Dear Readers,

For those of you who were expecting this to be an update, I am very sorry to inform you that it is not. My laptop finally decided to die on me a few days after my last update, and the only other computer I have access to is the one at my work(which I'm writing this from), but I am usually too busy at work to update. I will let you guys know that I am working on Chapter 18 of Overcoming Darkness and Chapter 5 of IJWYTKWIA. I am also thinking about bringing Forever is a Long Time back. It's not a definite yet, but I am for sure thinking about it. I just felt like you all deserved to know what was going on, and that I did not forget about my stories. As always, if you have questions or comments review or PM me. Also, I am still thinking about possibly writing a Faberry story. Let me know if I should give it a go :)

