Hello! Sorry i have been MIA but school has kinda become my life! Hate having to grow up, it's no fun. So i want to apologize that i haven't been updating regularly. So this is one of those rare chances where i have found free time and have actually been able to complete a chapter of something! Anyways i hope you enjoy it, sorry if there are any typos or grammatical errors.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything unfortunately



It was a warm summer afternoon that Josh and Mindy decided to go shopping in the lower levels of the mall. Josh wanted to buy some new books for the upcoming school year, and Mindy's mother's birthday was in a few weeks and she wanted to buy a gift for her. So the couple walked through the malls hand in hand as they peered through the glass windows.

"Josh, my feet are starting to feel sore, can we take a break for a while? Maybe sit down and eat something?" Mindy said stopping in the middle of the mall and leaning on her less sore foot. She had to keep shifting between them.

'Aww but Mindy, if I make it to the book store before 2:00pm I get a 30% discount!" Josh said super excited.

"haha alright fine! How about I will sit over there on that bench and you go on ahead? I would be slowing you down if I went and you only have 30 minutes left till 2:00pm." Mindy said with a smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely, you go on ahead."

"Thanks sweetie." Josh said affectionately and gave her a goodbye kiss before racing off to the bookstore.

Mindy just smiled and shook her head before plopping down on the bench. Groaning she took her heals off and began rubbing her aching feet. When she was done she took out the book she was currently reading and began reading it.

Drake strolled through the mall casually. He was heading to the music store to pick up a new album of one of his favorite bands. He couldn't help but smile and nod at any cute girl he passed. He happened to walk by a bench when he saw Mindy.

"Hello, creature." Drake said with a slightly disgusted tone.

"I'm sorry I only converse with people whose brains are bigger than a raisin." She said with a smile.

"Whatever." Drake scoffed and began to walk away.

Mindy just rolled her eyes and continued reading. She paused in her reading when she heard loud laughter. She looked up to see 3 teenage boys that looked like highschool dropouts up to no good. Unfortunately she made eye contact with one of them who. She tried to pretend she hadn't seen them but they walked over to her anyways.

"Well looky here! She looks like a fine one doesn't she." The first boy said as his two goons laughed along.

"I think she's a smarty too, but you know I don't really care for the book types." The second said and stuck his nose up at her.

"I don't know, I think I might make an exception for this one." The first boy or leader said again leaning over her.

"Yea like I would want any of you losers." Mindy scoffed and kept reading.

The leader of the group snatched her book away. He only smiled seductively at her when she glared at him.

"Look, I'm already taken so just give me my book back and be on your way." Mindy said making a reach for her book. The guy just moved it out of her reach.

"I don't see anyone here claiming you Sweetheart." He said moving towards where she was sitting on the bench.

Suddenly Mindy felt someone casually drape their arms around her neck and a head appear over her shoulder from behind. She saw dusty brown hair, and quickly realized it was Drake. Before she could launch him half way across the mall for entering her personal space, he started speaking.

"Hey baby," Drake said and gave her a flirty smile. "These guys aren't giving you any trouble are they?" he said and gave the group of guys his deadliest glare.

Under the intense gaze the boys began to fidget. The leader tried to stand up straight to appear taller but Drake only countered it by standing up to his full height instead of leaning over Mindy's shoulder. In the end, Drake was still taller than the rebel by a good couple of inches.

"Now I know you weren't giving my girlfriend any trouble, or else I might have to beat the crap out of you right now." Drake growled. "So politely hand her the book back and leave before I make your life a living hell!"

"Fine, here! She's not worth the trouble!" The leader said and threw the book back at Mindy before walking away. Drake snatched it out of the air and calmly handed it back to her. She took it and dusted off the cover before putting it in her bag. She looked back at Drake who was standing there watching the guys leave with his hand casually stuffed in his jean pockets.

"Why did you do that?" Mindy asked with a raised eyebrow. Drake turned and looked at her.

"What do you mean monster?"

Mindy rolled her eyes.

"I mean why did you help me out like that? Even though I can take care of myself, it was strangely nice of you" She finished suspiciously.

"Well, you're my brother's girlfriend and I know he really likes you a lot, which to me means you are family and family protects each other. Even when they don't have to and even if you are an evil creature from another galaxy." Drake told her and finished with a smirk and crossed his arms.

"I'm surprised you actually know what a galaxy is, what's next are you going to tell me you can finally list the days of the week in order?" Mindy countered.

"Pffft whatever, everyone knows the ten days of the week" Drake rolled his eyes. Mindy just smirked even more at his stupidity.

"Well I'm off." Drake said turning around and walking towards the music store.

"Hey Drake!" Mindy called after him.

"Yea?" He asked turning back around.

"Thank you. And I really do mean it." Mindy said sincerely.

Drake just gave her a smile and turned back towards the store waving a hand over his head at her. Mindy shook her head and sat back down on the bench. She was about to pull her book out when she saw Josh running towards her.

"I got all of my school books! It's like Christmas all over again!" Josh yelled excitedly.

Mindy just laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. Stunned Josh just stood there before eagerly returning it. She pulled away after a few seconds and he took a deep breath.

"Not that I don't mind or anything but what was that for?" Josh asked as the linked arms and started walking through the mall again.

"Just for being my boyfriend." She said smiling at him.

She glanced back over her shoulder and happened to catch Drake watching them from across the mall, and even thought she saw him wink at her before moving farther into the store and out of sight.

I hope you liked it! I will try to update somewhat soon but i really can't guaranty anything! Again thank you to everyone who has reviewed and has stuck with me! THanks!
