A/N: This last chapter is a little sappy I know, but hey, it's a wedding…that's how it is supposed to be, right? Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this final chapter and thanks to all those who stuck with me and supported me, especially AngelsinSydney, BuckeyeAmI and KevinLovesShelley, just to mention a few! I would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for your encouraging words.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Flashpoint...but I don't :(

Knowing Where You Need To Be

Chapter 52

As Spike and the guys of Team One walked into the church, Spike felt goose bumps on his arms. He smiled because they weren't the kind that you get when you're cold, they were the kind you get when you are about to get on the best roller coaster ever and are awaiting the ride of your life. He was pulled from his moment of private reverie by a solid clap on the back.

"So, Buddy, you ready for this?" asked Ed, his deep voice revealing the ear-to-ear grin on his face.

Spike turned to his friend and rubbed his hands together and said, "You have no idea. Let's do this."

They entered through the back of the church and walked down the ambulatory to a small room to the side of the Narthex. Spike stood in the doorway and watched, as friends and family members began to file into the church. He saw his mother enter with his sister. Mrs. Scarlatti saw her son standing in the doorway and went over to place a kiss on either cheek, a tear of joy glistening on the rim of her eye. She then took Wordy's arm, and he led her to her seat in the front row next to Ria and her grandchildren.

It was time… Spike and the men of Team One took their places at the base of the altar, as the sounds of "The Wedding March" filled the church. Spike took a deep breath and gazed down the aisle to see Jules grinning from ear-to-ear. She glanced at Spike and then over to Sam, who was standing right next to him. Sam beamed back at her, as she took her place on the other side of the altar. Mel followed Jules, holding the hands of her two sons and blinking back tears of joy. As she reached the altar, the music stopped and the congregation stood, all turning to face the back of the church. As the sounds of "Here Comes the Bride" was heard throughout the church, Spike looked to the back of the church. Mina meticulously walked down the aisle, scattering flower petals as she walked. Once she reached the altar, all eyes turned to the back of the church, again anticipating the bride.

The world seemed to melt away as Spike's eyes met Anisa's. For that moment, they were the only two people in the world and his heart was bursting. Nothing had ever felt more right. She had her arm tucked under Ryan's, as they began their slow but steady walk down the aisle. Ryan's chest was puffed out like a proud big brother and his smile mirrored the sentiment. The closer to the altar they got, the louder Spike's heart pounded in his chest. He was almost sure that Sam, who was standing right next to him, could hear it.

Ryan and Anisa approached the altar and stopped. Ryan turned to face her and gently kissed her on the cheek. She smiled into his eyes…no words needed to be said between the two of them. Ryan took her hand and placed it in Spike's hand, then patted him on the back, as he turned and walked to his seat.

"Dearly Beloved," began Father Steve. Anisa and Spike smiled at each other then turned to face Father Steve, as he began the ceremony. When the priest finally pronounced them husband and wife, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Spike's dimple revealing grin disappeared, as he brought his lips to hers, when he was instructed to "kiss the bride". That kiss symbolized not only the exchange of vows, but also a rebirth of life for both of them and hope for a future of happiness. Spike reluctantly released her lips then brought his lips to her ear.

He whispered, "I love you so much." Anisa was overcome with emotion and couldn't speak, so she lightly touched his face and lingered there for a moment, before they turned to face the congregation together. The sound of applause echoed through the halls of the church, as Spike and Anisa stepped down from the altar and began their walk down the aisle, hand-in-hand and smiling from ear-to-ear. They glanced at the faces in the crowd, seeing all the people who had touched and shaped their lives … their hearts were filled with warmth and joy. By the time they reached the back of the church, they were beaming. They stepped into the waiting limo, as people filed out of the church.

They settled into the backseat and Spike took Anisa's face in his hands and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer. As the kiss deepened, Anisa's breathing quickened and she could feel her heart racing. Reluctantly, she pulled back slightly, but Spike moved his lips to her chin and then down her neck. Anisa felt the limo coming to a stop outside their final destination.

Placing his lips near her ear¸ Spike asked softly, "Do we have to go? Can't we just blow off the reception and go to the hotel?"

She giggled and gently pushed him away, "As much fun as that sounds, we can't. We have a roomful of our nearest and dearest waiting to celebrate with us." Spike let out a deep exhale, as he pulled back slightly. "I promise it will be worth the wait," she added, in her sexiest voice.

"I like the sound of that … and I'm going to hold you to it," he chuckled, as the chauffeur opened the door for Anisa.

"Introducing, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Michelangelo Scarlatti," said the announcer, as Anisa and Spike entered the reception and eliciting excited applause from the crowd. The drinks flowed and food was abundant, and laughter and joy filled the room. The bride and groom made the rounds greeting their guests, as the food was placed on the tables. The guests took their seats and the toasts began. First there was Ed with his litany of humorous stories about Spike on Team One. Then Ryan joined in with amusing anecdotes about Anisa. It was made all the funnier because Jules and Sam would tap their spoons against their glasses about every 60 seconds, which meant that Anisa and Spike were meant to kiss. Eventually dinner ended and it was time for the first dance. Spike and his mother took the dance floor along with Anisa and Ryan. The song played was "It's a Wonderful Life" by Louis Armstrong.

Their friends watched as the Bride and Groom shared a dance with their loved ones. The song brought a smile to Michelina Scarlatti's face, as she looked into her son's deep brown eyes. "Ahh… Michelangelo… this is a good thing… a very good thing," she said to him softly in Italian. Then she placed a kiss on either cheek. He simply smiled and nodded, squeezing her a little more tightly.

Meanwhile, Anisa looked up into the face of her partner and best friend and, biting back tears, said, "Thank you… for …ummm… everything." She couldn't find the words, as all of the emotions floated around her mind… gratitude, happiness, love. A small tear brimmed in the corner of her eye.

"Back at ya, Red," mumbled Ryan, placing a kiss on her forehead. He, too, was feeling a little emotional. It was like watching his little sister grow up.

As the song ended and the next song began, Ryan placed Anisa's small hand into Spike's hand once again. The song playing was "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King. It was perfect for them because it was about two people rediscovering love…and it was a Disney movie, Spike's favorite. The two of them danced across the dance floor as if they were the only ones in the room. Their sheer happiness permeated the whole room and soon they were surrounded by couples dancing next to them.

Spike looked into Anisa's eyes and said, "I promise to love you with all of my heart until my last breath. I promise to never let you go to bed angry and to make it my lifelong duty to make you smile every day…. Because I love you."

Anisa giggled slightly and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. "Michelangelo Scarlatti, I promise to always be the light in your darkness, to show you how amazing you are at your moments of doubt. I promise to share all my joys with you and to make it my duty and my pleasure keep you happy … always. I love you more than anything." Spike wrapped his arm around her more tightly and brought his lips to hers.

The reception wound down and Anisa tossed her bouquet over her shoulder into the crowd of single women, right into the open arms of Jules. Anisa turned around and seeing who caught it, gave her friend a wink and a smile. Spike slipped his arm around Anisa's waist and gently pulled her toward the door.

As the couple moved to the door, Spike turned back to their friends and said, "It's getting late and the time has come for me to whisk my bride away for the evening. Thank you all for sharing this day with us. Stay and enjoy the food, the wine and the music. Mangia!"

Spike and Anisa stepped outside and into the waiting limo that was to take them to the hotel. Once they got settled into the seat and the driver started off, Spike took her in his arms and kissed her, deeply, passionately. She responded by melting into his embrace. The hotel wasn't far, so they had just finished the kiss when the driver pulled up to the hotel entrance. When he opened the door and helped Anisa out, Spike stepped out of the other side and picked up their bags which the driver had already gotten out of the trunk. They thanked the driver and stepped into the hotel lobby drawing the attention of the few people gathered in the entrance area. People couldn't help but look because it wasn't every day that a bride and groom enter the hotel lobby dressed in full wedding attire. Spike and Anisa got their keys and headed up to their room, the honeymoon suite.

Spike opened the door and, in a single motion, he gently slipped one arm around her waist and the other under legs, lifting her into his arms carrying her into the room. She giggled whispering in his ear, "What are you doing?"

"Carrying my bride over the threshold," he explained.

She kissed him sweetly and said softly, "Put me down you crazy Italian."

He kissed her more insistently, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They were lost in each other when they heard a light tapping, pulling their attention away from the moment and toward the sound. Standing in the doorway was a porter carrying their bags. Spike grinned and gently put Anisa down, being cognizant of her injured ribs. He walked over to the porter and took the bags, gave the man a tip and closed the door. He walked back into the room and for the first time noticed the champagne bucket and plate of chocolate cover strawberries. Anisa had stepped out onto the balcony looking at the lights of the Toronto skyline. Spike stepped out to join her and handed her a glass of champagne and kissed her cheek. As she gently leaned into the kiss he tasted salt on his lips. He looked into her eyes and saw they were full and a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?" he asked with obvious concern in his voice.

She reached up and touched his cheek. "Nothing, I'm not sure where the tears are coming from. I was just looking out at this beautiful city. It started out as a place for me to run away and hide, but it has become a place of happiness and joy. It is home now, it is my city, our city. I belong here…with you."

Spike clinked his glass to hers, "Cheers to that." They each took a sip, smiling at one another.

"You know, I used to hate change…always liked things the way they were. The last couple of years have shown me that change is simply a fact of life. Once I was able to accept that, then my eyes were open to new possibilities," Spike said, grinning. He nibbled her ear, "You were a big change, and I think I like the way that turned out." He kissed softly down her neck causing her to mewl slightly.

"Me, too," she sighed into his arms. He gently stroked her side brushing his thumb lightly under her breast eliciting a quick intake of breath from her. He stroked the underside of her breast more persistently, pressing his thumb against her nipple. She was so lost in the sensation that she nearly dropped the glass she was holding.

Regaining her senses, she said, "Sweetie, wait…let's bring this inside." She smiled at him coquettishly tugging one end of his tie, loosening it. She then walked back into the room leading him by his tie. Once inside, she turned to him and pulled on his tie until his lips were within reach and captured them with hers in a deep hungry kiss. When they parted, out of breath, she gently took his glass and placed is on the table. "Now, give me a couple of minutes and I will make good on my promise." She turned around and scampered into the bathroom dragging her overnight back with her.

Spike grabbed the champagne and plate of chocolate covered strawberries and walked into the bedroom. He pulled his tie off the rest of the way, kicked off his shoes and stretched out on the bed, sipping his champagne. A couple of moments later her heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. He put down his glass then rolled onto his side awaiting his bride. Anisa stepped into the bedroom wearing a sexy yet elegant negligee. The white silk fabric clung seductively to her shape, as the neckline dipped into a V just low enough to reveal to curve of her breasts and the hem barely skimmed the top of her thigh. Spike's eyes grew wide, as a grin began to spread across his lips. She took the few quick steps to the bedside and crawled onto the bed next to Spike, kneeling in front of him with her hands comfortably resting behind her back. He rose to his knees, as his eyes took in the visage of his bride. He touched his hand to her shoulder feeling the softness of her skin. He caressed her shoulder then moved his hand to her neck and then lovingly stroked her throat up to her chin. He leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips and then moved his mouth down the trail his hand had just made along her throat and neck to her shoulder. Anisa's eyes were closed, as she melted into the sensation his lips were creating. He began to tug the strap of her nightgown down. Finally, she released her hands from behind her back and brought them to his head running her fingers through his hair. Tugging his head backwards she placed her mouth over his, taking control of the moment. He moaned into her mouth and he ran his hands under the silky fabric of her nightgown. She began unbuttoning his shirt while moving her lips along his jawline. He slowly opened his eyes, his lids heavy with desire. He helped her remove his shirt and, as he tossed it to the floor, his eyes caught sight of an object lying on the pillow where Anisa will lay her head. Anisa directed her eyes to where Spike was looking.

"What's that?" asked Spike, reaching for the object. He picked it up examining a long slender box, like one in which a necklace would come. Anisa sat back on her heels and covered his hands with hers.

"It's a wedding present…from me to you," she said smiling. "I love you, Mike," she said releasing his hands.

He smiled quizzically at her, as he began to open package by untying the bow and slowly ripping the paper off. Beneath the paper was indeed what appeared to be a necklace box, which Spike thought a bit odd since she knew that he was not much into jewelry. He smiled at her as he lifted the lid off the box and placed it on the bed. He looked into the box, lifted out the object and looked at Anisa with a raised, questioning eyebrow. His face was mix of curiosity and anticipation.

She was grinning so much that she could barely containing herself. She glanced at the wand that Spike was holding in his hand and nodded her head saying excitedly, "We're going to have a baby!" She watched his expression change, as he processed what she had said. The little crinkle between his eyebrows released, as the grin appeared on his lips and reached up to his eyes.

"Really? Are you sure?" he asked softly, almost tentatively. He was afraid to get his hopes up after last time.

"Yeah, they told me at the hospital yesterday, that's why I couldn't have x-rays," she stated excitedly. "Look in the box, there's a sonogram picture."

He looked into the box and saw what he had thought was just a black paper liner at the bottom of the box. He pulled it out and saw shadowy outlines of black and grey. He glanced at Anisa, his eyes brimming with tears of joy. She took his face in her hands and kissed his lips.

When they separated he looked into her yes and asked solemnly, "How are you? Are you OK? And the baby, is the baby OK?" He dropped the pregnancy test wand back into the box then placed his hand on her belly, rubbing it gently. "We can't go to Italy now. We can't take a chance."

"Sweetie, we are both good," she said smiling. "The doc said I could travel, as long as you carry everything. I promise! I wouldn't risk it if it weren't safe," she said. Then gently tugging the sonogram from his other hand, she opened it up and pointed out the two dark areas that were next to each other, "Those will be his eyes, and that will be his nose…I think."

The two sat with their heads together gazing at the fuzzy photo trying desperately to discern features that were barely there because it was so early. Spike glanced over at her face, as she looked at the image. He placed his index finger under her chin, tilting her head to his.

Moving his face to within an inch of hers and said softly, "Just when I thought you couldn't make me any happier, you prove me wrong. I never thought I could be this happy."

She smiled up at him and kissed him lovingly. "I love you more than anything," she said, kissing him again. She pushed him backwards gently, wrapping her arm around his neck which made her fall into his arms, as they collapsed onto the bed together. They made love that night with the passion of the first time, but with the familiarity of two people who had been together for decades.

They lay in each other's arms savoring the feel of skin on skin contact and drifted off to sleep, blissfully entwined. As the visage of their future lay before them, they slept in peace.

The End

A/N: I thank you all for your patience. I know it seemed to take forever for me to finish this story, but knowing that some of you were waiting for the end, kept me going. Thanks again for sticking with me! Love you guys!