DISCLAIMER: I don't own Avatar The last Airbender or any characters, even though i wish i did. In fact i don't own anything but the idea for the story.

Italics are thoughts, usually it will be obvious who is thinking.

Now that that's out of the way, read on.

He watched in disbelief as Katara turned and all but ran into the theater. His hand reached out for her.

"Katara, wait!" But she was already gone by the time he opened his mouth. He growled and turned, his hand coming to rest on his forehead. Gray eyes took in the peaceful night. The trees and sky seemed unaffected by all the destruction the war was causing. The world around him did not mock him for the fool he was, he didn't want to go back to a place that would.

"You ever feel this way, Yue?" Lifting his gaze up to the moon he couldn't help but smile at the ethereal beauty.

"I don't think she's the one you should be asking Twinkletoes." The airbender jumped at the sudden voice and turned to see his earthbending teacher. Thick black hair obstructed her eyes as she leaned against the wall. Her arms crossed, as they usually were and he dreaded the answer to his next question.

"How much did you hear?" Footsteps rang in his ears as the small form walked towards him. He slowly sank to the ground, sitting in his usual meditation pose.

"Enough." Of course she would give him a simple and vague response. She slid onto the ground next to him, legs stretched in front of her. Her arms raised behind her head as she crossed her ankles.

"I love her, you know?" The blind girl sighed, she was hoping it wouldn't have come to this. She knew he felt something for the waterbender. Every time Katara was around his heart would speed up, it was enough to drive Toph crazy. However, the terra-kinetic girl also noticed when Sugar Queen's heart would race. It's safe to say it was not around the monk, instead the beat increased around a certain firebender. After those two had their little field trip Toph had noticed a difference between them. And not a completely platonic one either.

"I've felt it." She replied noncommittally, not wanting to hurt her closest friend. All these boys were pawing after Katara. What made the taller girl so attractive was a mystery to the blind girl. They all agreed she was a preachy crybaby. Is that what all boys want?

"Yeah." The monk smiled softly as he thought of the Water Tribe girl. "Wait, you felt it." An ebony eyebrow quirked at the sudden excitement in the nomad's voice.

"Yeah, so?" The twelve year old questioned irritably.

"Does she do the same thing?" The smile reached his voice, and the edges of his eyes.

"She… Does." Before the boy could blast off into the air in his excitement, a small hand was placed on his shoulder. "But it's not around you." And just like that a silence spread over the duo. The blind girl felt the way the boy shook. He was taking this harder than she would have thought. "Look Twinkles, you're a great guy. I mean you're the Avatar for crying out loud! You can get another girl no problem!" The boy shrugged the hand off his shoulder and stood quickly. His glare met the milky green eyes of his companion.

"You're just making things up to mess with me. This isn't a joke, Toph. I love her and you're just trying to ruin it for me!" The girl stood there quietly, she remembered the last time he yelled at her. It was after Appa was captured and he used it as a coping mechanism. "It's because you want me to be with you." The short girl snorted at the comment. Dream on. It wasn't true, but now that she had the idea, her head wouldn't let it go.

"Whatever Twinkletoes." With a glare she stormed off, determined not to show the way her thoughts were racing. The young boy stood alone in the moonlight, weighing his options. He hadn't meant to explode at Toph again. The last time he had done that she didn't let it go until she got to ram a rock into his chest. He slowly picked up the hat he had thrown on the ground and placed it over his arrow. With a sigh Aang went to join the group once again. How would he face Toph or Katara?