
By: Liv-x-Lex4Ever & E. Scribbles

Chapter 4: Desire the World

Olivia, for the first time in several days, slept deeply, her head resting on Casey's shoulder and her arms wrapped tightly around her. The next morning, it took Casey several minutes to work herself free, as every time she moved Olivia tightened her grip. Finally on her feet, Casey padded around the room before making for the shower.

Olivia stretched from head to toe, yawning and feeling better than she had in days. She stood up, donning on a large t-shirt and jeans before knocking on the bathroom door. "Casey?"

In the shower, Casey didn't hear her.

Olivia knocked harder and tried the knob. Finding it locked, she knocked ever harder. "Casey?"

Finally, she heard her, stepping from the shower and over to the door. "What is it?"

Olivia had already been in the process of running towards it, and just as Casey replied, Olivia and most of the door, fell into the room.

Casey picked her up off the wet floor. "Olivia, I'm fine. Really."

"Why didn't you answer?"

"How well do you hear in the shower with the sprayer directly on your head?"

Olivia rubbed her shoulder, a frown on her face.

Casey just sighed, holding her close. "It's okay. How's your shoulder?"

Olivia sighed and lowered her head. "Sorry. I am trying..."

She nodded, lifting her chin and kissing her gently. "I know and I'm glad, but I can't go about my life worrying constantly. I'd never get anything done. I love you. You know that, right?"

"I know." She glanced guiltily at the broken door, and then offered a smile. "Wanna make a run for it?"

She sighed. "We wouldn't get very far. It was an accident though..." Casey kissed her neck.

"What would we say though? 'Sorry we were having rough sex against the door, went too hard and busted it'?"

Olivia pulled her toward the bed. "So, now what? Beach?"

Casey shook her head. "I don't know."

Olivia looked towards the door, the up at Casey as she sat on the bed. "How about we just go out. Anywhere. Away from here. I'll call Elliot and he can get someone to fix the door."

Casey nodded. "All right. Well, I'd better get dressed," she said, walking back into the bathroom.

Olivia followed her, her eyes downcast. "..You normally get dressed in front of me."

She turned, walking back out, clothes in her arms, absent of any towel. She walked over, kneeling in front of her and caressing her cheek. "Would you like me to?"

"I just want...normalcy."

Casey smiled, sitting on her lap and leaning against her. "You know, I don't have to get dressed...right away."

Olivia smiled, resting her head on Casey's shoulder. "Now that would be normal."

Casey kissed her deeply, getting off of her lap and slipping her shirt off, sitting back on her lap. "I much rather prefer you like this," she said, kissing her neck, "if you'll let me, that is."

Olivia was even more loving than usual, her hands never leaving Casey's body.

Casey gently slid Olivia's boxers to the floor and laid her head on her shoulder, her hand resting between her legs. "Are you going to be alright? What do you see? What do you want?"

"..I want to show you how sorry I am."


Olivia kissed her deeply.

Casey wrapped both arms around her neck, moaning into her lips, shivering from the intensity.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

An hour later, Olivia lay back, a relaxed smile on her face as she watched Casey get dressed, dancing around the room for her.

Casey sighed, sitting down on the bed. "We really should get back to New York. I did promise Cragen I'd drag you in."

Olivia lowered her eyes, sliding her hand along to hold Casey's. She was silent for a while, before she spoke. "Ok. But I can't guarantee I won't message you every 5 minutes when you leave me."

"Leave and go where?"

"Back to work."

"You're going too."

"I know. Doesn't mean I can't message you all the time, does it?" Olivia pulled Casey close again.

Casey smiled. "No."

" could...stay with me more, or…move in?"

She looked at her oddly. "What?"

"...Move in with me?"


"..Because I love you, and I want to spend more time with you, and I want to wake up to you every morning." Olivia stood from the bed, pulling the sheet around herself.

Casey smiled, handing her clothes to her. "Is this...some kind of...proposal? 'Cause I-I really don't know..."

"You don't know whether you love me? Want to spend more time with me?" Olivia spoke sharply, beginning to pace.

Casey quickly, took her wrist. "That's not it, Liv. I do love you. I do want to spend more time with you. That's not..." she sighed. "...I meant were you going to give a speech on one knee and claim you just can't live without me one more day," she bit her lip, "i-if you were going to ask..."

Olivia caressed her hand. "...I can't live without you, surely all this has proved that, Case. I...even the thought of going to work, of not seeing you all day scares the hell out me of. I want to spend every waking hour with you, forever."

She smiled. "If you're going to...just please dress before you do this!"

"I..if you're not going to say yes..."

"If you'll ask me the right way..."

Olivia sank to her knees in front of her, her hands sliding down her thighs as she looked up at her. "Casey..."

"Yes, Olivia? What is it?"

She opened and closed her mouth several times before uttering, "...Marry me? Be mine? Forever?"

"Well..." she could see the fear in her eyes, feel her hands shake as she grabbed them."Yes, I will," she replied, green orbs sparkling. "I love you."


Author's Note: Well, that's it. Hope you liked it!

Review thanks to: Ren Victoria & Kikilia14

Please read & review!

Liv-x-Lex4Ever & E. Scribbles