****Author's Note: You have requested more Odin, and I have now given you more Odin. Once again this is for MustacheBuddiesXD because she's awesome and helps me come up with ideas for these stories through our conversations. Enjoy! As always: REVIEW OR ELSE HEEEEAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG!!****

It was only 7:09 in the morning and Loki was already in a foul mood. He and his brother were sitting at the breakfast table and Thor had taken it upon himself to kick Loki's ankles black and blue for the past nine minutes.

"Stop it Thor!" he whispered harshly as their mother walked into the room.

"Thor," she started "Stop kicking Loki."

"Yes Mother." The little god replied angrily. Frigga raised an eyebrow and Thor corrected himself. "I'm sorry for kicking you, Loki."

But Loki wasn't paying attention, he was busy watching his father come into the dining room, hoping that he hadn't found the "surprise" for Thor. Loki had put a big slimy frog in Thor's hammer case for later. Loki smiled slyly as he thought of Thor's reaction to the frog leaping out of the case and leaving slime and possibly frog eggs on Thor's precious Mjolnir.

"Good morning family." Odin said gruffly. Everyone but Loki greeted him in return. Odin cleared his throat. "I said good morning family!" he said a bit louder. Loki was still off in his own world. Thor kicked him.

"Ouch!" Loki shouted.

"Thank you Thor." Odin said. Thor glowed with pride. "Loki when I address you I expect you to answer! And wipe that grin off of your face when I'm lecturing you! HEEAAARRG!"

Loki shrunk into his seat "Yes, Allfather. I'm sorry."

"Good." grunted Odin "Now, down to business, Thor I think you're of age that you need to start wearing-"

"Deodorant." Loki mumbled. He got a stern look from both of his parents and was quiet.

"As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, Thor you are of the age that you need to start wearing a battle helmet, so.." He pulled out an object handsomely wrapped in red silk. Thor ripped the silk off of the object before Odin even put the gift in his hands.

Thor was stunned and delighted he snatched the silver winged helmet out of his father's hands and ran out of the room to go show his friends, the hooligans three.

"What a right lad!" Odin laughed with pride

"He didn't even say thank you…" Loki said to his mother

His mother rolled her eyes "I know" she sat down next to Loki and put her arm around her son, seeing the jealousy in his green eyes.

Odin turned his back to Loki "His running to show his friends is thanks enough," and he walked out of the room.

"Mother," Loki began


"When will I be old enough for my own helmet?"

"Soon." Frigga replied gently "Why don't you go outside and play with Sif?"

Loki thought about it for a second and decided that it was a good idea… until Thor screamed.


Loki ran to the only hiding spot in the palace that Thor didn't know about before Thor, Odin, or Frigga could scold him.

**** Many months pass of Loki tormenting Thor and Thor tormenting Loki****

One morning at the breakfast table Thor was kicking Loki again but stopped when Odin and Frigga entered the room.

"Loki," Odin said with a hand behind his back "Your mother and I- well, when I say that I mean mostly your mother- have decided that you are now old enough for your own battle helmet. Here." He unceremoniously handed a golden helmet with two large curved horns protruding from the top.

"Thank you, Allfather." Loki said as graciously as he could while he thought about all of the neck problems and bablance issues it would give him,

"Well?" Said Odin impatiently "I haven't got all day, put it on boy!"

Loki reluctantly leaned forward so his father could place it on his head and sure enough- THUNK! Loki was pulled to the ground the second Odin removed his hands from the helmet.

Thor snorted and couldn't stop laughing but then went out to play and tell his friends all about Loki's helmet mishap.

Loki groaned as he started to peel himself off of the ground "Father, I can't wear this, it's physically impossible…"

"YOU'LL WEAR IT AND LIKE IT HEEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGG! Besides," he continued "You're too weak anyways- build stronger neck muscles like Thor and then you'll be able to walk around!"

"Odin!" Frigga started and the Allfather was silent.

"Loki why don't you go out and play while I have a talk with your father." She said brightly.

Loki went outside to the temple where all day he worked on a spell to make the helmet lighter on his head and by dinner time he had perfected it.

After dinner Thor went to shower – a rare thing for him- and Loki decided that it was high time for a little fun. Right before Thor went to shower, Loki pulled him to the side.

"Brother you know that frost giant in our room?" Loki began acting very concerned for Thor's wellbeing.

"Brother, that was a joke, don't be stupid!" Thor snapped

"No, I've really seen it, and it's moved into our bathroom, it has rather large horns."

Thor sniggered even though he was starting to be a little scared. "Well I'm not scared of this thing!" he said "I'll shower anyways." And with that he took off his clothes and went into the bathroom.

"He really does smell awful." Loki said to himself as he put his helmet on.

When he heard the water running and Thor singing about pillaging with a truly terrible singing voice, Loki made his move. He silently crept into the bathroom and stomped on the outside of the shower curtain so that Thor could only see the silhouette of a creature with horns.

Thor, having no idea what a frost giant looked like screamed and ran naked out of the bathroom slipping and sliding on the palace floors to the Allfather's throne room where Odin and Frigga were sitting. He had taken no notice of the little god in green with the horned helmet laughing as he ran.