Author's Note: Well hello there! Due to my recent obsession with Malec (haven't read The City of Lost Souls simply because I'm afraid of whatever catastrophe goes on between this couple in there) I've constructed this alphabetical fic that really has no correlation at all. The random order is mainly because of my laziness, but I like the explanation in the summary better so we're just going to go with that. I hope you like this, and if you do (or if you don't) you should check out my other Mortal Instruments story, a horribly over-done oneshot called Bound.
Disclaimer: Last time I checked, I was not Cassandra Clare, therefore I do not own Mortal Instruments or anything affiliated with it. But I can dream, can't I?
M is for Matrimony:
Magnus may or may not have influenced New York's verdict on gay marriage.
The cool, dark interior of Magnus's apartment was a welcome relief that sweltering June afternoon. Alec took a moment to bask in the wave of air-conditioning that accompanied the fine dust of glittery residue that permeated everything Magnus owned. He kicked off his boots (his conservative monochrome wardrobe was year-round) and tentatively poked his head into the stylish den. He learned long ago never to walk into a room in Magnus's home unprepared. Between his wild parties, duties as High Warlock of Brooklyn, and generally flamboyant attitude, the indiscretions that occurred within the sanctuary of these neon walls were vast and absurd. Once Alec walked into Magnus standing in the center of a pentagram drawn on the floor, completely naked, levitating five goats mid-air. He proceeded to walk right back out, and was sent a lovely arrangement of flowers the next morning.
Today, though, the den seemed relatively safe and free of farm animals. Magnus was splayed on the couch, surrounded by a mountain of pillows, books, blankets, and empty cans of Monster energy drink. He hadn't changed out of his pajamas, which consisted of vibrant blue pants with a cartoon penguin pattern and a pale pink kimono. When he noticed Alec, he smiled brilliantly and snapped his fingers. The Monster cans disappeared.
"Good morning, love," he greeted, patting the spot next to him.
"It's two o'clock in the afternoon," Alec remarked, obliging to Magnus's request and filling the vacant seat. He noticed that the warlock's hair stuck up in odd directions, as though he had been sleeping on it, and his eyeliner was smudged. Idly he wondered how his boyfriend could manage to look utterly disarranged and positively magnificent at the same time.
"Is it?" Magnus pondered. "Well, then I suppose it's earlier than I thought."
Alec shook his head and turned his attention to the television, choosing not to comment. He noticed with mild shock that Magnus was watching the local news. Alec knew that Magnus didn't watch much TV to begin with, unless it was those reality shows like Project Runway or America's Next Top Model. But the news? It was so unglamorous. So...mundane.
"Mundie news?"
"Oh, this. Well, usually I wouldn't bother in the trivial affairs of mundanes, but today there is a topic of interest," Magnus explained, handing Alec an ice-cold Coke he conjured up.
"Same-sex marriage."
This answer was so unexpected that Alec nearly choked on his soda. "Marriage! What do you mean, marriage?"
"You know, holy matrimony?" Magnus brought his hands together in a symbolic gesture. "The joining of two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together? Your parents are married, dear."
"I know what marriage is," Alec grumbled. "I want to know why you're so interested in the gay variety."
"Well, I am gay," Magnus pointed out. "I figured you would have noticed that by now. Anyway, it might be something that effects us in the near future. I'm only trying to be a responsible, informed citizen of these forty-eight states."
Alec gave Magnus a look. "We are not getting married. And there's fifty states."
"Today the legislature is going to pass an act that will make same-sex marriage officially legal," Magnus continued, as if Alec hadn't spoken.
"How do you know they'll pass it?" Alec inquired warily. "Can't the whole democracy thing go both ways? No pun intended."
Magnus smiled wickedly. "Let's just say I'm very connected."
"You didn't." Alec felt his face drain of color.
"Whatever do you mean, Alec, darling?"
"Please tell me you didn't rig the vote or something so it would pass. I'm pretty sure that's against the Accords and I really don't want to arrest you."
Magnus pouted. "I thought you would be happy. But if it will make you feel better, no, I didn't rig anything."
"Good," Alec sighed.
"I might have influenced them a bit..."
"What? I'm just kidding. Can't you take a joke, Alexander?"
Alec was spared from replying by the news anchor, whose voice oozed from the television with a renewed urgency. "This just in, the much-awaited verdict on the Marriage Equality Act has been decided. The New York Legislature has passed the act with a vote of 33-39. Governor Cuomo has also signed off on this bill. It's official: same-sex marriage will not only be recognized in the state of New York, but can also be performed..." The anchor woman's voice cut off with a sharp cackle of static as Magnus switched off the giant flat-screen television.
"What d'you know?" he said with a sly grin. "My prediction was right. This certainly works out for us, doesn't it?"
Alec scowled. "We are not getting married."
"What do you say we get some breakfast? IHOP, my treat."
Alec glowered as Magnus stood and sauntered across the den to his bedroom to supposedly get ready for so-called
"breakfast." He glanced at the time (2:24pm) and groaned when he heard the shower water running. Looked like it was going to be pancakes for dinner. Again.