Disclaimer: I do not own HP

A/n: sorry I have`t updated in while but here is something to tie up the end.


10 years later

I went into the office that Severus kept in our small house.
We lived in the country. We moved here just after we got married.

Yes my name finally changed from Jessica Orville to Jessica Snape.
Nice ring to it huh?

Anyways we had been living here for close to 10 years.
It was close to Hogwarts so he didn`t have to apparate everyday to work.

I walked to his office and stood in the doorway.
I knocked on the rim and he looked up and smiled.

"Hey" I said.

"Hello. Is there something you needed?"

"No I just wanted to talk. We won`t get to talk much once you`re gone back to work" I came in and sat on his lap.
He wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn`t fall. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I see but we will talk on the weekends"

"No we will be doing other things" I kissed his neck. "Since we won`t see each other for an entire week"

He pulled my head up and kissed me. We rested our foreheads together and he spoke "5 days"

"It will feel like forever"

"No it won`t. It will be summer vacation before you know it"

I sighed and got up. He pulled me back down and kissed me. I giggled and pushed myself away.

"I have to finish dinner" I got up and he swatted my bum and I turned and winked at him. He followed me into the kitchen and watched me.

I turned to him and asked "Hey isn`t that Potter kid coming to the school this year?"

"Yes I believe so"



"Oh nothing"

"Tell me. I have ways of finding out" His eyes raked over my body suggestively.

I blushed. "I still don`t have to tell you"

He came over and grabbed me and swept me into a sweet, romantic kiss. "Will you tell me now?"

"If you give me another kiss like that"

"Tell me" He said.

My shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine. You remember that little demon, I mean girl that is supposedly my sister"


"Well it, I mean she shall be attending Hogwarts this year"
Severus`s jaw dropped.

"Yeah. Two things. 1 Look out for her and 2 good luck"
His face was one of irritation and I kissed him and went back to dinner.

I just want to say thank you for all of the reviews and all of the people who have wanted to read this. I just have two questions and please review.

1. Would you like a version of this story in Severus`s POV? (Note: It would have some missing details from the ten years)

2. Would you like a sequel to this of Jessica`s younger sister Kendra and her years at Hogwarts. (Note: it will have Jessica and Severus moments)

Please review your answer to either or both of these questions. Thank you!
