Buffy reached out and grabbed a tennis ball as it tumbled down the road towards her. Looking further down the street at a group of three teenagers who were walking towards her. She noted they were all different ages, how the girl in the middle looked like both of the boys, all three with dark features and eyes. The oldest and youngest wore a white shirt with striped black and silver tie, the oldest with a blazer over the top of his attire. The girl in the middle had died red hair, her brown roots showing at her scalp. Unlike the others, she had a black shirt on, with a tie loose around her neck and a nose piercing which completed a look which screamed "rebel."

Buffy smiled as she approached, holding out her hand with the tennis ball in it.

"Is this yours?" she asked.

The youngest boy smiled and nodded, reaching out for the ball before his sister hit his hand away and grabbed the ball from her.

"Thanks." The English voice sounded from the boy.

"You're welcome." She smiled, continuing to walk down the pavement. As she squeezed through the gap between the younger boy and girl, she felt the girl's shoulder make firm contact and clenched her fists at her side. She was taken by surprise when a hand appeared around her neck, pulling her around.

"Are you going to apologise to my brother for barging past him?" the girl snarled. Buffy looked at her equally, before quickly pulling her hand off of her throat and clasping the girl's in her own.

She smiled at the girl's instant look of fear as she started to have issues breathing.

"Tables turn huh?" Buffy said seriously. "I didn't touch your brother. All I did was try and give him his ball back." She tightened her grip a little more. "Next time, saying thank you instead of taking someone by the throat will get your further," she let rip in her Californian twang. She paused before letting go of the girl's throat, pushing her with a little force before turning and continuing down the street. Hearing footsteps behind her she continued walking, picking up the pace slightly. As she heard the footsteps picking up pace she stopped and turned around, to be greeted with a blow to the shoulder. Frowning at the girl, she followed her arm and hand, which still remained connected with Buffy's torso. Looking down she noted blood just as she caught a glimpse of silver.

Buffy groaned, "Please don't tell me you just stabbed me." She despaired. She looked at the red head and noted a look of fear in the other girl's eyes. "Brilliant." Buffy complained. She watched as the girl let the handle of the blade go, still sticking out of her body, and turned and ran. As she reached him, her presumed eldest big brother tried to take a hold of her. Buffy watched as she evaded his grasp and run up the road, dragging her younger sibling behind her who was still in shock. Turning her attention back to the problem at hand she frowned at the blade, before taking her hand to the blade.

"Don't." said a strong voice. "Leave it until we get you to hospital." He said rushed.

"It's okay." She shook her head. "I'm pretty sure it hasn't hit anything important." She said, beginning to feel a little faint.

"I need to phone someone though." She admitted, carefully lowering herself to sit on the garden wall at the edge of the pavement.

"Who?" he asked panicking.

"Giles." She said gulping and taking a needed strong breath. She moved her hand, heading to her pocket and pulled out a mobile phone. Punching at some buttons she held the phone to her ear as she noticed that the tall dark guy had pulled off his blazer and was currently trying to hold it to her wound to stop some bleeding.

"Giles. It's me. Listen, I've been stabbed….no, stabbed Giles. With a knife…really not important just now, I'm on a street in the town….yes, your town…um…." Buffy looked around her frantically before she allowed the guy next to her to take the phone off of her.

"She's on North Avenue, about half way up…..Rupert!" His dark eyes stared at Buffy in confusion, "It was Katherine…. Ok." Angel hung up and put the phone in his own pocket. He looked back at Buffy slightly panicking. "We need to keep you warm."

"You can easy run away with your sister." Buffy offered. "Giles shouldn't be long."

"You have a knife sticking out of you." He said, taking his blazer and putting it around her shoulders. "And you're getting cold." He said in concern. Taking off his school tie, he held it against her wound.

"It's England, I come from California, of course I'm cold." She looked at her wound once more. "Come on Giles." She looked up and down the street, before taking the tie off of the man and pushing it forcefully against her chest. She looked around, as people stopped and stared for a while, glad that the man who she was with was chasing them away and encouraging them to move on. She waited as she recognised Giles' car move up the street and stood up, opening the door and sitting in the passenger seat instantly. "Back to yours, quickly. I'm fading."

"For Christ Sake Buffy. We're heading to the hospital and that's that!" He snapped.

"NO!" She shouted strongly. "It hasn't hit anything, I won't have the medical insurance I need and they'll just do what you'd do anyway. You know that's true. And you know how much I hate hospitals. It only looks like a what…two inch blade? That's not even a stake's worth." She said seriously.

"Home is closer than the hospital." Came a voice. Both Buffy and Giles turned round in shock to see the older boy sitting in the middle of the back seat, looking through the chairs.

"Liam!" Giles exclaimed.

"You know him?" Buffy asked Giles. She looked at the watcher before looking back to the man, "You know, he's quite cute." She remarked.

"Buffy. Not the time!"

"Sorry. More pressing things are happening, like me getting stabbed by his lovely sister." She said sarcastically. "Something more important always did happen when there was a hotty around." She sulked.

"To answer your first question: yes I do know Liam. He's….I'm not sure what he is. He's my cousin's son."

"You have a cousin?" she asked screwing up her face.

"Had. My dad and mom died in a car crash last month." Liam said quietly from the back.

"Oh." Buffy looked at him with wide eyes before turning her attention back to Giles.

"Liam, his sister and brother are now in my custody."

"…Not sure if 'oh' is the appropriate response, but it's all I've got just now." She said honestly.

"I think it is suffice." Giles smiled sympathetically. "I do miss some of your Americanisms Buffy." He smiled at her.

"Just as I miss your stuffiness." She smiled back. "Though probably not enough to get stabbed." She admitted glancing at her chest again.

"Here we are." Giles pulled into the drive way, bursting out of the car and around to the passenger's seat as soon as possible. To no surprise, Buffy bet him out of the car and was halfway towards the house. "Sit down Buffy. Liam, get some water and cloth, I'll get the medical equipment."

"You'll need a needle and thread too." She stated. "Actually, scratch that, medical glue will work." She shouted. She watched as Liam came into the room with the water basin and cloth. "Okay. Your jacket and my jacket needs to come off." She said looking at him steadily.

Liam nodded, instantly helping her out of her jacket followed by gently easing her own out of her arms and off of one of her shoulders.

"I think your jacket's ruined." He said honestly.

"I'm not going to lie to you; it's my favourite." She pouted, "However, I'm not willing to compromise it for a knife sticking out of my chest forever." She smirked, looking him in the eye for a moment. She relaxed as she saw tenderness in his eyes. She held his gaze for a moment as she saw a smirk appear on his face, before Giles broke into the room. "Knife out, clothes off huh?" Buffy said, beginning to blush.

"Yes. Liam." Giles looked at him pointedly. "You could find Katherine and stop her stabbing any other innocent bystanders."

"You could also get my left luggage from the bus station." Buffy offered.

"Do you have a ticket."

"Liam, we have a stab wound, Buffy can save her jimmy choos at a later date." Giles snapped.

"You know I can't afford Jimmy's Giles." Buffy huffed, putting her hand on the knife and pulling it out in pain. "And that really hurt." She gasped. "Giles. Need help taking my clothes off." She admitted, instantly tugging with her other arm and shoulder to get to the stab wound.

"Liam." Giles warned, turning to help Buffy before Liam left the room.

"Well, that was a first time for you seeing me half naked." Buffy said embarrassed, sitting in Gile's lounge with one of his shirts over her upper half.

"Yes…well. I'm not going to pretend seeing my daughter like figure half naked was a comfortable experience." He admitted, bringing through two cups of tea. "And either was my daughter like charge stabbing you." He admitted.

"Thanks." She said, taking a cup from him. She took a sip and smiled at him, "With sugar." She said impressed. Giles smiled at her and nodded.

"I must apologise sincerely Buffy. I completely forgot you were due in town today." He admitted sadly.

"I know. I guess the three teenagers have something to do with it?"

"Less something and all everything." Giles admitted. "Three weeks ago, I received a phone call informing me of my cousin's death. He and his wife were both killed in a car crash. The children were taken into care. Unfortunately Liam and Katherine are too old for the British care system. Matthew is fifteen. Their parents had been dead two weeks by the time they contacted me." He explained.

"So you took them in?"

"Yes." He admitted. "It has been a bit hectic since."

"I can imagine." Buffy said, her eyes wide.

"The rooms of the house were changed to half meet purpose, and the children are understandably still very much grieving for their parents while trying to get on with a relative they have never met before along with a new school and different friends."

"In the middle of term…"

"At the beginning of term." Giles smiled. "School year has just started here."

"Oh." Buffy nodded. "You know, I can go back home and come back later." She offered.

"Don't be ridiculous!" He replied sternly. "Granted you'll have to sleep in the back room of the garage with my library and equipment, which remains locked at all times. But perhaps it will finally encourage you to read more." He teased.

"Desperate times…if it's getting stabbed by a physco or being locked in my room with demon books I'll go for the latter." Buffy turned her attention back to the front door as it opened and the three teenagers walked in. Buffy looked back at Giles,

"If I leave my ticket for left luggage, could someone pick it up please? I'm really jet lagged."

"Of course." Giles nodded, "I'll make up a bed for you."

"It's cool, I'll sort it." She smiled.

"Not with your wound. Matthew, could you please show Buffy where the spare duvet is and where the camp bed is? She'll be sleeping in the back room of the garage." Digging out a key he passed it to Buffy before turning his attention to Liam and Katherine.

"And just for the record. You come within a meter of me, and I won't need a knife to cause damage." Buffy warned Katherine deadly, before leaving.

Giles looked at the two teenagers and sighed. "Take a seat please."

Matthew looked across at his older brother.

"Rupert was really mad wasn't he?"

"She stabbed someone Matt. She's lucky not to be back in social services and straight to juvy. It could have been seen as attempted murder!" Liam sighed and put his hand through his ruffled dark hair, his eyes set in thought.

"Do you think Buffy will press charges?" The younger boy asked concerned.

"I'm not sure. Giles doesn't think she will." Liam said worried.

"Do you think they're like…friends?" Matthew asked.

"What do you mean? You mean are they friends or do you think she's his girlfriend or something?" he frowned.

"Yeah…I mean, she's…wow." He said screwing up his face at the lack of vocabulary. "And Rupert's….a librarian. With glasses and grey hair."

Liam chuckled at his little brother. "I don't think they're sleeping together Matt. You not notice that she's sleeping in the back room instead of his bed?"

"Good." Matt said, turning his attention back to the tv.

"You think you have a chance?" Liam asked amused.

"No." Matt said blushing. "I just don't want to think about them getting it on." He looked at his brother, "Why, do you think you have a chance?" The younger brother suddenly smiled as Liam shuffled under himself.

"No." he said frowning.

"Yeah right. You think she's hot."

"No I don't."


"You're the one who thinks she's hot." He snapped.

"Boys." Rupert walked into the room. "Buffy may be hot, but she's also an important visitor to this house and I'd like you to both give her some respect….regardless of whether you understand all of her Americanisms."

"How do you know Buffy?"

"She was a pupil of mine." Giles said steadily. "I became good friends and close to her and her friends."

"Did you date?" Matthew asked, Liam rewarding him with a thrown pillow. "Hey, you want to know too!" he complained.

"No Matthew. I did not have, or will never have, any relations of that sorts with Buffy. She's very much like a daughter to me." He said seriously.

"And you're like a dad to me Giles. However, I have killer jet lag." Buffy complained, walking in with her pyjama bottoms and tight vest. "And guys; sleeping with Giles, totally gross." She screwed up her face as she flopped down.

"I'll choose to ignore that comment Buffy. However, the best thing for jet lag is to stay up. Do you want me to make you a coffee?" He asked.

"You mean that instant brown water that you Brits call coffee? Or actual coffee?"

"Bloody Americans." He complained softly.

"Love you too Giles." She grumped. "Is there a coffee shop? I'll move for coffee."

"How about we go out for dinner? Then we can have a coffee?" he offered.

"Seriously?" Buffy perked up looking at him. The boys watched Giles as his face softened and he smiled gently at Buffy while he nodded. "I think seeing my almost daughter counts as a special occasion." The two held one another's gaze before Buffy stretched a little.

"Looks like pizza for us." Liam said looking at Matthew.

"I was rather hoping you would grace us with your presence." Giles asked. "It would be nice for my new family to meet my old…so to speak." He said confusing himself.

"Okay." Matthew smiled instantly, before looking at his brother for reassurance.

"You'll have to change back into your school trousers though." Giles warned, looking at his jeans.

"Rupert." Matthew moaned.

"No. Change your trousers please. And while you're upstairs, can you ask your sister if she wishes to join us please."

"You're allowing her to come with us?" Liam asked, trying to look at Giles without staring at Buffy for too long.

"She's grounded indefinitely but I do think that she's safer with us than leaving her along. And if her conduct is to improve she needs to start to feel part of something and more settled into her surroundings." He tried to reason. "Buffy's mother tried the opposite with her and it didn't always work."

"Tip to Giles, make sure the windows are locked." She mumbled.

"Yes…well, I'm going to change. Liam, we're going to the Welcome Inn, so suitable attire please."

"Which means I have to wear what?" Buffy asked Giles hopefully.

"Your usual. Nothing too…short." He said pointedly.

"More like my dad every day." Buffy moaned, blushing and moving from the sofa as she noticed Liam's smirk and Matthew's hazy look.

"Can she flirt anymore?" Katherine moaned, leaning back twiddling her cutlery.

"Katherine. Please sit up and look presentable." Giles stated. "And if you think that that is a display of Buffy flirting you have a great deal to learn." He said steadily.

"She doesn't really have to flirt." Matthew added.

"Please. She's your blonde wafer thin American with the style and execution of a wafer."

"Katherine, you don't even know her. Anyone would think you were jealous." Liam said seriously. He watched his sister steadily, analysing her composure as she flushed and venomously denied the accusation. He shrugged and turned his attention back to Buffy as she made her way to the table, wearing dressed trousers, sandals with heels and a top that was a little low cut and showed her cleavage perfectly as her blonde hair reached her hair. *

"I presume you three are all at school?" Buffy asked them.

The three nodded, "I'm in final year of college, Katherine's two years below, and Matt's two years below again.."

"Which makes you how old?" Buffy asked frowning.

"Nineteen, seventeen and fifteen." Giles said softly.

"You all go to the same school?"

"Yeah. But Angel's in a different building." Matt said.

"Angel?" Buffy asked confused.

"It's what Liam's mother called him. His siblings and friends still call him that." Giles explained as Liam blushed.

"Do you not have a nickname?" Katherine asked tightly.

"Um…no. I guess with a name like Buffy you don't really need one." She tried to joke.

"I have heard 'Buffster' on more than one occasion." Giles smiled.

"You wait until Zander hears you're using his name." Buffy grinned at him.

"Is Zander your boyfriend?" Liam asked gently.

"No." Buffy smiled and shook her head. "He's just a friend."

Liam sighed slowly with relief, "Do you have family?" Liam asked, keen to keep the conversation going with the beautiful girl across from him.

"I have a younger sister called Dawn." She said.

"You have a mum and dad?" Matthew asked as Katherine scoffed.

"You find something funny about that?" Buffy asked, her temperature rising as she glowered at Katherine.

"Katherine. If you cannot be polite, I shall ask you to leave." Giles said strictly.

"Katherine, don't spoil it." Matthew complained glowering. Katherine rolled her eyes at her brother before looking back at her plate.

"So do you? Have a mum and dad?" Matthew asked.

"My mom died with a brain haemorrhage a year and a half ago. My dad is still alive but I haven't really seen him since I was sixteen." She shrugged. "Giles is more like my dad."

Liam looked at her steadily, noting the hurt in her eyes. "I'm sorry to hear about your mum." He said quietly.

"And me." Matthew added, deep in thought.

"Me too." Katherine conceded.

"Yeah well. I'm lucky I have Dawn, Giles and my friends." She shrugged.

"Did your dad not move in with you when your mum died?" Matthew asked.

"Matt." Liam scolded quietly.

"You're not supposed to ask things like that." Katherine sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's okay." Buffy said, her eyes moist. "No Matthew, he didn't."

"Buffy looks after Dawn." Giles explained. "She stopped university and got a job." He said gently to Matt, reaching over and putting his hand reassuringly on Buffy's shoulder.

"How old is Dawn?" Liam asked. "She's sixteen." Buffy smiled. "And currently on vacation, working in a coffee shop while enjoying Californian sunshine."

"How long are you over for?" Liam asked.

"Eight weeks if Giles will have me. If not I'll head back as soon as he wants."

"What about Dawn?"

"She's staying with my friends. They stay in our house. Willow and Kennedy. They look after her while I'm not there. She might come over for a short visit too."

"Willow. That name rings a bell." Katherine said frowning on her own.

"Yes. I call her regularly." Giles said, glancing at Buffy.

"What about you guys. Did you stay near here before or have you had to move schools too?" Buffy asked, moving away from the topic of her.

"We moved." Katherine sighed.

"Rupert was very kind to take us in." Angel said gratefully looking at Giles.

"He was obliged to." Katherine mumbled. "As far as I know, you're free to walk out anytime you want?" Buffy said steely looking at her.

"Buffy." Giles warned. "What. I know she's had it hard and it sucks, but stabbing people and dissing those who are trying to help and are letting you stay with them….it's not the way to do it." She said pointedly.

"And back to the menu." Giles said, looking at the menu as Katherine and Buffy glowered at one another before Katherine gave up and turned her attention to the menu first. Buffy turned back to the menu too, taking her gaze back past Liam who was studying her closely.

"Thanks Giles. It was lovely." Buffy smiled at him.

"You're very welcome." Giles smiled at her, putting his hand around her shoulder briefly for a moment. "There's a coffee shop down the street if you still want to go?" he asked.

"That would be great." Buffy grinned.

"Liam, would you be as kind as to make sure Katherine and Matthew get home okay?" Giles asked kindly.

Liam looked sad for a slight moment before nodding. "Sure."

"They could come if they want." Buffy said hopefully looking at Giles. "I don't like coffee." Matt screwed up his face.

"I don't particularly like your company." Katherine noted.

"Nothing like spoiling it for your big brother huh Katherine?" Buffy said steadily staring her down again. "Let's head. We'll see you back at the house." Liam said, turning and heading down the street.

"Nothing like a bit of confrontation and keeping your thoughts to yourself." Giles sighed. "She treats everyone like dirt Giles. And everyone tip toes around her."

"She's finding it very difficult." He scolded. "Because I didn't." She said bitterly. "I died twice and lost my family and I didn't stab a human and be a bitch to everyone."

"Everyone reacts differently Buffy. You know that. We're hoping time will do the trick…again, something which you should have experience with."

"Fair enough. We avoid the subject of temperamental murdering teenagers." Buffy sighed.

"Matthew, can you please go and knock on Buffy's door." Giles asked him walking into the living room.

"Why?" He mumbled.

"Because she needs to waken up otherwise she'll be jetlagged today again."

"Can Liam not have to do it. "

"It'll take more than one knock. I'll send him next. I'm off to hang up the washing…unless you want to do that."

"I'm on it." The teenager moaned rising from the sofa.

Giles walked through the kitchen and looked at Liam. "Liam, can you knock on the door of Buffy's room in five minutes; Matt's doing so just now. Make sure she physically gets out of bed before you stop knocking." Liam looked up from the cereal bowl and nodded with his mouth full of cereal as Katherine rolled her eyes. "Are you going out today Katherine?" Giles asked.

"Probably not. Nothing to do.""Study is always a good option." Giles said seriously, heading into the garden. Katherine made a voice and mimicked Giles "Study is always a good option."

"It is if you want to stay in school." Liam said honestly.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing." Liam shrugged. "Study."

"I wish we were home." Katherine said honestly.

"I know. I wish too, but for now we have to be grateful we're not in a hostel and we're together." He said seriously. He stood up with the empty bowl and rubbed her shoulder for a moment. "We could try and go somewhere or do something? Coffee?" he suggested.

"Sure." She smiled, "That would be good. Matt won't' come though." She shrugged.

"He's going round to friends tonight. Two boys in his class to play the computer." Liam said. "Good that he's making friends and that Rupert is cool with it."

"I know." Katherine admitted reluctantly. "Shit. I'm grounded. You think Giles will let me out?"

"Giles?" Liam asked chuckling.

"Rupert. Damn that American." She complained.

"And no, to be honest, I think we'll be lucky to get you out in the next year. Stabbing his daughter wasn't the best way to please." He groaned. "Speaking of which, I better go and wake her up."

Liam walked towards the small room at the back of the garage and knocked on the door. He knocked again, but harder.

"Buffy! Time to get up!" he shouted a little annoyed. He listened carefully as there was no reply. Finally, he knocked again before pushing the door open gently. Sticking his head in the door he gulped as his annoyance at her lack of response was replaced with breathlessness. Buffy lay sprawled across her bed, her stomach to the mattress, her duvet just above her waist and her vest covered top showing shoulder and skin. He gulped before repeating himself, "Buffy, time to get up." He jumped as Buffy sat up suddenly, looking at him as her eyes focused on him.

"You're not Dawn." She said slowly, looking around her surroundings. "And this is Giles' house." She exhaled. "All makes sense." She ran her fingers through her hair and yawned as Angel tried not to stare. He could clearly see the shape of her breasts through the vest top and she looked beautiful with her messed up sun kissed hair.

"Giles asked me to wake you up." He apologised.

"Urg. What time is it?" she moaned flopping back down on her bed and covering herself up.

"Half past ten."

"Okay, okay, I'm up." She groaned, pulling the covers back and standing up in her pyjamas. "Doesn't mean I'm overly happy about the situation though." She mumbled.

Buffy followed Liam back into the house and broke off to the kitchen, just to see Matthew walking past. She frowned as he went past.

"That your old jeans? Or the ones you had on yesterday?"

"The ones I had on yesterday. They're not my old ones." He said frowning.

"And you've taken my T Shirt again!" Liam complained passing him on the way to the kitchen. "Get it off Matt!"

"No!" He complained picking up pace to the livingroom.

"What on earth is the noise…ah Buffy, you're up." Giles smiled.

"Yeah. I'm up." She grumped. "Question for you: how does money in this place work? Do you get an allowance for the three of them or is from your own fund or what?" she asked confused.

Giles looked at Liam uncomfortably as Liam crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the kitchen worktop in defence of the question.

"Don't look at me like that." Buffy said matter of fact. "Do you get an allowance for them? Child allowance or something?"

"Um, yes. I do. And I have savings which are used until their parent's estate is dealt with." Giles said softly.

"Good, cos Matt needs new clothes desperately." She explained, ignoring his stares and opening all the cupboards to try and find a bowl and food.

"Clothes?" Giles asked in disbelief.

"Yup. Have you not noticed that his jeans are halfway up his shins and that he's stealing Liam's T. Shirts? Presumably because he doesn't fit into his own anymore?" she asked, smiling at Liam as he handed her a bowl and went to get her some cereal from the cupboard. "The boy must be taking a lot of flack at high school….really not what you need in a new high school either." Buffy pointed out.

"Um. No. But, that's a good point." Giles said blushing.

"Giles, it's not your fault. Relax okay? You haven't done the kids and teenagers and clothing thing before. I presume you were brought up in tweed and elbow patches?" she teased.

"Buffy." Giles warned.

"I know." She acknowledged, "You taking him shopping or is Liam or am I?" she asked.

"I wouldn't say that teenage boy shopping is my forte." Giles said smirking.

Buffy grinned at him and looked at Liam, "You want to take him? Out of Dawn experience I know if you give them cash they're coming back with something entirely different to what they require."

"I said I'd do something with Kat today." He said seriously.

"Cool. Well I'll take him, with your card." She smiled sweetly at Giles. "I need to look for a new jacket anyway." She shrugged. "Matt! You got anything planned today?" she yelled.

"You could have actually moved your legs Buffy." Giles scolded.

"And waste all my energy that I could put into my….day." she said, catching her slip of tongue in front of Liam.

"I'm meeting friends tonight for gaming." Matt said, appearing at the kitchen door. "Cool. Well, I'm going to have breakfast, a shower and then we're going shopping to get you jeans that aren't short and t. shirts that fit which don't belong to your brother." She stated.

"Seriously?" he looked confused at Liam and Giles who both nodded.

"Brilliant." He smiled relieved.

"You have to go with Buffy though." Liam pointed out.

"Sure I can cope." He smiled, which turned to a frown, "Unless you're a shopping freak?"

Buffy smiled, "I am, but I'll be reasonable." She mediated. "All I need to look for is a jacket….and a coffee."

"She's seriously taken Matt to get clothes?" Katherine said amazed.

"Yeah. She said his jeans were three inches too short and he needed new ones. Along with T Shirts which fit that aren't mine."

"He did ask when we first moved." Katherine admitted.

"I know, but mum and dad's money hasn't come through yet and I don't want us to be taking money off of Giles." Liam admitted, quite torn. "She just came out with it and asked him about money and benefits and told him that Matt needed new clothes. Said he would have a hard time fitting in at a new school when his clothes didn't fit…I never thought about it like that. When you think about it he does wear his school clothes and my T Shirts a lot."

"We all got new school clothes which fit." Katherine agreed.

"Anyway. How are you doing? After yesterday? And with Buffy here?" Liam asked.

"Buffy, Buffy, Buffy. The world seems to revolve around her since she arrived." Katherine moaned.



"Sure? She's a beautiful girl, and you've always been the only girl in our house."

"She's only here for a while. And it's not as if Rupert is our parents or close relative."

"He's taken us in to his home and tried to make us feel welcome. As Buffy says, he's never had experience of having a family or teenagers staying in his house. And all his rooms have been converted to suit us. He hardly has any space, especially with Buffy here."

"He's very reserved and private though." Katherine frowned.

"He's never had to be anything else. He has been a lot more open since Buffy arrived. I suppose he just doesn't know us much."

"We don't know him. We're living with a stranger more or less."

"Which is why we have one another." Liam said strongly. "And we'll always be there for one another…and I have a feeling that Rupert will be there for us eventually too."

"You look at the jeans and I'll have a look around and come over in five?"

She watched Matt nod and head over to the jeans. She had let him choose the shop they were going to. She knew the fashion in Sunnydale, but what the fashion was in Britain she had no idea. Looking around she found shirts and T Shirts and had a look at the makes, styles, colours and prices before heading over.

"You found jeans?"

"These ones." Matt held up a pair of baggy faded jeans with straight legs. Buffy frowned a little before heading over to the shelf.

"How about these ones? She asked holding up a pair of darker ones which were the same brand and shape.

"They're more expensive." Matthew noted. "I quite like the faded ones."

"Try them both on then. Don't look like that, you don't know what size you are until you try them on. At least with a darker pair they're more presentable and they're eventually fade like the other ones." She watched as Matt nodded reluctantly. "Let's have a look at the shirts." She suggested. "Shirts? No way."

"But you steal your brothers all the time?" she said confused.

"T. Shirts." He stated.

"Oh. We call them the same thing in America." She said embarrassed.

"Buffy, this comes to a lot of money. I don't know I should get this stuff." Matthew said concerned. "Mum and dad would never let me get this stuff. Liam will go nuts."

"Seriously? It's not that much." Buffy looked over the stuff. "And at the moment you have no clothes that fit. And they're designed to last, you're not going to get this every month." She reasoned. "I'll tell Giles this is what clothes costs. He'll be okay with it…don't get me wrong, he'll stutter and blush and take off his glasses and clean them, but that's Giles." She smiled as Matt laughed. "Whatever you do, never mention sex in front of him…he really can't deal." Buffy smiled. "Come on. I need to look across the street for a jacket before I get a coffee fix."

"Buffy, do you think I could wear the jeans after we buy them?"

"Sure." She nodded, "Better than the short ones you have on."

"We call them half-masts." He admitted.

"Huh." Buffy shrugged.

"Liam, could you help please?" Giles asked, walking in the front door.

"With what?" he asked standing.

"I have a present for Buffy while she's here, but I can't carry it myself." He admitted bashfully. "Come and see; it's in the back of the car." He explained.

Liam looked at Katherine before shrugging and following him out.

"You got her a punch bag?" he asked confused.

"Yes." Giles nodded proudly. "I think she'll like it. At least I hope she likes it." He said, suddenly nervous. "Come on, let's get it into the garage. We can hang it up before she gets back." He said excited.