Seriously I'm an anonfic leaver, and Sara turned anon off and is forcing me to post this and the 2nd part here ;-; Apparently I "deserve" credit... ugh... Enjoy
Eddie kept walking. It was close to 10, and people were bound to be looking for him at this point, not that he wanted to be found. He'd been walking since 5, and the plan was to keep walking. He was trying to walk away from what he just found out, and leave his troubles behind. He kept trying to forget what just happened, but his mind would always race back to it. He felt his heart break again, as he thought back to exactly what she said.
Patricia knew she had messed up when it had happened, that's why she came clean about it. She understood he was mad, and she understood she probably lost him forever. She had more to say to him, but he had gone storming out of the house. She never regretted anything more in her life, but she couldn't live with herself if she never told him. She sighed staring at her phone debating on calling to find out where he had run off to. Victor would be doing the pin drop speech soon, and he still wasn't back. She worried about him. This whole Osirion thing made him special, and Sibuna had recently found out people could possibly be after him or Nina. She knew Nina was safe and sound in her room. Eddie was another story. She bit her lip and thought back to what had happened before he stormed out of the house
"Eddie, I have something to tell you," she bit her lip as soon as she said it.
"You know you can tell me anything right, the whole no secrets thing," he smiled. He had no idea there was yet another mystery on hand, he had know idea what she was going to tell him. Everyone had always said he would hurt her, what no one would expect was her hurting him, in the most unimaginable way.
"You're going to hate me," she murmured.
"I could never hate you Yacker," he smiled slightly confused. She needed to tell him, she couldn't keep this from him anymore.
"Don't say that please," she sighed. She knew once she told him she was only hurting them both.
"Okay, now seriously what did you want to tell me?" She bit her lip again.
"Okay so you know when Mara broke up with Jerome, and how I went to go find him, after he went for that walk?"
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Well you see when I found him," she stopped herself suddenly. She knew where it would leave them, but he deserved to know. He had the right to know.
"Jerome and I kissed," she said quickly, regret setting in when she saw his face.
"You and Jerome did what," he asked confused. He refused to believe it to be the truth, even though deep down he knew it was.
"I don't know Eddie. Jerome was upset, and we were talking and some how it lead to kissing, and I've never regretted anything more in my life. I'll understand if you hate me, but can we please talk about this."
"GO TALK TO JEROME WHY DON'T YOU," he hissed exiting the house quickly.
*End Flashback*
Eddie kicked the gravel under his feet, he knew he shouldn't have left the house that suddenly, but he needed some air, he need to catch his breathe and think. He knew he should head back soon, he checked his phone for the time, it showed 9:50, he had ten minutes to get back before Victor's speech, and he had been walking for almost five hours. He turned on his heels to head back to the house.
Patricia knew he hated her, she just needed to see if he was alright. Just one call, just to see if he's okay, it's all she needed. She scrolled through her contacts slowly, finally landing on his name. She selected it but waited to call it, She saw the time flash 9:55. She pressed talk, her roommates would be getting ready for bed soon and she needed to talk to him well the room was empty. She listened to the dial tone, she figured he wouldn't answer, but hoped he did.
Eddie felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he figured it was Fabian wondering where he was telling him to hurry back that Victor would be on the prowl. He didn't bother to check who was calling he just pressed answer and put the phone to his ear.
"What?" he snapped.
"Eddie it's me," he heard a girls voice on the other end.
"What do you want, shouldn't you be with Jerome," he snarled
"I've been worried sick about you okay? You've been gone for hours, hate me if you must, but I needed to know if you were okay."
He sighed, her concern was genuine. "I'm fine. I needed time and space, I'll be back as soon as I can be," he muttered.
"It'll be after 10, but can we please talk," she asked in almost a whisper.
"Maybe I don't want to talk."
"Can you sit there and listen to me talk then?"
"Why should I?" he snapped.
"You hurt me. You hurt me in a way you could never imagine. I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU AND THEN YOU TURN AROUND AND KISS JEROME? WHY?"
"If you'd let me talk I'd attempt to tell you, but maybe I don't even know. Look I'm sorry okay? I HATE MYSELF. I KNOW YOU HATE ME. Maybe it'd be better if you could just tell me you hate me, maybe it's what we both need to hear."
"But it wouldn't be true. I don't hate you."
"Please Eddie can we talk? I have to go Joy and Mara just came into the room, and Victors about to do his speech," she sighed.
"Text me," she whispered before hanging up. He spent an hour thinking about if he should talk to her, he spent another hour thinking about what to say now that he had decided to talk to her, he was now back at the house. It was midnight, he sent her a message as he stood outside the front door. It simply said we can talk.
Patricia laid in her bed, she had been waiting for him for two hours, he probably wouldn't even want to talk to her, she prayed he did. She noticed her phone light up on her nightstand, she grabbed it quickly. It showed one new message. She smiled slightly at what it said. We said they could talk, it was some sort of progress, she replied asking him if he was back, and if was that they should talk as soon as possible. She waited patiently for a response, hoping for the best.
Eddie stood outside not sure if he should go in or see if Patricia could sneak out. He felt his phone buzz. He figured having her sneak out might be the best. He replied slowly with can you come outside, we can talk out here, I'm on the front steps. He debated then on not sending it but he figured it needed to be sent. Maybe them talking would help, he didn't know anymore. He wasn't sure what he felt besides hurt anymore. He wasn't sure anymore, he was confused, really confused.
Patricia got his message and quietly tip toed out of the room, Victor was thankfully not in his office, he was most likely in the cellar, which meant she should be able to exit the house without being noticed. She walked quickly and quietly to the stairs, before stopping. She wasn't sure what to expect of their talk, if it would end good or bad. She would hope for the best, but it that would probably not be the case.
She put on a brave face and walked down the steps, she was soon standing by the door, a million thoughts raced through her head as she stepped outside into the cool crisp night air. There was standing there looking depressed, she used most of her will power to not pull him into a hug, because she knew that would end horribly.
"I'm really sorry," she said clearing her throat, he hadn't noticed her before. His eyes shot up from the ground to meet hers.
"Is that all you wanted to say," he spat.
"Out with it then, I'm sure you'd rather be spending time with Jerome."
"What," he snapped.
"I thought you didn't want to talk," she sighed.
"I don't I'm waiting for you to explain or whatever the hell you wanted to do. OH WAIT! I KNOW! Do you want to rip my heart out and stomp on it more or not." She was expecting him to be mad, but not like this.
"Eddie, fine shut up, I'll talk. I'll tell you everything, I'll even include the nights I didn't sleep because of guilt," she sighed.
"Fine," he muttered walking down the steps, "we're not staying here."
"So what we'll walk, aren't you tired of walking yet?"
"Nope, it helps me think."
"Alright, then I'm starting from the beginning. You remember, Alfie, you, and I went to go find Jerome. I was the one that found him, and I don't know what happened but soon he was spilling his guts."
"I don't know what happened okay Eddie? All of a sudden Jerome, spoke out about having a crush on me, but not realizing it until we started dating, and that Mara was an act, and that he wanted to be with me. He kissed me, but," she paused she wanted to see his face, he had his head hung in away, so she couldn't look at him. She swallowed hard.
"But I kissed back. I hate myself, because now I know I've done nothing but hurt you, and now I'm hurting myself, because I hurt you. I can't forgive myself. I don't expect you to be able to either." She wanted him to say something, to look at her anything. She bit down on her lip again.
"Can you say something or look at me or anything, please," she pleaded staring at him.
"Why should I," he mumbled, she could barely hear him.
"I don't know what to say anymore okay? I FUCKED UP! I ruined things with the only person I've ever bothered to let in," she said quickly. She was running out of things to say, and she really just needed him to say something.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I know sorry can't fix it." She tore her gaze away from him to stare at the ground. She kept her eyes focused on the gravel.
Eddie finally turned his head to look at her.
"I don't know what to say okay." he said suddenly.
"Say anything, please? Tell me you hate me, tell me you can never forgive me, anything," she swallowed again.
"I can't hate you Patricia, I just can't. You mean to much to me for me to hate you," he paused. Neither of them knew what to say.
"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say nothings going to change? That we'll be okay?" He paused again.
"Because this changed everything. We can't be how we were before. I'm going to flip out any time you and Jerome are even near each other. I'm going to be paranoid and possessive. It's not going to be fun. For either of us. Everything's changed. Things can never be how they were Patricia." He stopped talking.
"And I know that, and I'm sorry, and I know and understand that sorry can't fix it."
"What do you want me say HONESTLY? NEITHER OF US HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY BUT THE SAME FOUR THINGS, maybe we should sleep on it. I don't know where you want this to leave us, but we can decide in the morning," he needed to sleep it was approaching one, they both needed it. Maybe they'd be able to think straight in the morning.
"Maybe you're right, maybe a good nights sleep, and we can figure it out," she sighed. She dragged herself back to the house, and he dragged himself behind her. They didn't say anything as they split apart and headed for their rooms. Eddie wondered why he suggested sleep as he was tossing and turning in his bed, he looked at the clock it was now 3, two hours of that, he sighed thinking that Patricia must've surely drifted to sleep by now.
Upstairs Patricia was tossing and turning, sleep avoiding her. Guilt attacking her brain and mind. She knew what he said earlier was true. She didn't want to lose him, but it was too late, she did. She clearly did. No amount of begging, pleading or sorries could fix it or change it. She felt terrible, and she hated herself. Other thoughts attacked her mind.
She wondered how Amber the relationship expert didn't notice the way she avoided Jerome, and the way Jerome went out of the way to be near her. Even though she told him she didn't want to be with him, but Eddie. It was then Jerome threatened to tell Eddie of their lip lock. It was then she knew she had to tell him, not that she hadn't spent the past week debating on telling him.
She wanted to but she knew what him knowing would mean. It meant she'd most likely lose him, and now here she was unsure of where they stood. She laid there trying to clear her head just to get a few hours of sleep before her stupid alarm would go off, telling her to wake up and go to school. She stared at her clock as another minute ticked by. If she managed to fall asleep in the next 30 minutes, it meant 3 hours of sleep.
Another hour had passed by and neither one had found comfort in sleep, well Patricia continued to toss and turn, Eddie had opted to make some pancakes, pancakes had always helped him think. He figured Victor would be asleep by now, and as long has he had the mess cleaned up no one would ever know. As he made his way to the kitchen his brain was going a thousand miles a minute, trying to think of what he wanted.
What would be best for him and Patricia. One voice said being apart was the answer another said not so much. He didn't want to lose her, but he knew if they stayed together, his jealousy issues would get the best of them eventually. He stood in the kitchen slowly and quietly trying to gather ingredients. He was soon well on his way to a batch of pancakes, he smiled weakly. His brain lost in thoughts of pancakes and Patricia.
Patricia had then decided to get out of bed, she'd head down to the kitchen, and get a glass of juice or milk, she didn't want water. She walked quietly down the steps and made her way to the kitchen. Someone was in there already. She hoped it wasn't Victor or Trudy. Who she found wasn't much better. There he stood making pancakes, looking as lost and confused as he did at one when they both thought going to bed would be a good thing.
"Can't sleep either," she said suddenly he looked up quickly. He seemed shocked to see her there.
"Nope. Too much to think about," he sighed.
"I know. Maybe we should just get the talking over with tonight," she swallowed hard. She wasn't sure if they were together at this current moment or if they had broken up.
"Maybe we should. I still don't know what to say. I just know I don't want to not be with you, but everything's going to change."
"I know that. I can deal with your jealousy if it means not losing you. I don't let people in. I LET YOU IN! THEN I WENT AND HURT YOU AND NOW IM HURTING MYSELF AND YOU AND I HATE MYSELF OKAY? HAPPY? I HATE MYSELF. I CAN'T GET OVER THE FACT THAT I FUCKED UP AND HURT YOU IN SUCH A WAY. I CAN'T LOOK MYSELF IN THE MIRROR WITHOUT BEING DISGUSTED! I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!" she raised her voice it was clear to him if it wasn't 4 in the morning that she'd be screaming at him.
"I love you, you're not a horrible person. You had a lapse in judgement, and I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING. I WANT YOU TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED, AND IM STANDING HERE DYING INSIDE, BECAUSE ITS KILLING ME!" He had raised his voice. They'd soon be entering a screaming match.
"PLEASE JUST TELL ME YOU HATE ME! MAYBE ITS WHAT WE BOTH NEED TO HEAR," she yelled her voice cracking. She was on the verge of tear, she ruined the relationship of the only person she fully trusted. She let him in and screwed them both over.
She stared at him, he had turned his head away from her when her voice started cracking. His eyes met hers once more. His eyes flicked to her lips suddenly. Neither of them really knew what was going on, just that Patricia was stepping closer and closer to him. She was standing in front of him, eyes brimmed with tears. "I love you, you stupid slimeball, you know that. What happened between Jerome and I was a stupid mistake. Me not thinking. Me regretting it all. I love you, I really do."
'I love you too, but you hurt me, and you're right the apologizing doesn't fix it. I don't want to not be with you. But everyday I'll wake up go to the breakfast table, and he'll be there. What will there be stopping me from thinking that maybe you'll change your mind and pick him, what's going to stop me from thinking it will happen again?" He sighed. His pancakes now sat forgotten.
"I don't know okay. It won't happen again. You should trust me. I hate myself for the fact it happened this time. I get it okay? I'm a horrible person, but we're going in circles again. I just want to be with you, not Jerome. YOU," she shouted, before stepping even closer to him. She didn't know what she was doing, she just needed to be close to him. He bit his lip, he tried so hard to believe her. He did believe her, but he struggled to look past the fact it had happened.
His eyes glanced around the room, they wanted to look at anything but her. Looking at her, was distracting him from getting his thoughts straight. His eyes fell to her lips, well that wasn't helping him much. He thought what it was like to kiss her, and how if this was the end for them they wouldn't be able to kiss anymore, they'd become strangers again. He watched as she opened her mouth to speak but before she could get a word out he cut her off with his lips against hers.
A few seconds he pulled away, her face looked confused again. She coughed "so what just happened?"
"I don't even know, I just don't want to not be with you. I can forgive you, but that doesn't mean I'll be cool with you hanging out with Jerome at all, or being anywhere near him, but I need you in my life." She placed her hands behind his neck.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean if you were just cool with Jerome and I being near each other, I'd assume you yourself were hiding something."
"Good," he smiled at her, placing his hands on her hips. He moved in to kiss her again.
"Nope no more kissing for now," she winked.
"We should make those pancakes and try to sleep," she smiled at him.
"Fine, but I do want a goodnight kiss," he teased.
"Good cause I'll want one too," she smiled, as the two went back to the counter to finish making his pancakes. The stood in the kitchen silently, just simple smiles and a few laughs.
"We should clean up now, it's five. We'll get an hour of sleep if that much," he yawned. The pair cleaned the kitchen as quickly as two exhausted teens could. Eddie walked her to the steps.
"Do I get my good night kiss now," he smiled.
"No," she teased.
"Because I'm too tired to walk up the stairs, can I just sleep in your room," she surprised herself just then, not sure why she said it, but it was too late to take it back.
"You're welcome to join me in my room," he smiled grabbing her wrist and pulling her down the hall and into his room. She collapsed onto his bed with a yawn.
"Joining me or do I get your bed to myself."
"I'm coming," he smiled laying down on the bed next to her, he pulled her against his chest, and listened to her breathing as she drifted to sleep. He soon joined her in a peaceful slumber, being lulled to sleep by the sounds of her breathing beside him.
Chapter 2 will be up tonight or tomorrow