Hola, it's been a while since I have written so I figured I would write a quick little one-shot, now you should know this takes place at Halloween time so it's not exactly the season, also I don't know what Japanese Halloweens are like so I'm basing it off the American standard. Sorry.

Cool October wind blew across the road as the skies darkened, creating a silhouetted city skyline. Leaves danced across the urban backdrop as men and women walked along the streets, hurrying to get home, just in time to send off their kids for their night trek to garner candy and other treats.

Up toward the top of the city skyline stands Mouri Detective Agency decked out with the taped backwards writing of "ハッピーハロウィン" or "Happy Halloween". Just behind the letters ruses around a tall slender figure as she picks up what is presumed to be a camera to take a picture of her miniature border Conan Edogawa.

"Hurry up Conan! I want to see your costume! You've been keeping it from me for so long and you need to leave soon!"

"I'll be out in a minute!" He called back, scrambling to make sure his costume was just right. He wanted to surprise Ran and have the proper reaction. He reached for the door as he made sure everything was in place.

Turing the brass knob he peeked out, making sure Ran couldn't see his costume. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Gracious Conan! You act like your costume is the most important thing in the world. Just hurry on out here." She seemed delighted at the prospect of seeing Conan in a cute costume. It took her mind off other things. Sighing, she readied her camera that she got for her birthday.

Slowly opening the door, Conan stood in a light blue school jacket and light blue trousers along with a green tie and white dress shirt. All much too large for the seven year old wearing them. Overall he looked like a shrunken version of Shinichi, no glasses and all.

"So, what do you think?" He asked quietly.

"Shinichi." Tears began to roll down her cheek, their warmth stinging her skin, bringing up things she didn't want to think about. She wanted to put up a brave face for Conan and pretend everything was fine. She gripped her hands in a fist and shoved the tears away, forcing herself to straighten up, she never allowed herself to reveal how lonely she was around Conan. It wasn't his fault he was here instead of Shinichi.

She took a deep breath and looked him over, forcing herself not to cry. "You look soo much like Shinichi." She smiled feebly.

Pain of the look seared strait though Conan, making him momentarily panic. He regained his composure; it had to happen this way.

Rushing forward she enveloped Conan in a hug that left his overly large old school uniform dangling and out of her grasps. She held him precariously in her arms similar to the way one would hold an infant. She snuggled her face close to his. "If this is as close as I can get to Shinichi right now, then so be it" she thought to herself.

Slowly she out him back down as a blush ran crimson across Conan's face. "Now, let's get a picture of you, soo cute in your outfit!" She smiled gleefully; all of her despair seemed to have left her.

Conan looked straight at her "You don't understand, I…"

Ran looked lovingly at him; her eyes seemed to hungrily look at him. "I know."

"But Ran!" Conan took a step forward, almost tripping on the over grown clothes.

"It's about time you told me." She smiled gently.

Conan looked up at her as a small smile grew across his face. He looked straight at her as time seemed to freeze. "Happy Birthday Ran."