A one shot/drabble (what ever your defination) on Merida's thought during the movie about her suitors. What exactly was her thoughts when she first saw her suitors walk through those doors? Again some stuff is checked for historical accuracy others aren't.

I hate the thought of getting married and having to rule a kingdom. Being a princess is a lot more fun then being queen, at least from what I could see. My mum has to tell all of the servents what to do, politics, and generally boring things. I didn't want to do that when it came to my time. Our kingdom in the highlands is ruled by queens: me grandmother was queen Agnes, me great grandmother was queen Iona.

Then there was the matter of my suitors, they are the sons of my fathers friends. They were rulers of there own clans: MacGuffin, Macintosh, and Dingwall. There was two more but neither of there sons were me age to come and compete for me hand. Those are called MacKenzie (they have a daughter me age) and Donaghue (all of them are under the age of 12). I couldn't get married to somebody of me own clan. The men in our village view me as a girl that is unattinable, with me being royalty. The lords sons were trained to rule over there respective clans. With this training they could easily apply it to being a king.

The first guy that was introduced to us was Lord Macintosh's son. His father had introduced him as his heir and scion. He had defended their land from the northern invaders and with his sword, and took out a thousand foes. Then his son stepped forward playing with his sword doing flips with it. He had taken a pose with his mouth in a pouty way, doing something with his abs. Oi, I had pulled me head dress down being embarressed for him. Looking at him I could tell he was full of himself and seemed like the attention. After what his father said I wouldn't doubt it, probably an only child.

I still had me head dress pulled down when the second guy was introduced. His father had introduced him as his eldest son. He had scuttled the vikings' longships and with his bare hands vanquished two thousand foes. Now this I could probably believe more then I could with the young Macintosh boy. This guy was an impressive size and what was more impressive was that he broke a log in half with his hands. I peeked one eye out to look. He looked really nervous, so maybe... He probably would get along with me brothers since he had younger siblings.

Lastly was a man that was an impressive size as well. His father introduced him as his only son. He had apparently besieged by ten thousand Romans and took out a whole armada single handedly. My parents looked interested as they did with the MacGuffin son. That is until he pulled his actual son out from behind the man with a large size. He looked like he was spacing out. Oh my gosh that must have been embarressing. With this I only had to roll my eyes.

Was this really my options? I mean possibly young Macguffin but the others were jokes. Wee Dingwalls does nothing but stare into space since he had gotten here. Young Macintosh was already showing off. It's a good thing I didn't plan on actually marrying any of them.