Disclaimer: I don't own Nabari No Ou~

Author's Note: I am trying a 100 theme challenge! *giggle*

1 – Introduction.


Me: So, I guess now I just introduce the characters I'll be using for this 100 themed challenge (which is going to be either AU or the Nabari world)! There's going to be Sensei/Tobari, –

Koichi: Well, there's me, Mira…

Me: I know, I know, I haven't gotten to you yet.

Koichi: But I was supposed to be next!

Me: *sighs* of course you were, Aizawa-chan…

Koichi: …I'm not a girl!

Me: *rolls eyes* anyway, and there will be a few Miharu x Yoite moments in here, because well, they're cute together~

Yoite: *blushes* ; / / / / ;

Miharu: *stutters* wh-what, why?

Shiratama: *meow*

Me: *snickers* Though it'll be mostly Kumohira x Aizawa, because they need more love~

Koichi: ; / / / / / ; WHA—

Tobari: You fujoshi pervert.

Me: "Rotten girl" is such a mean name to call me, Sensei! *rolls eyes* *shrugs* I know that already, I don't need to hear it again. Unless you would like to say it again, but end up riding in a car, da?

Tobari: *grumbles but avoids eye contact with Koichi*

Me: *snickers more* I think we got a shy seme here~ *teasing*

Tobari: hahaha, I'm seme. 8D

Me: Of course, you're taller anyway. Plus, Koichi is cute as a uke.

Koichi: … :I I'm not even going to question how you know I'm a cute uke. *turns head away, crossing his arms*

Me: C: … and a tsundere!

Koichi: NO, ROKUJOU IS A TSUNDERE. *angermark*

Miharu: D8 … *devil wings* *glares at Yoite*

Me: ANYWAY, it's going to be mainly Kumohira/Aizawa, with some Yoite/Miharu, with some appearances of Raimei, and Tobari's "live-in lover", Seki (maybe, not sure with her).

Koichi: … oh if only you could show anger faces on here… or just the greater than, less than signs… D8 *another angermark*

Me: I know, I know… *pats his back pathetically* But I said maybe!

Tobari: Whatever, what's the rating going to be Mira-chan?

Me: it ranges from K+ to T, with some M. So I'll just put the rating at T, and tell you the rating beforehand!

Koichi: …oh god, what will we be doing in the M part?

Me: … I dunno yet. *smirks*

Tobari: Don't do that Mira. He's only fourteen D8

Me: … *is silent*

Koichi: I think we broke her…

Me: *sudden frage* You know what, Tobari, you're going to be a pedophile! Case closed. Either that or I'll make him older, and you won't change your age! *rant rant rant*

Tobari: I wouldn't call me a 'pedophile'!

Me: I even think you had a slight crush on Miharu…

Miharu: *devil wings* oh yes, he did~

Tobari: D8 Did not!

Koichi: *crosses arms* You're going DOWN, Rokujou.

Me: HEY! NO FIGHTING! Because seriously, the next theme is Love!

Koichi: fine…

Me: Good. *pushes Miharu next to Yoite and Koichi next to Tobari* So there. XD

Yoite: so… will it tell the readers who's the narrator or who's point of view it's in?

Me: Of course it will, it'll be up by the rating! Well, the first one is in Aizawa's POV, but then I just decided to have it be third person. Any more questions?

Miharu: Wait! So will the readers be able to skip around themes they don't want to read, like, if it's M rated or something?

Me: I don't know/care, whatever they want to do… I mean, if they were uncomfortable with the whole pedo-idea, *glares at Tobari*, then I guess so. /shot/


Me: … *deathstare* It was a figure of speech, or something, just… no… But I am putting a lot of work into this… They're going to be one-shots/drabbles as well, by the way. 8D

Me: … I need some food…

Koichi: *stomach rumbles* *blushes*

Tobari: c'mon, let's get you some food. *drags him off to a sushi place*

Miharu: Come on, Yoite, let's get you some food too.

Yoite: I'm not hungry… D8

Miharu: Well I am, so I'm going. *leaves*

Yoite: DDDD8 … *follows after him*

Me: *watches* … food would be good. ; n ; *scampers off to get food*

Raimei: Hello? … Guys? *looks up* ooohhh… This is going to be yaoi isn't it? … 8D


/shot for making Raimei a yaoi fan/ … She just seems like she would though…

Reviews make me happy, everyone! * u * Plus, I was telling the truth when I said KoichixKumohira needed more love…

I think I might do this with Laven/Yuvi as well. Oh well, maybe I'll find another 100 theme challenge that's different than my list I have now and I'll do that one :D

But bye for now~!