Valdezn: … *Look down in shame*

Maka: What you aren't gonna say something?!

Valdezn: …I'm sorr- *Gets Maka-chopped*

Maka: You think a little apology is going to make things alright!

Valdezn: No I'm just saying it because I told myself I would apologize to the readers the moment I posted this chapter. And I really don't expect any of you to forgive for letting you all down too. Lets just hit it, Soul

Soul: valdezn doesn't own Soul Eater period.

Time seemed to stay still between us. Maka's eyes were still staring into mine with so much sadness and anger. I just stood frozen feeling my stomach drop at the sight of her like this.

"Come on say it! say I'm a monster! say that you don't want to see me anymore!" She yelled even louder before panting.

When I finally regained my voice I said "No"

Maka looked taken back at my answer, her eyes returning to their natural color. "...W-what?"

"You heard me Maka I won't say that I don't want you near me, and I won't say that your a monster cause your not Maka!" I said not holding back anything.

Tears welled up from the corner of her eyes. "...Why"

"Because I know you wouldn't hurt anyone, and I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so see Maka your not monster" I said.

"Y-you're l-lying" Tears ran from her eyes and dropped on both of my cheeks.

"I am not lying to you Maka, a real monster would never care about other people or befriend them, you are no monster" I said as more tears fell from her face.

"Yes I am" Maka sobbed "This wasn't suppose to happen"

"What-" I was cut off

"I wasn't suppose to fall in love with you!"

"Maka I-"I winced when she put some pressure on my chest where my scar was. Maka saw the look of pain on me and pulled up my shirt up revealing the long scar. Maka eyes widen and she got off me.

"Look at what I did to you, see I'm a monster I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me just go away!"

"No! Maka I love you I've always have and I wont let you go"

"For fucks sake Soul open your damn eyes you're a werewolf and I'm a vampire this isn't meant to be!"

"And! I don't fucking care all I care is about you Mak-"

"No we live in two separate worlds Soul it would have been better if I haven't met any of you, if I didn't leave my parents mansion to pursue some idiotic dream of being able to live a normal human life. If I could turn back time I would have never come here. I regret it all"

"… I don't regret it Maka, I don't regret meeting you or anything, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me the only person who makes me smile"

"Then find someone else because I… I hate you goodbye Soul Eater Evan" And with that she vanished leaving me frozen in place. 'She hates me, no she didn't mean it… did she?'

'No she couldn't have meant it. Uhh it doesn't matter I wont leave her alone no matter what she says' I turn into my wolf form and rush towards her scent while it was still fresh.

~Maka POV

I entered the mansion without so much as knocking and wiped away the tears from my yelled out "Sebastian! Mey-Rin!" In a flash both stood before me.

"Mistress Maka what are you doing out of scho-" I cut of Mey-Rin

"That is none of your business!" I said too roughly making her shrink back.

"Um yes forgive me" She whimpered.

I cleared my throat. "I want you two too guard the mansion, if anyone and I mean anyone gets as so much near, you shoot them but do not harm the-"

"But why Mistress Maka?"

"That's an order Mey-Rin" I narrowed my eyes

"…Yes Mistress" Her voice coming out like a whisper.

'This way I can make sure he doesn't get near me' I began to walk to my room taking my anger on anything I saw.

Normal Pov

Mey-Rin looked up at her secret crush with worried eyes. "What has happened to the Mistress Sebastian?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair "I don't know, you did say that she started acting strange in the day I brought her home in Halloween, but I think it may be because of that boy"

"What boy?" She asked.

"So you don't even know, when I arrived I saw him with the Mistress. He was wounded and Mistress was covered in his blood, but he wasn't human, he was a werewolf"

Mey-Rin gasped. "But the Mistress is afraid of them how could sh-"

"I know it shocked me too. She let out her demon side to do the fighting but he must have known her since not a single scratch was on her, and also the way he said her name was like he used it many times before. I'm guessing in the middle of the fight she recognized him and pulled back her demon side and woken up too see what she's done and what he was, that may be why she's been starving herself and acting strange, it all points to that boy, he must be a friend of hers"

"Wow Sebastian you discovered all of that on your own"

"What kind of a bodyguard/butler would I be if I didn't do a simple thing like that" Sebastian smirked

"Well not a very good one" Mey-Rin nervously laughed. When suddenly both were hit with the scent of werewolf.

"Maylene get your guns ready, go and shoot to make it look like your driving him away enough for me to send him a personal message remember don't actually harm him."

"Yes sir!" She saluted and ran to her room.

~Soul Pov

Bang bang bang

I quickly moved on my paws dodging all the bullets, they were missing me by an inch. I know I was unwelcome here but are they really trying drive me away or kill me.

On top of the roof was someone shooting the bullets but I couldn't see the person, I just knew it was a vampire since it was using it's power to run super fast all over the roof, avoiding to be fully seen all I could see is a flash of red and many bullets coming from different direction.

I panted and retreated knowing I wasn't going make it inside Maka's mansion alive. I ran a short distance before something hit the tree that was next to me, it was a knife?

Turning around I was met with the same guy I saw in Halloween. I growled, now he's trying to pick a fight with me, great, I don't have time for this.

He narrowed his eyes "I am not here to fight you if that's what your thinking"

I still didn't trust this guy one bit and continued to growl.

He shakes his head in disapproval "I want to discuss something important about Mistress Maka"

I looked at him in interest for a second. "I want to see her, but your friend over there wont let close to the mansion"

"I apologize but she's only following orders, not letting you inside the mansion that's the Mistress order."

I growled again "I want to talk to her, let me inside the mansion!"

"I will but not in the moment, I must discuss some few things about her first"

"Shoot then… not literally"

"Not here, meet us tonight in the restaurant 'Death Tombstone' at 8:30 sharp, wear something formal and I'll explain everything"

"Wai-" But before I finished he vanished.

'Damn it now what, this could be a trap but what choice do I have and he did say he wanted to talk about something important about Maka' I made up my mind.

~Later that night

Dressed in a suit I walked into the fancy restaurant. I don't really like coming to these restaurant their too snotty for my taste and scent of expensive perfumes and colognes always hanging in the air makes my sensitive nose itchy.

I scanned the room for the scrawny tailcoat dandy, I saw him standing in the waiting area.

I walk up to him "Hey were here, now explain about Maka" I growled.

"After Maylene comes" He said.

"Ahh sorry I'm late Sebastian" From behind me a voice spoke I turn around and saw a red haired women in a red dress come towards us "Blair wanted to come then she took so long getting dressed and-" The person panted out only to be stopped by a finger. "Breathe Maylene"

She took a large gulp of air then exhaled it. "Sorry as I was saying Blair figure out where we were going and decided to follow me I tried to convince her not to come but she wouldn't have it"

The guy pinched the bridge of his nose in frustrated "Where's that cat"

"She went around the restaurant to look for a table outside where it's secluded"

"Alright let g-"

"Wait you're the person who was shooting me!" I butted in.

"Oh sorry about back there I was only following order" She smiled sheepishly. "Forgive me"

"Uhh its okay, hehe lucky I was fast enough to dodge them and that your aim was a bit off"

"Oh my aim wasn't off, if I really wanted to I would have shoot you the second you entered the woods and you wouldn't had seen it coming, it would be a quick painless death" She smile but that smile held no warmth in it.

I gulped down my saliva and nervously tried not to make any eye contact with the red haired vampire.

A cough brought me to my senses "Very well shall we got to our table" The guy said

"Eh yeah lets go" I was practically sprinting towards him

"She was kidding about the trying to kill me stuff right" I whispered

"Oh no she meant every word of it, she's a trained assassin meant to eradicate her victim without mercy, she could have had your head in a second if you were an enemy" He said in a dreamy voice. I looked at him shocked was he serious.

'Maybe coming here was a very bad idea' I thought trying to keep my cool.

We stepped outside and I for one was glad to be out of that cramped restaurant I was literally suffocating in there.

"Hey over here nya" I look up to see a talking purple cat sitting on one of the chairs.

"…That cat is talking" I said pointing to it.

"Sit down and well talk" The guy said.

I sat down and eyed the two vampires and the cat.

"Well do introduction first, I am Sebastian ex-knight but now residing as the Mistress bodyguard and Albans' butler" The guy said.

"I'm Maylene but most people call me Mey-Rin, top assassin sniper but I retired that title a long time ago now I'm the Albans' maid." The ex-assassin said

With a puff of white smoke stood a grown women dressed in a purple dress. "Hello I'm Blair-Chan a magical cat, I don't have a badass history like these two but I've been Maka's friend since she was a child nya" She said with a goofy grin.

"Umm Soul Eater Evans, the second son of the Evans, werewolf prince and Maka's friend from school" I said cautiously.

Everyone seemed to tense "Ahh so you're an Evans" Said Sebastian

"Yeah so?" I said not understanding anything

"No I was only making an observation, never mind that we want to know what happened in the night of Halloween you were with the Mistress the whole time, yes?"

"Yeah we were in the DWMA costume party, then suddenly when we were in a middle of a dance she broke away and then she left. I decided to leave then I sensed someone's scent and I followed it, it lead me to Maka. She saw me and she began to act all wild, giggling all crazily and attacking me for no reason" I shivered at the memory.

"Yes that was her demon side"

"Demon side?" I said dumbfounded.

"All vampires have a demon side, we keep it locked inside of ourselves. It can be unlock accidentally, because of bloodlust, or we choose to let it out."

"So it was accidental?"

"No, well not your case she chose to let it out because she feared you" Sebastian said

"What do you mean feared me, I didn't do anything to her"

"You didn't need to do anything for you to frightened her, she's always feared werewolves since she was a child"

"Afraid of us… but why?"

They looked at each other as if unsure on continuing when suddenly the magical cat lady stood up with determination written all over her face. "I'll tell you"

"It is not in our place to say something so personal Blair-Chan" Maylene said also standing up and staring her down.

"If he knows then he may help Maka-Chan you did say it was because of him that Maka-Chan is acting this way!… I just want Maka-Chan to return back to herself, please he might be our only chance on bringing her back"

"Alright" Maylene sat back down.

She took a big breath and started "When Maka-Chan was 10 years old me and her went outside to play but suddenly this big huge black werewolf appeared out of no where and attacking us for so reason, but he was really after Maka. I- I couldn't stop him, he was too strong, I watched him literally tear out Maka's arm. I watched how that monster was abusing a small and innocent girl while I laid on the grass pathetically watching her suffer until her parent came out and killed that wolf. She changed after that, she may had physically healed but not emotionally. She was left with the thought that all werewolves are savage killing machine" The magical cat stared at me. "You must be someone special to her Soul-Kun, she would had forgotten about you and moved on by now since she doesn't like werewolves, but she's choosing not to. I don't know but it feels like she's fighting something inside of her and she's doing it for you"

I froze. "B-but she said she hated me, but before that she kept calling herself a monster and said 'I wasn't suppose to fall in love with you!' so does that mean she doesn't have any feeling for me any- " I cut off my sentence when I sensed a dark aura. I look to my left and see Sebastian giving me a deadly glare. Umm what did I do?! I held my breath a bit of afraid to breath.

"Haha Sebastian maybe we should order some drink yeah, some drinks, lets go" Maylene stepped in and grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him away

"I'm watching you wolf" He sneered at me

When he was gone I let out my breath I was holding "Sorry Sebastian can be a bit protective over Maka-Chan. Her parents were busy people so they weren't always there for her as a kid, and Sebastian has been assigned to her after the werewolf attack, he's pretty much been with her for half of her life, he's grown so attach to her that he treats Maka-Chan like his own daughter. Anyway where were we, oh yes. She's just confused right now I bet inside she must really like you"


"..Do you like her?"

"What?! Me and her! Of course not" I tried to play it coy but I knew she could see trough my façade, the smirk she was wearing told me everything. 'Shinigami. Why am I having this talk with a magical cat'

"Okay I love her, I love her more than anything. I know its weird, me being a werewolf and her being a vampire but I don't really mind it, even knowing the truth about her I still cant stop loving her, kind of wrong and sappy huh?"

"Not at all, look at me I'm engage to a magical bat. Were a bit different yeah but it doesn't matter what species we belong to, just that we love each other." Blair smiled giving me a reassurance.

"The drink are our in their way" A cheerful voice said. Maylene came back with Sebastian who still looked like he was ready to murder me.

"On to why we are here, its seems like the Mistress hasn't been feeling like herself these days" Sebastian began.

"Yeah I've notice, paler skin, moody, and distance" I said.

"The pale skin and her mood had to be because of her lack of blood consumption"

"Wait bloo- oh yeah I remembered your vampires" I mentally slap myself for forgetting.

"She hasn't had any blood in 3 weeks, if this continues shell end up in coma. Where she can sleep up to hundreds of years without any hope of waking her up. We'd had the idea of force feeding her, but ever time we get as so much close to her she blows us away with her power and now that she's had no blood she's even more dangerous, she can now release her demon anytime"

"So all she needs is blood" I said.

"No we are thinking that she's been like this because of you, so the best suggestion here is for you two talk to each other and resolve any problem you two may have had, that caused her to act like this. But know this when you go and see her you will be put in immense danger, even so are you still willing to see her?"

"If its for Maka then I'll do anything" I said without hesitation .

He nodded "Very well"

Valdezn: Hey guys I know it's been like months since I've updated this story and for that I'm SSSSUUUUPPPPEEEERRRR SSSSOOOORRRRYYYY. Its just that I'm lacking any motivation lately. I also lost a bit of interest on Soul Eater, this story literally took me two week to finish since nothing popped in my head. Though I'm happy that some people haven't given up on me in this story, when I actually felt like giving up you guys where the ones stopping me from clicking the erase button and I really Thank You for that, I want to continue this story the way I wanted to when I first began it, so I won't EVER abandon it (maybe place it on Hiatus but never abandon it). Thank you all for reading and sticking with me for so long. And I don't know when I'm updating but I hope its soon, so please review.