It has been, if I am correct, about two years since I last thought about this story. I apologise. But. I am back. So. Here's a slightly overdue chapter, and hopefully it's not too bad.

Also. If I've added people or removed people, or some sort of nonsense like that-ignore it please.


"It's the hearing aids." She mumbled, wrestling Harry into his bed. He protested against her but stumbled backward and onto the mattress, crying out. "They're triggering this."

"I can't hear you," he ground out, eyes frantic and watching her lips carefully. "Give them back."


She watched him sleep for a few moments, drugged with a sleeping potion. It took off the edge of the pain, and lulled him into a numbness to recover. She left his hearing aids on the table next to him before slipping out and working her way through the halls.

Anger was brewing within her. Her hands throbbed and her shoulder ached from Harry's elbow. The Headmaster's curse on him was starting to tear apart the aids themselves, recognizing the dark magic.

"Open the fucking door," she hissed at the gargoyles, her hair morphing colours of red and blue before a heavy black. She stood vibrating for several minutes before the doors actually opened slightly. "I'm going to fucking kill you, you old fool." She grasped for her wand, livid hand clenching around it.

She was expecting to see the old man seated at his desk, a bowl of yellow lemon candies perched before him.

Not this.

A woman with black hair bound by a silver ribbon stood with a gun clenched in her grip. "Good evening, Miss Tonks." The gun was brushing against the headmaster's forehead. "I trust you've had a pleasant start of semester at Hogwarts, acting as bodyguard."

She stopped breathing. She shrank three inches. Her hair turned crimson.


"You gonna shoot him, or can I just go ahead and finish him off?" She said blankly, wand still gripped in her hand.

"Debatable. Though, it is for now quite vital for this waste to survive this meeting." She gave a sharp smile, red lips twisting up. "You seem quite upset."

Dumbledore's face was grey.

Tonks stalked forward, eyeing the man as she did. "You're magical cuffs that restrain your precious boy just made him collapse. The magic within them in reacting against the magic in his hearing aids," she hissed. "He's been suffering for days because of you."

He sighed. "The magic in the aids is dark. The cuffs react only because they focus on the constant magic on his person. I will not take them off. He will have to make due with another set of hearing aids that aren't spelled. It's for the greater good."

"Bullshit!" She exploded, waving her wand sharply at him. "He shouldn't have to be dealing with these cuffs in the first place."

"These cuffs are hurting my godson?" Rose words were ice.

Harry woke up slowly.

His mind was slurred, and he could feel his heart pounding within his chest. Sun was shining through the window, highlighting the photo of his family gathered on the beach. He frowned.

His hearing aids were on top of the letter, written on Muggle paper with a Muggle pen.


I've left your hearing aids, but do not put them in. They're causing some sort of reaction.

Stay in bed.


He sighed as he stretched for his copy of Hamlet, settling back in his bed.

"Harry?" Luna called as she knocked, bouncing on her heels slightly. "Your parents are waiting for you."

She stood there, despite the silence. She could feel his magic within the room, almost contained by the walls. Almost.

"He won't answer you." Tonks spoke from behind her, jamming her wand back into her pocket. "Probably doesn't have his hearing aids in. If he does, I'll kill him."

She opened the door loudly, gathering the boy's attention from where he was splayed out on the bed. "Tonks?" He mumbled. "Can I put them in now?"

She nodded, before pulling Luna into the room and shutting the door tight. "I assume you have wards up?" She called over her shoulder, making sure he could watch her lips as she spoke to him.


"Good. Your Aunt Rose says hello, by the way."

He started, throwing the book down on his bed. "What do you mean, Aunt Rose says hi? What the hell? Did you see Dumbledore?"

"Yeah. Also got to see your Aunt punch him in the nose. It was brilliant." She paused, looking at him. "How do you feel?"

He scowled. "Like someone stole my hearing aids and stuffed my head with cotton."

"Guilty for the first part." She smiled slightly. "You're hearing aids were triggering the cuffs with the magic. Dumbledore refuses to take them off, and insists to you are to wear new ones that aren't enhanced."



"For now, you should be fine if you don't wear these for long amounts of times."

"Luna." He finally caught sight of the blonde girl eying his books from a cautious distance. "You can touch them, if you want. Hell, read them."

"Really?" She spun around to look at him. "I was unsure of how you would feel about a stranger touching them. Hermione faced negative but proper reactions when she attempted to gather information."

He smirked. "You're Luna Lovegood. I'm Harry Lestrange. We're not strangers. Better yet, I like you. We're good."

"Oh. You're family are here, by the way." She smiled brilliantly.

He was out the door within seconds.

That's it for today. I want to say I am very sorry for the extensive wait. I don't know where the time has gone. I will be updating far more regular than the two year between updates, I can assure.


That was Aunt Rose.