Jane grunted as she fixed her bow tie for the third time. She sighed and threw her hand up in the air just as Frankie walked in. "I didn't know you were wearin' a suit." Frankie said with a shrug. As Jane's best man he knew that part of his job to make sure his older sister wasn't freaking out. As he looked over Jane he knew that she was freaking out some although she was doing surprisingly well at concealing it. "It looks good. But your bow tie is messed up." He walked over and fixed it for her. "Why'd you chose one that you had to tie yourself anyway?"

"I dunno. I thought it would be classy."

"Whatever, sis." Frankie shrugged again and gave an easy smile. "So how are ya feelin?"

"Excited, happy, and like I'm about to vomit." Jane smiled weakly. "There are a ton of people out there waiting for this thing. I'm actually marrying Maura, my best friend. I'm marrying her. Today. In just a few minutes." Jane took a deep breath to try and calm herself down but she couldn't seem to stop the sudden panic. Luckily Frankie had seemed to anticipate this.

He gave Jane a hard pat on the back and took a long deep breath urging her to follow his example which she did.

"Come on Jane you're tougher than this. You're not gonna let a few people and a ceremony scare you are ya?"

Jane straightened her back and shook her head once. "I can do this. I… Thanks Frankie. I feel a little dumb for needing that pep talk. But I am glad you're here to give it."

"Great." Frankie looked at his watch. "Now it's time to get out there and watch your woman walk down the aisle. And don't worry I'll be right up there with ya the entire time. Plus it's Maura. So no reason to be nervous okay?"

"Okay." Jane nodded again and smiled feeling more confident about the entire wedding than she had been only moments ago. Happiest day of your life, Jane. Don't think about anything else just think about Maura and how amazing she's going to looking walking down the aisle.

"You look so beautiful, Darling." Constance put a warm hand on Maura's shoulder.

Maura examined herself in the mirror her hair was swept back in a loose up do with a few curls to frame her face.

Her dress was an ivory, strapless, satin, A-line gown with beaded lace details and long sleeve lace jacket it had a sweet heart neckline. She looked at her mother, "I'm so nervous, I've never been so sure of anyone before and yet I'm still so nervous"

"That's completely normal" Constance smiled "When I married your father I was so nervous I'm sure the guests could see me shaking, but he was and is the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." She chuckled softly. "It's alright to be nervous, it's a big day."

Maura turned and looked at her mother nervously. "What if I get up there and Jane doesn't want to marry me anymore? Or what if I'm not a good wife?"

"Jane isn't going to change her mind about you anymore than you would about her. I've known since the moment I first met her that she loves you, and that's all that matters. You'll figure out how to be a wife, but that isn't all that challenging. You have definitely been through far more challenging things than marrying the love of your life." Constance smiled gently and gave her daughter's shoulders a comforting squeeze.

"You're right of course." Maura let out another sigh. "Jane and I have already been through so much more than so many other couples and we've made it out alright." She put her hand over her mother's and turned back to look in the mirror. "I'm still very glad you're here. I don't know if I could do this without you, mother."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Constance said easily kissing Maura on the cheek. "Now I believe we should get out there don't you?"

"It's time." Maura agreed. Constance left first, giving Maura a few minutes to herself before she had to make her down the aisle. With one final deep calming breath Maura made her way out.

For both of them in that instant when they saw each other for the first time that day it was like all of their panic and fears, as well as everyone around them, just faded away. It was just the two of them, eyes locked, and broad smiles. Maura admired the way Jane looked in her suit which was obviously new and well tailored.

Jane almost forgot to breathe when she saw Maura looking absolutely perfect. As always, Jane added in her head as she watched her bride walk gracefully towards her. She instinctually held her hand out for Maura to grab when she was close enough to reach.

"Wow." Jane said softly as the officiator began to speak although neither woman seemed to be listening to him all that much until he mentioned vows. Alright Jane, Vows. You got this.

"Maura, you're my best friend, and I've known since the very first time we met that you were going to be an important part of my life. And while I didn't exactly expect these feelings to develop the way they have I am glad they did because I know that I can't live without you by my side. We've been through so much together and there is so much more to come. I'm glad that you always be by my side, as my wife and I can promise to always be there for you as well to protect you and love you forever." Jane gave Maura's hand a gentle squeeze.

Maura felt the tears threatening to fall even though she'd promised herself she wouldn't cry Jane's heartfelt words were causing an emotional reaction she couldn't seem to control. She was glad that it was her turn to say her vows because it gave her something to think about.

Alright Maura, you've practiced this. you can do it. Just say what you've practiced. Even though that thought was running through her head as she began speaking the words she'd practiced she heard herself begin to deviate from her self-imposed script. "I love you with all of my heart Jane. You have given me a family that I could've never expected and friends that are always going to be by my side. I have so much to thank you for and it's hard for me to believe that I'm standing here with you now. I'm glad that it's you that I'm going to be spending my life with."

Jane smiled and just barely resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her bride before she was prompted to. People cheered as they exchanged rings and the kiss they shared was modest and sweet but not lacking passion.

As they walked down the aisle together as a newly married couple both of them were sure that this was the happiest moment they'd shared together so far and yet they knew there were many more happy moments to come.

Alrighty guys, this is it for this one. I'm sorry there isn't more but I just felt the wedding was a good place to end. I have some ideas for a follow up that I'm kicking around but it could be awhile. I'm also very sorry that you all waited so long for such a short chapter but I knew that if I didn't finish this up soon that I probably would abandon it completely and we were WAY to close to the end for me to want to do that to you. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm sure there will be more from me in the future. Comments are GREATLY appreciated. oh and I'm sorry I didn't give a whole lot of details about the wedding, I've only been to 3 in my whole life so while I did do some research I still wasn't sure how to write it. Again Thanks for reading, Please Review. Love and Hugs R. W.