
When Kid Flash aka Wally saw his partner- no- his best friend, falling into silent unconsciousness, a breath got stuck in his throat. Without thinking he did what he'd always been best at: trusting his body. He took the chance Robin'd gave him, smashing an iron tube he got from somewhere into the Joker's distracted head. The villain was hunched, his face very closed to Batman's protégée, and Wally was afraid, just for the fraction of a second, that the man would fall over his already injured friend.

With both Gotham's best/worst unconscious, he still had a mission to accomplish.

The speediest forced his worried and hysterical thoughts into the back of his mind and joined the rest of the team once more. With Gotham's madman out of the way, the end of the mission was near.

He didn't have time to get distracted.


Robin aka Richard Grayson woke up from blissful unconsciousness into a world of pain and hazy vision. His left side hurt like hell and his limbs felt like jelly. With eyes closed, he drifted once again into Morpheus realm, for there wasn't much else he could do.



Something inside related to that name, even though he was certain it wasn't his real one.


Something kept tugging his mind from a void of pure nothingness.

"Dick, if you can hear me, please wake up"

Was he asleep? Nothing felt like a dream and maybe- he thought- its because my eyes are closed.

With an enormous will, he managed to slightly open his sleepy eyes. Trying to feel his body, he found it didn't hurt so much, and came to the rapid conclusion that the heaviness must had come from the use of some strong painkiller.

"Dear God Robin you are finally awake!" a well known voice reached his still numb mind.

"Wally?" he managed to say through dry lips.

The ginger smiled revealed and threw himself into a chair right next to the bed, passing both hands through his hair in a nervous manner.

"You gave me quite a scare there Rob, you've been unconscious the hole night… and before you ask, we did it, we completed the mission and stopped another possible end-of-the-world scenary"

The barely awaken boy turned his head towards his friend. Worried green eyes were fixed on his face, and the hospitalized Boy Wonder realized he wasn't feeling his mask on his face, so he supposed the other could see his blues eyes. And so, both smiled.

After some time, he groaned. Robin aka Richard Grayson aka Dick had the sufficient coherent mind to think Batman would kill him slowly, with long sermons regarding his health during missions.

"Batman is going to be such a drama queen about this"

And Wally burst out laughing at his friend's suffering words. In all honestly, the ginger couldn't help but agreeing with the veteran superhero paranoia, for Robin had a bit of a tendency of getting distracted with the bad guys, not minding his health as much as he should.

Still, he wasn't going to say that to his best friend.

Or, at least, not this time, because it'd certainly ruin the happy moment.


After the ridiculous number of following/favorite alerts and reviews I received for this little thing I decided to make a "part two"... only because inspiration hited me, so... don't expect a third part, and I'm serious, I like how I ended it here ;)

This made me remember why I liked Robin and Kid Flash bros relationship so much.

Hope you guys like it! Reviews are always welcomed! :)