Two months pregnant.

"Don't eat that." Peeta warns from behind me.

"I can eat whatever the hell I want. You don't control me."

"Katniss you need to start eating better."

"You're not the one with another person living inside of you! Stop telling me what to do!" Peeta and I are currently sitting in his house in Victor's Village, and I was minding my own business eating some chocolate chip cookies and then he comes in and decides he is the ruler of the world and can tell me what I can and can't eat. He's stupid. And wrong. And stupid.

He sighs and sits down next to me at the kitchen table. "Please, I know it's hard and you're hungry and craving things, but can you cut back a little? For the baby? Please? Once it's out I'll make you thirty batches of cookies and you can eat them all you want." He does have a good point but I'm feeling stubborn today.

"I will take that cookie offer now, thank you very much. Besides I'll probably throw them back up anyway." I say crossing my arms.

"If you eat one more cookie I won't bring any home and the only thing I'll make for dinner is vegetables."

"God, you're mean today. And don't I need protein? Only vegetables is a little harsh don't you think?"

He sighs and shakes his head. "Kat… please I'm only trying to help… Because I love you."

"Fine." I say with an exasperated huff as I cross my arms. He smiles really big and kisses my forehead. "Want to come to the bakery with me?"

"Thats all we ever do. Isn't there something, anything else we can do?" I know I'm whining but seriously, I would like to do more than go to and from the bakery everyday.

"There really isn't much to do. We could go on a picnic, a walk, a da-"

"We could spend all day in bed." I say sweetly, batting my eyes at him.

"As nice as that sounds, I'm going to have to take a raincheck. I really need to help with the cakes and stuff. But tomorrow, I promise."

"Okay." I sigh against his lips.

"I'll be home soon." He promises as he closes the door behind him.

Three months pregnant.

"Peeta get up." I tap Peeta on the shoulder trying, unsuccessfully, to wake him up. "Peeta!" I whine.

"W-what?" He asks in his adorable sleepy voice. Did I mention that it's two in the morning?

"What if our baby is blind?"

"Um, it won't be, but if it is we will love it just as much as we would if it wasn't. Where are these questions coming from?"

I ignore his question and answer with one of my own. "What if it's deaf? What if it can't walk, or can't talk. What if the baby isn't healthy?"

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. The baby is probably perfectly fine. And if it isn't we will love and take care of the baby, just the same. I can't promise that the baby won't have problems but think about it. We are both very healthy and the possibility of our baby being sick in unlikely. So please stop worrying and go back to sleep."

"How can you not be worried? Doesn't it concern you at all that our baby could be blind?"

"Yes, because it wouldn't be able to see how beautiful it's mother is."


"Okay, okay. Yes, I'm worried but I am choosing to look on the bright side. Besides our doctors appointment is tomorrow, so we will figure it all out then."

"Thats what I'm worried about! What if they tell us its so sick that it won't survive."

"It will be fine. Please stop stressing, it's probably waking up the baby, which needs its sleep." He kisses my forehead and lays me down next to him. "Get some sleep." He whispered.

"What if I'm not a good mother? I never thought about having children. Never. And what if I suck at it and the baby hates me?"

"You're going to be a wonderful mother. I'm going to be there that whole time. Okay? I'll change the diapers and do all the dirty work if thats what it takes. I know you will be amazing because you are amazing at protecting the things you love. You love this baby so much already I know you'll never let anything hurt it." He brushes the hair out of my face and smiles. "Now, can you please let me sleep."

"What if I'm not tired." I smirk and he returns it.

"Well," He rolls over me and smiles. "I can help with that."

There's a knock at the door and I flinch. The Capitol people, who ever they may be, have sent in a special doctor and machines to look at the baby, to make sure that it's okay. I hope that it's okay, or I may have a heart attack. "It'll be fine." Peeta singsongs as he skips gleefully to the door. I have been dreading this day since I found out it was happening. Peeta on the other hand couldn't have been more excited. "Come in." I hear Peeta call to the doctors as I'm trying to plot my escape.

"Hello Ms. Everdeen." The person I'm assuming is my doctor says from the door. She seem young, maybe in her late thirties and wears her brown hair in a bun on the top of her head. "I'm Altha."

"Hello." I try to sound as pleasant as possible, and plaster a big smile on my face.

"So today we are just going to have a look at the baby and take a blood sample. We won't yet be able to see the sex of the baby but we should be able to tell if it's all healthy."

"Okay, but what if it's not healthy? What do you do then."

"I can assure you that the likelihood of the baby being unhealthy is very slim and if it is it's most likely just a birth defect we can fix as soon as it's born. You have nothing to worry about." I nod and search the room for Peeta. "Peeta is just helping to set up they should be done any second."

A few seconds later Peeta pokes his head through the door and smiles. "They are ready." I stand and walk to him, the doctor following behind us. They have set up a few machines around our living room and a table that one of the two nurses instruct me to sit on.

"We are going to draw some blood really quick." I nod and pull up my sleeve. I really, really hate needles. As the nurse preps my arm and the needle Peeta grabs my other hand and turns my face away.

As she stabs me Peeta starts talking. "Did you hear about the hungry clock."

"No." I deadpan.

"It went back for seconds." I flinch at the pain in my arm and glare at him.

"You are, truly, hilarious."

"I know, you want to hear another one?"

"Not re-"

"What do you call dangerous precipitation?"


"A rain of terror!"

"Terror? I can make you feel pretty terrified…"

"All done!" The nurse comments as she turns to a machine to do whatever they do with blood.

"You did great!"

"So I did the exact opposite of your jokes?"

"You're very grumpy today." He says this with the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"Okay," The nurse turns back to us. "While that is processing, why don't we take a look at the baby?" She pulls out an ultrasound machine and the horribly cold gel. "Lift your shirt please." I oblige and brace myself for the cool liquid. The nurse moves the wand around on my stomach for a minute before finding what she is looking for. "There's the baby!" She points to a black blob, and smiles. "Now if you'll give me one second I can check the baby's' health.

She starts scribbling on a clipboard while looking at the monitors. I start to fidget nervously and Peeta squeezes my shoulder reassuringly. "From what I can see it all looks good. We will be able to tell more when the blood results get back, but that will take at least a week. But I'm am positive you have nothing to worry about." I let out an enormous breath and smile.

"Thank you!" The nurse wipes off the gel and once it's all off I jump up and hug her.

"We'll be coming back in a couple weeks. Stay healthy and don't go getting into any trouble." She warns as she starts packing up. "Oh and here is a picture of your baby." She hand me a photo and I smile. I was too worried earlier to be excited about this picture but now I can't hold in my excitement.

"Peeta look!" I practically shout as I shove it in his face and smile. "It's our baby! A baby! Inside of me!"

"I want to be inside of you." He whispers huskily.

I do my best to ignore him and carry on. "Drinking my blood!"

"Babies don't drink blood."

"Are you sure because it's like connected to me? Why aren't you excited, why don't you look excited?"

"I'm very excited, but I love watching you react to it so much more."

"Peeta come on! We need to celebrate, with food! Like cookies!" I nudge him as he shakes his head. "Please Peeta it's not fair you can eat whatever you damn well please, but if I take one look at chocolate you freak!"


"Yeah, yeah, I know." I cross my arms and fake glare at him.

"I think you do deserve to celebrate, after all you are growing our baby inside you, you deserve it." He whispers over my shoulder.

I turn and throw my arms around his neck as I kiss him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hear the nurse chuckle as they haul the equipment out. "Have I ever told you I love you." I ask sweetly.

"Only about a billion times."

"You better not get tired of it, because I'm never going to stop loving you."

"I don't think I could handle it any other way."

Hey guys! Sorry about the long wait, I have been working on this chapter for awhile but I had a really hard time with it. I hope you like it! Also I have a super secret project I'm working on, I will tell you as soon as I'm finished! Please favorite, follow and review! I'll try to get another one up soon! Till next time!

~~~~~Choclate Lover~~~~~