A/N: This is the last chapter because I feel that it ends the story nicely. Thank-you to all that reviewed :)

Disclaimer: I don't own PJatO.

Chapter 6-

"Oh," is all Carter can say. His cute little face looks confused at first. "Daddy?" he asks, pointing a finger at Percy. It's all I can do to nod. "Daddy?" he points another finger at Luke. I shake my head, letting the tears fall down my face. How could I do this to them? How could I put the people that I love the most through this terrible confusion?

Luke looks grim. "Okay, well, um… I'll catch you later," he says to me, grabs his jacket, and walks out of the restaurant. Anyone can tell that he's upset about all of this. And I feel guilty. What if I recognized the problem earlier? I might have spared him some sadness. He wouldn't have gotten close to Carter so it wouldn't hurt as much when I told him this information.

"Are you sure?" Percy questions. I can't read the expression on his face. I sit back down into the booth and bury my head in my hands.

"Yes. One hundred percent," I answer, not lifting my head up to see his reaction.

"What should we do about this?" Percy asks sweetly. I'm touched because he said 'we' not 'you.' That implies that we're together. Well, I guess we should be together now that Luke is out of the picture.

"I don't know," I lift my head up and see his concerned face inches from my own. "Just continue on with life. Luke will probably move out and you can just keep going on with your swimming. You don't need to worry about Carter. I can take care of him by myself."

"No!" Carter exclaims. I'm shocked. What does he want to say about this situation?

"No, I want daddy to stay," Carter pouts.

"Look, Percy might not want to stay. He's traveling a lot and-" I start but am interrupted by Percy.

"You want me to stay, little man?" He uses his famous nickname for Carter.

Carter nods. "You can take me out for pizza and diet coke, we can go swimming together, you can pick me up from school…" Carter trails off, looking into the distance with wide eyes. I almost start crying again. He wants a father that can relate to him and will never have one. That is, unless Percy decides to stay and I'm guessing that he won't.

Why would Percy want to stay anyways? He already has a house back in New York and won't have time to spend with a kid because he is training twenty-four/seven. I try to be there for little Carter but I am working full-time and have to have him go to after-school care and have someone else pick him up in the morning and drive him to school.

Now, I bet you're wondering, where was Luke in all of those situations? Luke's job causes him to travel a lot and he's home probably two days a week. Those two days are the weekends so he doesn't have to deal with taking Carter to school and all that. When he's home, Luke locks himself in his office and only emerges to eat.

Percy has been much more of a father to Carter than Luke has, even though Percy hasn't known that he is actually Carter's dad until now. Part of me is desperately wishing that Percy will stay but the realistic side of me is saying that he won't.

"Carter," Percy begins and I can only hope that he breaks the news not-so-harshly. "If you really want me to stay, I will."

Two heads turn toward Percy in shock.

"Really?" I exclaim while Carter jumps out of his seat and gives Percy a hug. Tears start falling out of my eyes as I wrap Percy in a hug too.

"Thank you," I whisper and he kisses me lightly.


That dinner is the best in my entire life. We joke, we laugh, we tease, and we talk just like a family. I've never felt so elated. After dinner, we stop by a toy store and just let Carter run around the shop.

"So," I begin, looking at Percy who is right next to me.

"Yes?" he raises one eyebrow.

"We need to set out a plan," I say realistically.

"Yeah," Percy nods.

"Well, Luke texted me a few minutes ago and said that he's already moved all of the stuff out of our apartment," I hold up my phone as proof. "Do you need a place to sleep tonight?" I offer.

His smile blinds me. "That would be amazing. And you work from eight 'till six, correct?" Percy asks.

"I do. Carter's school starts at seven-thirty and I have my friend pick him up for me," I say.

"What time does school end? Because I usually go to the gym or to the pool from six in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon. I can pick him up if you'd like," Percy says.

"That's perfect! School ends around three so that would be very helpful if you could just drop by and bring him back home."

Our conversation continues like that as we plan out our new life together. Just a year ago I didn't even remember Percy. Now, he's practically my husband. And who knows, maybe in another year's time, he will be my husband.

One thing I've learned from this experience is that so much can change in so little time. Sometimes those changes are good and other times those changes are bad. For me, it was a good change. Percy, Carter, and I are a happy family. We were never like that with Luke in our lives.

I no longer love Luke. He is a thing of the past. That's what I thought of Percy but I'm certain that Luke won't be back to bother us. The world knows that I am in love with Percy Jackson now and not Luke Castellan.

After all, Luke isn't Carter's dad… Percy is.

A/N: The End! Feel free to review and tell me what you think of this story. Thanks for reading!
