had no idea about what was in stored for her. However, one thing was for certain…Her fear would be confirmed.
Did you like it? :D Sorry that it's short. I wonder if you can guess what happens next… Please review!