
Summary: With Damon's birthday in the horizon, Stefan wants to surprise him. But when Elena finds an old diary of his that mentions a woman named Veronica, she will go to every measure to find her.

Chapter One

"I don't want a party; it is just another reminder that theoretically I'm getting older. I don't want a reminder of that." he threw the heavy box down from the attic into Stefan's arms.
"Oh come on, you only turn 172 once." a smart smirk crossed his face as he stared up at Damon.
"Unless you want punched, don't mention my age. Ever."
"You know I think I see a couple of grey hairs."
Damon screwed up his face and dropped down from the roof space. "Drop dead."
"What's going on?" Elena stood at the top of the stairs, her hand on the banister.
"Just clearing out some stuff." Damon replied.
"Do you need help?"
"No, we're fine.
Stefan looked at Elena and handed her a box. "Will you take this into the study?"
"Of course." she glanced down at the box before walking onto the study.

Sitting on the top of the box was a small, leather book. It was old and the pages were beginning to turn a color just a shade off white. It caught Elena's eye. It was light in her hands. It gave off the appearance that untold secrets were contained behind the jade green cover. She couldn't help but look inside it.

'Dear diary, it's been so long since I've last written an entry. So much has changed. I dropped out of the confederate army and decided to spend my time with my family. I'm disappointed to share that Veronica has left home and from what I've been told, is now living in Chicago. I don't know how a young woman from a small town can survive in such a large city. It will chew her up and spit her out. I just hope that one day in the near future, I will be able to visit her...'

Elena flicked through the pages until a picture fell out and landed on the floor. The picture was of Stefan and Damon with a young woman in between them. Her hair was dark; almost black, past her shoulders and curled at the ends. Her eyes were pale grey with a slight hint of blue and her nose was button-like. Her smile was perfect, her teeth rounded at the bottom edge. Her hand was clasped with Damon's. Maybe she was his girlfriend. Their clothes looked like they were from the late 30's and their faces were full of happiness. On the back of the picture, it had three names. Stefan, Damon and Veronica. Elena turned the picture over for one last look.

She could hear someone walking towards the doorway. She fumbled with the picture, trying to get it in her pocket without ripping it. Damon appeared in the doorway with a raised eyebrow.
"Why are you reading my diary, and why do you look so guilty?"
"I didn't realize that it was yours." she closed it over and put it down. "I thought it was Stefan's." she lied cooly.
"And that makes it all better. Stefan's looking for you, so get out."
He walked into the room and sat down on the revolving chair in front of the box and the diary. She rolled her eyes and walked down the stairs to the awaiting Stefan.

"What's Damon's problem?" she sat down on the large lounge chair in the corner of the room.
"What do you mean?"
"He's being really snarky. I know it's Damon and he always acts like... Damon. But he's being extra weird today."
"His birthday is coming up. He hates his birthday. It's actually why I wanted to talk to you. I want to throw him a party. You know something big, something where all the pretty girls will go, where all the alcoholics call heaven." he explained. "I've already got him his present; although he probably wouldn't want to go anywhere near it."

Elena thought for a moment. If she found Veronica and brought her to Mystic Falls for Damon's birthday, maybe he might be happier.
"I'll get Caroline to help with that, she is good at that sort of thing. As for his present," she smiled a little, "you could say that he'll be pleasantly surprised."
"Should I worry about this surprise you've got?"
"Who is Veronica?"
Stefan looked at her; the look of shock and confusion was all over his face.
"How do you know about Veronica?"
She took the picture out her pocket and held it out at arm's length. "Who is she?"

"When Damon was fifteen he met this girl called Veronica. She liked the same things he liked, she had the same outlook on life as he did and they got along so well. Before Damon left to join the army, she confessed her love for him, but she didn't know that he was leaving. He didn't want to break her heart if he didn't come home, so he told her that he didn't love her back. A couple of days after he left, she was gone. Fled. I don't know. He just thought she went on holiday, well that's what I told him, and he was disappointed."
Elena looked at the picture. "Is she a vampire now? I mean, this looks like it was taken later on."
"Yeah, she is. But she's never said who turned her."
"Would Damon have found her and turned her?"
"No. I don't think so."
"Do you know where she is now?" Elena was hopeful. If she could find this woman, then maybe Damon would be happier.
"The last time we saw her was the day that this picture was took. We happened to be in the same place, at the same time."
"What happened after the picture was taken?"
"She vanished."