
The kiss turned slow and deep. Her hands lingered as they traces his face and he held her softly. Katniss felt the change between them. This was not going to be the hurried and hungry first time or the silent and slow second time. This time felt cozy and relaxed.

There was no rush in these kisses and she could tell that Cato understood as well by the way he took his time kissing the entire column of her throat.

"We are going to ruin the dress." Katniss said softly. The longer they stayed on the ground the more the lights in the center dimmed, the motion sensors not detecting enough movement to keep the entire place lit.

"I think you should take it off then." There was a wickedness in Cato's eyes that Katniss had never seen before and something equally wicked stretched inside of her.

"I couldn't possibly get to the zipper by myself." She teased leaning back on her knees and off him. Cato followed her up tugging at the pins in her hair as he came. The mockingjay pin fell to the floor with a thunk, but they were busy right now.

When her hair was down and Cato had kissed nearly every inch of her neck and collar bone that the dress exposed he moved to pull the zipper off. The dress comes off slowly and Katniss can feel a heat on her skin with each exposed inch. Cato never looks down as the dress slides in his hands, his eyes are on her face.

"You are going to have to look at me." Katniss says when the dress is finally a puddle at her knees.

"I was thinking I might taste first." Cato smiles the wicked smile that sends a shiver down her spine and then pushes her backwards. Katniss braces on her elbows but other wise is now lying naked on the floor. The only undergarments she wore with this dress were a sheer pair of 'panties' according to Flavius.

It's agonizing the pace that Cato sets, taking forever just to get to her breasts. By the time one nipple is in his mouth Katniss is vibrating with urgency. When he moves that slow attention to the other breast Katniss is scissoring her legs together.

"Could you hurry it up?" She asks sounding half annoyed and half desperate.

"No." Cato shakes is head as he descends to her abdomen. "You got to play with the arrows. It's my turn." Katniss did not until just that moment fully understand the concentration and dedication that Cato possessed, but now as his mouth carves a slow agonizing path down her she knows the whole of it.

A rush of air alerts her to the fact that Cato has removed the last of her undergarments. She is now truly naked in the shadows of the training center. Cato's mouth reachs her hip and she knows what he is planning to do in a way.

"You don't have to…" Katniss starts, wanting to say that they can do something else, that this feels odd and she isn't sure she wants it.

"My turn." Cato snaps cutting her off. It must snap his patience as well because his mouth gives her one long lick and she is undone. His mouth is different than his fingers and part of her wants to push him away but another part spreads her legs for him. Cato finds the spot that aches and sucks it into his mouth and Katniss feels that peak off in the distance.

When his tongue goes in her coping the motion his fingers once took Katniss digs her nails into his scalp because it's the only thing she can think to do. She wants to grab something, hold something but there is nothing just the mats and Cato so she buries her hands in his hair.

"Cato." Her voice cracks on the word. Her body is too exposed like this, not the heat covering her. It's offsetting and she can't seem to focus on him. She feels weak like this.

Rather than listen to her or move up her body has she is trying to indicate Cato remains. Only now he brings his fingers into play. They take the path into her and there are three this time and she feels stretched and full. His mouth closes on her and sucks and licks as his fingers pump.

The peak comes and this time she isn't blinded or spent when it shatters in her mind. She comes down feeling relaxed and happy like a cat. Katniss feels like she wants to roll around for a while and run her arms over the matts.

Cato stands and looks like he wants to leave or find something. But Katniss catches him before he can get more than one step in. This time she wants it to be equal.

"I'm not done with you." She explains as she reaches up and tugs him down to the floor with her. Cato falls to his knees and wipes his mouth on his sleeve before smiling back at her.

"I thought you already had a turn."

"This is still part of your turn from my understanding." Katniss tells him as she pulls at the buttons to his shirt and pushes it off his shoulders. Cato helps her with his pants pushing them down to his knees with his undergarments in tow.

Katniss is not as startled by the velvety texture and finds that lying there between his legs she can fit him in her mouth. The sound that escapes him is empowering. Where Katniss normally makes gasping mewling sounds Cato rumbles and groans and it sets parts of her alive.

He tastes salty and a bit like that liquid her mother uses to clean the table after some one has bleeds on it. But it's smooth and glides through her mouth like the popsicles she had once. Cato's hand's fist in her and she realizes he needs a faster pace.

Her hand wraps around him and strokes in time with her mouth. Its only a minute before Cato groans and then shutters above her. It splashes down the back of her throat and Katniss swallows on instinct, even though once he is done she can feel a film on her teeth.

Cato comes down to the floor and lays himself on top or her. He kisses her face and neck and hair and then despite her protest that he shouldn't he kisses her deeply. As they are putting clothes back on Katniss express a thought that is running in her head.

"I liked this time. It was just us, no ghosts or enemies." Cato smiles and hands her the mockingjay pin.

"I like just us as well." He says as she accepts the pin.

"We should do it again." Katniss hears herself say as he turns to pick up his jacket.

"Of course." Cato says and then he helps her zip up the dress and the two of them return to the rest of the world.

Dentist was quick. Here you go. Please everyone review. It's important.

Also I am so proud of myself for not using Core, Shaft, Center, or Member once so far. Go me! -E