The last part of my trilogy is here!

I know the whole Percabeth reunion has been done a lot, but I couldn't help myself! I read the first chapter of Mark of Athena, and I got really excited.

Another thing, I got so many faves and alerts, but only a few reviews! You guys can do better, so review! Oh, and thanks to anyone who faved or reviewed this story!

One warning, I'm sorry if any of the characters are OOC, especially Jason or Piper. I did my best, but I really hate those two. I could go off on a whole rant of how much I hate them, but I wouldn't want to bore you guys.

Anyways, if you haven't read the first chapter of Mark of Athena, you should go read it right now. This chapter takes place right after Riordan's chapter.

Enjoy! :)

~ o0o ~


"But he also knew that Annabeth was on that ship. If things went right, this would be the best day of his life."

~Son of Neptune

"You may climb down your ladder to New Rome, Daughter of Athena. Please try not to destroy my town."

Annabeth's mind was storming with thoughts as she climbed down the rope ladder. The first order of business, stay alive.

While she waited for the others to come down, she watched the Romans approach. Most of them stood armed and prepared for a fight, definitely not the friendliest looking bunch.

On the other hand, their architecture was amazing! It looked just like a mini replica of the actual Rome.

At the edge of the Pomerian Line, she saw a regal looking girl arguing with Terminus. The girl had a fierce look in her eyes, and her hair was braided down the side. She was wearing a cape similar to Percy's and Jason's. The second praetor, Jason had mentioned her. Reyna.

By now, Jason, Piper, and Leo had joined her.

"They don't look too friendly." Leo said uneasily. "Are you sure about this Annabeth?"

Absolutely not, she wanted to say, but before she could answer, Percy had pushed his way through the crowd of Romans.

Since the winter, he had grown a couple of inches and his hair had gotten a bit longer, but other than that, he looked the exact same. If anything, he had gotten even hotter, if that was even possible.

He was donned in a toga, his praetor cape, and an eagle medal. It was a new look for him, but somehow, he managed to look handsome and fierce. Just like a leader should.

"I've been replaced." Jason whispered almost inaudibly, but Annabeth wasn't paying any attention to him.

Percy had somehow calmed Reyna down. He handed Riptide over to a younger girl next to Terminus and was followed by only a handful of Romans including Reyna, the girl and boy she had seen him with, and a few others that were also dressed in togas. The rest of the Romans stayed behind the Pomerian Line, still armed. They wore looks of confusion, curiosity, disdain, and for some, even fear.

Percy's eyes locked with Annabeth's, green on grey. He winked at her before joining Reyna at the front of the crowd.

Annabeth thought her heart would explode of happiness. He actually remembered her.

"State your name, parentage, and order of business." Reyna demanded snapping Annabeth out of her day dreams. Reyna quickly looked the four demigods over.

Her gaze lingered at Jason. Perhaps old friends? Something more?

Annabeth took a deep breath.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and Leader of Camp Half-Blood."

"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and Praetor of the 12th Legion…" He said the last part as more of a question than a statement.

"Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."

"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus."

"We've come to discuss the 2nd Great Prophecy." Annabeth stated.

"Yes, if you'd please just let us-" Piper started to say. Her words were oozing of charm speak, but Reyna cut her off.

"In the senate house. I'm Reyna, daughter of Bellona and praetor of the 12th Legion. This is my co-praetor."

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Welcome to Camp Jupiter, I guess. We should head over to the senate house, so just follow us." The Romans started to head off, but Percy stayed behind.

"Percy? Are you going to join us?" Reyna demanded turning back to face him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there in a sec!" he said while Reyna just rolled her eyes and left.

Jason, Piper, and Leo had already begun following them, but Annabeth was frozen in her spot.

"Annabeth I knew you'd find me!" he exclaimed lifting his girlfriend up, spinning her around.

"Y-You remembered." she stuttered finding herself at a loss of words.

"Annabeth, I never forgot you. You make quite an impression; it's hard to forget all your insulting and hurtful words. " He said with a grin, and then she punched him.

"Oww…I forgot how you punch." He groaned.

In her defense, he should have expected that.

"What happened to staying in one place? You can't just go a-and get yourself kidnapped!" She yelled throwing her hands up in frustration. "Do you know how worried we all were? How worried I was? Some people started to plan another funeral for you! You disappeared. Again. I thought I los-"

"You will never lose me Wise Girl. If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of hard to kill." Percy said interrupting her rant. Then the son of Poseidon just leaned over and kissed her. It was like those six months had never even happened.

"That was long overdue." Percy complained. All the tension and anger was gone now, and Annabeth couldn't help but just laugh, something she hadn't done in a very long. She had missed him so much!

"Don't ever leave again." She whispered, hugging Percy tight. "Oh, what happened to your Curse of Achilles, and how did you manage to become praetor already? And-"

"I'll explain later. We better head over to Senate House right now, they'll be waiting." He said taking her hand and for the first time in months, Annabeth was at complete ease.

She had her Seaweed Brain at her side, and together, they would accomplish anything. Hopefully.

~ o0o ~

That's the end! What did you guys think? Did you like it or hate it? Review please! I'd appreciate any constructive criticism. Thanks!