DISCLAIMER: Still don't own anything.

Sorry for the delay, didn't know if I could continue writing this with the knowledge that Aang ends up with Katara… That turned my world upside down and I really had to think about this ship. Hah, just being sarcastic, I love this ship, their lack of canon-ness doesn't make me want to stop in the slightest.

Sarcastic response over. I do apologize for the wait, I had college things to figure out and I got pretty lazy especially since I don't know where exactly this is going.

Read this and let me know what you think! Good, bad, stop this right now. I take all kind of feedback. I prefer it be the type that helps me out though given that this is my first story.

The Gaang gathered around Katara as she lay on the floor, each trying to decide the best course of action. She had a rather nasty burn on her side and most of her lower back. Questions swam in their minds. How will she get healed? Why did someone attack Katara? Those thoughts were the most prominent in the deadly silent room. Suki was currently grasping the waterbender's hand, trying to offer her support.

"How did this happen?" The serious voice of Sokka filled the room, cutting through the thoughts of all the occupants. All eyes turned to Zuko. The boy inhaled deeply before he began.


Katara and Zuko were alone in upstairs sitting area. The firebender stretched out on a couch while a curious waterbender paced in front of him. The teen grumbled under his breath at the pacing girl. She had been like this ever since the play and for the life of him Zuko couldn't figure out why.

"Do you think there's something wrong with Aang?" The always caring voice of Katara spread throughout the room. He groaned, tired of this topic. Lately the monk seemed to be the only one on her mind.

"I don't know what you want me to say Katara. Aang's a tough kid, he'll be fine." The exasperated firebender waved his hand dismissively. "My Uncle always said people need time to work out their issues. They only need to know your hand is always there to help if they need it. He knows that and if he wants it, he'll take it." Blue eyes focused on the lazy teenager, surprise etched across her face.

"When did you get so knowledgeable?" The firebender sat up, his gaze narrowed at the water tribe girl. She had to stifle a laugh at his annoyed appearance. He opened his mouth to lash out when a sudden explosion rocked the room. The firebending teacher quickly sunk into his stance, noticing the figure standing in the newly made hole.

"So you're Prince Zuko… Interesting. Let's see how much of a letdown you really are." Without further warning, a ball of fire was released, heading straight for the scarred teen's chest. The boy broke it easily, returning the favor. Katara looked down at her side, mentally cursing the fact her water skin was not present. Cool blue eyes rested on the tree behind the mystery assassin. While his attention was directed at Zuko, she quickly went on the offensive. Moving her wrists, she brought the water out of the tree and towards the attacker's back. The man smirked to himself. He didn't have to spare the water tribe peasants, he only needed the Prince, the Avatar and Toph alive. The man sidestepped the water assault before moving his arms forward, one launching an attack at the prince while the other hurtled towards Katara. She quickly used her offensive water for defense, surprised when the flames sizzled through it. With a twist, the fire smashed into her side. She swallowed her scream and searched for more water. Zuko followed her movements, noticing the way the fire had licked her side. He dashed over to his friend's side, ready to defend her.

"Are you okay?" The girl simply grunted, not able to form words. The older firebender took in this exchange, launching a split attack. Zuko could only defend against one of the attacks, he had to sacrifice either himself or Katara. Without a second thought, he bent the flames away from the waterbender, shocked when her body crashed into his. They landed on the floor with a hard thud, Katara coughing slightly. Zuko glanced at the inferno surrounding them before settling his eyes on the waterbender. "Hold on Katara." He carefully moved out from under her, bending the fire away and once more facing his opponent. A gust of wind came into the room, pushing the assailant out of the hole he had made. Zuko watched as his young friends jumped out of the room, eager to continue the fight. He looked down at the waterbender, noticing the burns on her body.

"Katara, are you okay? You didn't have to do that." The girl laid there with a pained grin, her back giving her problems.

"Thank you Zuko." The boy cocked his head to the side, his mouth slightly open. His eyebrows knit together as he kneeled next to the other teen.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you." The boy said, obviously confused. Katara shrugged, not up to talking more. Their moment was over the moment Sokka came bounding into the room.



The firebender slouched guiltily, anguish washing over him.

"It's my fault she got hurt." The room fell silent as the group took it in. Aang was the first to recover and slowly smiled.

"I'm glad you two are friends. Katara can you walk?" Calm gray eyes landed on the fallen form. She nodded, looking uncertain. With shaky feet and a little help from Zuko and Sokka she stood, leaning heavily on the firebender.

"Take her to her room, Suki you know how to help people right?" The Kyoshi Warrior nodded and quickly rushed to get her bandages. "Katara, can you heal your side?" His tone was strikingly soft and full of worry as his eyes fell on his wounded sister. The girl nodded and began walking back to her room, Zuko offering his support. Sokka stood there, looking angry. His blue eyes met grey and Aang almost flinched. His normally soft eyes resembled Azula's blue flames. The monk would rather be seeing the flames.

"Sokka, what is it?" Brown eyebrows lowered, his fists clenched at his sides. Toph's slight shift in weight alerted Aang to her presence. He had almost forgotten she was her. His eyes shifted to her, shocked to see a look of utter sadness on her usual confident features.

"Aang, this bender… I won't let him get away with it. You might believe in all life being precious. But I don't share those sentiments." And with that the warrior was gone, leaving behind a flabbergasted nomad. He wanted to call out to the blue clad teenager, but he knew it wasn't his place. With a sad grimace he turned to the earthbender on his right.

"You okay Toph?" Milky green eyes seemed glazed over in thought as her head turned towards him. With a sigh she uncrossed her arms. If the airbender could describe her in one word it would be small. He never truly realized how childlike she was until that moment.

"I-It's... It's times like these that I feel truly blind." To say Aang was surprised would be an understatement. Those words seemed like something the confident bender would never utter. "I mean, I can't do anything." Her arms came up in a shrug, as if that simple statement conveyed all of her feelings. "It was like the time Azula had struck you with lightening." It was a whispered confession but the monk heard it loud and clear. "I couldn't heal you, I couldn't feel your heartbeat. Do you know how that feels? To not be able to sense someone you hold close to you?" The boy recoiled back at the sudden vehemence in her voice. All he could do was numbly nod.

"My entire people were wiped out because I left them. When I came back and realized I could do nothing to help them… It broke me. So, I know how you feel. Except I didn't feel blind so I can't compare to that." The two looked at each other. Gray eyes locked onto misty green for what felt like the first time ever.

"I've never felt like the helpless blind twelve year old I am, until you left me." Aang thought he might have imagined her saying that until a bright blush spread across her cheeks and the earthbender quickly averted her head towards the ground.

"I can't take what happened back. But if that's how you feel then I don't mind staying around and being your eyes. I'll look out for you as long as you do the same for me." The room seemed to get heavier for the airbender as the duo stood there. A few moments passed on in utter stillness. Slowly the girl looked up, her eyes set on a burned wall.

"Well that depends, what color are your eyes?" The question threw him through a loop. His mouth dropped and he stuttered, trying to figure out how to describe his eyes color. He thought about when he used seismic sense, what color was that? His sense seemed to be in different shades of gray. How does one describe that?

"Uhm, you know when people move and the brightness ring travels up? It's like the color under that. It's called gray." The airbender practically face palmed, that was a horrible description. He closed his eyes and waited for her snort followed by insults.

"So, it's a color even I can see?" The sudden excitement in her tone didn't go unnoticed by him. He remembered a time when he would have overlooked that slight elation. He was glad he could pick up on it now.

"Yeah." Relief flooded into his voice as her smiling face stared up at his.

"I'm happy I can at least see your eyes. Maybe I'm not completely blind after all." With that said, the short figure walked away, leaving Aang alone with his thoughts.