So! While watching Thor, I noticed that Frigga doesn't get a lot of screen time. She's not really vital to the story but I thought she did well for the few minutes she was in the movie. I got a little teary-eyed when she kissed Loki on the forehead. Maybe I'm just reading into her character too much but that's what I do. I thought she deserved a deeper look into her character.

That being said, I know nothing about Thor, the comic, or the Marvel universe. I could be completely wrong about everything in this story. Just humor me and enjoy the story. Review if you like it! I plan on adding a few more chapters. Enjoy!

When the Thor was placing in her weak and shaking arms, Frigga was certain she would never know a joy like it again. Her fingers trailed over his tiny fingers, grasping and releasing for the first time. His pink flesh being kissed by Asgardian winds. Cloudy blue eyes looked up at her and gleamed with a promises of mischief to be undertaken and memories to be made. A wisp of blonde hair decorated his princely head. Frigga ran her fingers through it as she recalled earlier days of wanting a little girl with locks to brush and braid. Thor's hair would be his own to manage but, for now, she would have it long and golden.

His birthing had been difficult. Boys always were, the nurses had joked. "Start from the beginning and will be until he's an old man" they had chided with her. Frigga smiled at the jokes but, in all honesty, paid no mind. She spent hours in the quiet comfort of the library, running her hands over her extended belly that held her unborn son. When she was certain she was alone, she would speak to him, tell him stories of his father, of legendary warriors and lovers. When she ran out of stories to tell, the child became her confessor.

No one wanted to hear of her worries and concerns. In times as dangerous as these, every Asgardian woman held her son close until the time came to send him to war. She was their Queen now. Not some teary-eyed maiden. Just as Odin had to appear in front of his people, spear in hand, as strong and determined as a one man army, his wife had to appear just as strong. When Odin was away, she was the ruler her people turned to. Though her belly was swollen, her back aching, and her head throbbing with the pain of bearing Odin's son, she would be a source of strength for her people and show no signs of weakness. Her maids joked that she would give birth while in a counselor's meeting and hardly notice. No one knew of the pain she confessed only to her unborn son.

Asgardian men were trained to be warriors from birth. To honor their fathers, to defend Asgard from outside forces was the goal of each man's life. Death on the battlefield would make any father proud. This knowledge was not new to Frigga. Being a son of Odin and destined for the throne, Thor would grow to be a proud, strong Asgardian warrior with no need for his mother's tenderness. He would always love her and care for her, of course, but soon he would not need her the way he needed her now.

Now, he was fragile and new to the world he would soon reign over as king. She pressed her lips to his forehead. The prince giggled with delight and kicked against the tight swaddling of his blanket.

Asgard would expect great things of him in the years to come but, for now, he was only a babe. Young Thor was innocent of the evils of the world and had yet to experience all the wonder and joy of Asgard.

Phew! What a story. I hope ya'll enjoyed it. The next chapter will be introduce baby Loki! Expect lots of drama. Please review if you can. Reviews make me write faster!