Frank's POV

I woke up Monday morning, not really sure if this weekend had actually happened or if it had been a dream. Sure enough, the autographs sat on my bed side table and my phone contained all of Asking Alexandria's numbers.

Ebony and I spent most of Sunday recovering from the eventful Friday and Saturday we had had, we watched movies and talked about the most random things until she had to go home.

I got dressed and ready for school quickly as if it would make time pass faster so I could be in English, telling Gerard all about my weekend. I also wanted to hear how his weekend had been.

The first few hours went by relatively quickly, which I was thankful for. Soon it was time for English.
The letters were being handed out as I got there so I patiently waited until I got mine.

'Dear Frankie,

I'm glad you agree, I think it might be a deal breaker if you didn't like Bowie.
It's a date then. We definitely need to write a song together.

Random Fact 3: (I'm probably going to kick myself for telling you this later) I played Peter Pan in elementary school. I had to wear green tights and everything. Why I thought it was a good idea at the time I have no idea but none of my family seem to let me forget it.

That tattoo idea sounds really fucking awesome, have you got any other ideas? If you gave me some ideas, maybe I could draw you one? If you wanted me to, that is.

I'm glad you changed my mind too. It makes me sad that you can't see how special you are, we've never met yet I feel like I've known you my whole life.

This might seem a bit of a weird question but were you at A&E on Friday? Its just that my mum is a nurse there and she said she treated a boy from your school and the way she described him kinda reminded me of you. She wouldn't tell me his name 'cause of confidentiality shit but yeah, I was just wondering.

Don't worry you didn't make a fool of yourself, even if you did, we could be fools together.

My weekend was pretty good, I didn't do much apart from play video games, draw and visit my grandma. What did you get up to?

I think I can definitely agree to those conditions Frankie.

Until tomorrow,

Oh Syn, the nurse that treated me was Gerard's mum, I can't believe it. I guess that's why I felt so comfortable around her. At least I won't have to worry about him having nice parents.

I wrote my reply, telling him all about the mental weekend I had. It was nice to be able to tell someone who actually cares. I know Ebony does but she was there so it doesn't really count.
After the bell went, I got up to go and find Ebony.

I found her waiting outside our maths class, she smiled at me as I approached her.
"You'll never guess what!" I said, before she even had a chance to open her mouth.
"Vampires are invading the school and killing all the cheerleaders? You're actually a woman? Ummm, Elvis isn't dead?" She replied
"No, wait what?! Actually never mind that, I don't even want to attempt to understand your mind. Anyway, you know the nurse that treated me on Friday? Well she's Gerard mum." I said, trying not to get confused by what Ebony said.
"Really? That weird. You've met his mother before you've even met him. That's just strange."
I was about to reply when the door opened and our teacher stood there glaring at us. We quickly shut up and entered the class room.

Not much happened after that at school. When it was time to leave, I walked with Ebony to her locker then set off after promising to ring her later that evening.

About half an hour after I got home from school, I was lying on my bed listening to music and procrastinating the maths homework I knew was due in the next day when my phone went off, making me jump. I wasn't used to getting text that weren't from the phone company. The text was from the last person in my phonebook I would have expected to text me; Danny Worsnop. I opened it, thinking it would him asking where something was in town but was surprised with the content.

From: Danny
To: Frank
Hey Frank, the guys and I were wondering if you and Ebony wanted to go and see Avenged Sevenfold tomorrow night?

I stared at my phone with my mouth open for about five minutes. I knew exactly what show he was talking about, I'd saved up for months and had finally managed to get my parent's permission to go but by the time I went to buy a ticket, it was sold out. It was the only show they were doing even remotely close to New Jersey.
I then realised I should probably text Danny back.

From: Frank
To: Danny
That would be brilliant but I thought it was sold out?

It only took him a minute to reply.

To: Frank
From: Danny
I thought you might say that but have no fear, A7X knew we were in town and asked if we wanted to go and said we could bring anyone we wanted. So we thought, who better than our very own NJ native and his lovely English companion.

I was about to reply when two more texts came through; one from Danny and the other from Ebony.
The one from Danny said:

From: Danny
To: Frank
Oh and by the way, you'll get to come backstage with us before and after the show and will get to meet them too. Also, I text Ebony too.

I then checked the other text.

To: Frank
From: Ebony
Asdnskbkfjgwefbrjvrbfrbfcrbfj! OMFS! A7X AND AA IN THE SAME ROOM!

I text Danny back and said we would love to go then rang Ebony and spent the next 30 minutes shouting incoherent things at each other.
My maths homework lay completely forgotten at the end of my bed.