A/N: I do not own the Hunger Games, it belongs to Suzanne Collins.

Cato and Clove are my favorite tributes of the 74th Hunger Games. I really admire their skills and to me, they are just awesome! I'm a huge Clato shipper as well and I always wondered what would happen if Cato and Clove won the games instead of Katniss and Peeta, thus this story was born.

Clove's POV

Cato and I were hunting when we heard Claudius Templesmith's voice boom from above, congratulating the remaining tributes. Cato who was walking behind me stops, I know for a fact that Claudius will be inviting us to a feast. Knowing that Cato and I still have a good amount of food and we've been having successful hunts I don't think we need to go, but then I come with a brilliant idea: Fire Girl will be going for sure. I know she has been hunting now that she has a bow and a quiver of arrows, but she'll do anything to keep her and Lover Boy alive so there's a chance she might go. As I try to continue walking Cato grabs my arm, telling me to listen to what Claudius is going to say.

I look at him for a short period of time then say "I already know it's a feast, so let's go back to camp to get ready. Even though we still have enough food, I'm sure that Fire Girl's won't want to miss out"

He considers this then says "I know, but wait and listen," then he puts a finger to his mouth signaling for me to be quiet. I obey and listen. Claudius is saying something very confusing. He's not inviting us to a feast, but instead tells us there's been a rule change in the games. A rule change? This rule states that two tributes from the same district can be crowned victor.

A smile creeps up on my face and I can tell even in this low light that a smile has formed on Cato's face too. We look at each other and before I know it, we're hugging each other so tight I think we're crushing each other's ribs. When I finally pull back I look into Cato's big blue eyes and knowing that both of us will be able to go home together I lean in and give him a passionate kiss on the lips. He returns the kiss and deepens it by pulling me closer. I pull back to catch my breath and as I look at his face, a tear rolls down my cheek. I hope Cato doesn't see it but ofcourse he does.

"What's wrong Clover?" I smile at this because that's the nickname he gave me when we first met at the training center back in District 2. Every time I'd hit the bullseye, Cato would say "Good job Clover, but there's some room for improvement in there" then he'd give me that trademark smirk of his.

I remember when I would look back at him and say "So you think you're that good with a sword?" and we'd just both laugh. "Clove? Let's go back to camp now, tomorrow we'll hunt again" Cato snaps me back to reality and I nod.

At the camp

When Cato and I finally arrive at our camp, I insist that I take the first watch, but Cato refuses and says that he'll take first watch instead.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's alright I'm not that tired anyway and I know you doze off a few times on your watch" He says smirking.

I laugh because it's true. "Fine, good night" I say and give him a quick kiss. When I step into our tent, I place 4 knives under my pillow and hold on to one. I go to sleep having a wonderful dream of torturing Fire Girl, and Cato and I winning the games.

There goes the first chapter! I'll update soon I promise! Please review !