Brynn Adella Oliver. The four years old, absolutely gorgeous daughter of Beck and Jade. She's the most perfect mix of her parents. With her mothers big, beautiful eyes, combined with her fathers dark hair and skin tone, it makes her the most beautiful little girl you'll ever see.

"Oh daaaaddyyyyy!" Brynn sing-songed as she bounded down the stairs.

She came to a stop at the end of the stairs. The house was strangely quiet for this time of day, but she thought nothing of it.

Maybe daddy's still in bed...

So she went down the hallway, past the living room, down the hallway to the right, and straight to the room at the end. She quietly poked her head in, after all, she didn't want to wake her parents.

Her big blue-green eyes grew even bigger, and she ran towards the bed.

"Mommy! Daddy?"

Where could they be? She knew they would never leave her. She ran out of the room and to the front room, where she peeked out the window to look at the driveway. There was a definitely a car there, but it wasn't the one that she hoped to see.

"Brynn! There you are!" a voice said from behind her.

She quickly spun on her heels to meet the mystery person, letting out a tiny sigh of relief when she found her uncle Josh.

"Unca Josh! Where did mommy and daddy go?"

He merely smiled as he picked her up, holding her tight. Josh and Brynn had a very unique relationship; he's been like a second dad to her from the day she was born. After all, he is her daddy's best friend.

"You know how it is, kiddo. Your dad was needed to film a few extra scenes for his movie, and your mom had to record a new song today."

"But...They didn't say goodbye..." She quietly pouted on her uncle's shoulder.

"They would have, but it was too early in the morning to wake up a little girl like you." He tickled her and she giggled, and all hard feelings were lost.


The day was spent playing different versions of the "princess" game, where Brynn dresses up in her favorite Rapunzel dress and Josh has to be her Flynn Rider. She even got a nap in, which is something that she isn't usually willing to do. It was almost five o'clock, and she knew just exactly what that meant.

The sound of the front door closing echoed through the walls of the house, and Brynn jumped up from her spot on the couch, leaving Josh to watch Beauty and the Beast all by himself.

"Daddy!" Brynn beamed as she ran into his arms.

"Hi baby girl, ohhh I missed you so much!" He picked her up, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"But daddy," she smiled her signature Brynn smile, the one that reminded him so much of Jade, "you've only been gone for a few hours!"

"So, I guess that means you didn't miss me and that Josh is your favorite person...Right?" Beck pretended to be upset as he carried her into the living room.

"No, silly," she looked at her uncle Josh and decided she had better whisper this part. "I love you mostest, you're my daddy!"

Beck smiled and kissed her cheek, Brynn always melted his heart when she said things like that. He put her back down on the ground and took a seat next to Josh on the couch.

"Awwww Josh, is Beauty and the Beast your favorite movie?" He teased.

Brynn giggled from her spot on the floor, she was leaning back against her dad's legs as she set up her tea set in front of her.

"Ha-ha. You are soooo funny." Josh scoffed.

"I think I'm pretty funny. What about you, Little B?"

Brynn smiled up at her daddy and nodded, "The funniest!"

"She thinks I'm funny. And you are therefore over ruled."

"Well, this is where I leave." Josh said as he stood up.

"But unca Josh! You'll miss the ending!"

"Miss Brynn, this is the twenty-third time we've watch this movie this week. I think I know how it ends."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek, ruffling her hair before he turned to leave.

"See ya man, thanks for watching her again."

"You got it!" He waved over his shoulder as he opened the front door to leave.


"Daddy, when will mommy be home? I'm hungry."

Beck looked down at his little girl, taking in her baby face.

"Well, it's seven o'clock now. And what time does mommy come home?"

"Eight o'clock!"

"How long is it from seven to eight?"

Brynn pursed her lips and looked up, tapping her chin with her pointer finger.

"One hour!" She smiled triumphantly. Jade had always found it important to teach her basic math skills from a young age.

"Good job! Now, can you go take a bath?"

Brynn simply shook her head, looking at her father with her "angry eyes".

"Mommy said never should I EVER take a bath without someone to watch me!"

"Well what mommy doesn't know, is that you're a big girl. You can take a bath downstairs tonight, and sing as loud as you want to the whole time so I know that you're alright."

"She does too know! No way will I take one by myself!"

Beck leaned against the kitchen counter, thinking of ways to persuade her to try it.

"Alright, if you go take a bath, I'll check on you every few minutes. You still have to sing as loud as you can though, and I'll make you some dinner while you're in there."

"No way jose! What mommy says goes!"

The house phone started ringing, and Brynn ran as fast as she could to answer it.

"Hi, Brynn Oliver speaking! Whaddya want?" She said as she held the phone to her ear.

Beck smiled from his spot in the kitchen, Jade had taught her that one.

"Hi baby, where's your dad at?" Jade answered.

"Oh, he's right over there," she said, pointing as if her mother could see her. "He's being bad though, he's trying to get me to take a bath by myself!"


He did a full on face-palm as he heard Jade's voice echo through the phone.

Brynn handed the phone to Beck, "Ohhhh somebody's in troubleeee!"

"Yes, dear?" he sighed as he picked up the phone.

"What's this I hear about Brynn taking a bath by herself?"

"I told her to take one in the downstairs bathroom so I could keep an eye on her and make her dinner at the same time."

"She knows better than that, and you should too!"

"Trust me, she wasn't going to allow herself to be near water without me sitting in the bathroom."

"That's my girl. Give that kid a bath and I'll make dinner when I get home, I'm on my way now."

"Alright. Hey Jade?"


"I love you."

He knew Jade smiled, she always did. Not that she'd ever admit it.

"I love you too."

Brynn ran to her father's side and yelled, "I love you mommy!"

"Tell my baby girl that I love her too."

"She loves you too, Brynn."


After many bath time giggles, and plenty of water sloshing onto the bathroom floor, Beck had finally gotten Brynn bathed and into some clean pajamas. It was nearly eight o'clock now, Jade was due to come home at any moment.

"Daddy, I miss my momma." Brynn said quietly.

"It's alright baby, she'll be home soon."

Brynn got up from her spot in front of the TV, she had been watching Disney Junior. She made her way over to Beck and held her arms up to him.
"Are you tired, Little B?" Beck asked as he lifted her onto his lap.
"Never! I just want snuggles.."

Beck smirked, he knew Brynn would only do this if she were tired. He wasn't going to complain though, as he loved being able to hold his little girl.

Brynn settled into Beck's lap, leaning her head against his chest and quietly sucking her thumb. She was completely absorbed in Jake and the Neverland Pirates; she didn't even notice that Beck was gently stroking her hair.
"Daddy?" Brynn quietly spoke.

"I don't ever wanna grow up. I wanna go live in Neverland."
"I don't have a problem with you never growing up, you can stay my baby girl forever. But you have to live with me and mommy forever, we'll miss you too much if you leave us."

Brynn turned around to face her dad, with a look of shock on her face.

"Daddy, I always be your baby girl! Don't you worry."
She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck as Beck kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, Brynn." He whispered.
"Love you more." She yawned as she fell asleep in his arms.


Jade finally made her way into the house at nine thirty, carrying a bag of Chinese take out.
"Sorry I'm so late, but the traffic was awful and two guys with lobsters were-.." She trailed off as she saw her husband and daughter asleep on the couch.
Jade sat the bag down by the couch, and carefully lifted her sleeping daughter from Beck's arms. Beck stirred around and opened his eyes, searching for his daughter.
"Shhh, Beck. I have her." Jade said as she gently bounced Brynn in her arms.
"There you are... Come here." He said, motioning to the place beside him on the couch.

Jade carefully sat down next to Beck, cuddling into him as she held Brynn.
"We missed you, you know."
"I'm not surprised. I'd miss me too if I were you guys."

Beck laughed and kissed Jade, he knew she missed them too.

"Mommy?" Brynn mumbled as she stirred in her mothers lap.

"Hi pretty baby, I love you."

"You're late, mommy."

"I know, and I'm so very sorry.."
"I missed you though. I don't like waiting, momma."

Beck let out a small laugh, "She most certainly is your daughter."
Jade smiled and smoothed down Brynn's hair, "I missed you too Brynn, I'm sorry. I brought you some chicken on a stick from the Chinese place, are you hungry?"
"Chicky sticks? Yes please!"
Brynn jumped up from the couch and ran to the kitchen, completely forgetting that she was angry with Jade.