"Look mommy, I dressed myself for the party!" A tiny voice called to a sleeping Jade, who had been taking a nap, hoping her morning sickness would dissipate.

Jade's eyes fluttered open as she groaned, the light streaming through the window proving to be too much for her eyes. She quickly shielded her eyes with her hand, peeking through her fingers to observe Brynn's fashion choice.

"You sure did." She smirked, eyeing Brynn down. The small girl had decided on a white lace dress, covering it with a fluffy pink tutu skirt and complementing it with a pair of white tights covered in pink polka dots. As for her hair, she had placed at least three head bands on, connecting them all with two rows of bows.

"Do I look pretty?" Brynn asked, doing a quick spin for her mother.

"Gorgeous, my little love. But I'm afraid you may have overdressed for the occasion, who told you that you could wear such a fancy dress?"

"Daddy. He said to leave you alone since you feel icky and that I can pick out my own clothes."

"Mhm." Jade mumbled, struggling to sit up in bed. "Let's go get you changed into something else, we wouldn't want everyone else to feel inferior to you."

Brynn giggled, oblivious as to what the word inferior meant. She took Jade by the hand as they walked out of the bedroom.

"Beck, did you let the child dress herself?" Jade questioned as she shook her head.

"You were taking a nap and I told her not to bother you. So in a way, yeah I told her she could dress herself." Beck smirked before picking Brynn up, who had been running circles around her parents. "Tell us, young fashionista, what made you decide on this amazing outfit?" He joked, tickling her stomach.

"Well, since we're going to a party I decided I should be extra fancy. This is my fanciest white dress because it has lace and a black ribbon on it. Also I put the pink tutu on over it because I like tutu's. And the tights match because they have pink polka dots on them, duh daddy!" Brynn explained, pointing to each item of clothing as she described their importance.

"As beautiful as you look, you may be a little too fancy. Go upstairs and I'll be there in a minute to help you find something a little more suitable. And axe the pink tutu skirt." Jade demanded, making her dislike of pink known.

"Whatever you say, bossy." Brynn sighed, twisting out of her father's arms before running up the stairs.

Beck smiled, observing his wife's frazzled expression; she had been worrying for days about whether or not she'd be able to make it through the party without anyone realizing that she was pregnant. Of course she knew that she could count of Beck to keep it a secret, it was their chatterbox of a daughter that she was worried out. Jade could imagine Brynn running right into the house and excitedly telling everyone about her new baby sister, not that they knew if it was a boy or a girl yet, but Brynn was hoping for someone to play princess with.

"Babe, settle. All we're doing is going to a nice Christmas party at Cat's house. No one's going to find out about the baby until we tell them about it." Beck soothed, wrapping his arms around Jade.

"Or until our daughter gets a little too excited and lets the whole world know."

"I think the idea of keeping it a secret for a few weeks has stuck with her. Stop stressing, it's not good for you."

"Right, sorry doctor Beckett." Jade sighed, shrugging out of Beck's grip before leving to join her daughter upstairs.

"Remember, Brynn. You can't tell anyone about the baby. Got it?"

"Yes, daddy." Brynn replied, excitedly kicking her legs over the edge of her car seat. Though she was hardly paying attention to her parents, she knew exactly what they were telling her; it was the same boring spiel they'd been giving her all week.

"Brynn." Jade said using her warning tone of voice. This caused Brynn to snap out of her daze, her eyes darting right to Jade. She reached her tiny hand out towards her mother's back, holding her pinky out. Gently poking Jade to get her attention, the two of them pinky swore that Brynn wouldn't tell. Jade knew better than to trust a pinky promise, but to Brynn it meant she was sworn to secrecy. That is, if she could contain her excitement.

The small family pulled into Cat's driveway, causing Brynn to squeal out of excitement. Before Beck and Jade could remove their seatbelts, Brynn had already torn her car seat straps off and burst through the car door, running straight up the pathway that led to the front door. She eagerly rang the door bell and looked back at her parents, finding it hard to understand why they were taking so long to join her. Jade shot Brynn another warning glance and held out her pinky, as if to remind her daughter of the promise she just made.

"Baby Jade!" Cat's voice rang out, turning Brynn's attention to the tall red head. Brynn only giggled in response, brushing past Cat and running towards the rest of the crew. Jade soon followed, her eager friend pulling her into a hug.

"There there, Cat. That's enough." Jade said, awkwardly patting Cat's back.

"Sorry." Cat giggled, pulling away. "I'm just so excited to see you."

"As you should be." Jade replied, craning her neck to see around Cat. Unable to find Brynn, she simply walked past Cat and into the home, her arms folded across her chest as if she were afraid someone would be able to tell she was pregnant just by looking at her, although she was barely far enough along to b showing.

"Who invited the wicked witch of the West?" Trina asked, her usually whinny voice still in tact.

"Probably the same person that invited not one but two of the Vega sisters."

"Actually, Trina invited herself." Tori chimed in, trying to save herself some embarrassment.

Beck soon filed into the room and took his wife by the shoulders, leading her over to the couch. He knew that she was tense enough about keeping the secret, but something about Tori and Trina always made her even worse. Brynn soon found her way back into the living room, seating herself on Becks lap. The old high school friends all chatted about their current lives; what projects they were working on, their relationships, and Robbie even revealed that for once, his date didn't stand him up.

"Maybe you wouldn't get stood up so often if you didn't carry around that doll." Jade said, trying to get a rise out of Robbie. She may have been naturally snarky, but something about giving her friends a hard time made her happy.

"Rex is not a doll, or a puppet!"

"Oh yeah? Then why does he only talk when your hand is shoved up his-"

"Okay! Brynn, why don't you come to the kitchen and help me decorate the cookies?" Cat interrupted, afraid of what word Jade was going to end that sentence with. Brynn happily agreed and followed Cat into the kitchen, skipping the entire way.

"What do you what for Christmas, baby Jade?"

"Why do you call me that?"

"Because you're a baby and you look like Jade. Baby Jade!" Cat giggled, thrilled with herself for coming up with such a nickname.

Brynn shrugged and climbed into a chair, she knew not to question Cat's sayings, no matter how stupid she thought they were. She quickly grabbed a snowman shaped cookie and a tube of red frosting, unloading almost all of the frosting onto the cookie before smiling, proud of herself for the monster cookie she had created.

"Oh, Brynn!" Cat giggled, watching the four year old smile deviously as she raised the cookie to her mouth, taking a bite out of it. It was almost as if the sugar hit her instantly, her eyes widened along with her smile and she stood up on her chair, doing an awkward little dance. She quickly devoured the rest of the cookie as she danced on, Cat laughing along as she watched the little girl.

"Don't tell your mom you had that much sugar, she'll get really made at me. It'll be our secret." Cat said, causing Brynn to stop what she was doing and stare straight into Cat's eyes. She was doing so well at forgetting about the secret she had, and as long as she wasn't thinking about it, she couldn't tell anyone.

"I have a secret." Brynn whispered, quickly covering her mouth with her hands. Cat turned her head to the side, a confused expression on her face. Brynn began to shake her head from side to side, feeling as if the secret was bubbling up within her and threatening to spill at any second.

"Mommy has a baby." The smaller girl said quickly, looking at her feet. Before Cat could respond, the rest of the gang filed into the kitchen, grabbing plates and filling them with the various foods that Cat had prepared.

"Did you decorate any cookies, Brynn?"

"Um, no. No cookies."

"The icing around your mouth tells a different story." Beck smirked, wiping the red icing from Brynn's mouth. Brynn reached out to Beck implying that she wanted to be held, to which he obliged. Soon enough everyone had made their plates and made their way back to the couch, seating themselves in the same order they were in the first time. It took Beck and Brynn a little bit longer to join the crew, as Beck was having a hard time getting Brynn to choose which food she wanted to eat. She was going through an extremely picky eater phase and found all of the foods in front of her to be horrific.

"You pick food, I'll go sit. Good team work, daddy." Brynn ordered before wiggling out of Beck's arms, running to the living room as soon as her feet hit the floor. She quickly rejoined the rest of her parent's friends, picking a spot on the couch right next to Jade. The adults were talking around old high school memories, laughing the entire time. Brynn waited quietly for Cat to look in her direction, desperately needing to tell Cat to keep the secret.

"Here you go, Brynn." Beck said as he entered the room, carrying a plate that barely had any food on it. He picked her up with one arm and sat in the place Brynn had reserved for the two of them, placing her back down on his lap. Cat watched the two of them, admiring how cute they were together. Brynn made eye contact and quickly did a shushing motion, then pretending as if she were zipping her lips. Cat nodded in response, assuming Brynn was playing some sort of game.

"Remember when we all got locked in Beck's RV?"

"Ugh, why did you all invite me to that? It was the worst day of my life!" Trina whined.

"I think you invited yourself."
"Pretty sure you tagged along."
'No one likes you." Jade ended the chorus of complaints, making Trina stink her tongue out like a five year old.

"What about that one song Andre dedicated to his dog? What was that about, anyways?" Robbie asked as Andre's eyes grew wide.

"Uh, yeah.. I'm gonna go get a drink. Or.. Something." Andre mumbled uncomfortably, getting up to walk to the kitchen. Cat got up and followed, dying to tell someone about the secret she heard.

"Psst, Andre." Cat whispered, her back turned to Andre. He turned around, confused, looking at the back of Cat's head.

"Uh, Little Red? What's up?"

"I have a secret." She whispered, turning to face Andre. Andre raised his eyebrows in response, sighing as he leaned against the counter. He assumed she was going to tell him something about her wacky purple giraffe or another story about her crazy brother.

"She's pregnant." Cat whispered, leaning her head to the side as if to motion to the person behind her. She thought it was Jade who was standing on the other side of the living room, but little did she know that Jade had moved to reveal Tori. Andre's eyes grew wide as he stared at the Latina, finding it hard to understand why she hadn't told him herself. They were best friends after all.

"Are you sure?" He asked, one eyebrow raised as he turned his attention back to Cat. The red head giggled in response before leaving the room. Andre shrugged before joining his friends in the living room, keeping a special eye on Tori. He figured that he could at least watch her and see if he could tell whether or not it was true, since it was hard for him to believe Cat.

The group of friends continued talking about old memories, some questioning if Sikowitz still entered the classroom through the window and if Sinjin ever grew out of his incredibly awkward phase. The Oliver family sat together on one edge of the couch, Brynn sitting on her father's lap, her face leaning against Beck's shoulder and one of her hands on Jade's shoulder, drifting in and out of sleep.

"So what's everyone doing for Christmas?" Tori asked, excited about the holidays.

"I gotta stay with my grandma, last year she set up a full on war against her chimney thinking santa was gonna come down and steal her stuff." Andre said, shaking his head.

Everyone talked about their plans, Cat talking about making Christmas beef with her brother and Trina telling everyone about how she planned on getting the biggest tree she could find. Robbie refused to help her with it again this year, cringing as he remembered the flocking incident.

"What is Breannie getting for Christmas?" Asked Trina, assuming the child was asleep.

"My name is Brynn and I'm getting a baby sister." Brynn answered, half asleep and unaware of what she had just done. Jade's eyes grew wide as she looked at Beck, who shrugged in response.

"Surprise?" Beck said, afraid of his wife's response to the secret being spilled.

"I knew it!" Cried Robbie, jumping to his feet.

"And just how exactly did you know, since we didn't tell anyone?" Jade asked as she glared at Robbie.

"I could just tell, I mean your stomach.." Robbie trailed off, sensing that he was putting himself into danger. Jade glared back at him, her fists clenching as her mind went back to the debate over whether or not she was fat.

"Hey, Rob? Stop talking." Beck stepped in, placing an arm around Jade.

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Andre asked, yet again confused. He looked from Tori and back to Jade, trying to decide whether or not they were both pregnant or if Cat had told him it was the wrong person.

"It would appear so." Jade said, tired of dealing with the questions already.

"It's just, Cat told me it was Tori and-"
"What?! I don't even have a boyfriend!" Tori jumped in, shocked by what she had just heard.

"Hey, I don't know anything about your personal life." Andre offered, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"But how did Cat know?"

"Brynn told me." She said sweetly, as if the answer were obvious. Jade sighed deeply before patting Brynn on the back.

"Thanks, kid. You're so good at keeping secrets."

Brynn nodded, unaware of what was going on as she drifted into sleep. The crew continued to discuss the new baby, Tori questioning whether or not it really was a girl or if that's just what Brynn was hoping for. Of course, Jade wasn't far enough along to know whether or not it was a boy or a girl, but Beck insisted that it must be a girl if that's what Brynn thinks it is since she was the first one to realize Jade was pregnant. As much as Jade wanted to keep it a secret for the time being, she was kind of glad that Brynn went ahead and told everyone. If Jade had it her way, no one would have known until she had the baby. She wasn't one to talk about those sorts of things, as her girl friends would all get excited and talk in high pitched voices and Jade wanted no part in that. Eventually the pregnancy talk began to wear down, the friends ran out of questions to ask and Jade got tired of answering them. The conversation turned to another topic and Jade sighed, leaning her head back against the couch. As much as she hated talking about it, deep down inside she was more than thrilled to be having another baby.

I watched a Victorious marathon on teen nick the other day and just had to write something that involved the entire crew, I miss the show so much! Anyways, enjoy and don't forget to review!