Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Teen Wolf

Note: A new fandom, yes, I got forcefully dragged, threw into this. So I have to sink my teeth into this and came up with a new story. This is a story about the pack at the heart of Teen Wolf and the various members

Timeline: these ficlits will take place during the first season, in between the seasons and the second season. I will tell you at the beginning of each chapter.

Title: Pack

Summary: A pack is a family of sorts but what is pack really about? That is what the various members of the pack try to find out.

Pairing: Stiles Stiliniski/Derek Hale, Lydia/Jackson, Scott/Allison and the rest will be shuffled about to my heart's content

Warnings: possessive behaviour, smut, slash, mating, wolfing out and other things.

Rating: teen to mature to explicit, depending on the mood and ficlit

Author: Laurenke1

Different ficlits about what pack is all about, featuring the characters of Teen Wolf.

Title: belonging

Takes places: after 2x05 so spoilers.

Pack members: the Derek Hale pack and the Scott McCall pack

Chapter summary: A pack is about belonging but not everybody gets that so it is up to the alpha to make sure everybody understands, and by that Derek Hale means everybody, even hyper active humans

Warnings: slash, swearing, fighting, wolfing, mating, hurt/comfort

This was going to be awesome, Stiles decided as he bounced up at the renovated Hale house. Tonight was a pack night, at the joined (thought slightly forced) request of one alpha Derek Hale and one alpha Scott McCall.

Scott had explained that this would be a time for both Beacon Hill packs to bond and get to know one another, hopefully without tearing out each other's throats. And worst came to worse, he was sure that expert at throat tearing Derek Hale would keep everybody in line by tearing out somebody's throat. With his teeth.

They were going to do a movie night and talk about possible joining the two packs against the hunters. At this very moment, Derek and Scott were in the woods talking about that.

Stiles slowed his pace slightly as he neared the house, the DVD's he had in hand slightly sweaty. This was the first time that he had been here as a pack member. He was nervous, because hello, he was the only human who couldn't defend themselves. Two third of the pack could wolf out and in Jackson's case, lizard out, nobody would dare to hurt Lydia and Allison could defence herself plenty with those arrows. So that left Stiles, but he had survived Scott's first full moon, a burned and hell bent on revenge alpha and survived Derek being pissed off at him plenty of times so how bad could it be?

Besides, this night was going to be awesome. How long had it been since he had been a normal teenager who could hang out with a bunch of people and watch movies? If you couldn't remember when had been the last time, it had been too long in Stiles' opinion.

He had done it plenty of times with Scott before he was bitten, especially on this night, when winter was just turning to spring and the night was still chilly. He let himself into the house through the back door and dumped the family sized bag of chips on the counter.

Derek had done a lot of work on the house. It now had a good sized living room, a dining room, a well-stocked kitchen, two bedrooms, a basement needed for training and crashing/sleep over wolves and very important in Stiles' opinion, a functioning bathroom.

"Hey." He called out to everybody as he walked into the living room. Isaac, Erica and Boyd are on the couch together. Erica flashed him a smile and Stiles gave her an uncertain wave back. Jackson and Lydia are on the other side of the room, lounging on beany bags that Derek dragged in here.

"And what the hell are you doing here? This is a pack meeting, which means you're not invited." Being bitten hadn't changed Jackson much and Stiles rolled his eyes.

"Uhm, part of the pack here, kinda comes with being best friends with a werewolf." Stiles shook his head and made a shooing motion with his hand towards Jackson, telling him to move over.

"No, you're not! This is wolf business, so that means everybody who has been bitten by an alpha and since you turned it down, it means that, you. Are. Not. Invited!"

"If it is wolf business then why are you here? You can change into a lizard, with scales, not very wolf like." Jackson's eyes flashed and for a brief moment Stiles felt a twinge of fear as the other boy rose to his feet to tower over him.

"Still bit by an alpha, Stiliniski! Part of the pack! This pack doesn't run with humans who can't protect themselves and only get in the way."

"Again not your call to make! The alpha picks the members of the pack and Scott is the alpha of my pack, maybe Derek is your alpha and sure, listen to the sour wolf, but I'm here because I'm in Scott's pack because I'm his awesome best friend!"

Jackson merely smirked at him. That smirk that was so infuriating and said he was right and better then everybody in the room, especially Stiles. He had been on the receiving end of that smirk and the taunts for years.

"I know for a fact that you're not wanted here, Stilinski. Because why would McCall go through the trouble to invite your annoying ass when he didn't even invite his, I can't live without her, girlfriend."

Stiles frowned at that. "Scott didn't invite Allison? Maybe it is because of her parents. They are supposed to be broken up, would be kind of weird if he suddenly invited her to a known alpha's house." He grinned.

Jackson pinched the bridge of his nose, like his dad did whenever Stiles hadn't taken his meds and was all over the place. The co-captain of the lacrosse team took a deep breath and then said. "The point is, Stilinski, is that you're still not invited! We have enough things to deal with then a hyperactive kid who's on drugs. I mean if you actually did something useful except run your mouth then maybe we would have use for you. "

Okay, that stung but Stiles wasn't going to let that stand in his way. Jackson was a bully and this whole Kanima thing hadn't really done favours in that department. Now it just meant that he had the supernatural strength to go with it.

"Not really good at making friends now, are you, sour lizard?" Okay so it didn't sound as good as sour wolf but hey, mind working a mile a minute here. "Besides, I have uses. Remember who kept your alpha alive for two hours in freezing water while you were taking a beauty nap…" He gestured to Erica and then back at Jackson. "…and you were busy taking laps around the water?"

"Fucking hell, Stilinski, don't you have anywhere else to be? Don't have any other friends to hang out with? Hasn't your mommy ever taught you when you're not wanted?"

Now that hurt. Stiles swallowed past the pain. His mother had taught him lots of things, some things that were sitting out in his jeep, like baking cookies. He shook his head. No, he wasn't going to think about his mother, not on this day, on the anniversary of her death because this was going to be an awesome night hanging out with the pack and not spending an evening alone while his dad worked and him thinking of his mother.

"Nope, you're stuck with me." He grinned, trying not to show how rattle he was. He was supposed to be here, Scott had invited him. Scott had asked him to be here because they hadn't really hung out lately because of all the crap that had been going on. He was where he belonged.

Jackson, perhaps sensing something smiled nastily and said. "You're not wanted, Stilinski. Are you that stupid that you noticed that you're supposed best friend McCall isn't here to tell you? No, he rather deals with a mean alpha then be in the same room with you. You don't belong in this world, Stilinski, you don't belong with us. And not because you're a crazy sheriff's kid but you don't have what it takes. You don't have what it takes to play first line, you don't have what it takes to go out with Lydia and you don't have what it takes to hang out with us. You're not pack! You're not wanted and McCall only puts up with you because he needed somebody in that pack of his but now I'm here, he's going to dump your sorry ass too! So why don't you run home to mommy because you're NOT WANTED HERE!"

That more than hurt. The previous comments had been like pulling of a band aid but this was like somebody stabbing a knife into his heart and twisting it. And kept twisting it because when Stiles looked around for help, for anybody to actually tell him that he was welcome and wanted, nobody stood up. Isaac and Boyd weren't paying attention. Lydia was doing something on her phone and Erica looked away. No Derek to throw him against a wall and threaten him or Scott to bump shoulders with him and joke around.

"Fine, yeah, perfect, guess I'll go then…"

"Finally, go home crying to mommy on how unfair us were creatures are. Just get the fuck out because like I have been telling you for the past 20 minutes, this is a pack meeting and let's face it, you're not pack material." It was the last straw and Stiles turned around to leave the same way that he had come in. He walked the few paces to his jeep, pretending that his blurred vision was because of the moonless night and not because of tears.


Feeling more at peace with himself then he had in a long while. Derek bumped his shoulder back into Scott as the young beta bumped his on the way to his house. Scott grinned and him and Derek rolled his eyes.

It was good to get the packs together and hang out. He gestured for Scott to precede him up the porch. He scanned the woods for any sign of hunters before he went inside. But what he found inside wasn't a relaxed pack; no it was the complete opposite.

Derek would never have kidded himself that with leaving three werewolves, a kanima and a…well he wasn't sure what Lydia was, would make for a relaxed evening but he hadn't expected this. There was tension in the air and with it came the smell of fear, anger, tension and other things that Derek didn't want to know. He glared at his side of the pack but they all met his gaze for a moment and he raised an eyebrow. Not his pack then, but somebody else was responsible. Jackson was pacing the floor in the living room and Derek sighed before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, who brought the family sized bag of chips?" He called out.

"Stilinski must have brought it." Jackson's voice was smug and Derek didn't like the undertone of it. He decided to let it go for now.

"Stiles was here?" Scott sounded excited and Derek shook his head before he rummaged through the cupboard looking for the glasses he stowed somewhere.

"Yeah before we chased him away."

"You did what?" Derek's hackles rose at the yell that came from the living room and he abandoned his search. He leaned against the doorframe, watching as Scott turned on Jackson, his eyes flashing yellow for an instant before the younger teen controlled himself.

"I told him he's not welcome here! This is a pack meeting for were creatures, not for weak humans. You didn't even invite Allison." Jackson smirked like it was the most normal thing in the world, perhaps in his world it was, Derek thought.

"Pack is pack, Jackson that goes for the humans too…" He began when Scott cut him off.

"Allison couldn't make it cause of a midterm tomorrow. And I invited Stiles." Scott frowned at Jackson, as if he was trying to figure the other teen out.

"Why would you do that? This is pack business, not a smart ass comments hour."

"Because he's pack." Scott's frown deepened as he looked at Derek and said. "It's a feeling. Stiles is family to me cause he's been my friend for so long. I feel safe with him around and I know he has my back. He's smart and loyal and is far more useful than you think. And family is pack, right?" The question was asked softly as the younger beta looked up to the alpha for confirmation.

Derek swallowed away the pain and nodded as Jackson turned around. "Scott's right. Family is usually pack or pack is family, depending on how you look at it. You're my family, each and every one of you. And Scott is right, if it wasn't for Stiles; I would have drowned or died when you attacked us that night, Jackson."

It was a subtle reminder to Jackson. The other male flushed faintly before he shrugged and said. "No use now. I'm sure he's running home to mommy crying that he doesn't belong in the big bad wolf pack."

"What did you say?" The sudden tension in Scott made the wolf rise to the surface as Derek straightened. Jackson gritted his teeth together as he turned and said. Pretending that Scott was an idiot.

"I said that Stilinski is most likely running home to mommy crying about that he doesn't belong with the big bad wolf pack? Are you deaf, McCall?"

"Did you say that to Stiles like that?" There was a faint smell of panic coming from Scott and Derek wondered what was wrong.

"Jeez, McCall, why do you care what I told your princess? I told you what happened."

"DID. YOU. SAY. IT. TO. .THAT?" This time Scott couldn't control himself and sprouted fangs and nails as he growled. The other betas whined and Derek growled softly back, telling them to control themselves.

Jackson turned to face him and Derek said. "Answer the question."

"Yes, I did. Happy now, McCall?" Jackson finally snapped.

It diffused the tension some because Scott transformed back. He still seemed upset as he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up before he ran it over his face and then turned around as he said. "I gotta find him."

Derek frowned and Jackson called after Scott. "Why do you give a fuck if his feelings have been hurt? It isn't like you never hurted him."

Derek really had to teach the other boy some control, especially over his mouth because the next moment a fully transformed Scott had slammed Jackson up against the nearest wall, hands around his throat and growling. Aware of the testosterone level in the room, Derek waited it out. When Jackson was starting to gasp for breath and Scott still showed no sign of backing down, he interfered.

Grabbing Scott by the scruff of his neck, he hissed. "Let go."

Scott growled.

Feeling annoyed now and letting the alpha rise to the surface, he allowed his claws to pierce the skin as Scott whined. "Let go, Scott!"

Hearing the growl in the alpha's voice Scott finally did and backed away to the other side of the room, pacing as he fought for control. Derek kept a hand on Jackson's shoulder, partly to steady him and partly to make sure he wouldn't go after Scott.

"Why is this so important that you have to find Stiles now?" Derek held Scott's gaze and he saw pain in there before Scott said.

"Because of what he said." He turned out to be Jackson if the angry gestured of still clawed hands was anything to go by. "I invited Stiles for a reason. Yeah, because he's part of my pack and deserves to be here, more than some but also because today is the anniversary of his mother's death. She died three years ago from cancer and he shouldn't have to be alone. His dad has to work and I was going to hang out with him but when Derek invited us all here for movies and stuff, I thought why not. I have to make sure he's okay, especially with that asshole saying things like that Stiles doesn't belong anywhere."

Scott was agitated and it wasn't because of Stiles being in his pack. It was because he genuinely cared for Stiles. He wanted to make sure that his friend was okay. Derek could understand that kind of loyalty and love. It was what made a pack.

But what Scott couldn't understand and what Derek could, was the pain of losing a loved one caused. Scott's father had left and while the contact between them was strained at best, he could still see his father and Stiles couldn't. Besides, it was an alpha's job to make sure all members of his pack were alright.

Scott paced, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at it. He glanced up at Derek again and again. Finally the alpha understood. Scott had no idea how to go about this. It had unnerved him what Jackson had said that he had hurt Stiles as well. Derek sighed.

"Scott, where is the most likely chance that Stiles is at this moment?"

"Uhm, his house or…or the graveyard. He goes there when he's upset."

"Alright here is the plan. You will all remain here, watch a movie, train, and fight for all I care. I'm going to get Stiles. But the blood better be gone by the time I get back and everybody better still be alive cause if I swear if anybody is missing limbs or plain missing, I'm going to go all alpha on your asses." And with those words he left, he had a wounded pack member to find.


The cemetery was silent; well it should be this late in the evening. There was almost something creepy about it, especially when you considered that a something had recently dug up a corpse here. Well it was a werewolf; perhaps Stiles could be part of that pack.

He brushed some of the leaves of his mother's gravestone.

"Hey mom, yeah I said I wasn't going to visit today, guess who was wrong. But you know me, always have to run my mouth and screw it up. So yeah here I am. With the only person who will want me, or I suppose who can't protest that I'm here." He sighed. He wasn't going to cry.

It wasn't like he wasn't expecting it, there was always some part of him who wondered how long it would take until they got sick and tired of him and told him to leave.

Though be honest, he had expected Derek to be the one to snap and throw him out, not a beta. But then again, Derek had said that the kanima transformation was an abomination and sometimes reflected the soul of the person who transformed. So perhaps Jackson was just an asshole, an asshole who hurt Stiles' feelings, but that was beside the point.

"Oh yeah, I made chocolate chip cookies. They were for the pack but guess that they just won't get to eat my awesome cookies." He joked about, shuffling his feet and playing around with the cookies on the plate. He had made too many, he knew that. His dad couldn't eat them and Stiles could only eat so much chocolate and now he was stuck with them. He could always dump them on Scott.

He fell silent, looking around. There was only so much silence he could fill when he was alone. Finally he couldn't stand it any longer and blurted out, hoping that nobody was there. "I miss you, mom. Everything was so much easier when you were still alive. Dad's trying, he really is but I'm afraid that one day he's going to get shot, or worse, eaten. I can't tell him half of the stuff that's really happening in this town and that's okay, why else am I a teenager but I thought that I could share it with the pack. How am I going to keep dad safe and Scott when I don't know what's going on or what the pack is doing?"

But it wasn't the real reason he was so upset. He could almost, almost but not quite imagine his mother's face as she told him not to lie to her. "Yeah, guess I shouldn't lie to the dead, it isn't like you can come back and haunt me. Actually scratch that, knowing my luck, you can. They kicked me out, well Jackson did and I guess nobody really cared if I was in it or not. I thought it would have been nice to belong somewhere again, have a family. I mean, me and dad are a family but yeah not really. Not like a pack would be."

And he just wanted to belong somewhere. To share secrets with people and have somebody take care of him. Pack seemed to Stiles like it was made up of people who took care of one another. Like that time when Derek had been shot by Kate and had come to find Stiles and Scott to help him. To Derek it came natural because all his life he had been in a pack. Stiles was sure that before his mom's death, his family had been like a pack too. And now his dad worked hard and Stiles tried to take care of him and himself, but who would take care of Stiles?

Scott had Allison to go to when he was wounded but Stiles had to drag himself home and take care of himself. The most recent episode with Derek, the kanima en the pool had showed him that. He had been exhausted and unable to get warm by the time he returned home. He had put himself underneath the shower and then into bed, shivering violently. And what was he supposed to tell his dad?

Yeah, I just spend the better part of two hours in a pool holding up an alpha up while being hunted by a lizard freak and that is actually a pretty safe night for me. Wait until the full moon comes, we're screwed then.

He had pretended that it hadn't stung that nobody came to check on him or even a fucking phone call to ask if he was alright. They just didn't care; Jackson had been right about that. Perhaps it was time to get some new friends.

"I thought I told everybody to meet up at my place so it would save me the time of going all over the place to fetch people."

Really Stiles should have known. Because when was his day ever complete without Derek Hale stalking him.

"I thought dogs liked to play fetch." It escaped him without thinking. He hoped that Derek wasn't going to slam him up against the nearest vertical surface because he was sure that he would lose it if something happened to his mother's tombstone.

"Sticks and balls, Stiles, not people. And I'm a wolf, not a dog. There's a difference." Derek sounded as annoyed as always whenever Stiles was around.

"I'm sorry that I didn't call in advance and cancel but something came up…" That something being an arse of a guy but anyway. Stiles was going to be damned before he allowed Derek to drag him back to his house.

"Yeah, Scott said."

"Said or did you drag it out of him?" Stiles swallowed but didn't look back at Derek. He didn't need to see the look of pity on the alpha's face.

"Punched it out actually but he'll be fine come morning. So, coming or what? I thought that you liked movies."

"No, this is a pack thing…I will stay here…" Stiles wondered what was wrong with Derek. This was the first time that they had a civil conversation. He gestured with his hands towards the plate of cookies. "Here, take some for the hungry cubs, alpha's gotta feed them right?"

"You baked them?" The question was unexpected and Stiles glanced back. Derek was actually crouching next to him and the alpha's attention was on the plate of cookies.

"Yeah, my mom…she taught me…." No sane guy would ever confess to that but who cared? Stile's mom was dead and it was all he had left were the memories. So fuck what everybody else thought. He treasured those times.

"My mom used to bake all the time. She said that growing pups were best fed with homemade food and freshly baked bread and pies. I…I was never good at baking, didn't care much for it but cooking I'm good at. Well, when I have a functioning kitchen that is." Derek gestured towards the cookies and Stiles nodded.

The werewolf reached forward to take one, savouring the taste of it. "Chocolate chip, my favourite." He finally said.

"So I can bring the big bad wolf down by giving him chocolate?" Derek shrugged at him and then sat down next to him. Stiles could only blink in silence.

"You're getting me worried about everybody. Either you finally lost it and killed them all so we can have a couple of nice fur blankets, or you finally subsumed to insanity and thought it was safe to leave them all at your house, unsupervised and unattended."

Derek scowled at him and it was so familiar that Stiles felt his heart expand. He swallowed painfully. "I will have you know that I have complete control over my pack. It's Scott's pack that is unruly."

"Yeah well, can't blame it on me, not part of the pack." It was said softly but he knew Derek could hear him. He wasn't prepared for a hand that touched his shoulder as Derek said.

"You will always be pack to Scott…."

"Then why isn't he here to say it?" Stiles knew it was rude to interrupt people but like he gave a fuck. He was angry suddenly. Guess Scott was another one of those people who didn't care.

"Cause I told him to stay put. You don't need to be convinced that you're part of his pack because you know. You put up with Scott's bullshit because you know he will make it alright, even when he's currently very involved with Allison, even to the point where he can't think of other people. No, you're upset because…"

"Because Jackson is an asshole and my mother died 3 years ago, not because I'm not part of any packs. I'm not pack material because I'm not useful like any of you. Can't imagine why anyone would want me in their packs." Stiles was sure his growl would have done a werewolf proud.

"I disagree with that." The soft comment had Stiles turning around completely to look at the alpha. Derek held his gaze and then continued. "I think you're very useful. Maybe not useful on a hunt cause you can't shut up for one freaking minute but you can find almost anything online, you're smart, actually have ideas that aren't half arsed and you saved my life, twice. But for the most part, you're reliable. I can count on you to protect me and to have my back even when you outnumber against a kanima. You care about things and you poke and probe at things that you shouldn't but still do. You put yourself in danger when you should know better just to save your friends and loved ones. If that isn't pack material, I don't know what it."

Nobody had ever said those things about Stiles. He had been called annoying and an idiot but nobody had ever good things about him. He swallowed pas the lump in his throat. The hand on his shoulder tightened before Derek said.

"Remember when I got shot and sought you out? It was because I knew I could rely on you to take care of me and to protect me, and you did. Pack isn't about being strong; it is also allowing yourself to be weak and to trust in others to take care of you. You're pack to me."

It was like something snapped and Stiles could feel the lump in this throat expanding until he gasped for breath. It was hard to breathe while trying to keep the sobs inside and his heartbeat sounded loud in his ears. Great he was having another panic attack. He tried to breathe easy, just counting them in his head when suddenly strong arms pulled him into a much needed hug and a voice ordered.

"Stop fighting it and give in." And Stiles did. He went boneless in Derek's arms and felt the tears beginning to flow. His fingers tightened in the alpha's shirt and he held on for dear life.

He could feel the sobs breaking free and he twisted the shirt in his grasp. He cried for his mother, for the pain he had buried for so long and for finally having somebody to ask about him and look after him.

It was a long cry and by the end of it Stiles was exhausted. He became aware that he was being petted. There wasn't any other word for it. A hand was over his head just lightly stroking through the short hairs. Derek's other arm was curled around his shoulder, holding Stiles firmly to him. The alpha bore most of Stiles' weight but he didn't seem to mind, taking deep and even breaths as he held Stiles.

"After my parents died, my sister took me away to New York. She thought it was easier than staying here. I remember the first full moon; we both lost control and shifted. We went upstate and into an area that was all woods. We ran all night and even howled under the full moon, I barely remember those months after that, but that was one night I remember. That and Laura holding me when I cried. I thought I should be strong but she said that even the strongest person needs to have somebody taking care of them and comforting them."

Derek's voice vibrating through his broad chest and Stiles buried his face again. Derek smelled good and he was warm. He just breathed in as they sat in a comfortable silence. He could hear the comforting sound of the alpha's steady heartbeat.

"I miss her." He finally confessed. "I miss her more each day. I…there are times when I can't even remember what she looks like, or smells like or sounds like. It has only been three years, what if in ten years I can't remember her face at all. I don't want to forger her"

Derek didn't offer any false securities like that Stiles would never forget his mom but instead he said. "The details will fade after time. I can't remember my dad's scent or my mom but when we were renovating the house all of a sudden I would find a scrap of clothing or a necklace. The scent came back then for a little while before it faded. I can look at the pictures for their faces but I remember their personalities, their behaviour, their actions and how they loved me. That is what's important."

For one of the few times in his life, Stiles didn't know what to say. His mother had always laughed and joked and their house had never been silent. Now it was too silent so he became a little louder, spoke a little more then maybe absolutely necessary but he hated the silence his mother had left behind.

He didn't want to break this silence or this moment. "You…you said that Scott is currently very involved with Allison, to the point that that everybody else stops existing. Is there a reason for that? And why does Jackson transform into a lizard instead of a wolf?"

Stiles yelped as Derek suddenly lay down on the grass. Stiles fell down on top of him, catching himself with one hand on the hard rock abdominal muscles. He moved his hand as if burned. Derek's gaze held his and then he patted his chest, inviting Stiles to lie back down.

After a moment's hesitation, Stiles did. He lay down on his back, head on Derek's chest and the man's arm around his chest, holding him securely. "The kanima transformation is an abomination. Jackson's body fought the bite. My uncle told you that you either transform or you die, but Jackson did neither. I think, and this is just a guess, that the werewolf bite forced him to transform into something and that something being a kanima. But like the werewolf transformation, he needs to be taught control."

The alpha fell silent and Stiles gazed up at the stars. He wondered if Derek would answer his other question. He knew he had suddenly changed topics but it hit too close to home and the pain was too intense. He needed a moment to think of something else.

"About Allison and Scott, I would say that Allison is Scott's mate. I'm not sure if Scott made the connection yet but I'm quite sure that this is what mating is supposed to be like. There are no other people for you except your mate at least for the first few months. After that the desire will lessen some. They will always protect their mate like Scott has been doing with Allison. That is the only explanation I can offer, unless he is normally this obsessed when he's in love."

Stiles grinned. As far as he knew this was the first time that Scott had been in love, well this deeply. He shrugged his shoulders. Scott had always been shy when it had come to girls, like Stiles. It was another thing they had in common.

He shifted his head slightly. This felt good too. The silence between them stretched but it was comfortable. He never thought that he could find it with Derek Hale of all people, sour wolf extraordinaire.

Stiles had always been in love with one girl, for three years he had been in love with Lydia. But he had known better then to keep his hopes up, especially after last year's distratrious winter formal. He had kept watch when she had been in the hospital but that was because he would have done the same for Scott and maybe even for Derek. Well, he probably would have done it for Derek. Not because of any responsibility but because in all honestly, he rather liked Derek.

Not that he could ever think of that because he was sure that the moment he did let himself think about Derek in the way he wanted, Derek could smell it in a heartbeat. And that was why they couldn't hang out like this.

He pushed himself away reluctantly and sat up. "Shouldn't you go to make sure that everybody's still alive?"

Derek glanced up at him and for a moment Stiles thought he saw something in the alpha's eyes before Derek hid it. He nodded before he said. "You coming?"

The hazel eyes caught him again and Stiles worried his bottom lip in between his lips before he shook his head. "Nay, I'm not wanted there so I'll just hang out whenever Jackson's not there. Last thing I need is an enraged lizard after me. Who will protect me?"

"Me." Stiles' head snapped up as he stared at Derek. The alpha looked as surprised as Stiles before he glanced away. If Stiles didn't know better he would say that Derek was shy. But that didn't make any sense, because really, why would a werewolf like Derek, and especially an alpha be shy or nervous?

Derek took a deep breath and then turned back to Stiles before he said. "I think you should come and not because of Jackson but because you are wanted there, Scott would like to have you there and I…I would like it if you were there as well."

Stiles' mouth fell open. He closed it with a snap and then said. "You would?"

His voice sounded high and squeaky, nervous as hell and he blushed. Derek nodded and glanced down before glancing back at Stiles and smiling slightly. Even the hint of a smile transformed his face and it only made him more handsome.

"You surprise me, Stiles; I thought you would have asked me if I had ever found my mate?"

"Didn't want to give you an extra reason for tearing out my throat." Stiles cleared his throat because that damn high note was still in it. Derek smirked at him and god was that ever sexy. "Besides me breathing that is…. Or talking…" Stiles shut up! You sound like a yapping Chihuahua right now.

"I can think of a few ways that will shut you up without tearing out your throat." Derek's smirk deepened and Stiles swallowed. The alpha moved closer and rested a hand on Stiles' shoulder. The alpha continued in a rush of warm breath against Stiles' lips. "I may not have gone about it as Scott has but I couldn't effort to give myself away. But god there were times when I just wanted to lock you up in your room to keep you from danger. It took me a while to figure out what I felt for you was what I supposed to feel for a mate…. I'm sorry that I never told you any of it and caused you to feel even more alone and that you aren't pack. Because you're pack and much more to me…."

Derek may know of a few ways to shut Stiles up but so could Stiles. He may not have Derek's finesse but he had the element of surprise and he slipped into the alpha's lap with ease before pressing his lips against Derek's. The surprise only lasted a few seconds before Derek began to move.

Good god that man could kiss. Hands came to rest on his hips, pulling him flush against the other man's chest. Stiles was lost in the sensations and he groaned softly. Derek growled and the sound vibrating through Stiles' chest. He enjoyed that even more.

He pulled away reluctantly when he couldn't have gone without oxygen for another second. He wasn't the only one breathing hard and he grinned at Derek. He was straddling the other man but Derek didn't seem to mind. The werewolf leaned back on his hands and softly said.

"Still don't want to come?"

Stiles grinned as he said. "I do want to come actually…" He winked at Derek who groaned softly and dropped his head against Stiles' chest. The younger male ran fingers through the dark hair soothingly. "That was too easy."

"What I meant to say was, do you want to come to the pack meeting?"

"I suppose I should. I…there is no reason to sit here when I can actually watch a movie and cuddle with you. Unless it damages your reputation with your pack. You know where you have to be all bad ass alpha and all."

"If that is what it takes to get you out of the cemetery and into a warm house, my reputation can suffer. Besides, you can always make it up to me later." And as Stiles grinned and cast one last look back at his mother's gravesite he knew that somehow he had found a place to belong and if this was what pack was about, then this was a pretty good deal as far as he was concerned.

Well how did you like that? I mentioned ficlits but this turned into a whole story :P. So yeah, all the chapters will be kind of individual stories so I hope you guys don't mind. Feel free to review and send me ideas.