HALF n HALF prologue
She looked at the fifth stick she had taken and again it was positive. She was trembling, not quite sure if it was from excitement or fear. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She gathered all of the pregnancy sticks into one plastic bag, freshened up and drove to the bar where her boyfriend was the owner.
She walked in; the place was crowded as usual. She made her way to the back office and knocked three times. That was their agreed code so he would know it was her and not just some drunken customer.
He opened the door to a very beautiful, wide eyed blond. She didn't say a word. He moved aside so she could walk in. He watched her every move, concerned for her well-being. He offered her a seat and she took it. He closed his office door and sat across from her.
"Baby, what's wrong? You look like you have seen some dead relative suddenly come back or something."
She looked at him and took another needed deep breath.
"Okay, before I tell you I need to know if you trust me with all of your heart."
"Trust you? Of course I do."
"You trust that I would never ever lie to you, right?"
"Yes, I trust you and I know you would never lie to me. Sookie, please, you're making me nervous; just tell me already."
She picked up her purse and pulled out the plastic bag of pregnancy test sticks. She handed him the bag. He looked at them with confusion.
"What are these, pregnancy tests? What does the cross mean?"
"It's not a cross Eric, it's a plus sign, a positive sign."
"A positive sign? As in the person who took these tests is pregnant?"
"Mmm, okay, whose are they?"
"Eric….sweetheart, they're mine. I'm pregnant…with your baby."