Pairing: RomaniaxBulgaria

Red Like My Eyes, Red Like Your Blood-by PS

The constant struggle between the bloodlust and the beast was a daunting burden.

Romania was one of the strangest creatures in the Night Realm; he was a half breed, a hybrid mix of vampire and werewolf genes alike.

The moon did strange things to him, it called and beckoned him, telling him to kill all year long, telling him to maim in either his human or animal form. There was only truly one person that he would never destroy, his destiny chosen mate, Bulgaria.

The brunette was patient with him, teaching him that he could enjoy the world, that he was not sired to burn it down during the witching hour.

He cared greatly for Bulgaria, loved him even, he just never acted on those feelings before, not like the beast was telling him to anyway…

It was dusk.

Romania found himself, coming to from a blackened state, in an abandoned town, it's remnants crumbling like a sweet bread, crows the only thing keeping the ruby-eyed man company.

Until Bulgaria showed up.

Romania didn't know how the other male found him, but he was just suddenly there, kneeling down in front of the half-breed where he sat on his haunches, wiping the blood from his mouth away with a damp cloth.

Romania stared up at him, "why are you here?"

Bulgaria rolled his eyes, but an enduring smile was on his face, "I was worried about you. They told me that there had been an attack…I recognized your handy work."

Romania ignored that bit, "how did you find me?"

Bulgaria looked a tad bit concerned and hesitant, "you…you do realize where you are, don't you?"

When the Romanian shook his head Bulgaria looked away, "you came back to your home village. I guess you were seeking comfort, or nostalgia."

Romania was surprised; he carefully looked around from where they sat. Ah, now he remembered this place. It was more beautiful centuries ago, when it was first made. It was alive then.

"I…I suppose so…Bulgaria, who did I attack?"

The Bulgarian winced, "you…it was…no one important. I'm sure they had it coming to them."

Romania grabbed the other man's wrist, stopping the gentle cleaning, "no. No one should endure what I put my victims through, it is horrid. I lose myself in their pain."

Bulgaria bit his lip, "it was that Hungarian girl. But don't worry, she's fine!"

The Romanian looked to the side, letting his hair hang low in his eyes, "did I take her blood?"

"Yes." The answer was swift and blunt. "You only took a small amount, but the damage is done, she knows what you are."

Romania rolled his eyes, "she already knew. She started the spreading of the rumor that said I was a vampire. She only got it half right though." He gave a bitter smile, thinking of those that had tried to protect him from her vicious rumors, those that had died because of it.

A smooth hand slid into his own, grasping him, centering him once more, "it's ok. I don't think she'll be crossing you anytime soon, if that's any consolation."

Romania shrugged, watching a crow pick at the bones of a dead animal, "she will be back to do more damage. That is her way, and I can respect her laborious efforts to thwart me and my attempts to live my life."

Bulgaria's hand latched onto his other wrist, "don't say such things! I can't stand to think about you ever giving into her!"

Romania looked back to see tears in those bright eyes, those orbs that he could get lost in. Without thinking he leaned forward and cupped his the smaller boy's face with one of his hands, Bulgaria still attached to his wrist, "don't cry mica mea iubire, I can't stand your tears."

Bulgaria let those tears fall now, "if you surrender to her, or anyone…you would leave."

Romania's eyes hardened, "never. I would fight with everything I have in me to return to you. Always."

Bulgaria smiled at him, "great. Now we sound like some clichéd romance novel that teen girls read."

Romania grinned down at his glistening face, his fangs just showing, "as long as I'm the dashing hero and you're my damsel in distress."

Bulgaria laughed, a carefree sound, and lightly hit his chest, "not on your life!"

The Romanian's smile turned gentle then, "you are my life. I am nothing without you."

Bulgaria smirked at him, "hmm…I guess I could live an eternity with you." He then tilted his chin up and let his lips connect with the hybrids.

Romania could hear the blood thrumming underneath Bulgaria's thin tissues of skin, but he had no desire to bite…at least, not to bite so as to kill…