A retelling of - BuckNC - classic tale …Dragon Heart …as redone by Billybob
Chapter # 70 … the finish
Words within this chapter: 10,796
Billybob's last authors-note; here my rewrite ends. As many of you already know - Sir BuckNC has already begun to republish his original … the PG-13 rated … innocent teen fluff version – of this story. I'm sure you'll all enjoy his plain-vanilla ice cream style of writing - far more than my rocky-road… more adult themed variation. For one thing he'll progress the story-line far faster …with fewer chapters/sub-plots and a full metric ton less of bad-English prose. - (the crowd cheers)
One last comment on all the off-camera stuff in my rewrite … battles not described … vital conversations unheard. - - Just look at the total word count of this monster and maybe you'll understand why I cut-out so much. - As it is … I don't think I have left behind - 'dangling in the wind'- any unresolved sub-plots … which is a major- pet peeve -of mine when reading HP Fanfiction.
Just think of all the readers I have lost. Those could not endure any HP Fanfiction story beyond the normal …twelve thousand word standard format.
Most Fanfiction readers I believe …want short stories of brainless teenage fluff without substance and still others … suffer from the far too common - HP Fanfiction stereotype mind-set …that portrays Hermione as the prefect Goddess … devoid of any human frailties – the ultimate role-model for Girls …with Harry the classic movie-serial …long suffering hero …a-bit moody and tormented from guilt over things outside of his control and of course …Brave. - - And finally there is Ron, the comic relief for the Hero … the kind-hearted bumbling idiot - - the bloke that Hermione forgives continuously - and out of the kindness of her prefect-heart …tolerates; as one would an amusing and mischievous pet.
I don't write such sugar coated fluff - - not well enough, anyway… and thus my well-deserved obscurity.
It has truly been a blast … flames and all.
Roll film
: Return to the first year charms classroom
"Minerva, forgive the interruption - I've instructed the house-elves to have dinner served in the House-dorms", Filius Flitwick, said ever-so calmly while stepping-up to the others. But then his voice dropped down to a soft-whisper, "Minerva - the entrance hall is not the best place to hold a private conversation of this importance. The portraits are full of onlookers and there are at least a half-dozen ghosts watching and listening - including that damnable mischief-minded poltergeist; Peeves. May I suggest that you take this discussion elsewhere? My first year charms classroom is nearby and I have carefully warded it to ensure privacy".
"Good thought, thank-you Filius".
"Major, I shall personally look into the containment charms that Albus and Severus put on your *detention quarters* first thing in the morning," Professor Flitwick promised.
"Please - don't do it alone professor," Ron said in a concerned tone. "Let some of my *curse-breaker Royals* tag along. Snivelus might have put some deadly-curses in there.
"I don't want curse-breaker *troops* in Hogwarts; Ronald," Minerva retorted sternly.
"I'm getting sick and tired of this anti-military prejudice. - If you truly want to be an 'royal arse' about this - then bloody-well hire my brother Bill and Fleur to do it, they are professional curse breakers, and if your precious budget won't cover the cost – - I'll pay the tab – personally … out of my own pay-bucket," Ron roared like a lion …now beyond angry. "Unless you'd rather have a bunch of amateurish professors *die painfully* from unknown dark magic - - then swallow your stupid Scottish pride for five minutes and let a few of my professional's in the front door".
"Mr. Weasley control your-self?" Minerva commanded - sounding deeply offended.
"- -Thank-you for your concern; Major Weasley", Filius interrupted diplomatically; "I believe I shall take advantage of your wise consul. Better safe than sorry you know. This term especially has been filled with a number of unexpected … *surprises* - and it's only prudent to be careful. I shall ward the corridor outside your … cage… for tonight and contact your brother in the morning".
"I thank you for showing caution in the face of the unknown – Professor", Ron said as he struggled with his temper.
"By-the-way, how is the anti-legilimens charm working out?" Filius asked curiously.
"My Intel people have been singing its praises – Professor" Ron replied in a slightly better frame of mind. "It's good to know that during an interrogation …that a DE prisoner can't learn more about our plans … than we learn about theirs".
"Have you had a change to use it yourself?"
"No Professor, although I might try it out on Snape … just for the odd giggle or two", Ron said with a softly amused chuckle.
"Glad to hear it works … but in the meantime … I will look into re-opening... several ...of the ancient married-student quarters - - regretfully however… just updating the plumbing will require a few days … once I get permission to proceed".
"Of course - of course, on my authority as deputy-Headmistress - have the house-elves clean the four largest of the married-suites nearest to the Gryffindor tower … as-soon-as possible. I'll show the - Board of Governors - the Weasley marriage license first thing in the morning and have their approval forthwith", Minerva said feeling very embarrassed over her loss of temper heated exchange with Ron
"Minerva, can I get some help with Albus, the sooner I can get him to St. Mungo's the better. With any DE attack … the floo network automatically shuts down – which means only the Headmaster's office fireplace is still operating," - the hospital-matron declared.
"I'll have to let you in personally, Poppy," Minerva said. "The gargoyle has been very picky lately as to whom it allows into Albus's office".
"Nicolas and I can help with Albus," Leonard said in a helpful tone, "and while in his office, I could use the floo to get some Auror's up here ASAP.
"Better and better," Minerva said relieved; "Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley would you kindly go along with the Major and his wife to the- -"
"- -The First year Charms classroom; Professor," - - Hermione suggested eagerly
"Yes-yes that's just the place I had in mind," Minerva agreed. "Go to the Charms classroom and wait for my return. We still have sleeping arrangements for the next few days to sort-out".
"Yes Professor." They all replied except for Ron who had turned his back on his unofficial grandmother and walked away too completely *reign in* his temper.
"Captain Parker", Ron then called out.
"Yes Sir," the young officer replied jogging over to Ron.
"Leave one platoon in place until the Aurors arrives, otherwise; take your men back to base".
"Yes Sir and will you want your tent set-up in our compound?" the soldier asked respectfully, as Hermione gave Ron a pleading look.
"Yes, I'll impose on your hospitality for tonight and then … most likely - return to headquarters in the next few days."
"Yes sir, and your dinner?"
"Let's hold-off on that for the present; I still have some issues to settle here," Ron replied giving a small concessional-nod to his wife, before turning back the officer; "by-the-way; well done on this deployment. - The Highlanders' - did themselves proud tonight".
"Thank-you Sir; I'll pass that on. It was a great-honor to serve as support for the Royal Panther." The captain said, saluted his commander and then spun about and marched off with a satisfied smile on his face - leaving in his wake Ginny and Harry who were both utterly gob-smacked - having never seen Ron interacting with his soldiers before.
"When and where did you learn …" Harry began as Ron rejoined his friends - with Harry's amazed voice fading at the end
"At Sandhurst, over the course of eight months …old-Nicolas had me go through the entire officer leadership course," Ron said with a shrug of his tired shoulders. Would you believe me if I told you - that I actually led a regular *Muggle S.A.S. Recon combat-team* for a month as a ruddy British shave-tail?"
"My Muggle company commander said I was what he called a- *natural field commander* - while Nicolas keeps going on and on about my 'destiny' - - - most of which is pure rubbish …if you ask me. Sandhurst and afterwards … has been loads of hard work - but - it also all paid-off … BIG - during the assault on Azkaban", Ron said with his trademark lopsided grin.
"You did real good there… mate," - Harry said beaming with pride in his best friend.
"Old Nick reported back to Director Jewkes about the Muggle British Army interest in me, - so while I attended an advanced War College … the Ministry will be putting all the Royals company-level officers through Sandhurst – just like I did", Ron said while ignoring Harry's praise.
"Hermione stood off slightly to one side – listening in - smiling in delightful pride at the sight of- her man's -display of military maturity. She'd given Ron a hard-look when the first-year charm-classroom was mentioned, by professor Flitwick - knowing the import Ron placed on any conversations that took place in that room - and he was right for she now believe that as well.
Feeling rather smug about how the day was going in spite of the entrance-hall skirmish … and without saying another word Hermione abruptly then turned-about and began to briskly-walk toward the charms classroom with her friends trailing behind; trying to organize in here mind – into a believable-explanation as to why she felt Ron should stay at Hogwarts until graduation.
Behind her was a whispered discussion going-on between Harry and Ginny which ended abruptly … when a messenger from the Royals rushed up and pulled Ron aside for a private word. While Ron stopped to deal with the latest crisis, he waved his friends to just kept going. So in the end …it was a deep in thought Hermione in the lead … with an upset Harry and a guilty looking Ginny following behind ... they crossed the threshold into the old gypsy's - 'room of truths'.
Naturally once across the threshold of the first-years Charms classroom …this was the moment that Harry *brought-up* again to Ginny - - Snape's *cock-sucking champion* comment. Hermione had to blush with embarrassment as she continued to walk deeper into the classroom …but she also strained to hear what was being said behind her. Ginny forcefully acknowledge the fact that Harry wasn't the first boy, nor the second or even the third …that she'd given-head too.
"Don't you like what I can do to you with my mouth?" Ginny snapped at the end.
"Of course I do" Harry replied.
"Going down on a bloke doesn't come naturally for any girl," Ginny growled irritated, "it's like learning to snog properly… it's an acquired skill, learned through trial and error. I've never asked you about who taught you how to; *French-kiss snog* …which you're ruddy good at; … by-the-way. - All I cared about was that you were doing it… to me".
"I – I …I" Harry stuttered unable to think of a reply.
"Look Harry, you've been with other girls - and I've been with other boys. That I've been with more partners - loads more - than you've had … shouldn't matter. If my sordid past as a Scarlett witch …threatens our futures - - tell me now".
"You want to break-up with me?" Harry asked in a worried tone.
"Of course not - you Prat, but can- *you* -spend the rest of your life with a champion cock-sucker of Gryffindor?" - Ginny asked with unashamed tears running down her cheeks. Hermione stood a few feet away … holding her breath, for this was indeed an all-important -life changing discussion.
"As long as I'm the- only one -to benefit from you're - championship-level acquired skills …from now on", Harry said firmly as he took the disturbingly - 'slightly taller' -red-head into his arms.
"From now on, I swear …I've retired from *field research*, any future skills development will be with you as my- only -test subject," Ginny purred happily.
"Don't go all smug on me- yet, girly-girl …we have other issues to hash out.
"What other issues?", Ginny asked.
"Yes … other issues – for example; - If we can somehow … still talk Ron into taking his R&R here at Hogwarts until graduation … I need you to redouble your efforts to mend fences with your brother", Harry said in deadly earnest.
"But Harry … I already have been given; *what-for* by my Mum about Ronniekins," Ginny pouted.
"Yeah you did, and I was there to get my share of that tongue lashing … however I also saw you *tune-out* your Mum's rant - early on … so if you see a future for us - - then you will have to find a way to make peace with Ron and more importantly with his Hermione … am I being clear on-this?" Harry snarled pressing his point hard.
"You don't like the way she treated him this term any more than I did," Ginny meekly protested.
"No I haven't … I admit that, - but Ron has made his romantic choice and if you can't live with that …then you may-well have to live without me".
"This is a deal-breaker with you isn't it?" Ginny asked genuinely amazed.
"Both of them have been my only true-blue friends since first year - - besides you of course," Harry said with a blush over his tiny slip-of-tongue. "I really mucked-up with the letters being read in the Great Hall … I'm solely responsible for that …although your mother doesn't believe me. Your biggest mistake was the dressing-room prank and you still haven't apologized to Ron about that. Bottom-line is - - I want … no that's not right … I need the four of us back together again as a team. - - I can't face old TOM alone.
"You won't be alone … I be right by your- -", Ginny began.
"I mean without Ron, - honey"
"I understand, Harry … really I do."
Nearby and unconsciously eavesdropping, Hermione sighed in relief; because her two old-friends had made the first baby-steps in making amends to Ron - and then glancing away from the now passionately snogging couple … Hermione just happened to notice a sheer lace-bra laying discarded on the table - - which ironically… was at the exact spot where she and Ron had first sat for Charms … six years before. Suddenly worried she pulling out her wand she scanned the room … while trying to get her friends attention;
"Hey Guys …we're not alone in here", she said in a worried tone.
Part: The good snake and the Ice Queen
Hearing Hermione's warning …Harry instinctively pulled his wand and shouted: Expelliarmus!
Two wands flew up and over professor Flitwick's desk to roll on the floor to Harry's feet. Ginny's wand was now pointing like the others … at a spot in the darkness directly behind the Professors' desk… piled-high …as usual; with four feet worth of stacked books.
"Alright-then,!" Harry said firmly "you-lot behind the desk, come out slowly… hands-high, no sudden moves or we'll hex you into obviation?"
A long moment later … Greg Goyle slowly stood-up, behind the pile of books – his hands held-up … he was also... by-the-way … totally-naked, with one thick book on charms; coincidentally covering his 'privates.'
"Alright Granger, you caught-us out?" Greg said sadly. "Give my lady-friend a moment to cover her-self and we'll take whatever punishment- -"
"- -GREG, for Merlin's-sake …" Hermione interrupted in surprise …instantly lowering her wand. "Not back two hours and you skip the welcome-back feast for a-shag?" What would your Ms. Parkinson say to her secret- *boy-toy plaything*; - bunking-up with someone other than herself"?
"Give me a minute to find my clothes and you can ask me …face-to-face". A familiar voice said - from behind the desk. "Greg, I can find my skirt, blouse or bra, have you seen them?"
"Your bra is over here on the desktop next to Hermione", Ginny said while chuckling softly. "Your skirt is on the floor in front of me …right-next to your- *torn-apart *…thong-style knickers.
"Bloody marvelous," Pansy snarled. "Be a Luv …and toss them over-here …please?"
"Parkinson …is that you?" Harry asked in a stunned tone as he tossed the items over the desk. "What are you doing giving a… *slap-and –tickle* -to Goyle? - - I thought you were *top-of-queue* for the post of Lady Malfoy?"
"Have you so soon forgotten the: *Drakie-poo* motor-mouth-hex? He and I are ancient history; Potter," Pansy snarled back bitterly. "Astoria Mary Greengrass is the bride-elect… as publicly declared by the … so-called; LORD Malfoy the younger on the morning before the Azkaban Battle. All the Parkinson's have all been *marked for death* …don't you know - - by Voldemort him-self, which means my 'potential' as a bride for anyone is now reduced to way below zero. In spite of the Royals victory; no other pure-blood family want to be connect in any way to the potentially- doomed -Parkinson's".
"But wasn't your brother a- -" Harry began only to be interrupted.
"- -Harold was indeed a Death Eater and he died bravely … for that foolish cause … yeah I know," Pansy retorted with contempt. "But that doesn't matter; my brother's death as a DE didn't give his family a pass on the execution list… as composed … strangely enough; I've heard - by Lucius and Bellatrix".
"So much for the alleged rewards to be had … for blind-loyalty to the Dark-lord; - and keep in mind the Parkinson's aren't the only 'DE' sympathizing pure-blood family now marked for death," Pansy declared with an ironic snort. "Draco slip of the tongue has loads of 'DE' loyal families *second guessing* their blind-support of blood-purity … over the 'Easter break'."
"So combined with this huge 'bulls-eye' painted on my back … I also learned over the recent holiday …that my father in- *anticipation* -of my wedding to Draco …had entered into several hush-hush business investments with the now dead ... elder Lord Malfoy …all of which turned-out to be a-part of a huge pyramid-scheme. Not wanting to repay what my family invested is most likely the reason why we Parkinson's are now on the DE kill list … that once again … Lucius *just happened* to be the one putting together".
"When Lord Malfoy the elder - died … his house of cards fell-apart and as a result - my family is now nearly-bankrupt; with the only thing that kept us from being- *as poor as a mud-loving Weasley* …was my dowry-account", Pansy said in a frustrated tone. "My father cashed it in, of course …every brass farthing - to save at least a portion of our family's wealth. So I come back here, nearly penniless with the- *one and only thing* -that made marring me worthwhile …my dowry… gone".
Greg looked down next to him shocked beyond words. "You're penniless …like me?"
"Don't be daft… my family isn't that broke! - We still have the small import-business my older-brother Harold use to run directly," Pansy said. "But there is little left-over after the daily-expenses of living … even Parkinson Manor is *up for sale* - and without even a tiny dowry … no pure-blood wizard would marry-me."
"I would", Greg said sincerely in a soft semi-whisper.
"No you wouldn't … not …without … a dowry." Pansy stuttered… surprised-beyond-words at Goyle's unexpected-declaration.
"I didn't - just shag - a bag of Galleons; Pans, - I made-love… to you! It hasn't been your ruddy-dowry that got me hard …all this time", Greg said becoming increasingly angry. "It's been you… that I… fell in love with … oh hell …what the use …I'm just a plaything to you, something to kill-time with."
"You - - LOVE - - me?" Pansy said gob-smacked as if in a stunned trance.
"Yeah …so what? Slytherin's aren't suppose to fall-in-love… it's a weakness that others can exploit. Call me a fool for loving you as much as I do …I deserve it".
"You actually LOVE me …even with my ugly pug-nosed face …you still LOVE me!" Pansy said in a now very different tone, a hopeful tone …a delighted tone, that Greg misinterpreted as mockery
"You're not ugly; damn it," Greg spat-out furious. "I've told you a thousand times …to me… your beautiful."
"And you meant-it… all this time… every-word; it wasn't just empty-flattery …to get in my knickers?"
"I've never lied to you Pan's, - - Draco does to get stuff from girls ... but I don't." Greg said half-expecting to be insulted for his Gryffindork sense of honor. "Hey… hold-on there… that's not your blouse… that's my best-shirt and I only have the one."
"Shut-it Greg," Pansy said as she shamelessly stood-up abruptly with most of the buttons of Greg's uniform-shirt… still-undone. "I - *can't do this naked* - while sitting on my Arse!"
"Do what?"
"Gregory Brain Goyle …will you marry me?"
"WHAT?" Harry and Ginny asked in unison … utterly gob-smacked as Hermione standing nearby …smiled-big in approval, nodding her head in silent-acknowledgment of Ron's now repeatedly proven-theory … that the first-year charms classroom; was where conversations of great importance took-place. She remembered with crystal clarity the old gypsy's foretelling concerning Ron …and suddenly felt amazed at how much of it had actually come true.
Greg meanwhile …stood motionless utterly gob-smacked and not knowing what to say… finally after a moment to recover, Greg replied in angry disbelief:
"You're pulling my leg and it's not funny, Pan's. You're a- toff, - part of the pure-blood elite. Your-lot doesn't hook-up with a poor as dirt blokes… like me? Greg said bitterly. "How many times have you told me; Parkinson's marry for money …not Love?"
"Got no cash… eh? Right-then," Pansy replied, somewhat amused at Greg's heated reaction. "Then the reason I want to marry you… is for all the mind-blowing sex you provide me in the past year… how about that?"
"Stop mocking me, okay. I'm weak …because I love you, I get that …okay? Marriage to me means living the *rest of your life* as a middle-class …shop-keeper wife". Greg said as tears of angst began to form in the corner of his eyes. "I've got just-enough in Gringotts, right-now… to open my leather-shop … and we both know your daddy would never accept *a tradesman* as a son-in-law".
"Actually you'd be surprised; - the *qualifications for husband material* have changed loads… since daddy lost the Parkinson fortune. He tried all holiday to hook-me-up with a rich-groom and was turned down flat… again-and-again. Besides; Greg, you can offer my father something that my dead brother's richly-endowered widow …cannot".
"And what's that?" Greg asked skeptically.
"Load's of… grandchildren, - - in fact… you've already done that," Pansy said in soft hesitation
"I'm - pregnant - Greg," Pansy explained quickly before Greg could become offended again. "And before you ask …I didn't get the chance to have sex with Draco after the Granger-plot successfully played out. As you know …he's been banging that Hufflepuff Masochist… among others… after he dumped Granger so that's how I know it's yours".
"You're pregnant with my baby?" Greg said again in a daze.
"I wasn't kidding about the mind-blowing sex either; you've knocked my socks off to the point where I've actually forgotten to do the contraception-hex more than… well … quite - a few - times. So the way I figure it; I fell into the pudding-club sometime during the last two months - a time frame as you might-recall… when we were *humping like rabbits*; every chance we got".
"Yeah I remember that," Greg said smiling warmly at the memory.
"So I've had- your child -in my belly for about forty days before Draco public declaration of the death sentence for me and what remains of my family. As my older-brother perished during the Royals attack on the 'DE' camp in rural Wales; that left me, by default, the last of the Parkinson bloodline. I confirmed my suspicions about - our - child… during holiday and at first …naturally… I was against keeping-it".
"Why-not …did the idea of having the-child of a social inferior- -"
"- -don't you dare imply - that," Pansy interrupted hotly. "I wouldn't have even toyed with the idea had I known that you loved me. Besides, Greg, be reasonable …please. You know that I would have had to …get rid of it …had daddy found his ugly-bitch of a pug-nosed daughter a rich-husband. I didn't honestly think that anyone could ever …feel - that way …about me".
"Damn it Pans you're - NOT UGLY. For Merlin's sake …I haven't been able to keep my hands off of you since the first time …you let me… touch- -" Greg began.
"- -But that was just …"
"- -just sex …not for me; it wasn't!" Goyle declared in a deeply husky voice.
"Greg?" Hermione interrupted softly.
"Stay out of this Granger." Greg snarled, still greatly upset and yet getting aroused again.
"All I wanted to ask is… WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING THIS?, Pansy Parkinson; the girl you love… wants to marry you. A proposal was made in front of witnesses, which is … I think …binding. Marriage to her is something you've wanted …like forever. Are you going to turn-away the mother of your child; simply-because she broke the rules of Wizarding courtship - - when as a woman … she popped the question - instead of you …the bloke?"
"She's not serious; Hermione," Greg retorted bitterly his arousal forgotten.
"I'm betting she is," Hermione replied. "Besides; according to what I just heard, Pansy's isn't a- Toff … not anymore. Her family fortune is gone which makes her… almost as poor… as my Muggleborn loving Weasley. Her abrupt-demotion to the lower middle-class literally opens a whole new world of possibilities for- both of you".
"We … Goyle's; will - never be - as poor as a Weasley," Pansy interjected in a huff. "And Greg; I am in deadly earnest. When daddy stuck-out in finding me a rich-husband over the holiday… he set me free to seek-out anyone who'd be… and I quote: 'dumb-enough to take me off his hands',"
"Oh I can see your daddies point," Ginny snorted jokingly. "A bloke would have to be really dumb… *or* - hopelessly in-love, to 'take-on' - the burden of the Slytherin chief ... ice-queen -shrew,"
"Look, Goyle; my Ginny has a point," Harry said with sincere sympathy to Greg. "People call Pansy the ice queen for a reason".
"But – but …they don't know her as I do," Greg said in automatic defense of his lady. "She had to act ruthless and calculating because any show of weakness within Slytherin and the sharks attack. Both genders of our house must always appear emotion free".
"And yet you admitted to me … more than once, that you love her… not - that being in love, is a bad thing; Greg," Hermione interjected.
"It just proves that I'm weak, love makes a bloke open to manipulation". Greg admitted sadly
"It has the same effect on girls. I almost surrendered my virginity to the Malferret… out of the mistaken belief that he LOVED me", Hermione snarled hotly in memory of her biggest mistake of this term.
"You're a Gryffindork; trusting people is your greatest weakness. Draco has always been a bad-boy, he'd used the 'love ploy' to remove - loads of knickers - in the last two years", Greg admitted sadly.
"Maybe it's not a weakness; Greg, maybe trusting people; who are worthy of trust is a strength," Pansy said in a pleading tone. "You never had the strength to tell me; you loved me…before today…why was that?"
"…because you'd have laughed in my face, - Parkinson's don't marry for love".
"Before today …Parkinson's - weren't allow - to marry for love. I'll be the first of my family to break that tradition and marry the man she… feels affection for… in five generations".
"Then you - don't - love me?"
"I didn't say one way or the other; but at the same time… I do seem to suffer from a watered down version of the same exploitable-weakness… that you do".
"What more do you want; Greg?" Hermione said firmly. "Pansy has proposed and even somewhat-admitted to a version of the - 'Love Weakness' - an emotion that all you Slytherin's despise… now do I get to dance at your wedding or not? Do you want to have Pansy as your wife?"
"Of course I do", Greg said in a disappointed tone."
"That sounds like a - YES - to me," Ron said while leaning on the door-frame of the classroom.
"As the newest Goyle, please tell me that we aren't going to be as poor as the Weasel… are we?" Pansy protested weakly.
"Why is it that you Slytherin's prefer this class room … over a closer to the Dungeon area … broom-cupboards to have sex? This is the second time I've stood at this door watching a male Slytherin getting his rocks off… in here", Ron said while looking hard at Hermione who had the good grace to blush hard in embarrassment.
"Let's not go-off on a tangent here", Harry interrupted, "what I want to know is if it turns out that Goyle here is as penniless as a church mouse… does that mean that you'll be withdrawing your offer of marriage?"
"I won't be happy about ... but I'll survive the shame of being poor - somehow," Pansy said in a mock-resigned tone. "Stripping me of my dowry as he did, - when Daddy publicly acknowledged that he'd have to accept anyone I could find to take me on... this very-point is upon which that this 'union-of-Love' is made possible. - - Besides; marrying Greg has a huge-perk that completely overcomes the stigma of being semi-poor".
"And… what does that mean?" Ginny pressed as she began to smile.
"Having a spouse that loves me …is a definite plus?"
"And as a classic Slytherin cold-hearted bitch that you are …you intend to take full advantage of Goyle's weakness," Harry interjected his contempt obvious.
"I never said I didn't love him; - - Potter." Pansy spat back defensively
"Do you love me Pansy?" Greg asked in a pleading tone.
"Don't be daft, Goyle," Pansy snorted, "I've been as hungry for you as you have been for me this term. Draco never got me to feel this- randy …not once. You on the other hand; just sitting next to me on the train-up-here …oh God …you looked so ruddy - - HOT. I just had to drag you in here and- -"
"- -Pans we're not alone," Greg interrupted with a soft warning.
"Sweetheart; …believe - Me." Pansy replied in a deep husky-voice as she pressed her mostly naked body against his. "Making a Malfoy Heir was an unpleasant requirement of being his bride …whereas making babies with you will be an often-repeated… pleasure"
"Long-winded explanation I grant-you …but it still boils down to another; YES," Ginny snorted. "By the way; you-lot better get dressed quick, professor McGonagall is on her way here and if she finds you both …starker's - -"
"- - Oh shite," Pansy and Greg said in unison as both ducked back down behind the desk to franticly put back-on on their clothing.
"Corporal of the Guard," Ron shouted over his shoulder and down the Hallway.
"Yes sir!" - came the immediate reply, as the sound of running booted feet approaching was heard.
"I need a two man escort for some friends of mine … down to the dungeons. They'll show you the way." Ron said in a commanding tone. "Inform the prefect in charge there that these two are under the 'personal protection' of the Grande Prefect and had nothing to do with what happened in the entrance hall."
"Thanks Ron …how can we ever - -"
"- -Two invites to your wedding would be nice," Ron interrupted. "Can't have my wife dancing with strangers… now can I?"
"You're married? - Pansy asked utterly gob-smacked
"Only in front of a regimental Chaplin, but it's still perfectly legal … with a license and everything. The big formal wedding comes later … and you're both invited …of course". Hermione explained with a huge smile on her face.
"Oi what about us, can we too …get in on the Goyle nuptials?" Ginny said feeling a little excluded.
"Do you really want too?" Greg replied genuinely surprised. "Do you realize what it could mean when the newspapers find out that the Chosen-one and the Commander of the Royals are both attending a Slytherin wedding?"
"I am already committed to attend a snake's wedding this summer … so going to two will be no additional hardship. - And if you wouldn't mind a Gryffindork silent partner in that leather-shop of yours, I'm looking for good investments to sink some gold into," Ron said casually making everyone else stare at him oddly.
"What? – my new wife Hermione clearly trusts you Greg, - and that kind of deep trust naturally …extends to me …as her husband," Ron exclaimed in a matter of fact tone.
"And precisely … what other snake wedding are you attending that I know nothing about," Harry growled softly.
"The Daphne's and Neville nuptials planed for late August… I was just informed of this great news …while catching-up with the two love birds in the entrance Hall. They even both-agreed to allow me … to act as their best Man," Ron said modestly.
"Neville is engaged? When did this happen?" Ginny asked suddenly all excited.
"Neville apparently …popped the question over the Easter holiday during dinner while visiting her parents with his Gran. He felt safe in doing this - in light of the recent Royal's victory," Ron replied.
"But she is a snake?" Ginny snarled.
"Not all snakes are bad." Hermione shouted all but beaming with delight. "By the way Pansy; as you're already under a death sentence … would you consider being one of my bridesmaids? Just think of all the DE wannabe's you'd piss off."
"That's true". Pansy replied with an evil grin.
"We'll chat later about the details, right now you two better scoot." Ginny said, "And remember that's four invites to your wedding …not two."
"Greg and Pansy, hand in hand … then fled the - room of truths - beyond happy and blissfully in love.
Part 87: final goodbye
"That was brilliantly done, my husband," Hermione said proudly to Ron.
"Simply a means to a tactical end; my wife," Ron replied in a still mildly hurt sounding monotone. "I'm rather surprised I pulled that off, actually - not being as good at deception as you-lot." - Which rendered Harry and Ginny stunned speechless in shock? "They'll tell everyone in Slytherin about their wedding guests… of course - and our acceptance of them as friends will go far with the currently politically undecided".
"This small gesture will surely- *break the urban myth* -of all Slytherin's - *against the world* - mentality that Snape always encouraged. Many will see Pansy … as one of your bride's maids as opening the possibility of switching sides in this war. Cunning is their reputation and many will take full advantage of this opportunity to cut all ties with Voldemort".
"Ron how could you manipulate this situation? Greg is my friend." Hermione said pouting …sounding hurt
"As you said …your friend, not mine! - - I have been gone from Hogwarts for nearly three years all told. When I left, back in November … all Slytherin's were the enemy, plain and simple. I don't remember squat about Goyle or Parkinson personally. Nor was I aware that you had made friends in the house of snakes while you shared Draco's bed," Ron snarled.
Knowing that any denial wouldn't be believed, Hermione asked; "Then why didn't you …?"
"There are no good memories for me in this classroom… only reminders of your sexual triumphs and of course … me being on the receiving end of multiple rejections", Ron said in an anger barely under-control tone. "I've learned from bitter experiences in this room of all rooms … to adapt quickly to the unexpected and move on. Believe me when I say this classroom is the last place I wanted to come to first …after my most recent two year absence from Hogwarts".
Hermione stepped back again as if slapped, for she knew what he was referring too. This was the room where he'd caught her and Draco. This was the room where she had driven him into exile … the room where she had rejected him- again -on the day of his return.
"You think I suggested this classroom to hurt you? You're wrong my love ... I brought you here with the best intentions in mind", Hermione replied while pouting a tiny-bit.
"Your best intentions as I recall … have gotten Harry and me into trouble more than once over the years; Hermione. I knew your Spew campaign was well meant – in principle …but dead wrong in reality - and I've tried to convince you for years that instant freedom wasn't the answer," Ron replied in a resigned tone. "And-yet… after all those lectures from the - - 'I know what's best for everyone' - Know-it-all … I still paid my dues even though you never really listen to my point of view … instead you repeatedly called me immature and an anti-elf bigot".
"However…as usual - when push came to shove … I was still right-there … and every time you needed help - I supported you fully. I went to more- Spew -meeting than the Malferret ever did - - and yet … Draco got … he got … to pull your knickers down in this very room … not me".
"Hermione took another silent step-back as wave after wave of guilt coursed through her.
"Always the look of surprise on your face when I put two and two together and prove that I'm not as stupid as many people … still think I am. I didn't need to be a genius to tell- 'right-from the off' - that this - the not all snakes are bad – 'diatribe' that you've be ranting about all this term … was yet just another one of your- goodie-two-shoes, -idealistically naive campaigns to change the Wizarding world. Pure self-indulgence really … your totally logical justification; I suppose - - for bunking-up with a snake?"
"Ron …we discussed this at length in your tent at the- Burrow …I never- -" Hermione stuttered unable to think of a proper reply.
"We didn't discuss anything Milady … you lectured a cat and I listened and absorbed. I do that a-lot now … listening. I take it all in; think it over carefully - before I decide what to do. I heard loads standing outside the door … just now … listening", Ron said staggering a-bit from weariness with sadness dripping from every word.
"Please … all of you … forgive me. - This classroom has a tendency to unnerve me …with bad memories! - - Besides …being the Panther is a huge adrenalin rush, especially so - when the cat inside of me …gets to kill. Coming down from that high has left me very-tried … and more than a little short tempered - at least for the moment, especially with the blood of two more men on my paws/hands… to torment my soul".
"Any-road … I heard enough from the hallway to see where you were going with this 'dance at a snakes wedding' - crap - and thinking five moves ahead … I instantly decided to back your play", Ron said and seeing Hermione becoming angry - he went pro-active.
"Before you bite my head off over this …hear me out", Ron said holding his hands-up in a slow-down gesture. "Let me first admit - up-front, that what you've done for Pansy and Greg was the- right thing to do … without question. However when you drop a stone this big - - 'Gryffindork's attending a snake wedding' … into the gossip controlled pond that makes-up our Wizarding society … it would be foolish not to take advantage of the ripple-effect. I support you today as I always do … instantly … the ripple effect gains us major brownie-points with all the neutral leaning snakes of that House … while at the same time - undermining the Slytherin sense of isolationism … a clear win-win in my book for our side".
"What are you up to now, Major?" Minerva said while charging into the room, "I've just been informed by the portrait of - Phineas Nigellus Black - hanging in the headmaster's office that Miss Parkinson and Mr. Goyle are engaged and that you and Mr. Potter are attending their wedding. The Slytherin house common room …is in a 'delighted state of uproar' at the moment, a full blown celebration is in progress … especially by those students that Lord - Malfoy the younger', marked for death before the Easter/spring break began".
"Does Hermione get another detention for going to a snake wedding?" Ron asked bitterly.
"No of course not, but in future please give me some advanced warning before you 'arse-over-elbow' the entire social structure of Hogwarts?"
"Then you don't know about Daphne and Neville … do you?" Ron replied coolly. "They are getting married too this summer and Neville has asked me to be his best man. Gryffindork's and Snakes are going to get along way-better than they ever did under Severus Snape".
"Yes I can see that" Minerva protested weakly not at all happy at how fast things were changing.
"A lessening of hostilities between the four Great Houses … was a stated goal of Head-girl Granger - at the beginning of term this year and she and I are bringing it about. With change so drastic, the social structure of Hogwarts is bound to shake a-bit. So now that this issue is hopefully settled … let's cut to the chase - when will the Aurors get here?"
"Not until tomorrow mid-day at the earliest." Minerva replied with obvious regret.
"Then my troops stay until then.
"That won't be necessary …the crisis has passed".
"Not you too, Minerva," Ron sighed. "You of all people should know better?"
"It's Professor McGonagall …Ronald".
"As you wish, Professor," Ron replied stiffly, "but my orders still stand …my troops stay in place until they are relieved by at least ten Aurors… or do you intend to break the agreement you make - - as quickly and as often as Albus did?"
"Now see-here; Mr. Weasley, I've said repeatedly that I want your troops out of here now. As acting headmistress it is in my authority to demand that you withdraw your troops at once," Minerva said firmly
Ron just shook his head sadly, while pulling out a magical communication-unit. Bringing it up to his mouth he said, "Attention …attention, Company D …this is Panther… I hereby order a full mobilization. I want all combat units except the minimum camp guard entrenched around Hogwarts within the hour".
"…Ronald Bilius Weasley don't you dare". Professor McGonagall shouted simply furious.
"Signals detachment; contact the Ministry, inform them that I'm declaring martial-law at Hogwarts due to security concerns and a lack of reasonable cooperation by the current controlling authority. Inform the Minister that my troops will not leave this school unprotected. The sooner he gets the proper amount of Aurors required to protect this place up here … the sooner Martial-law will end and my troops leave".
"Go to bed Professor, I'm in charge now. I will withdraw all but one squad to outside the walls. The squad I leave behind will patrol the halls until properly relieved by law enforcement".
"Ronald Weasley you are formally expelled from Hogwarts… effective immediately". Minerva said … angrier in tone, than anyone had ever seen her.
"Yes ma'am, I expected no less".
"Ron?" Hermione asked weakly in the form of a question.
"You stay here, I gave-up my wedding night and any thought of a honeymoon just so you could get back your; - 'all important' - Head-girl position. Make Harry the new Grande Prefect and repeal the damn dress code once and for all," Ron said sadly as he looked around as if for the last time.
With a sad sigh a moment or two later …Ron spoke again. "Harry - Ginny, please support my wife better than you ever did me while I was gone - by guarding her back instead of stabbing it. Finally, if the professors here *pulls a Dumbledore* - and cancels your training again", gesturing toward McGonagall with his thumb, "if Draco gets any-of his head boy power-back. Let me know and I'll have him in an Azkaban POW compound - before you can say Bob's-your-uncle".
"Mr. Weasley, I've had a hard day too and may have spoke in anger- -"Minerva began to apologize only to be interrupted
"- - no worries; Professor … it's been a long day for all of us. I should have expected that you're anti-military - just like Dumbledore is; you had to share his views in loads of stuff to be his assistant all these years. You don't see a need for soldiers like me any more than he did. Not even the most open-minded wants warriors underfoot … until the enemy is literally at the front door. We serve our purpose and then are discarded until the next crisis. Combine that with the thing …that I am… I sort-of expected this".
"Ronald …" Minerva began …but then was rendered speechless.
"Goodnight all," and then before Hermione could reach him, Ron transformed back into a huge Panther. He took one last hungry-look in Hermione's direction before he disappeared abruptly. Not disaperated …disappeared. It was one of his shape shifter skills that Friar Mathew had taught him …to fade into the background like a chameleon so perfectly as to be hidden in plain sight. Even in motion he was undetectable. They all stared at where he had stood a mere moment ago …before they heard the bitter roar of an angry cat fading off into the distance.
"He doesn't understand," Hermione said with a sob.
"We didn't help matters …did we?," Ginny moaned in regret looking toward Harry, "Too ruddy-eager to prank the ferret to think of how saving Malfoy from jail would affect Ron".
"Got that in one; Gin-gin," Harry said with equal regret… "And Ron's was right too, this room has only bad memories for him. Besides sooner or later the Malferret would- do or say -something to hurt Hermione or you … my love - - and Ron without thinking would instinctively kill the idiotic sod".
Hermione said nothing during all of this; instead with tears pouring down her cheeks she slowly looked around the classroom as if for the last time. Finally …with a resigned sigh she said;
"Yes missus Wheezies.
"Where is my school truck?
"In Gryffindor common-room milady," the house-elf replied
"Could you be so-kind as to bring it - and my husband's things …to the commander's tent at the 'D' company … base camp. I'll be leaving for there … when my husband does," Hermione said with heartfelt sadness.
"Miss Granger I cannot allow- -" Minerva began
"MY NAME IS WEASLEY… Damn it. I'm of age and can do as I please just as Ron did when he left me in November for Romania".
"You weren't the only one he left behind," Ginny growled.
"I'm also the primary potential target for Draco's revenge," Hermione said - otherwise ignoring Ginny's comment, "to get at him Draco will have to attack me, Ron's was right about that too, so if I leave- -"
"- -Don't you see if the Malferret can't get at you or Ron … he'll then go after Ginny or Neville and Daphne", Harry interrupted bitterly. If he prods anyone of us into hurting the Prat… the DE- might -forgive him. We're leaving too… I'll hire tutors for us …home schooling for the rest of this term anyway.
"NO… a disemboweled voice declared firmly from several places at once. - I've changed my mind, - instead of you three leaving - Malfoy will not be returning. I will not be turning the ferret back over to Hogwarts where he might persuade some of the fence sitters to still support the DE movement".
"Instead … as he was a-part of the DE attack tonight. By pulling his wand and acting as a Death Eater during a combat situation … even if his wand never cast a spell - - that makes the Malferret in my book a combatant in a war zone," Ron's disembodied voice declared from every direction. Malfoy is no less a war-criminal than Snape is".
"According to the Wizengamot Parliament's own decree I have *sole authority* in combat areas", Ron said. "If I declare the ferret a POW then he will remain a POW …for the duration".
"Ron sweetheart - I fully agree that justice is bought in the United Kingdom …just like you said", Hermione softly interjected. "With that as a given; Narcissa could use the Malfoy gold buy her son the legal muscle to get out of any POW camp you put him in – if he's charged with any war-crime the Malfoy gold can buy an acquittal. That's why I wanted him to get punished here at Hogwarts."
"You mean the gold that you returned to his trust fund instead of having it confiscated. Oh thanks loads for that one - Hermione. Just think of all the DE storm-troopers pay-buckets that will fill". Harry declared very bitterly.
"The ledgers are untranslatable – Ron's plan didn't work. - I couldn't prove Draco's direct involvement with the withdrawals. He'd get the trust money either way. - - Even if Draco were expelled tonight …the trust fund account would be emptied and turned over to the head of Clan Malfoy, which is also Draco …coincidentally", Hermione explained
"After Lucius died at the battle of Azkaban, that is technically correct," Minerva added.
"Exactly; so by letting Harry and Ginny prank the Lord Ferret - - he'll at least get some punishment for what he did to you … me … all of us really".
"He can still hurt you-lot …"
"Not without a wand he can't," Minerva interjected seeing a possible compromise. "If the administrative punishment for tonight's attack takes away his – 'replacement wand' - whenever it arrives - and restricts him to practicing magic exclusively under classroom condition's. Lord Malfoy could have his wand confiscated by the Auror assigned by the Ministry to protect him from DE assassins… after each and every class until the remainder of term … so his ability to do magical harm to anyone would-be reduced to next to zero.
"Besides; if he knew that you are still here …somewhere at Hogwarts …as an invisible Panther wandering the halls ... perhaps only a few paces behind his every step. How will he really know where you are at any given moment? A few well-timed growls in an otherwise empty hallway … will remain him that you can move silently and unseen. He saw with his own eyes how easily you dispatched Severus's DE cohorts. One wrong move on his part and he could potentially be sliced in half".
"Yes indeed, I could smell his all-controlling fear tonight" Ron disembodied voice chuckled
"Not that you'd do that… of course, - unless a life is directly endangered… right?" Minerva asked followed by an awkward pause.
"Ron?" Hermione said after a few moments of silence in a more worried tone.
"His death or life is totally dependent on his behavior, one step out of queue and I'll disfigure that pretty face of his … for the rest of his life?"
"He hurts these three … or Neville and Daphne … no wait …even that's not - good enough … if he hurts anyone - - even so little as a stubbed toe … and I'll- -"
"- -I understand your terms Major," Minerva interrupted once again realizing how really dangerous Ron had become. "I spoke in anger earlier and I wish to apologize. At times I forget that you're not eleven years old anymore. I realize now that your prime concern is only for the safety of the students - and by extension the staff here. I confused you and your troops for a moment with the ... Umbridge-Fudge ... governmental attempted takeover of Hogwarts. That was foolish of me".
"I swear on all I hold dear; Professor. My troops will be gone once the Aurors sent here are checked and back in place".
"Checked?" Minerva asked sounding confused.
"For Poly-juice frauds of course… and with Veritaserum to find any DE supporters," Ron replied casually. "It would be – 'bad form' - to pull my people out while *letting in* a sleeper-agent assassin".
"You're paranoid," Minerva said drolly.
"All good soldiers are …at least a little bit …Constant Vigilance saves lives. Letting down your guard can be a fatal mistake".
"I think … I understand your position a little better. Now about the sleeping arrangements for tonight… and could you kindly make yourself visible again, spinning around to answer a voice coming from four different directions is getting tiring".
"Sorry about that." And a fraction of a moment later Ron was back …looking very-very tired …no … exhausted. - - Hermione rushed over to him and taking his face in both hands …she kissed her husband with every ounce of love she felt for him. This nearly overpowering snog was followed by others … equally shameless.
Standing off to one side Ginny bore witness to Hermione all but devouring Ron's lips. She boldly pressed her body against him and in-between apologetic kisses …hugged him fiercely while mumbling; "I'm sorry Darling …I didn't think …I never want to hurt you again… Draco means less than dirt to me, I really despise-him. But I should have known that bringing you in-here *or* mentioning him even just in passing …brings up bad memories for you …and me too".
"It's all right LUV", Ron purred. "I'm just the jealous sort …when it comes to you".
"Excuse me …the sleeping arrangements?" Minerva interjected.
"I thought that was already settled", Ron replied. "Harry, becomes Grande Prefect and he, Ginny and Hermione go back to the Gryffindor tower. Hermione gets her own room as befitting her status as Head Girl while I return to headquarters in Devon. I only sit two classes here, Charms and Transfiguration … The NEWT's for which I've already passed - ask Nicolas … he'll show you my marks. I should have known better than to try to be carry-on with a semi-normal life. If you refuse to have soldiers here at Hogwarts; Minerva, then I have to leave – because that's what I am … a soldier."
"Ron no", Hermione moaned, holding him tighter.
"Once Dora and Remus Lupin are back in place … as visiting semi-staff in married quarters, - by-the-way, - then their Auror training of Harry and his advanced dueling drills … can resume. A rather-useful set of skills which I would very much like to be extended to my sister and wife, if you don't mind! – If this request is not agreeable to you Professor …please - tell me now!"
"Yes … of course I agree …then you won't be finishing school with us", Minerva said sadly
"I'm a trained assassin and professional solider and you don't want such a *thing* like me underfoot - so being here even for just half days …isn't in the cards –is it? My childhood innocence died in Romania … so my days as a normal 'anything' ended when I agreed to command the Royals".
"I don't like soldiers underfoot I freely concede that point", Minerva said in way of an explanation. "But neither am I ungrateful for what the Royals did in safeguarding every peace-loving citizen of the Wizarding UK. However … I'm not as prejudice as Albus was against the military …as I come from a military family myself. I was feeling stressed and spoke in anger … something you - use to do - all the time as I recall".
"Point taken! Yes - - I'll freely concede that", a tired Ron replied softly.
"Well and good …but with that said - however … I still do not believe that you fully appreciate all that happened here at Hogwarts when you left us for that 'training exercise' in Wales", Minerva continued. "A series of situations which cannot be solved by promoting Harry to Grande Prefect … too many students as well as staff members are- *looking to you alone* -to restore a sense of even-handed fairness to - 'House upon House' - grievances".
"Ron … hear me-out …I can't be Grande Prefect", Harry interjected with a huge grin … while taking Ginny's hand gently into his own. "You said it yourself, I'm just a symbol in this war … a figurehead leader … depending on my comic-book sidekick and best-mate … to handle all the boring/mundane leadership stuff …that honestly … I don't want anything to do with".
"After-all … there is no Fun in being more accountable than I absolutely have to be. – Besides; Ginny and I have no intention of giving up the joy of pranking. I intend to have as much fun as possible from now until graduation. As the – 'Son of Prongs' – it's my bloodly right - - and as a teenager …I intend to be as irresponsible as possible."
"You want your wife to have a successful tenure as Head-Girl … don't you?" Minerva said playing her trump cards. "You promised Molly you'd graduate – didn't you? Come back and finish the term - part-time like before? - Monitor your two classes here, wander the halls as the panther for a-bit … following Malfoy unseen and spend some quality time with your new wife".
"To be totally candid with you …at this point …the student body will not tolerate Hermione as the sole head - - even you must realize that. Take the powers of Head-boy for the rest of term, for isn't that the man Hermione proposed too? - - I'll have the student married quarters up and running in no-time- -".
"- - Ron we both must stay here … and I give you totally logical reasons for us to stay,
"Which is?
"Our task here… is incomplete … for one thing – I … I - - have needs", Hermione began as she started to blush terribly for everyone to see - - just before she reached down and bold-as-brass …began to 'openly fondle' Ron's crotch.
"Luv, have you forgotten we're not alone in here", Ron said in a husky voice as he began to respond to …
"Miss Granger …behave yourself", Minerva commanded.
"And … and … for another thing; we are at Hogwarts - and…and," she hotly panted, "all restrictions on us sexually… ended the moment we entered the grounds of this school". Hermione said ignoring McGonagall completely
"But honey there is nowhere for me to sleep?"
"How about on top of a desk …the very spot you and Ron sat during first year?" Ginny suggested as a joke.
"Would the taking of my virginity on the spot where we sat for first year charms …give you a good memory for this classroom; Ron?" Hermione pleaded softly.
"Can't you see my love ...the circle of your long journey of discovery and war is now complete - - that old gypsy's foretelling has come true and now at long last… is the time for us …to start practicing making babies", Hermione said in a hot and panting … near whisper - - while totally ignoring the others in the room …before giving the man she loves the most passionate kiss of her life."
Suddenly Minerva …felling utterly gob-smacked by what her students were doing right in front of her … felt a tug on her sleeve. Tearing her eyes off of the erotically snogging couple …feeling deeply frustrated at being ignored… Minerva turned to see Harry with his index finger pressed to his lips to silence any possible interruption …gently began to tug his Head of house out of the charms classroom with Ginny on the other side of McGonagall equally guiding the older woman out of the room.
With the flick of Ginny's wand … the door to the only classroom free of ghost and moving portrait observance - was shut and magically sealed.
"They're not going to … on top of that hard …wooden… desk-top? - Minerva barely managed to stutter.
"Oh I doubt it; Hermione is a witch after all. - - She'll transfigure something into a bed… I'm sure", Harry said feeling very pleased on how everything had worked out.
"But it's against the rules?" Minerva weakly protested
"They are married, is that kind of sex- -" Ginny began only to blush.
"Illegal or not …She'll talk him into staying-o until the end of term - and that's all we care about …Right?" Harry asked forcefully.
"Right", Ginny and Minerva replied … at the same time.
With one final over the shoulder look at the- first year Charms classroom – Harry smiled again in the contented knowledge that Hermione had finally gotten her soldier. Suddenly the classroom door faded from view as the entire scene disappeared into a thick fog of grey-smoke.
"Professor Dumbledore sir, Dobby is sorry to interrupt … but Mr. Harry Potter Sir is here for your trip to the cave".
As if coming out of a deep trance; Albus and Minerva reluctantly emerged from the *Mirror of Alternatives*- - as their adventure *as observers* into an alternate universe came to an abrupt end.
"What … the cave? Oh yes … the locket … quite right. Well Minerva what did you think … can you imagine me as Severus imperious cursed- 'stooge', -turning a blind eye to attempted murder and rape".
"It was just a fairy tale, this alternate reality of yours. None of it was real …was it? Minerva asked in a somewhat worried tone,
"I don't know Minnie, aren't the best fair-tales based in truth?"
End Trans – for good.
** I'm mucking-about with another rewrite, - - another abandoned … AU -story … I'm sad to say. - - Wherein Ron the hero of the piece (or he will be when I'm done) is sorted into Slytherin …and yet somehow manages to take Hermione away from George … who she is dating at the beginning of the story. But be reassured … this time I'll keep my Ron the adult … in the hero role – unpublished and; - strictly to myself!
(The crowd once again cheers in joy)
Goodbye – farewell …and ending this tale - with yet another movie quote; - thanks for the fish.