Full summary – Lúthien knows no life outside of the farm in Bree, but with the arrival of wraiths comes adventure in the form of a dark stranger who calls himself 'Strider' and four hobbits. She travels with them to Rivendell where she is left with a choice... to pursue her gift further and travel onwards to Lothlorien, or to return to her normal life.

Firstly, Lúthien will NOT be a Mary Sue, simply because it is not my style. She will not be incredibly beautiful or especially smart, she will just be different.

Secondly, I have a habit of not sticking with my stories. If you looked on my profile you'd know. However, I have actuallly started planning this out so we may make it to the finish line. Wow.

Thirdly, yes, this is stuff with Legolas/OC because I adore him. It may be cliché but I'm having a go at it.

Fourth, PLEASE REVIEW! It really does mean a lot to me and it will boost my metabolism… haha, not really.



Lúthien was special.

Although, no one would have thought so.

"Feed those pigs now, girl, or you shall be fed to them yourself!"

Lúthien was jerked rudely from her slumber mid-snore as Ma Smith's loud yell reached her.

Blinking sleepily, she tried to recall what she had been asked – demanded – to do.

Ah, yes – "Pigs, pigs, feed the pigs – again?"

Nevertheless, Lúthien rolled out of the bale of hay she had been lying in, attempting in vain to regain the hours of sleep lost being ordered around by her… employer. Not a day went by when Ma Smith forgot to remind her how her drunk of a father and good-for-nothing mother had bargained her off for two horses and a loaf of bread.

And so she was left on Fargo Farm with a bossy widower and her two older sons, forced to work to pay off her parents' debt long after Ma Smith could afford to buy another three horses and a chicken.

She picked up the bucket of mealworms left by the door and lazily wandered over to the pigs.

"Hello girls," she murmured to the two hogs.

"And feed the chickens while you're out there!"

Indentured servitude… it never got old.

Rubbing down the pigs she commented, "Do you think that she has a sickness… one that kills her if she works?"

The pig snorted as if laughing and turned to look at her. Lúthien stared back.

"Favourite pig," she announced to no-one as she snuck him some extra food.

Indeed, no one thought Lúthien was special… at least, not yet.