Sorry for the delay. I'm working on a new system so stories don't get missed on updates for a long(er) period of time in the future.
I've also started doing previous chapter summaries at the start of every new chapter to update all of you on what happened previously.
Lastly, Pokémon Masters is super grindy but super fun and Rosa is just the best, do recommend if you aren't already playing.
I've also been thinking about posting author notes/discussions on my pat reon for everyone (not just patrons) so let me know if that is something you'd be interested in. It would just be to update everyone on what I am writing/reading fanfiction wise.
SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan.Previously:
Ash revealed his status as a time traveller to Gary. Using Lucario's presence to prove his statements to Gary, the younger Oak decided to work with Ash when the situation called for it. Team Rocket would overhear this conversation through a scout with the information being relayed to Giovanni. Giovanni would then dispatch Shadow Walker, the Ace of Team Rocket and also Ash's next opponent, much to his shock. In a battle which seemed entirely too close to call, Ash emerged victorious.Disclaimer – I don't own Pokémon. All I own are my original characters and plot twists.
Chapter 10 – Typecasting'Ash, nice work on that last battle.' Said Misty.
'That was, like, one serious battle.' Added Daisy.
'Yeah, looks like you were blindsided at the start there.' Said Brock, having recalled Ash facing a different opponent last time.
'Yeah, it was pretty tough, good thing Pikachu was able to help get us the win, I really was surprised.' Admitted Ash, with Pikachu chorusing his agreement with a tired cry.
'What's wrong Ashy-boy, you almost lost out there? I guess I shouldn't have expected too much from you after all.' Commented Gary, approaching the group.
'What can I say, I didn't see that guy coming.' Said Ash.
'That was a good match, Ash.' Said Sabrina, approaching the group.
'However, that trainer was holding back.' Continued Sabrina, surprising the group.
'Seriously? He was so strong though.' Commented Misty.
'He defeated me last week, almost within minutes of you leaving Saffron City. He didn't use any of those Pokémon though. He had Pokémon from other regions with him as well. His Mismagius was the strongest Ghost-type Pokémon I have ever faced.' Finished Sabrina.
'Well, it's a good thing Ash beat them then, right?' Commented Daisy.
'I guess… but why would someone hold back in the Pokémon League?' Said Brock, before realising that is exactly what his friend was doing.
'He must be hiding something then.' Concluded Ash.
'Oh, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much. My Vileplume loves hearing that we've managed to make something that someone has enjoyed so much.' Said Erika, walking towards the group as she chatted with Cynthia.
'I would love to hear more about how you design specific scents. Using scents to lure Pokémon is common in Sinnoh, but we use special trees and honey for this.' Said Cynthia.
'Oh, I've never thought of using honey in that way, how interesting.' Commented Erika.
'Hmm, well isn't this interesting, four Gym Leaders and two Indigo Plateau participants all gathered together. I wonder why.' Said Cynthia, spotting the group.
'Like it's Erika, how are you?' Said Daisy, gathering the sleepy beauty's attention.
'Hello Daisy, I'm surprised to see you here. Don't you have any shows to do?' Asked Erika.
'We suspended them for the league. I'm totally sure we'd win, but we didn't want to compete with the Indigo League for spectators.' Explained Daisy.
'As for why we are all gathered, it's because of Ash almost getting knocked out just then, or did you miss the match?' Said Gary.
'Oh I saw it, but I also know Ash didn't use the full depths of his team. Of course, in a three-on-three match there are limits, but it did seem as though there was a lack of preparation before that battle as well.' Said Cynthia, easily ignoring Gary's sass.
'Well, it says here your next opponent is someone named Ritchie.' Said Misty, peering at the tournament schedule from a distant monitor.
'In that case, I know what I'm going to use tomorrow, but for now, let's take a break. I don't know about all of you, but I'm sure Gary would want to rest up a bit as well.' Said Ash.
'A true Pokémon Champion is always ready for battle.' Said Gary arrogantly.
'Yes and an actual Pokémon Champion agrees that resting is also essential.' Said Cynthia, with a smile.
'What do you mean, actual Pokémon Champion, you're not even competing in the League?' Questioned Gary.
'Of course not, I just received the official Champion's invitation to attend.' Retorted Cynthia, causing most of the group to look at her in surprise.
'You're a Champion?' Asked Misty in shock.
'Oh, I see Ash hasn't told anyone about me, my name is Cynthia, the Champion of the Sinnoh region, lovely to meet you all.' Greeted Cynthia, flooring the girls and cowing Gary.
'I didn't realise I was supposed to tell anyone about you…' Mumbled Ash, causing Pikachu to slap himself in the face.
'Well, I mean you did tell Erika about me, indirectly of course, but I did appreciate the perfume.' Said Cynthia.
'You bought her perfume? How? When?' Asked Misty.
'Before we had our battle of course. If I'm being honest, I was surprised a boy like Ash would even know what perfume was.' Said Erika, causing a dark cloud to hang over Ash's head.
'I'm being personally attacked for buying a present.' Mumbled Ash, only for Pikachu to half-heartedly tap him on the shoulder, expressing his sympathies.
'Well, in any case, why don't we all go somewhere and get something to eat?' Suggested Cynthia.
'Fine by me.' Said Brock, with the others agreeing, as a shell-shocked Gary finally came back to his senses.
'Wait, if you are really a Champion, I want a battle.' Said Gary.
'Hmm, you remind me of someone… okay, after lunch we can have a one-on-one Pokémon battle, but don't blame if your confidence is shattered that you drop out of the Indigo Plateau Conference.' Said Cynthia teasingly.
'Gary you should probably reconsider, especially since you are still going to have matches later.' Suggested Ash.
'Why? Beating a champion will give me so much confidence I'll be unstoppable.' Said Gary, causing Cynthia's smile to strain.
'Maybe we should have that battle before lunch so we can work up an appetite. Why don't we say loser pays?' Suggested Cynthia.
'Well then I hope you brought your check book.' Said Gary.
-line break-
The group had gathered outside and soon enough a small crowd had gathered. It was slightly odd how word of a League Champion battling an Indigo Plateau Conference participant had gotten around when the group had not mentioned anything to anyone, but eavesdroppers were everywhere it seemed.
'I shall officiate this battle if the two of you have no objections.' Said Sabrina, steeping between the two.
'Be my guest.' Said Cynthia, after scrutinising Sabrina for a moment.
'Well in that case, why not go with a blast from your past, Sabrina.' Said Gary, releasing an Alakazam.
'You've revealed your Pokémon before the match has even been officially started, giving me time to choose a counter.' Said Cynthia.
'It doesn't bother me, Alakazam is a powerhouse.' Said Gary, causing his Pokémon to cry out in agreement.
'I see.' Said Cynthia, before turning to Sabrina, waiting for her to begin the match.
'This will be a one-on-one battle between Cynthia and Gary. The battle is over when either side admits defeat or the participants' Pokémon is unable to battle. Trainers, select your Pokémon.' Announced Sabrina.
'Well, I'm ready to go, how about you, champ?' Asked Gary.
'Sorry to keep you waiting.' Said Cynthia, before throwing out a ball.
What emerged was something foreign to the Kanto natives. A ball of swirling purple fog with a mass of green in the centre emerged.
'What is that thing?' Asked Misty.
'My Spiritomb.' Said Cynthia, getting a few gasps of awe from the ground.
'A Ghost-type? That won't stand a chance against my Alakazam, Psychic Alakazam.' Said Gary confidently.
Alakazam placed his two spoons together and a wave-shaped blast of psychic energy shot at Spiritomb.
'Calm Mind, Spiritomb.' Said Cynthia calmly.
The purple mass glowed a pinkish hue, as waves of psychic energy emanated from the creature, even as the Psychic struck, before it seemed to fizzle away into nothingness.
'What, what happened?' Asked Gary in shock.
'Spiritomb, Calm Mind again please.' Said Cynthia, only for Gary to growl.
'Psybeam, Alakazam!' Ordered Gary.
Alakazam launched a beam of purple rings at the Ghost-type, blasting into and through the purple mass.
'While you are correct about Spiritomb being a Ghost-type, it is not only a Ghost-type, now then Spiritomb, Dark Pulse.' Said Cynthia.
A ball of purple circles appeared in front of Spiritomb's mouth before a beam of purple circles was launched back at Alakazam. The Psi Pokémon was blasted by the attack and taken off his feet, before landing on the ground with swirls for eyes.
'Alakazam is unable to continue, Cynthia is the victor.' Said Sabrina, bringing the match to a close.
'Wow, that was so cool.' Said a voice in awe from besides the group, gaining their attention.
'Sorry, but who are you?' Asked Erika, noticing the boy had almost joined their group with how close he was.
'Oh, haha, sorry about that, my name is Ritchie. Guess I got a bit too into that match, I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to get a closer look at seeing how a Champion battles. It's really impressive.' Said the boy clad in green and yellow.
The rest of the gathered crowd had dispersed, muttering about the match, but Ritchie had stuck around as Cynthia, Gary and Sabrina returned to the group.
'I tried to warn you, Gary. If Cynthia was in this thing, it wouldn't even be a question of who would win.' Said Ash, consoling his rival.
'Well, while I do appreciate the compliment, I would much rather have some food, especially since Gary will so graciously be paying for us all.' Said Cynthia.
'Yeah, a deal is a deal, but I want a rematch later on down the track. I'm sure the competition got to my head, otherwise there was no way I would lose so easily.' Said Gary, accepting the loss, but refusing to do so gracefully.
'I see your Alakazam has been training hard though.' Commented Sabrina, assessing the Psi Pokémon's attacks and power.
'Of course, Alakazam is my main counter for fighting Pokémon, so its psychic attacks are the very best of the best.' Said Gary, regaining some of his usual bluster.
'Just unfortunate it is completely useless against a Dark-type Pokémon.' Added Ash, causing Gary to huff.
'That was a great battle you two. I feel so lucky to have seen such a great match outside of the conference.' Piped up Ritchie, gaining Cynthia's attention.
'Well I'm glad you enjoyed it.' Said Cynthia.
'Would it be possible for me to ask you some questions about your Pokémon?' Asked Ritchie.
'I don't see why not. Why don't you join us? I saw a lovely restaurant down the path which should comfortably allow us all to sit and talk.' Offered Cynthia, much to Ritchie's delight.
-line break-
'I have to say Gary, you're handling getting shut out in one move way better than I thought you would be.' Said Ash, seated across from his rival.
The group had managed to sit at a three sided booth with Ash, Cynthia and Ritchie on one side, with Gary, Daisy and Misty on the other side, with Sabrina to Ash's right and Brock to Gary's left on the side, with Erika seated in between them.
'Well, it was a champion. It would be too easy if I won here so early.' Said Gary.
'You know, most Champion wouldn't even bother to entertain a challenge like that.' Said Brock.
'Yeah, Cynthia might be the only one who would, so you were lucky there.' Agreed Ash, glancing at the blonde who was currently, giving Ritchie advice about Dark-type Pokémon.
'I must admit, I wouldn't mind challenging her myself. It hurts to see a Psychic-type Pokémon lose so completely. I feel as though I need to defend their honour.' Commented Sabrina, causing Ash to snicker at Gary's one-sided battle being addressed again.
'Actually, that would be quite the match, considering Cynthia's Pokémon.' Said Ash
'That would be interesting to see.' Agreed Erika.
'Well, maybe after this is all over, we could have a few battles if Cynthia has the time… Champions are busy people after all.' Added Brock.
'Why haven't you said anything about challenging her Ashy-boy, scared?' Said Gary.
'What makes you think I haven't already challenged her?' Said Ash, with a smirk.
'How did that go?' Asked Gary.
'Well, it wasn't an easy one…' Said Ash, trailing off and leaving Gary in suspense.
'Fine then, I'll beat you in the conference then you'll have to tell me.' Decided Gary.
'Sure, if you beat me, but I'm going to be the Champion, so that won't be happening.' Said Ash.
'By the way Daisy, how has the Gym been doing with the new approach.' Asked Ash across the table.
'Well, we still do our shows, but we add the battles to the end so people can see what a Pokémon battle is like.' Said Daisy.
'So wait, you battle in your swimsuit then?' Asked Misty.
'Like, what's wrong with that Misty?' Asked Daisy innocently, causing the younger Sensational Sister to sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose.
'I mean if you want you can come back and do the battles at the end of the show. I just don't know if you still have it in you though.' Said Daisy, causing Misty to fume.
'And what's that supposed to mean?' Asked Misty.
'Well little sis, you're kind of out of practice now, since you haven't actually had a Gym Battle in a while.' Said Daisy.
'That's rich coming from you, you gave badges away in the past, or did you forget?' Asked Misty.
'That was the past, besides, I've beaten up so many challengers since then things have probably balanced out by now.' Said Daisy.
'I'm sorry, did you say you gave away badges in the past?' Interjected Cynthia.
'Yeah, but only after we had challengers after all our Pokémon had already battled.' Said Daisy.
'And you didn't think about asking them to come back another day?' Asked Cynthia, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
'That would be rude. Plus, we have other stuff to do as well so we couldn't battle everyone all the time. There are so many new trainers who come and challenge us.' Said Daisy.
'I would just rotate Pokémon from the gym around. I'm sure the Cerulean Gym has lots of Water-type Pokémon to go through.' Interjected Brock.
'Well yeah, that's what we do, but people come from all over for our show, so we end up getting a lot of trainers as a result.' Defended Daisy.
'Sounds like you need more people to battle the trainers then, or a filtering process like I have with my Gym.' Said Erika.
'Maybe… but it isn't an issue now since Dewgong can battle all day now.' Explained Daisy.
'Really? You just have Dewgong battle? Isn't that going to be tiring?' Asked Brock.
'Not really. I mean, most of the time we get Grass-type Pokémon and like, Dewgong's Ice Beam takes care of them. The only real problem is when Pokémon like Pikachu battle because we need to leave the water to fight, but Dewgong has one really powerful Headbutt, so it totally isn't an issue. Not to mention we are working on learning Horn Drill.' Explained Daisy.
'Wow, if Dewgong learns Horn Drill it's going to be tough for anyone to stand up to Dewgong.' Commented Ritchie.
'Yeah, that will definitely make people a little bit more careful about challenging the Cerulean Gym.' Added Ash.
'So you see sis, everything is fine.' Concluded Daisy, much to Misty's disbelief.
'Who are you and what have you done with my sister? Battles, training, unstoppable Gym Leader… where did all of these things come from. I doubt a bit of encouragement would cause such a change in attitude.' Said Misty.
'Like, keep it down little sis, be cool.' Whispered Daisy, nervously glancing at Ash from the corner of her eye.
'Oh… that makes sense now.' Said Misty with a narrowed gaze, before her eyes snapped open in outrage.
'Hey! He's too young for you so leave him alone.' Said Misty, initially shouting, before whispering.
'You two okay there?' Asked Ash, befuddled at the uncharacteristic behaviour of the two Sensational Sisters.
'Misty was just telling me she isn't feeling well so we'll head out, don't mind us though.' Said Daisy, standing up and pushing her sister out with her.
'Uh, okay…' Mumbled Ash in confusion as the two sisters left.
'In any case, are the rest of you ready to order, I'm getting hungry.' Said Cynthia.
'Yeah sure.' Said Ash, as Cynthia called over someone to take their orders.
'So Gary, do you know who your next opponent is?' Asked Ash.
'Not really, someone from Mahogany Town in Johto. Haven't seen any of their fights, but apparently they've been sweeping the competition.' Said Gary.
'Oh wow, are you worried?' Asked Ash.
'They might have been sweeping the competition before, but Gary Oak isn't ordinary competition after all.' Said Gary.
'I'm glad to see your loss hasn't ruined your confidence. From what I've seen, you'll be in for quite a battle.' Said Cynthia, as the food arrived.
'Please, I'm sure I can handle it.' Said Gary confidently.
-line break-
"Ouch, I kind of feel bad for Gary." Thought Ash, communicating with Pikachu via telepathy. "Isn't that the guy who won last time?" Replied Pikachu, causing Ash to think for a minute. "Actually, I think it is… no wonder he doesn't stand a chance… at least he didn't get taken out without winning at least one battle." Commented Ash, as Gary's third Pokémon slot darkened in contrast to his opponent who had only lost one, a Heracross who had actually managed to defeat Gary's Pidgeot before going down against Gary's Arcanine, but not before softening him up enough for his opponent's Quagsire to take it down in one attack. "It's our turn now anyway, ready to go?" Asked Pikachu. "Yeah, let's do it." Replied Ash, before the two headed towards their own match.
-line break-
'Well Ash, I hope you're ready for a great battle.' Said Ritchie kindly from across Ash.
'Of course, but I don't want you to think you're going to win here today. I have too much to prove to lose here.' Replied Ash.
'Well, we'll just have to see I guess.' Said Ritchie confidently.
Ritchie and Ash stared each other down, before releasing their first Pokémon. Just like before, Ritchie used Butterfree, but Ash used the final evolved form of Squirtle, Blastoise.
'Happy used Sleep Powder.' Ordered Ritchie, causing his Pokémon to float higher into the air and flap its wings, sending a shower of dust at Blastoise.
'Use Bubble to stop the Sleep Powder, then follow up with Hydro Pump.' Said Ash, to which Blastoise obeyed.
The blue balls of water collided with the storm of particulate matter released by Butterfree, before a torrent of water smashed into the Bug-type, sending it into the wall of the stadium, before mercifully relenting. Ritchie thanked his Pokémon before sending out his next.
'This isn't how I was planning things to go, but I guess this will have to do, go Sparky.' Said Ritchie, sending out his Pikachu.
'Sparky use Agility and then follow up with Double Team.' Said Ritchie, causing his yellow companion to dash around the arena before multiple versions seemed to spawn at once, all circling Blastoise.
'Blastoise, use Withdraw.' Said Ash, causing his Blastoise to disappear into his shell.
'Thunder Sparky!' Said Ritchie.
The multitude of Pikachu clones and Sparky started gathering electricity in their cheeks before a bolt of lightning shot into the sky, before plunging down on Blastoise.
'Blastoise, use Hydro Pump.' Said Ash.
Blastoise was a little bit rattled from the attack, evident by the sparks still bouncing off the shell of the Shellfish Pokémon, but complied nonetheless, launching a wave of water at the group in two solid streams, turning slowly to mow them all down.
'Light Screen, Sparky.' Ordered Ritchie.
The remaining Pikachu came together and put up a pale gold shield which reduced the pressure of the attack, but still drenched the mouse Pokémon.
'Now, use Quick Attack to get close, then use Thunderbolt.' Commanded Ritchie.
'End this with Skull Bash, Blastoise.' Said Ash.
The blue turtle lowered his head, prepared to endure the attack heading his way. The spry yellow mouse was upon Blastoise and charged up an intense blot of electricity which was launched at the blue behemoth. Blastoise closed his eyes and grit his teeth in pain, enduring the attack. Things were starting to look bleak for the time travelling trainer, worrying many of his supporters, only for Blastoise to suddenly snap his eyes open and shoot at the electric mouse. Sparky didn't have a moment to think, as the firm head of Blastoise slammed into him and launched him bouncing across the arena, coming to rest at Ritchie's feet, knocked out.
'Well, I have to admit Ash I didn't think it be this hard to match you, but I have to say, it sure has been a tough battle. I guess it all comes down to this now, go Zippo.' Said Ritchie, revealing his final Pokémon.
Ash had been anticipating Ritchie's Charmeleon, so it was with some surprise Zippo was now a Charizard.
'Risky choice sending out a Charizard against Blastoise.' Commented Ash.
'You'll see, Zippo, use Swords Dance.' Ordered Ritchie, causing his Charizard to roar and for its tail and claws to shine, causing three swords of fire to appear and float around Zippo.
'Blastoise, use Hydro Pump.' Said Ash, only for Blastoise to wince as bolts of electricity danced over his shell.
'I was hoping for that, Ash. Zippo, use Slash.' Said Ritchie, capitalising on Blastoise's paralysis.
Zippo's claws glowed a fierce white before slashing across the belly of the blue turtle, launching him away and into the ground on his side. Blastoise winced, injured but not defeated, only for a Flamethrower to follow up the Slash and cause Blastoise to finally go down.
"I didn't expect this to happen. I guess Ritchie was affected by things too." Thought Ash, with Pikachu nodding in agreement.
'In that case, I guess if you are using a Charizard, it's only fair that I match you.' Said Ash, before choosing Charizard to battle Zippo.
Charizard gave an intimidating roar upon entering the field. The last proper fight Charizard had been in was against Giovanni's Charizard and Zippo seemed to be a reasonably tough opponent.
'Charizard use Wing Attack.' Said Ash.
'Dodge and use Smokescreen Zippo.' Said Ritchie.
Ash's Charizard soared at Zippo, only for the slightly smaller dragon to leap back to avoid the attack and send out a plume of black smoke to obscure himself.
'Use Fire Spin Charizard.' Said Ash, to which Charizard obliged, sending a swirl of flames into the smoke, blasting it away, only for Zippo to have vanished.
'Dragon Rage, Zippo.' Said Ritchie, causing Ash to look up in surprise, at seeing a shadow cover Charizard.
The attack covered Charizard, causing it to growl.
'Charizard, break through and use Seismic Toss.' Said Ash quickly.
Charizard shot through the flames, the last few embers quickly being snuffed out, as the two dragons had their collision. Charizard swooped under Zippo and locked the dragon's arms against their body, before taking a dive. Charizard plunged downwards at terrifying speeds, before releasing Zippo, just prior to sharply shooting up into the air. The stadium shook with a thunderous quake, causing a few people who were on the edge of their seats to fall completely off. The cloud of dust obscured Zippo, as Charizard gracefully hovered in the air above Ash, ready to attack if necessary. As the dust cloud faded, Zippo was revealed glowing orange, signifying Blaze had taken effect.
'Flamethrower, Zippo.' Said Ritchie.
'Hyper Beam, Charizard.' Said Ash.
The flames of blistering orange and red neared Ash's Charizard, but a beam of bright orange tore through them with ease before landing flush on the face of Zippo, triggering a large explosion. The dust kicked up from the impact of the attack was much larger than that of the Seismic Toss and when the dust cleared this time, Zippo was revealed unconscious, collapsed on the ground. As Ritchie recalled Zippo and the crowd cheered, Ash made his way over to Ritchie hand outstretched.
'That was a great battle, Ritchie.' Complimented Ash.
'I don't know if I'd go that far, you still have a Pokémon in reserve, but I think you'll do it Ash. I thought with Zippo evolving I'd have a little bit of an edge, but I guess I have a bit more training to do.' Replied Ritchie.
'Well, more training will always get you and your Pokémon more experience, but don't sell yourself short.' Countered Ash.
'I know, at least I now get a good seat to watch you win the whole thing. You'll get to use six Pokémon from now and I'm excited to see your full team in action.' Revealed Ritchie.
'You can count on it.' Said Ash, as the two exited the stadium, waving to the cheers of the audience.
Just to add a small note, I've been a little inconsistent in the past, but I've decided I'll use game battle logic, not anime battle logic, as you can see from the Cynthia and Gary fight.