A/N: Hey everyone! I recently watched the movie the Avengers and me being the absolute nerd with anything and everything comic or superhero related, I absolutely loved it! Soooo I figured that I'd write a story for the movie, but I thought I'd make it a crossover with the X-Men! I mean, come on. A throw down in New York was bound to catch the attention of the mutants, and I'm sure the mutants caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Set a month after the Avengers movie, and during the years after the end of X-Men: Evolution! So, here's a story, which will have a bit of some ideas from the comics, but also an OC. Hope you all like it!

Full Summary: After the battle for New York a month prior the Avengers have all taken a well needed rest, and Thor has returned from imprisoning Loki in Asgard. All has been quiet and there has been no sign of anything out of the ordinary. Except for the entire S.H.I.E.L.D computer system crashing. With no idea how to fix it, and even Bruce Banner and Tony Stark not able to fix it, they turn to experts. Two geniuses, specializing in computers, with a wide variety of skill sets. But will that fly with their very primal overprotective father figure, or a very large Russian boyfriend?

Disclaimer: I don't own Avengers or X-Men, only my OC.

Avengers: Rise of Alliances

Chapter 1: Computer Glitch

For those watching Nick Fury fume and bark orders on the Helicarrier, they would say without a doubt that he was furious, no pun intended. He was positively livid as he screamed at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, trying to get someone, anyone, to figure out what happened to their computer system and fix it. It had only been twenty minutes earlier that the computer system had shut down, and most had written it off as a prank by Tony Stark and his new science partner, Bruce Banner. It was only after Tony and Bruce came out complaining that they needed a notice when S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to shut down the computer systems, that Fury realized it wasn't a prank.

Everyone had shifted into a sort of emergency, buzzing around, trying to make sure none of their top secret files had been stolen, but not even some of the most brilliant computer analysts had been able to get back onto the server. The Avengers had all, luckily, been on the Helicarrier spending a day conversing and team building. Had they not been, Fury wouldn't have been able to call any of them in if there was any emergency.

Thor and Steve sat back in the meeting room, not at all sure of what was going on seeing as both were essentially inept when it came to technology. Natasha and Clint helped wherever they could, but didn't dare touch a computer, lest they make matters worse. "Banner! Can't you help fix this mess?" Fury called out as he saw the scientist and the rest of the team sitting at the table.

Bruce looked and shrugged. "I'm a scientist, not a computer analyst. I'd be no use to you."

Fury growled. "And you Stark?"

"I use computers, I'm not good at fixing them," Tony retorted before looking pensive. "I could have JARVIS look into it."

"Then get on it."

Tony rolled his eyes but got to work, grabbing a computer and hooking JARVIS up to the server. "You really think that'll work?" Natasha asked skeptically as she sat down next to Steve at the table. The other Avengers merely watched as the playboy millionaire kicked his feet up on the computer console playing with an apple he had been eating.

"Absolutely, should be a piece of cake for JARVIS," Tony said with absolute confidence. JARVIS was able to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. systems once, he would be able to do it again. Then all he would have to do was solve the problem affecting the computer system and all would be right with the world.

"I do not see what the issue is," Thor spoke up, extremely confused as to what was going on with the computers.

Tony smiled, happy to explain. "Well, what happened is that the sever shut down due to some unknown cause and-"

"What's a server?" Steve asked.

Tony sighed. "The computers stopped working. We're fixing it," Bruce simplified, not wanting to hear an entire explanation as to what a server was and the other various components of a computer. Steve and Thor made an 'O' shape with their mouths as they accepted the explanation.

"Accessing S.H.I.E.L.D systems now, Mr. Stark."

"Brilliant JARVIS. Now we can get the pirate over there to stop barking orders for at least a good five minutes," Tony snickered.

There was a few seconds where Tony had started up a conversation about getting schwarma seeing as they were heading towards New York, but was soon cut off as JARVIS started speaking up again. "Virus, corrupting internal systems. Hacking Stark mainframe."

Almost immediately Tony jumped up and started typing away at the computer, ripping out the hacking device that he had planted to allow JARVIS to get into S.H.I.E.L.D. database. "JARVIS?" Tony asked nervously.

"Stark mainframe is secure. The virus has disabled some of my features. Manual restart is recommended."

Steve looked up optimistically. "So, does that mean it worked?"

Tony tossed Steve an annoyed look before reframing himself from making a snarky remark. The super soldier was just that clueless with computers. "Fury!" Tony called out, motioning for the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to walk over to the group of heroes. Fury did so in annoyance.

"What?" He barked.

Tony looked at him seriously. "This is a bigger problem than we thought."

Fury glared, wondering why Tony was wasting his time telling him things he already knew. "No shit, we can see that Stark."

"No you don't get it," Bruce spoke up, understanding what Tony was talking about. "JARVIS was infected with a virus and was being used to hack Stark systems in a little under ten seconds."

"Your point?"

"Our point is, that whatever this virus is that has infected your systems, it's nasty. JARVIS was made with every security precaution my analysts could think of, and I added a few security measures of my own," Tony explained. "If your virus can infect him in under ten seconds and begin hacking my systems, then your agents wont be able to figure out the problem."

"So you're saying we what? Give up and scrap the system?" Clint asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Tony looked around the room, knowing what he was going to say was going to receive a lot of resistance. "What I'm saying is that we need professionals. People who are trained to deal with this type of problems, but are on a level of intellect akin to mine and Dr. Banner's."

"Your really suggesting that we bring civilians on the Helicarrier to toy around with our systems?" Natasha asked in shock.

Steve frowned. "I'm not sure that's the best idea."

"They're right. What makes you think I would even entertain the idea of having civilians aboard?" Fury asked, thinking Tony Stark was crazy. And he was 99% sure that Stark was indeed crazy.

"You don't have a choice. It's either bring aboard help, or you'll lose all your classified files to whoever it is that planted the virus," Bruce spoke up in defense of his friend.

Nick Fury paused for a moment and had a very large internal battle. He growled as one side won out. He looked at both Bruce and Tony, a scowl on his face as he asked the question that shocked the rest of the Avengers. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

Tony nodded. "I have two in mind. Young, but brilliant…"

"Hey Kitty, you ready?"

Kitty Pryde looked up from the clothing options on her bed to see a head poking through her door. A red-head girl with cascading waves of curly hair reaching her back. She was a bit taller than Kitty, but still short enough to be made fun of by the boys of the Institute (Bobby and Evan taking the most fun out of poking fun at the two girls). She wore a pair of jean that had holes in the knees, an orange off the shoulder shirt that cut off at her rib cage, showing a large portion of her toned stomach, and a pair of flip flops. Kitty noticed the straps of a purple bikini top peeking out from the shirt, and that she had toe rings on.

"Hey Gene, look at you looking all cute," Kitty complimented as she smiled at her friend Genevieve Renee LeBeau, AKA Marvel Girl. She had been one of the newest recruits after the team up between the X-Men and the Brotherhood. Kitty had met her in college, seeing as they were both in the same classes; Gene was going by the name Genevieve Renee then. It was after Kitty brought Gene to the mansion that Remy blew the whistle on her, running up to his younger sister and gretting her warmly. A few days after, she had joined the X-Men. She was quite adept at martial arts, which made her want to befriend Kitty all the more after the Ogun situation, while most people initially feared the change in skill from their Shadowcat.

Gene smiled at the compliment before perching herself on the small bean bag chair in the room. "Thanks. So why aren't you dressed yet? Peter said you were getting ready before all of us?"

From out of the bathroom walked Rogue, rolling her eyes and flopping down on her bed dramatically. The Southern mutant looked up at her the two girls who were like sisters to her and smiled. "Hey Gene, ya look good. And ta answer ya question, Kitty has been goin' through all her shirts, lookin' for the 'perfect one'."

Gene smiled, in understanding. Kitty loved to look good.

Kitty blew a strand of hair out of her face and sighed, looking to her friend to explain the debacle. "I picked that cute bathing suit you know? The pink one with the white flowers on it?" Gene nodded, allowing her to continue, and couldn't help but grin at Rogue who was looking as if she was ready to run out of the room. "Well, that was the easy choice regarding my outfit. I just don't know what to wear over it! I want to go with the jean mini skirt, but I don't know what top." Kitty pouted comically as she gestured to the mountain of shirts on her bed.

Gene laughed and shook her head at her friend. "Kitty, it's a pool party. You're not going to be wearing a shirt for the majority of it. Just pick one."

"That's what Ah've been sayin'!" Rogue exclaimed, looking gratefully at her sane friend.

Kitty, ignoring the logic and outbursts her friends were making, continued pouting as she studied the bed full of shirts as if she would have a sudden epiphany. After a good minute of staring, Kitty picked up a white shirt with a red rose on the front. "This one's perfect!"

"That's the first one ya tried on!" Rogue shouted at her friend. Kitty shrugged and Rogue, dispite herself, couldn't help but laugh.

"Awesome, now let's get going," Gene said laughing. Kitty quickly got changed, slipping on heeled sandals, before grabbing her backpack (filled with her cell, iPod, wallet, house keys, and communicator), and following Gene towards the door of the room.

"Hey, Gene!" Gene stopped to stare at Rogue. "Remy said he was gonna talk to ya later about somethin'."

"Oh, thanks Rogue. You know, you can come with us to the pool party, right?" Gene offered.

Rogue waved her hand. "Sorry sugah Ah can't. Sun's murder on ma skin. Plus, Ah've got a date with Swamprat later today and he'd start complainin' if Ah was late."

Gene nodded. "That sounds like Remy."

"Still, if you guys change your mind totally hit us up! We'll give you the directions!" Kitty said enthusiastically. Rogue just waved off-handedly as she reached for a magazine. The two girls took that as their cue to leave and they walked out of the room.

As the two girls walked down the hall, the sound of skateboards approached. "Hey Kitty! Gene!" The girls turned and saw Evan skating up to them before hopping off and grabbing his board, opting to walk beside them. "Where you girls headed?"

"Pool party at one of our college friends houses. Wanna come? They're cool with mutants," Kitty offered.

Evan shook his head. "Nah, thanks though. I gotta help Auntie Ororo on a mission later so I can't. But I hear Kurt, Amara, Bobby, and Jubilee already headed out that way."

"Really? Thanks for the heads up, Evan! And do me a favor, if you see Remy can you tell him where I'm headed? Don't want him to get worried about me."

Evan nodded before skating away. "Sure thing Gene! See you guys later!"

Kitty and Gene continued their way towards the door, starting down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the two girls, was Piotr Rasputin. He was wearing a black t-shirt that looked tight on his torso and a pair of fitting jeans, though it was a safe bet that any clothing item looked a bit snug on the large Russian. He had been waiting for the two girls a little bit more than twenty minutes. Still, it was worth it if he got to see his girlfriend and one of his best friends.

Kitty smiled and ran down the rest of the way to hug her boyfriend, whom she hadn't seen in two days due to a mission. "Hey Peter!"

"Hello Katya. You look beautiful," Piotr said pushing a strand of hair out of Kitty's face.

"Ugh, get a room you two," Gene said jokingly as she scooped up her hair into a high ponytail, and adjusting the backpack she had on. "I get enough of that stuff with Rogue and Remy." Kitty stuck her tongue out playfully at her friend and started laughing. Piotr smiled.

"Do you both have your bags?" He asked, making sure they had everything.

"Yeah, we packed before we got dressed," Kitty answered. "So let's go!"

"Hold it there. Where do you three think you're going?"

The three mutants all froze and turned around slowly towards the source of the gruff voice they all knew by heart. Logan slowly made his way down the stairs, a scowl on his face and arms crossed across his chest. He raised an eyebrow and looked towards the two girls and Piotr. "Where are we going, hm? Half-Pint? Tin-Man? Red?" Kitty and Piotr shifted, hoping not to incur the wrath of Wolverine, but Gene just smiled.

"We're heading off to a pool party with some of our friends from college," Gene answered. "Wanna come? Should be fun, and their all cool with mutants."

Gene, unlike most of the other mutants in the Xavier Institute, had no problems talking to, or yelling at, a pissed off Logan. She, for some strange reason, had no fear or the feral man, and actually had come to think of her as a father figure, as did Kitty and even Rogue. Some say that Gene got her bold, 'don't fear no one' attitude from her brother, but she had a sarcastic and innocently evil attitude all her own. She gave Logan a smile in hopes that he would let them go.

"No I don't wanna go, and you all shouldn't be going either," Logan stated. The three all started complaining but Logan held up a hand to silence them. "But, lucky for you Xavier and Ororo already gave the okay for you guys to head out, but you will all by here by 9:30."

"Aw, why so early?" Kitty complained.

Logan raised an eyebrow and Kitty's complaining ceased.

"Tin-Man, get your bike and take Kitty with you, I'll take Gene," Logan ordered as he started walking out the door. "Professor cancelled Danger Room sessions for the day because he Storm, Hank, Jean and Cyclops are going on a mission with some of the X-Kids. " The three others merely shrugged and followed after, happy that they at least got to go out.

Logan opened the garage door and wondered when he had gotten so soft. There were times when he would've just sent the trio upstairs to their room, regardless of what anyone had said. It might have been due to the fact that after the battle just a few months ago, everyone was closer. Everyone became more family like, and he had somehow taken to being the father figure to the two girls who wanted to leave. Truth be told, he would be putty in their hands if they ever realized that he saw them as his own daughters.

"Helmet," Logan said tossing a helmet over to Gene as soon as he had gotten over to his motorcycle. He looked over at made sure that Kitty had one on as well as she hopped onto the back of Piotr's motorcycle, holding on to the large Russian. Piotr didn't have, or need, a helmet on and neither did Logan.

Gene hopped onto the back of Logan's motorcycle and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Alright Tin-Man, you follow me. Red, give me directions."

With that the four took off, heading out of the property the Institute owned, and onto the highway. They were driving for around ten minutes before he realized there was no one at all on the highway, which Logan felt was very odd. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and his body tensed as he heard three sets of tires speeding up behind them.

Sirens started to wail, that bothered the primal man's sensitive ears. "Hey Logan, there are cops on us!" Kitty called out. Logan didn't need to look back to know she was right, but did anyway. He growled at what he saw. Three black SUV's with red and blue lights flashing in the dashboard. The windows were tinted so he couldn't look through. His thoughts immediately flashed to all of the anti-mutant agencies there were, and a recent string of attacks on mutants that he had overheard Ororo and Hank talking about over breakfast.

"Those don't look like police cars I've ever seen! And why three? We're not speeding!" Gene pointed out.

"Peter!" Logan shouted.

Piotr shared a look with Logan and nodded, both understanding each other. The two men picked up their pace and sped faster down the stretch of road, hoping to outrun their pursuers. The two girls held on tighter, not wanting to fly off of the back of the motorcycles.

The SUV's sped up, closing the gap between the motorcycles. One of the SUV's drove ahead of the mutants and hit the brakes, spinning and effectively blocking their path. Logan and Piotr slammed on the brakes and swerved to a stop, now surrounded by the three SUV's. Logan immediately pulled Gene off of the bike and jumped off himself, tensing to get ready for a fight. Piotr grabbed Kitty and placed her behind him, hoping to protect her from whatever the threat was.

The doors to the vehicles opened at once and men in suits all stepped out, lead by a man that oozed nonchalance and confidence. He pulled off his sunglasses and looked towards the four people in the street. "Hello all, I'm here looking for two people. One Katherine Anne Pryde, and a Genevieve Renee?"

Kitty and Genevieve both pulled off their helmets to get a better look at the person. Kitty placed the face first and smiled. "Mr. Stark! What are you doing here?"

"You know him?" Logan questioned in shock as he still studied the group, ready to react at a moments notice.

Kitty nodded a put a hand on Logan's shoulder and nodding to Piotr that it was okay. "Yeah, this is Tony Stark. He came to visit us at MIT for a lecture on inventing and the different processes used in engineering."

"Ah, so you remembered me?" Tony said, obviously pleased.

Gene smirked a bit. "And it seems that you've remembered us, I take it? So, care to explain what it is that you're doing here?"

"I have a job that is in your area of expertise. And I figured that I would get you two lovely ladies to help me."

Logan growled. "Get someone else to do it. You aren't taking them."

"It's a matter of national security," Tony remarked without hesitation. He looked seriously at the feral man. "We need them. They are the most brilliant girls in their field and they're barely twenty. We can't get anyone else."

Piotr looked from the group of men, to Kitty, to Gene, then back to Kitty. "Then allow us to go with them."

Tony shook his head. "Couldn't possibly. It's a classified environment."

"Tough, bub. We're a package deal. If they go, we go," Logan threatened. Xavier was not gonna be happy about their whole situation (neither would Remy, now that he thought about it...), but no way in hell was he going to let the girls go off to some place he didn't know about, with people he didn't know, to do a job having to do with who knows what. And if they wanted to take the girls by force then let them try. Logan was hoping for an opportunity to fight anyways.

Tony was about to decline before he paused and thought about it. Bringing the two men, whom he knew nothing about, was bound to be disastrous. For one, the loud one seemed to have anger issues, and the taller foreign one seemed to give a death glare to anyone who so much as looked at Kitty. But then again, bringing them aboard would cause Fury to have an aneurism, and was bound to make things fun or, at the very least, interesting. So, despite his initial feeling of doubt as to whether he should give in, Tony Stark did what he did best. Disregarding all rules and regulations.

"Alright, follow me. Anyone up for burgers?"

On a normal occasion, Bruce would think two girls Tony brought back, running around his lab squealing would be a bad thing. After all, inexperienced girls running around in a lab full of millions of dollars in expensive equipment was bound to end in disaster. Especially if Tony brought them. But, when said girls were squealing due to the fact that the lab equipment was beautiful and that there were a bunch of experiments that could be done, and wondering how the computer systems worked, Bruce realized this wasn't a normal occasion.

"Bruce!" Tony exclaimed happily as he took a bite of his burger. Bruce noticed a man who looked like he wanted to kill something (Bruce sympathized) and the other looked slightly awkward. As if he didn't know if he should be defensive or relaxed. Again Bruce could sympathize with the large man.

"Allow me to introduce you to Logan and Pio… Pie… Peter," Tony introduced, giving up on pronouncing the Russians name.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "And these are the people you've called in to help?"

"Not exactly…" Tony spoke excitedly. "Think of them as body guards of sort. Now, the geniuses that I've brought in are right over there."

Bruce looked over where Tony was pointing and he fought off the urge to do a double take. Where Tony was pointing were the two girls, both looking incredibly beautiful and incredibly young, poking and going through numerous drawers and instruments. "You're kidding."

Tony smiled. "Nope! Completely serious! Girls, come over here and meet the famous Dr. Banner."

Almost immediately the rummaging of drawers stopped and the two girls zoomed over to stand in front of Bruce. The looked up at him with wide, excited eyes, grins on their faces. "Bruce, this is Katherine Anne Pryde, call her Kitty, she hates her full name, and Genevieve Renee, call her Gene because it's not as long and makes things easier. Girls, this is Dr. Bruce Banner, AKA the Hulk."

The girls immediately started talking, introducing themselves, gushing about he was one of the best scientists in his field, asking him if he's made any headway on controlling the Hulk, asking if he was doing any new experiments. Inquisitive, didn't even begin to describe the two girls in front of him. Instead of trying to answer all of their questions he simply smiled. "Hi there…which one of you is which exactly?"

"Ooh, I'm Kitty!" One with her hair down stated.

"And I'm Gene!" The other answered.

Bruce smiled at the enthusiasm. "Well, it's very nice to meet you both. How exactly do you know Mr. Stark exactly?"

"He came and spoke at a lecture at our college," Gene explained simply.

"How old are you both?"

"Nineteen turning twenty."

Bruce nodded. "Ah…and you girls are computer whiz's?" They both nodded. "And you think you can fix our computer problem?" Kitty smirked.

"Watch us."

A/N: So what did you think? Review please! If I get a lot of reviews I'll know to continue on with this story, and if not I may scrap it!