* Author's Note: I have decided to enter the Persona 4 fandom. This was a very random writing of this fanfic. I have a general idea of where I want to go with this so hopefully you can expect weekly updates if not sooner. It probably will only be around 4-5 chapters long though. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to leave me feedback in a review. Be gentle, this is my first time writing as these characters.


Chapter 1: Creeping Thoughts.

Yosuke sighed heavily.

Midterms were approaching again.

It hadn't been easy to concentrate on much of anything anymore. Constantly going into the TV during their free time to train was starting to take its toll on his time management. And being how he was, he already had a difficult enough time managing everything before the TV world had gotten thrown into the mix.

Not only that, but he had been having weird thoughts lately. It would be the most random of instances, but it could be when he was awake or asleep. Weird flashbacks of when they had encountered Kanji's shadow self continued appearing in his mind at times.

It wasn't the creepy remembrance of how he had been groped during that time, but more so how he had been with a certain individual throughout all of it. They were both guys who were terrified of being hit on by anything that wasn't female. But even still, that didn't even begin to explain why he was having flashbacks of the young man with green eyes who was now looking over at him.

"Yosuke. Did you copy down the rest of those notes?"

"Oh yeah, my bad." He quickly slid the notebook to his right so that Yu was able to look over it himself.

"I swear you're spacing out more than usual lately." Chie was staring over at the headphone-wearing teen who just sighed and laid his head on the table.

"Shut up. I already know that."

"Maybe you need to study one-on-one with someone. You won't do well on the test if you can't even read the notes you just copied."

Yosuke was about to snap back at Yukiko just as Kanji intervened.

"Ah hell, I'm sure he'll be fine. Sides, he can always just skim by like last time."

Another sigh came from Yosuke as he still kept his head on the table. His eyes were able to see underneath of the table though, and his attention instantly jumped to the pair of legs next to him. A slightly heeled shoe appeared to be sliding over near Yu's pants leg and slowly began to run up and down alongside of it.

Suddenly feeling as if he was seeing something forbidden to him, Yosuke lifted his head back up and nearly choked on nothing but air. The young man beside of him scooted over and slapped his hand on his back as he calmed down enough to escape the touch of him.

"I-I'm okay."

"Geez Yosuke. Are you sure you're okay?" Chie had pushed playfulness aside and was looking over at him with genuine concern.

"You're not getting sick are you?"

"Kuma~! I am ready to have a study session with you lovely ladies!"

Yukiko quickly slid closer to Chie just as Teddie appeared to take a seat at the end of the table near Kanji.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu had instantly stared at his friend just as light brown-eyes widened slightly before returning to normal.

"Nothing really. I just hate studying."

"Hmm." Those grey-eyes returned to looking down at the notebook in front of him as he resumed writing down a series of sentences.

Yosuke breathed a steady sigh of relief as the group seemed to have shifted conversation to something involving a sale at Junes that weekend. The sight of one of the girls being so forward with his best friend made him feel so uneasy though. It had been a high heel so it definitely wasn't Chie. With the close proximity of the three girls though it was hard to tell if it had been Yukiko or Rise.

"Wait, why the hell do I even care?"

Yosuke began another inner argument with himself as he tried to drown out the incessant questions about free snacks as the group was getting hungry.

Yu had been keeping an eye on his friend ever since they had met to study that afternoon.

The change of attitude had been noted, and it was become increasingly concerning with how distant he was lately. Normally he would've been loud, charismatic, and always eager to join in with the group. The past week or so he had become lost in thought and almost isolated.

It certainly wasn't something that was sitting well with the leader of the group. The fact that the young man had become pretty much his best friend also made that concern grow ten times. But as he was about to get straight to the point and ask him what was seriously wrong, he felt a touch at his lower leg.

Glancing down, he could see a leg stretching over to rub along his own. His eyes traced up, seeing the gaze of Rise steadily meet his own. She had a faint blush on her cheeks while she continued to let her leg linger near his own.

Yu was unsure of how to react. Sure, she was very attractive and her personality was drastically different from how he had thought it would've been. But he just didn't feel that proper connection with her. Not to mention, the thought of Yosuke acting differently instantly made him refocus his attention.

The sudden choking made him run his hand onto his friend's back, helping him recover from the sudden outburst. But the look in his eyes when he finally looked up to him only showed nothing but panic and uncertainty.

It really wasn't like him.

Yet again he was interrupted though, this time by the group rallying for some snacks from the young man who he wanted to question further.

Yu surmised talking to him would have to wait for another time.

August flew by quicker than expected. The midterms had been hell, and everyone had been zombified by the time the final day had passed.

The week before the exam, hardly any sign of Yosuke was present in the group meetings. And when he had been present, he had only showed any signs of interacting physically versus mentally. No one else had noticed the subtle difference in his mannerisms, no one but Yu.

It was strange, that Yu had only known him for a few months yet Chie and Yukiko had known him for far longer. They should have been able to point out the significant changes straight away. But they never did.

So whenever September 8th rolled around, it was shocking to everyone to see how lively Yosuke was once again.

"This rocks!"

The Junes' prince was frolicking around, spouting off quips about romantic encounters in the city just as Yu cut his happiness off.

"Day 1, cultural exchange. Day 2, view factories and such during our free time. Day 3, go home."

Yosuke practically died at the iternerary.

The group began a rant on how King Moron must have been torturing them still even from beyond the grave. As Yu remained seated and staring down at the schedule, he could sense a gaze on him.

Yosuke was sitting to his left, and he was making no move to even try and hide that he was openly staring at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I just feel like I haven't seen you in a while."

"I could say the same to you."

They both locked gazes for a few moments just as the bus ran over a small bump causing everyone to jostle slightly. Yosuke fell over, having not been wearing any sort of seat belt to help keep him steady.

A scent that he recognized only from a few instances of coming close to the other in battle instantly shot through him. His head was laid against the chest of the young man next to him, and he could already feel his blush growing on his cheeks.


"It's fine."

Yu smiled down at him just as Yosuke quickly retracted, trying not to let his fingers trace over his friend's chest for too long. He had duly noted that the man next to him had a very well-toned chest.

That was the last thing he needed to happen though.

For the past 2 weeks he had been avoiding everyone to try and get a hold of himself. Those thoughts had only increased in the presence of the man whom he had just embarrassed himself in front of. He thought distancing himself would help to make those thoughts disappear.

And they had for a little while. The never-ending question without an answer had gone away. He thought he was in the clear so he decided to attend the school trip as his usual self.

But as soon as he had been in such a close proximity of those grey-eyes, everything had shifted directly back to how it was two weeks beforehand.

The visions had been strange. He kept having flashes of his friend acting completely different than he normally would. Sure, he would blatantly ask something that he wanted answer, but he would never be so forward in terms of actually doing something.

Thoughts of his lips and hands going to places that they shouldn't be. Words being formed that shouldn't be formed much less exchanged between them. All of that and more were like a spiral in the visions that his mind had been plaguing him with.

And the first thing he thought was-

"I'm not like that, I don't like guys!"

But after seeing Kanji face himself, it was hard to push those feelings away.

It could be inside of you and you don't even realize it until later on. Or you might just have a passing moment of it. Maybe that's what it was, just a phase. Maybe in another week or so, the thoughts would just magically disappear and leave him back to wanting to find a girl or two to flirt with.

"I'm sure in a few days it'll all be fine."