Hey! sooo this is the fanfiction... i hope you like it :)

(oh, and don't worry, the next chapters will be much longer since this is just the prologue)

Disclaimer: if i owned PJO, Leo would totally be with Piper

Prologue (sort-of)

Hillary's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat, but not from a bad dream.

Looking at the clock, I panicked even more. Megan would be here any minute. And not just her, her and her hair supplies.

You might be asking, "What event is so important for you to prepare for and all that?" Well, only the most horrifying, terrifying, revolting thing any camper at Camp Half-Blood has ever faced.

Finding a date to the Fireworks.

Leo's POV

Today was the day, the day of the Fireworks. A time for having fun, watching a cool firework show made by yours truly, and flirting with hot girls.

Now, as much as I loved hanging with the ladies, I had had my eye on one in particular for quite some time. She was a daughter of Hermes, cute brunette with a sweet personality. And I was ready to work my magic on her.

I got up and started combing my curly brown hair, while flirting with myself and flashing my abs at my innocent cabin mates in the process.

"Eww Leo, put a shirt on!" my 9 year old sister Annie wined while covering her eyes with her hands. Please, like that's ever going to happen.

After I was done combing I took a shower, combed my hair again, put some cologne (and eventually) a t-shirt on, and headed out the door.

I was about to ask out one of the most beautiful girls at camp, and her name is…

Nico's POV

I woke up, late as usual, and stared at the ceiling. Today was the day. The day I was going to ask out the girl of my dreams.

I have had a crush on her ever since she stepped in camp 5 years ago (A/N: all three of them are fourteen/fifteen) and instantly wanted to know her, as did everybody else. She was so extroverted and bubbly, it wasn't soon till all the boys thought she was the cutest demigod ever.

Though to even get close to her, you had to go through her brothers, Connor and Travis. They were accepting of many people, but I was too afraid to even think about being rejected. So I settled with watching her from a distance.

But all that was going to change today, because I was going to ask her to the Fireworks. During breakfast. In front of everybody. She has to say yes, its fool proof.

As I got dressed I decided with black leather pants with a CHB tee. Normally I wear all black, but this is a special occasion.

Me, Nico Di Angelo, the most introverted person in the world, was going to take the love of my life to the social event of the season. Who, you ask? Only the prettiest daughter of Hermes ever…

Leo & Nico's POV

… Hillary S. Teal

Happy Independence Day :) (and review)